Cause and effect of the Paris peace conference


Answer 1


Cause: To establish terms of peace after World War.    Effect: The creation of the League Of Nations.


THE PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE had the original purpose of creating a peaceful environment after the World War. In the end, the Paris Peace Conference led to the creation of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

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Most new immigrants to the untied states in the late 1800s came from


Came from the northern and Western Europe including Great Britain Ireland and Scandinavia

The function of the sputnik device was which of the following?

A: Create a nuclear reactor in space

B: Create a missile - launching device

C: Create a satellite that gave a signal



C). a satellite


function of sputnik was to place a radio transmitter into orbit around the Earth.

I need help please...


Answer: you got this keep going hope this helps

Explanation: you got this keep going hope this helps

you got this keep going hope this helps

Disagreements over what two items caused a split in the Christian religion that
resulted in Catholicism being practiced in the Western Empire and Eastern Orthodox
in the Eastern Empire?

A. Taxes and tithes
B. Power and spread of territory
C. Leadership and icons
D. Meeting times and holy texts


C. Leadership and icons

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she got arrested and got exposed by Sssniperwolf



She probably get the violation ticket for ruining peoples' day and calling police in wrong way...


I'm glad, we need less Karen in the community

Which statement best describes a disagreement shown in the photograph


It is D It is and ineffective form of discourse because one student is angry and the other seems upset.

Which war led to the US participating in an international peace conference?

the Spanish American War
the Revolutionary War
World War I
the Civil War



World war 1 is the answer



The US participating in an international peace conference was was led to the Spanish American War.

What is international?

Beyond national borders is what is intended by international. Right just after Second World War, in 1945, the United Nations was established. It was a replacement for the league of nations, which has been established following World War One. The United Nations seeks to avert international conflict and promote international cooperation. There are 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security council United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, France, and China—as well as other non-permanent members who are chosen every two years.

The New Global Economic Order had been an idea that emerged with both the sudden realisation that economic growth was essential for the autonomy of the new countries, which was more often than not labeled as Developing Nations or LDCs. The Secretary General is by far the most important media personality of the UN.

What is war?

A battle between political groups is typified by hostilities that are intense and last for a long time. There are some further prerequisites. Sociologists often only use the word to describe these disputes when they start and are handled in line with socially acceptable norms. They view war as a legitimate institution that is sanctioned by law or custom. Typically, military authors restrict the phrase to hostilities where the warring parties are substantially equal in strength to pronounce the outcome.

To learn more about international here


What was the purpose of Grievances



An effective grievance procedure provides employees with a mechanism to resolve issues of concern. The grievance procedure may also help employers correct issues before they become serious issues or result in litigation.


Mark me brainly please

Define the term "failure."




A Failure is when you fail something or you failed at something

Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. The criteria for failure depends on context, and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. One person might consider a failure what another person considers a success, particularly in cases of direct competition or a zero-sum game. Similarly, the degree of success or failure in a situation may be differently viewed by distinct observers or participants, such that a situation that one considers to be a failure, another might consider to be a success, a qualified success or a neutral situation.

Explanation:your welcome

Which would be the closest synonym for the word debated, as it is used above?

Press enter to interact with the item, and press tab button or down arrow until reaching the Submit button once the item is selected
A. Quarreled
B. Read
C. Decided
D. Wrote





decided: to decide smth is more close to the word debated in sense

How has the Service Flag changed over time?



An official banner authorized by the Department of Defense for display by families


A normal fault is a result of a type of stress
known As what



Tensional stress


Tensional stress, meaning rocks pulling apart from each other, creates a normal fault. With normal faults, the hanging wall and footwall are pulled apart from each other, and the hanging wall drops down relative to the footwall.

4. What is a command economy?



Hey mate.....


This is ur answer....

Command economy, economic system in which the means of production are publicly owned and economic activity is controlled by a central authority that assigns quantitative production goals and allots raw materials to productive enterprises.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! :)

What factors led to the success of San Juan Bautista?


Answer: Varies


The main reason is because he led an expedition to the Rio Grande of El Paso.

Briefly explain ONE specific historical development that led to the action depicted in the image of "Lincoln's Last Warning"


Lincoln's leadership in ending slavery in the country was a historic development that elevated the action portrayed in "Lincoln's Last Warning."

We can arrive at this answer because:

"Lincoln's Last Warning" shows Lincoln determined to cut down a tree and warning a man standing on top of that tree to get down before the tree is cut down.The tree represents slavery, which was completely rooted in the country and supported the southern states, which are represented by the man on top of the tree.

Lincon's leadership and determination to end slavery is what spurred the artist to draw "Lincoln's Last Warning." In this image, Lincoln shows the southern states that slavery will be ended and they must abandon it as soon as possible.

You can see "Lincoln's Last Warning" in the attached image.

More information:

Can you have democracy without federalism? Please explain.


No in order to have a democracy u need federalism
For those of us interested in the spread and consolidation of democracy, whether as policy makers, human rights activists, political analysts, or democratic theorists, there is a greater need than ever to reconsider the potential risks and benefits of federalism. The greatest risk is that federal arrangements can offer opportunities for ethnic nationalists to mobilize their resources. This risk is especially grave when elections are introduced in the subunits of a formerly nondemocratic federal polity prior to democratic countrywide elections and in the absence of democratic countrywide parties. Of the nine states that once made up communist Europe, six were unitary and three were federal. The six unitary states are now five states (East Germany has reunited with the Federal Republic), while the three federal states—Yugoslavia, the USSR, and Czechoslovakia—are now 22 independent states. Most of postcommunist Europe’s ethnocracies and ethnic bloodshed have occurred within these postfederal states.
Yet in spite of these potential problems, federal rather than unitary states are the form most often associated with multinational democracies. Federal states are also associated with large populations, extensive territories, and democracies with territorially based linguistic fragmentation. In fact, every single longstanding democracy in a territorially based multilingual and multinational polity is a federal state. [End Page 19]
Although there are many multinational polities in the world, few of them are democracies. Those multinational democracies that do exist, however (Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Spain, and India), are all federal. Although all these democracies, except for Switzerland, have had problems managing their multinational polities (and even Switzerland had the Sonderbund War, the secession of the Catholic cantons in 1848), they remain reasonably stable. By contrast, Sri Lanka, a territorially based multilingual and multinational unitary state that feared the “slippery slope” of federalism, could not cope with its ethnic divisions and plunged headlong into a bloody civil war that has lasted more than 15 years.
In addition to the strong association between multinational democracies and federalism, the six longstanding democracies that score highest on an index of linguistic and ethnic diversity—India, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, and the United States—are all federal states. The fact that these nations chose to adopt a federal system does not prove anything; it does, however, suggest that federalism may help these countries manage the problems that come with ethnic and linguistic diversity. In fact, in my judgment, if countries such as Indonesia, Russia, Nigeria, China, and Burma are ever to become stable democracies, they will have to craft workable federal systems that allow cultural diversity, a robust capacity for socioeconomic development, and a general standard of equality among their citizens.
Consider the case of Indonesia, for example. It seems to meet all the indicators for a federal state. It has a population of over 200 million, and its territory is spread across more than 2,000 inhabited islands. It has great linguistic and ethnic fragmentation and many religions. Thus it is near the top in virtually all the categories associated with federalism. If Indonesia is to become a democracy, one would think that it would have to address the question of federalism or decentralization. Yet at a meeting of Indonesian political, military, religious, and intellectual leaders that I attended after the fall of Suharto, most of the participants (especially those from the military) rejected federalism out of hand because of secessionist conflicts at the end of Dutch colonial rule. Indonesia should at least consider what I call a federacy to deal with special jurisdictions like Aceh or Irian Jaya. A federacy is the only variation between unitary states and federal states. It is a political system in which an otherwise unitary state develops a federal relationship with a territorially, ethnically, or culturally distinct community while all the other parts of the state remain under unitary rule. Denmark has such a relationship with Greenland, and Finland with the Aaland Islands.
A Misleading Picture of Federalism
In seeking to understand why some countries are reluctant to adopt federal systems, it is helpful to examine what political science has had [End Page 20] to say about federalism. Unfortunately, some of the most influential works in political...

Write an essay about your experience or witnessing of discrimination.


There are many different kinds of bias in the world. I thought that there is no discrimination before I actually had discrimination. I have felt discrimination many times in my life. Most of my experiences are from when I visited the U.S. Before my experiences, I thought Westerners, especially Americans, think about discrimination more than Japanese or other Asians. However, this is not true. I am going to talk about my experiences with race discrimination and language discrimination in my essay.

Firstly, I experienced race discrimination for the first time because I am Japanese. When I visited Utah, I stayed at a hotel. There was big hot pool that every guest can use. My mother and I went there, and one old lady already there. She saw us, and she said" They are Jap so they shouldn't be here." I was shocked, because we paid the same cost as her. And also we were guests of the hotel. If she dose not like Japanese that is not our problem. She just should not be mixed up about Japanese or Japan.

Secondly, I have an experience about language discrimination, because I could not speak English well. This was the first time that I was cheated by someone. When I visited Hawaii I went to a small shop. I bought magnets that totaled about 18 dollars. However, the cashier said that the total was more than 30 dollars. Therefore, I paid the charge. At that time, I could not speak English, so I just paid. After I got back to my hotel, I asked my uncle and he said, "the casher knew that you can not speak English, so they got extra money from you." I was very angry, because I thought I was mocked by whites. I know in Japan there is language discrimination, too, but we can not speak another language so we just ignore them. I know it makes them sad and uncomfortable. However, we do not cheat them. I know that different languages are difficult. Therefore, I think it is difficult to eliminate language discrimination. However, cheating is not good. Nobody should cheat others with language discrimination.

Finally, I thought, that all races are equal before I felt discrimination. I thought that everyone thinks everyone must treat equally. However, some people are still treat differently. I think we must treat everyone equally even thought people speak different languages or have different colors of skin. In Japan there is discrimination often, but we do not think about it seriously. We should think about it more. If everyone think about it more seriously, discrimination will slowly disappear. I think that nobody should be hurt by any kind of discrimination.

Have you been discriminated against? I need more Info to help :)

I need help with this it's due today at 3:00 pm



What is the question


The statment is incorrect

How do the three branches of the US government limit each other’s powers?
through popular sovereignty and federalism
through the House and Senate
through amendments and articles
through checks and balances


checks and balances.


D (checks and balances)


O Leãozinho Medroso Léo era um leãozinho muito medroso. Ele tinha medo de tudo e nem rugia. Um dia, começou uma chuva bem forte na floresta e o Léo gritou sem parar: medo, medo, medo! Até que apareceu a Vaca Maru e deu uma bronca nele: – Ei, pare de gritar! Você é o rei da Selva! Não seja tão medroso. Léo olhou espantado para a Vaca Maru, que continuou o seu discurso: – Você precisa acreditar em você e na sua força! Léo ficou pensativo e, após a chuva passar, mudou sua postura e se tornou um leão de verdade! De acordo com esse texto, após a chuva passar, Léo


I Don’t understand sorry

What was the primary purpose of the Hartford Convention?
a) propose an end to the expansion of slavery, which empowered the political
Ob) create foreign alliances that would assist the country in the War of 1812
O c) determine how to stop Tecumseh and his allies in the West
O d) gather leaders of the Federalist Party to propose changes to the U.S.


Answer: The main purpose for the convention was for the federalists to basically brag about what they didn’t like about the war of 1812


Which answer best explains how the Articles of Confederation addressed the question of creating a court system?

The Articles established the trial-by-jury system for the first time in history.
The Articles created state, regional, and national courts throughout the land.
The Articles took control of the court system and appointed judges for life-time terms.
The Articles did not establish a national court system, and courts stayed under the control of the states.


the article is created state,regional, and national courts throughout the land.




1. Contrast the earliest civilizations, which rose in fertile river valleys, with the geographical conditions that influenced the rise of ancient Greek civilization,​


The contrast between the two civilization is that early civilization in Fertile Crescent settles in fertile river valleys so that they could grow crops whereas the greeks civilization settled by the ocean for trade and travel

At the Fertile Crescent, the earliest civilization including the Mesopotamians settles in fertile river valleys because its allows them to practice agriculture and serves as sources of income for the region.

However, the Greek states developed because of the physical geography of the Mediterranean region that includes a landscape which is rocky, mountainous and has many islands.

These geographical formations formed the natural barriers between the city-states and forced them to settle along the coast.

The ancient greek's source of income also came from trade plyed at the Ocean route.

In conclusion, the contrast between the two civilization is that early civilization in Fertile Crescent settles in fertile river valleys so that they could grow crops whereas the greeks civilization settled by the ocean for trade and travel.

Read more about this here

what did the english government not allow to leave the country?


Answer: The religious persecution that drove settlers from Europe to the British North American colonies sprang from the conviction, held by Protestants and Catholics .


What year was the legislative branch created​





Beginning in 1781, the United States was governed under the Articles of Confederation. (AoC) The Articles created a unicameral legislature, named the Congress.

Answer the question in red



King Solomon's prosperous and wise reign prospered Israel.

The king of Spain governed his colonies through viceroys.

Which explanation best describes the viceroyalty system and the royal servants who ran it?

A: Viceroys watched over the rights of the king's Indian subjects.

B: Viceroys made sure that Spanish colonists had no grievances against the king.

C: Viceroys made sure that products from the Americas were cheaper than those in Spain.

D: Viceroys watched over the king's lands, increased his wealth, and carried out his will.





i took the test


The answer is D(Viceroys watched over the king's lands, increased his wealth, and carried out his will.)


The demand for cosmetics suddenly increases in a certain region without any growth in supply. Economists predict that the increased demand
will have three effects. Arrange those three effects in the order in which they will occur.
More producers will enter the market.
The prices of cosmetics will decrease.
The prices of cosmetics will increase


The correct order of listing the events which would occur when the demand for cosmetics suddenly increases in a certain region without any growth in supply is:

The prices of cosmetics will increaseMore producers will enter the market.The prices of cosmetics will decrease.

According to the given question, we are asked to state the correct order of listing the events which would occur when the demand for cosmetics suddenly increases in a certain region without any growth in supply.

As a result of this, we can see that because there is an increase in demand of cosmetics without an increase in supply, then three things are likely to happen, according to economics.

These are:

The prices of cosmetics will increaseMore producers will enter the market.The prices of cosmetics will decrease.

Read more about demand and supply here:

Why did the Anti-
Federalists want a Bill
of Rights?
A. to protect the people from the
central government
B. to outline what the
Constitution means
C. to keep England from taking
back power



c. to keep England from taking back power

How did creating a sphere of influence in Korea affect Japan’s economy?

It benefited the Japanese economy by providing a means of expanding trade routes.
It benefited the Japanese economy by providing a means for taxing farmers.
It damaged the Japanese economy because Korea had few valuable raw materials.
It damaged the Japanese economy because Japan overspent on improving Korea’s roads.


It benefited the Japanese economy by providing a means for taxing farmers.

Answer: Its B

Mark as brainliest

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