DUE TMMR AT 3:00 PM!!! HELP!!!
DISCLAIMER: if you do not know DONT....ANSWER!!!
Read the following passage then answer the (4) questions

Document A: Anti-federalists
(Melancton Smith)

[representatives] should be a true picture of the people, possess a knowledge of their circumstances and their wants, sympathize in all their distresses, and be disposed to seek their true interests....[T]he number of representatives should be so large, as that, while it embraces the men of the first class, it should admit those of the middling class of life. I am convinced that this government is so constituted that the representatives will generally be composed of the first class in the community, which I shall distinguish by the name of the natural aristocracy, of the country.
In every society, men of this [aristocratic] class will command a superior degree of respect; and if the government is so constituted as to admit but few to exercise the powers of it, it will, according to the natural course of things, be in their hands. Men in the middling class, who are qualified as the representatives, will not be so anxious as those of the first. When the number is so small, the office will be highly elevated and distinguished; the style in which the members live will probably be high; circumstances of this kind will render the place of a representative not a desirable one to sensible, substantial men, who have been used to walk in the plain and frugal paths of life....
A substantial yeoman, of sense and discernment, will hardly ever be chosen. From these remarks, it appears that the government will fall into the hands of the few and the great. This will be a government of oppression.... The great consider themselves above the common people, entitled to more respect, do not associate with them; they fancy themselves to have a right of preeminence in everything.

1. Is this person satisfied with the new Constitution and how it deals with representation? Provide evidence to support your claim
2. What kind of government would this person like to see? Describe it
3. Copy a quote to support your claim. Explain what the quote means
4. Based on this document, what sort of people in society would support this point of view? Why?


Answer 1


The Anti-Federalists feared that a large federal government would become too powerful, and therefore wanted more representatives who would represent the interests of the "common man".


Answer 2
The Anti-Federalists feared that a large federal
government would become too powerful, and
therefore wanted more representatives who
would represent the interests of the "common

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give two cause-and-effect relationships of the Ottoman Empire



“ Under the reign of Süleiman the Magnificent, whose 16th-century lifetime represented the peak of the Ottomans' power and influence, the arts flourished, technology and architecture reached new heights, and the empire generally enjoyed peace, religious tolerance, and economic and political stability.”


Answer:Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Ottoman period spanned more than 600 years and came to an end only in 1922, when it was replaced by the Turkish Republic and various successor states in southeastern Europe and the Middle East. At its height the empire encompassed most of southeastern Europe to the gates of Vienna, including present-day Hungary, the Balkan region, Greece, and parts of Ukraine; portions of the Middle East now occupied by Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Egypt; North Africa as far west as Algeria; and large parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The term Ottoman is a dynastic appellation derived from Osman I (Arabic: ʿUthmān), the nomadic Turkmen chief who founded both the dynasty and the empire about 1300.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

A writer


Answer: Scribe


another word for writer can be author or scribe

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sun and moon


If this is a metaphor, it represents the sun and moon.

What motivated Joan of Arc to help reclaim the French throne?

A) She was an heir.
B) She had military training.
C) She was an adviser to the king.
D) She said God had told her to do so.
Quick please cause im being timed!!!!!


The answer is A) She was an heir.
A she was an heir


Which Continent did Romans not trade with?


The Romans never traded with a couple of continents, like North America, South America, and Australia. The Romans traded with continents near them like Asia and Africa.


The Romans never traded with a couple of continents, like North America, South America. The Romans traded with continents near them like Asia and Africa.


For the most part I would say Romans didnt trade with Australia

What aspect of Athenian society allowed its citizens to have the time to hold public office and participate in the democracy?
The large number of citizens in Athens.
Everyone in Athens was rich.
The use of slavery.
Not all of the citizens were able to participate in the democracy.




Thetes occupied the lowest rung of Athenian society but were granted the right to hold public office during the reforms of Ephialtes and Pericles.


Answer: Not all citizens were able to participate
Explain: 1/3 of the population were slaves, so they had no vote or rights. Also women were not allowed to vote.

In which part of europe and asia did the black death take place?


It primarily spread across the silk roads. Due to the new increased trade.

Euro = the Sicilian port of Messina

Asia = northwestern China

Please help, this is due today!!! I do not know the answers, and need help


i did this 3 weeks ago but i forgot :(((


i wish i could help

Describe the immediate and long term impact that George Washington had on creating the Presidency.
Please have at least 3 or 4 sentences since it's a summary.



Very easy



George Washington was the first president therefor he had an impact due to the fact that he set important precedents for the presidency of the United States. He looked up to no one since he was the first president. He created the rules we use now. Because he was the first president that impacted all the presidents after him and helped them with their presidency too.

How successful was the Civil Rights Movement? Back up your response with specific evidence from the readings along with any outside knowledge that you can.



this is the answer for your questio

Brazil is working to battle deforestation in the ...








Sicily is the correct answer

In one to two sentences, explain how the meaning of the words “all men are created equal” has changed over time


1. women have no been given rights making the statement adjust to “ALL humans created equal” 2. also since the original statement, people of color have been given rights aswell
the words have changed because back in 1800s they meant only white men but later evolved to blacks and whites but now is considered everyone! because women rights weren’t a thing until 1900s

What was one difference between knights and samurai?

A) Knights protected lords, while samurai served only kings.
B) Knights wore heavy armor, while samurai wore light armor.
C) Knights were near the bottom of the social hierarchy, while samurai were at the top.
D) Knights were guided by their own beliefs, while samurai followed a code of honor.


Knights protected lords while samurai served only kings. so it’s A.
Knights protected lords, while samurai served only kings


Like any great empire that has come before or after it, the theories surrounding the fall of Rome are many. Since the empire crumbled, all other great empires or nations have been compared to Rome, with many coming up short. For many, understanding the fall of Rome is the key to the survival of our great nation, the United States. For much of this century, the U.S. has been compared to the Roman Empire in about every conceivable way. There are those who say that we are following the same path to destruction as the ancient Romans. So, why did Rome fall? Could their fate have been averted, and if so, would the world be different today? The answer lies in what you think after you have looked at all the facts. Let's examine what we know. We know the great empire known as Rome no longer exists. Now let's look at what we don't know. The following are a number of theories to help get you started thinking about the fall of Rome.
1. Did plagues reduce the population to the point it could not sustain itself?
2. Did civil wars lessen the strength of the empire and weaken the population?
3. Did the army lose its discipline and thus endanger the empire and cause it to be overrun?
4. Did the citizens of Rome become too satisfied and lazy, allowing the empire to crumble due to neglect?
5. Did the empire bureaucracy become too top heavy, eventually causing the empire to collapse upon itself?
6. Did it fall as the result of barbarian invasions?
7. Did the empire spend too much of its resources on the poor, thus drawing away precious funds from the empire?
8. Was the Roman Empire just too big, making a collapse inevitable?
9. What similarities exist between Rome and the United States?

10. Do you feel the United States is in the process of decline as a nation?

11. Assume for the minute that the U.S. is declining in a manner similar to Rome. How would you stop the slide and return the U.S. to its prior greatness?

12. Why did Rome fall? Internal/external conflicts? Explain.



1. Did plagues reduce the population to the point it could not sustain itself?

Plagues did reduce the population, but not to the point it couldn't sustain itself the plague was like a bee sting to the empire. It hurt but it didn't make it fall.

2.Did civil wars lessen the strength of the empire and weaken the population?

In the begging it helped quite a bit, but when men started dying the empire was no longer safe and they were losing strength and the empire was becoming weak.

3. Did the army lose its discipline and thus endanger the empire and cause it to be overrun?

Yes, but instead of being over run it made it easier for the goths and the Heruli to invade the south part of the Balkan Peninsula several times as well as making the Franks and Alemanni feel encouraged to plunder northern Gaul.

4. Did the citizens of Rome become too satisfied and lazy, allowing the empire to crumble due to neglect?

Yes, this was a pretty big issue to rome. The soldiers used to have to pay for the armor in war, but a new rule came upon making the state pay so the poor could fight as well this is only one reason but a pretty important reason it crumbled.

5. Did the empire bureaucracy become too top heavy, eventually causing the empire to collapse upon itself?

Yes, the leaders, emperors, and government all became too heavy headed and took advantage of their powers making the top half collapse.

6. Did it fall as the result of barbarian invasions?

Yes, partially because of them in 200 bce and partially because of other issues.

P.S. I will comment the other questions and answers on this answer.

Hope this helped, GretaVanFleetRocks

Why did former slaves have a difficult time finding work after the Civil War?

Black Codes prevented African Americans from getting certain jobs.
Landowners no longer needed their help.
There were few opportunities in manufacturing.
Agriculture was not an important part of the economy.


Black codes prevented african americans from getting certain jobs.
Black codes prevented African Americans from getting certain jobs.

Of all the Odes or sayings of Confucius that you have read, which do you find most valuable? Explain your answer.

UGH. Im stuck again... please please please help


Answer: The most important of these teachings include jen, or “humaneness;” i, or “righteousness;” li, or “propriety/ritual;” and hsing, or “human nature.” Hsiao, or “filial piety,” is also a vital concept, one that is central for young people growing up in the Confucian tradition.

Explanation: I Don't know what you read so. All I can say is good luck

The answer is 17÷89 hope this helps oh shoot wrong question

n three to five sentences, describe how and why the colonists declared independence



The 13 American colonies cut their political ties with Great Britain by publishing the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Declaration enumerated the reasons for the colonies' desire for independence. The American colonies were able to seal an official alliance with the French government and receive French support in the battle against Great Britain by proclaiming themselves an independent country. North American colonists were increasingly at conflict with British imperial policies about taxes and frontier policy throughout the 1760s and early 1770s. When repeated protests failed to sway British policy and instead resulted in the closure of Boston's port and the establishment of martial law in Massachusetts, the colonial governments dispatched delegates to the Continental Congress to plan a colonial boycott of British products.


One way the colonists declared independence was by throwing the taxed tea into the Boston Harbor. Some Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans and snuck onto one of the boats. There were over 300 barrels of tea dumped. The colonists declared their need for independence because they realized how wrong it was for the British to be controlling them that much and taxing them on everything.

During this period, humans created forms of government, tools, and writing

it is for a crossword assignment, it is 27 letters and ends with n and i cannot figure it out



During this period, humans created forms of government, tools, and writing is The first agricultural revolution.

What is government?

A government is referred to as an administrative body that controls the functioning of any country by implementing rules and regulations and introducing a better standard of living.

About 12,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution, commonly known as the Agricultural Revolution, is estimated to have originated. There was a slow melting as the Ice Age ended, which allowed some people to start producing plants and raising large herds of animals.

Arab Agricultural Revolution in the 8th–13th centuries, which marked the beginning of the invention of agriculture, marked the shift from ancient harvesting and hunting to settled agriculture.

Learn more about Government, here:



1. What impact did Washington have on the foundation of the American identity?

2. In your opinion, was there a more capable leader to serve as the first president than Washington? (at least 2 sentences).

3. Describe the immediate and long term impact that George Washington had on creating the Presidency. (at least 4 sentences cause it's a summary)

If you don't know how to answer these questions PLEASE don't put a random unnecessary answer or a literal one word answer.

30 points for whoever can answer all 3 questions <3


Answer:As the first president of the United States, George Washington set several important precedents for the federal government.

Explanation: i know this because i had a test on this like 2 months back , got a 98 percent btw

If you’re reading this, hope you have a great day. Sorry I couldn’t answer

What happened to the South's economy because of the Civil War?

Became based on mining
Increased wealth for residents
Was ruined
Grew stronger


Answer:, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult


The Yuan dynasty oversaw a wide exchange of culture,knowledge,and goods in Asia.

Kublai Khan’s Conquest
• Won a civil war with his brother to become the Great Khan
• Declared ____ dynasty
• Used siege warfare to conquer Sung dynasty

Life in the Yuan Dynasty
• Blended practices
• Had Confucian influence
•Used _____ social classes,with Chinese at the bottom
• Valued _____ and artisans

Silk Road Trade
• Exchanged goods,ideas,and ____
• Built roads,bridges,canals,and waystations



Khans Conquest: Yuan dynasty


Khan: In 1260, Kublai was named as the Great Khan. Kublai Khan wanted to unite all of China under his rule, including the Song in the south. In 1271, he renamed his empire the Yuan Dynasty to better appeal to his Chinese subjects, and he established his capital in modern-day Beijing.

Sorry I cant answer all! im stuck on the rest of it

Please help asap! I will give brainly!




here you go Start studying Dynasty 7th grade SS test notes. ... dynasty: a series of rulers from the same family ... List at least 1 pro and 1 con to his voyages.

lemme just comment so the dude above me gets brainliest

Select 4 correct answers: The decisions made by the Second Continental Congress included:
A. Send the Olive Branch Petition to King George
B. Form Continental Army
C. Forced the New England colonies to join other colonies
D. Elect George Washington as Commander in Chief
E. Issued the Declaration of Independence
F. Elect Thomas Jefferson as President





The decisions made by the second continentals are Send the Olive Branch Petition to King George and Forced the New England colonies to join other colonies.

What is continental congress?

During the American Revolution, the colony-states that would later become the United States of America were represented by delegates in the Continental Congress, which talked and acted on their behalf.

The First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress, which met in 1774 and 1775–81, respectively, are most particularly referred to by the title.

The Intolerable (Coercive) Acts, which included the closure of the port of Boston, were passed by the British Parliament in the spring of 1774, inciting intense indignation in the colonies.

On September 5, 1774, the First Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in response to the Acts passed by the colonial Committees of Correspondence.

Therefore, The decisions made by the second continentals are Send the Olive Branch Petition to King George and Forced the New England colonies to join other colonies.

To learn more about continental congress, refer to the link:



Write about the history of latvia (serious answers only I need it for school)



The history of Latvia began around 9000 BC with the end of the last glacial period in northern Europe. Ancient Baltic peoples arrived in the area during the second millennium BC, and four distinct tribal realms in Latvia's territory were identifiable towards the end of the first millennium AD. Latvia's principal river Daugava, was at the head of an important trade route from the Baltic region through Russia into southern Europe and the Middle East that was used by the Vikings and later Nordic and German traders.


Hope this helped :)

Disagreements over the proper role of government led to:
A. more taxes
B. The Espionage Act
C. The First Political Parties
D. More government jobs


Answer: c



I think that the answer is C.


Protection is one of the five major purposes of government. Briefly explain why protection is an important government purpose. Then briefly describe how the United States government fulfills that purpose.


Protection is a critical government reason on the grounds that the legislature secures society against the outside foes the United States government satisfies this reason by assembling a military to go battle sources outside of the nation and ensure there are no untouchables that will come in demolish everything or hurt anybody, for instance, a great type of government even locally is cops they circumvent the area securing you and unraveling cases so as to get the hoodlums off the roads and you out of peril.
Protection is a critical government reason on the grounds that the legislature secures society against the outside foes the United States government satisfies this reason by assembling a military to go battle sources outside of the nation and ensure there are no untouchables that will come to demolish everything or hurt anybody, for instance, a great type of government even locally is cops

China sailed in the Age of Discovery to spread this.

It's for a crossword assignment, it is 7 letters and so far i have c__t_r_



Looks like culture


Dutch Golden Age: Prior to 1568, the Dutch had been under the rule of Philip II of Spain. Spain had grown in size and power since the acquisition of colonies in the Americas. The Dutch however, wanted their independence. In 1604, the Dutch Republic developed into their own independent state. They benefited from the increased trade and port cities the Spanish had earlier maintained, giving the Dutch Republic an advantage and would lead to the later creation of the Dutch East India Company, a major player in global trade. Additionally, the Dutch had an advantage due to their relationship with the Japanese as well. While Japan had closed its ports to most European powers, the Dutch were allowed limited trading rights within the Asian empire. The advantages of trade and access to resources and luxury goods would usher in a “Golden Age” in the Dutch Republic in which the arts and science flourished.
write a one to two sentence Main Idea:


The main idea of this passage is to educate readers or listeners on the history and background of the powerful Dutch East India Company, it's country of origin, the Dutch Republic, and the factors that led to it eventually becoming nationalized as the Dutch East Indies.

Was Hernan Cortes as successful as his counterparts? (other explorers like himself)



Yes, Hernan Cortes was successful as well. Other explorers had their own conquests though. He succeeded in taking over the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain.




he was as successful because he was the one that made the collapse of the Aztec empire

What persuasive writing techniques does he use in the letter to
entice other Anglo-Americans?



rephrase your question so i can help you and stop annotating get a clear sheet thank you


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