"You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
What was newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst suggesting when he made this statement to artist Frederic Remington in 1898?
Journalists valued accuracy and objectivity.
Artwork made newspapers more interesting to read.
Artists and writers resented being censored by the government.
Journalism could he used to shape opinions and policies.


Answer 1


A or d


Answer 2

"Please remain," Hearst responded. You supply the pictures, and I supply the war." Hence option A and D is correct.

What was the meaning of statement ?

On the front page of William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal on April 25, 1898, huge headlines proclaim the United States' declaration of war against Spain.

According to legend, Remington, who had been dispatched to Cuba to cover the insurgency, cabled Hearst that there was no war to cover. Hearst allegedly responded, "You provide the images. I'll supply the war."

The Spanish-American War is known as the first "media war." During the 1890s, sensationalized—and sometimes even manufactured—dramatic events were a powerful force that propelled the United States into war with Spain.

They were founded by Joseph Pulitzer, an immigrant who grew up to become a successful businessman.His fortune came from publishing newspapers. Pulitzer was deeply invested in his new homeland. He joined the Civil War as soon as he arrived in the United States from his native Hungary.

Learn more about the journalism here


# SPJ 2

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Which geologic process is causing to cause this conversion?


Such type of movement of plate leads to geological process such as underground volcanic eruptions, the formation of basins and valleys, etc. Thirdly, it is a transformation in which plates "move away from each other" in sideways. Such type of movement leads to the "occurrence" of natural disasters such as Earthquake."

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Terrorists often justify their bloody acts on the basis of perceived social, economic and political unfairness. Or they take inspiration from religious beliefs or spiritual principles.

Many forms of terrorism were inspired by warfare between races, struggles between the rich and poor or battles between political outcasts and elites.


Who were the Republican and Democratic candidate in 1928?



Herbert Hoover and Al Smith

Which of the following seas has almost completely disappeared because of irrigation in the area?

A. the Aral Sea
B. the Black Sea
C. the Caspian Sea
D. the Aegean Sea​


A. the Aral Sea

hope this helps

The first British colony in America was _____.
The French on the other hand set up the first colony in_____. Spain set up its first colony called San Juan de los Cabos in______.


Britain set up in Jamestown, Virginia.

The French set up in Quebec.

Spain set up in New Mexico.

Which of the following was NOT part of the Townshend Acts? * a. An act requiring colonists to provide housing and supplies to British troops. b. A tea tax. O c. A tax on fish caught in British waters. d. A duty that taxed paint, lead, and paper. Help ​


The Townshend acts was not an act that required that the  colonists to provide housing and supplies to British troops.

What was the Townshend acts?

This was a series of taxation measures that the British people imposed on the colonists then in the America.

The Act required that the colonists were taxed for every thing that they imported into into the colony.

Read more on the Townshend act here: https://brainly.com/question/17826162

I need some help with my homework



yes telll me bro

i can help


tell bro

1. contradiction,collaboration,jcongruence

2. Half,75%,10%





According to the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Cording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done what

In 1824, Mexico became



a republic with an elected president and a congress. Mexico's Constitution of 1824 established a states rights government.



The First Mexican Republic, known also as the First Federal Republic (Spanish: Primera República Federal), was a federated republic, under the Constitution of 1824. It was a nation-state officially designated the United Mexican States (Spanish: Extrados Undo's Mexican's, .



I need help please......



The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.


Have a great day! :)

Where did the black girls learn to set the table and cook?



in white women kitchens





Studying oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories are methods most often used by





study oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories. Some anthropologists study the development of early human beings.

Studying oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories are methods most often used by anthropologists

Which of the following orchard growers supported the education of his 6 children because of the planting mango trees?

A. Nicolas Bacos Malbong Jr.

B. Rosalito Manugas

C. Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr.

D. None of the above

Sana po merong makasagot nito Yung matino plsss
Real Subject: TLE



Agriculture is the cultivation of food crops for man consumption and industrial purpose. The orchard growers who supported the education of his 6 children because of the planting mango trees is Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr.

Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr. was known to be a retired company first sergeant. He owned about 9.7 hectares of land located at La Libertad, kapatagan, lanao del norte.

He was known to value education a lot. He uses fruit from his mango trees to help himself and his children especially the education of his 6 children

Learn more from


The four uses of Psalms are: doctrinal, historical, critical, and practical.

15 points





Portions of Jeremiah's prophecy are similar to Psalm 100. false.

The Answer: is  false

The tree clones are sapling ...

Question 5 options:






red woods


what was goal of the Soviet Union in asia during the Cold War



After the war, the U.S.' s primary goal was prosperity through open markets and a strengthened Europe. The Soviet Union sought prosperity through security; a rebuilt Europe would be a threat. Similarly, the U.S. advocated capitalism while the Soviets advocated communism.


How was Marcus Garvey different from civil rights leaders?



Garvey was different from many civil rights leaders, in that the organization he founded, embraced black self-determinism through race pride, economic self-sufficiency (black-owned industries/businesses), and political separatism.

66) For investments, how are risk and return related?
A) When the risk is low, the return is high.
B) When the risk is high, the return is low.
C) When the risk is high, the return is high.
D) When the risk is low, the return cannot be calculated.



For investments, how are risk and return related?

C) When the risk is high, the return is high.

Complete the table with statements about the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist positions on each issue (one to three statements for each issue). Use the websites listed to find information, or look for your own sources. You might also want to go back and refer to the lessons in this unit for additional information.

Debated Issue Federalists Anti-Federalists
Bill of Rights They opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution because they thought the state constitutions guaranteed individual rights. They agreed to add the Bill of Rights as a condition of ratification. They believed that a bill of rights needed to be in the Constitution to guarantee that the new federal government would not take away those rights. They successfully campaigned to have the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution after ratification.
state sovereignty
presidential power
political corruption

The Federalist Papers

The Debate between the Federalists and the Antifederalists

Federalist-Antifederalist Debates


Constitution of the United States


The Federalists & Anti-Federalists were the interest group that offered their views on the ratification of constitution and creation of stronger central government.

Who are the Federalists & Anti-Federalists?

The Federalists means the people that supported the creation of a stronger federal government and ratification of the 1787 Constitution while the Anti-Federalists meant people that opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.

The Anti-Federalists opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution because they thought the state constitutions guaranteed individual right.

The Federalists agreed to add the Bill of Rights as a condition of ratification.

The Anti-Federalists believed that a bill of rights needed to be in the Constitution to guarantee that the new federal government would not take away those rights.

The Federalists successfully campaigned to have the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution after ratification.

Read more about Federalists



The first step in pursuing your financial goals is _______.​


The first step in pursuing your financial goals is setting your goal.​

In order to take charge of your financials, you must set a goal and strive to achieve it. Setting up how you plan on reaching that goal is the next step, with the final step involving actually following through with it.

I hope this helps! :)

Its all in the pic. Please answer it only if you are sure its correct.


I think the answer is 15

How did Lincoln's speech suggest that the country should be unified?


Answer: Varies


It did it's best to abolish slavery.

Which of the following lists correctly reflects the bodies of water that are part of the South China Sea ?
A. the Persian Gulfthe Tonkin Gulf, and Manila Bay
B. the Tonkin the Gulf of Thailand , and Manila Bay
C. the Sea of Japan , the East China Sea , and Manila Bay
D. the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand , and Manila Bay​





Hope this helps

when did world war 2 start and when did it finish



1936 it started and 1945 it ended



1936 it started and 1945 it ended


“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” -George Washington

what do George Washington mean



he means that the he won't get rid of the basic principle that people rely on he will think of it as his life protector

Will we really colonize Mars?



Organizations have proposed plans for a human mission to Mars, the first step towards any colonization effort, but no person has set foot on the planet. However, landers and rovers have successfully explored the planetary surface and delivered information about conditions on the ground.




humans will need more space for expansion so there is a high chance of colonizing mars

What caused city states to develop in Sumer and form the worlds first civilization?



cities and towns were first formed in Sumer around 5000 BC. Nomads moved into the fertile land and began to form small villages which slowly grew into large towns. Eventually these cities developed into the civilization of the Sumer. This land is often called the "Cradle of Civilization".

Does anyone have the 3.16 Unit Test: The Mesopotamian Moment - Part 1 answers i am on a deadline a really need it



Approximately what years were Mesopotamian civilizations in power?

4000 BC to 500 BC

What civilizations/empires were part of Mesopotamia over time?

Sumerians, Assyrians, Akkadians, Hittites, and Babylonians

What was the oldest Mesopotamian civilization?


What empire destroyed Sumer?

Assyrian empire

What modern day country is home to ancient Mesopotoamia?


What mountain range is to the north of Mesopotamia?

Zagros Mountains

What deserts are to the south and west of Mesopotamia?

Syrian and Sahara

How did the mountains and deserts of Mesopotamia help the people?

provided natural defense borders and runoff from the mountains brought annual flooding

What rivers flowed through Mesopotamia?

Tigris and Euphrates

What body of water do the Tigris and Euphrates flow into?

Persian Gulf

What are some inventions of the ancient Mesopotamians?

wheel, plow, cuneiform, 12 month calendar

What is silt?

fertile soil that is left behind on the banks of the river after flooding

How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers help the people?

brought fertile soil they could use to fertilize their crops and grow enough food to support a city-state

What does Mesopotamia mean?

land between the rivers

The land between the rivers is also known as ....

The Fertile Crescent

What is irrigation?

a system of ditches, dams, canals, and channels used to control and use water for agriculture

What is cuneiform?

Mesopotamian writing using wedge shaped symbols

What tools did Mesopotamians use to write with?

clay tablets and a stylus

Why did Mesopotamians need to start writing?

to document yearly trade and agriculture records

What is a scribe?

someone that went to school (edubba) for 12 years to learn how to read and write

Who made up the upper class in Mesopotamia?

king, priests, scribes, members of the royal family

Who made up the middle class in Mesopotamia?

farmers, artisans, merchants, craftsmen, fisherman

Who made up the lower class in Mesopotamia?


What are ziggurats?

religious temples built to honor the patron gods/goddesses of the city-state

What is polytheism?

belief and worship of many gods

What is monotheism?

belief and worship in one god

Who appointed kings to leadership?

the gods

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?

an epic story about king Gilgamesh, and his quest for revenge for the death of his friend Enkidu and immortaility

Who was Hammurabi?

Babylonian King who created a widely known law code - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

What was Hammurabi's Code?

282 laws as told to King Hammurabi by Mesopotamian god Shamash - harsh punishments encouraged people to not break the law

Who was Sargon?

an Akkadian king that created the world' first known empire. He pillaged and destroyed city states as he conquered them and gained power through terror.

Who was Nebuchadnezzar?

a Babylonian king that allegedly built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

An example of the geographic theme of movement.

trade developed in Mesopotamia between different city-states. People used rivers and roads to move goods from place to place.

An example of the geographic theme of region.

the Middle East

An example of the geographic theme of human-environment interaction

irrigating the land to grow crops

an example of the geographic theme of location

present day Iraq - on the continent of Asia

an example of the geographic theme of place

had ziggurat temples, 2 major rivers, hot and dry, made mud brick houses, worshipped many gods, ate dates and barley, only boys went to school, slept on house rooftops


A traditional Chinese method of rice farming uses

A. marshes
B. paddies
C. levees
D. floating fields​



I hope I'm right It is B paddies.

Pls do not get mad....


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