You are handed two mystery materials, and told to find out which materials accepts negative charges more easily. A positively-charged, helium-filled balloon is tied to a tabletop with a string a meter long. What's a simple experiment you could run to find out which material accepts electrons more easily?


Answer 1

The simple experiment you could run to find out which material accepts electrons more easily is to rub them together and move the two charge misery materials one after the other to the positive - charge helium - filled balloon.

According to the fundamental law of static electricity which state that unlike charges attract each other while like charges repel.

The simple experiment you could run if you are handed two mystery materials, and told to find out which materials accepts negative charges more easily charging by friction.

This can be employed by rubbing the two misery materials together and move them one by one to a  positively-charged, helium-filled balloon which is tied to a tabletop with a string of a meter long.

The misery material that accepts electron more easily will be attracted to the positive - charge helium - filled balloon. While the gravitational pull will pull down the other misery material. The attraction  will not be effective.

Learn more about static charges here:

Related Questions

Which of the following is "NOT" a theory of the formation of the universe?
A. Steady State Theory
B. Doppler Theory
C. Oscillating Theory
D. Big Bang Theory



Doppler Theory


it's a theory regarding the change in wave frequency during the relative motion between a wave source and its observer.

Explain briefly about viscous force ​


The viscous force ​refers to the resistance of a fluid to flow.  It is measured in Newton-second per square meter.

The viscous force can be defined as the resistance that a fluid has to flow in a given space.

Viscous force is proportional to the fluid velocity, while this constant is called viscosity.

The viscous force can be measured in Newton-second per square meter (abbreviated as N s/m2).

Learn more about viscous force here:

which distance indicator can be used to measure the most distant objects?


The distance indicator can be used to measure the most distant objects among all indicators stated above is Type Ia supernovae

In the field of Astronomy, there are different kind of distance indicators that can be used to measure the distance objects.

Few among them are :

Cepheids Type Ia supernovae Parallax Main-sequence fitting

Cepheid variables can be measured up to 18 million light years.

The expansion rate of the universe can also be measured by trying to measure the apparent brightness of the Type Ia supernovae

Parallax means illusory state of an object when viewed from different points

Main sequence fitting makes use of a H-R diagram of the cluster to determine the distance to a stellar cluster.

The distance indicator can be used to measure the most distant objects among all indicators stated above is Type Ia supernovae

Learn more about Astronomy here:

Can you see people on puppies not to do stairs exercise when it is very hot and humid what is the reason for this warning Ate it makes muscles Louis loser in Punta do you speak it can you spell ate the whole way too unhealthy levels see it needs to be cool outside for exercise to be effective date it is really uncomfortable to exercise when it is really hot



Exercising is not only good for their physical and mental health, but also helps them to socialise with other dogs and puppies, which is crucial to their ...


An external force of 25 N acts on a system for 10 s. What is the impulse delivered to the system?



I = 250N*s


I = F*t

I =  impulse or momentum

F = Force

t = time

I = 25N*10s

I = 250N*s

A 0.40 kg bead slides on a straight frictionless wire with a velocity of 3.50 cm/s to the right. The
bead collides elastically with a larger 0.60 kg bead initially at rest. After the collision the smaller
bead moves to the left with a velocity of 0.70 cm/s. Find the distance the larger bead moves along
the wire in the first 5.0 s following the collision?||



Total momentum before collision

P1 =.4 * 3.5 = 1.4       ignoring units here

Total momentum after collision

P2 = .6 * V - .4 * .7 = .6 V - .28

.6 V = 1.4 + .28   momentum before = momentum after

V = 2.8 cm/sec

In 5 sec V moves 2.8 cm/sec * 5 sec = 14 cm

The diagram shows a nephron.

A nephron. W points to branch of renal artery. X points to branch of renal vein. Y points to tubular point of nephron. Z points to collecting duct.

Where is the blood first filtered?





renal artery...the blood flow into the kidney via this blood vassles

and the filtration take place is called ultrafiltration

Write a summary paragraph discussing this experiment and the results. Use the following questions and topics to help
guide the content of your paragraph.
1. According to your data, was your hypothesis for each experiment correct? (Be sure to refer to your data and graphs
when answering this question.)
2. Summarize the conclusions that you can draw from this experiment. Use the questions above to gulde your ideas.
3. Summarize any difficulties or problems you had in performing the experiment that might have affected the results.
Describe how you might change the procedure to avoid these problems.
4. Give at least one more example from real life where the principles demonstrated in this lab are evident.



Sample answer: part 1:

What was your hypothesis?

This is what you wanted to prove or study with the experiment. Reading the question I can see that the experiment seems to study the relation between the viscosity of honey and the temperature, so the hypothesis may be something like:

"The viscosity of honey decreases as temperature increases".

According to your data, do you think your hypothesis was correct?

Here you need to see your experimental data, probably, you found that yes, as you increase the temperature the viscosity decreases.

The last thing we need to do here is to summarize difficulties and problems that you had in the experiment, and propose how you could solve them in order to have a better experiment.

Obviously, this depends on how you performed the experiment, but for example, if you saw that the temperature of the honey increased too fast, you could say:

"one problem was that the temperature of the honey increased too fast"

And one way to solve that would be submerging the honey in a water bath so the temperature increases a bit slower.

part 2:

Viscosity depends strongly on temperature, but this relation depends also on the given material.

Generally, we would see that the viscosity decays exponentially as the temperature increases.

So for the first question:

What effect did the temperature have on the viscosity of the honey?

You should have seen that, as the temperature increased, the viscosity decreased.

Now, we need to give some practical examples where knowledge of viscosity is important.

The first one is for cleaning: We know that if we increase the temperature, the viscosity decreases. Thus if we have some object with some viscous thing on it, increasing the temperature will cause it to be easier to clean.

Another example is to store/transport viscous things, for example, honey, it is actually a lot easier to pour honey in bottles if you first heat it a little, so it becomes less viscous.

So there you have two examples where knowing about viscosity (and how it relates to temperature) may be important.


if you immerse an object into a known mass of water, the measured mass of the water will _____, and will be equal to the mass of the water displaced by the immersed object.


Answer: decrease

Explanation: it does

What is the relationship between transit duration and orbital period?



The length of time between each transit is the planet's "orbital period", or the length of a year on that particular planet. Not all planets have years as long as a year on the Earth! Some planets discovered by Kepler orbit around their stars so quickly that their years only last about four hours!

I hope it helps.


lenght of year po


hope it helps

The parking brake on a 1200kg automobile has broken, and the vehicle has reached a momentum of 7800kg.m/s. What is the velocity of the vehicle?



Velocity of the vehicle (v) = 6.5 m/s


Mass of automobile (m) = 1200 kg

Momentum of vehicle (p) = 7800 kg m/s

By using formula of momentum:

[tex] \rm p = mv \\ \rm 7800 = 1200 \times v \\ \rm v = \frac{7800}{1200} \\ \rm v = 6.5 \: m {s}^{ - 1} [/tex]

how many bears are witching the category of the


Polar Bear. A Grizzly Bear. ... Panda Bear. ... Sun Bear. ... Andean Bear. ... North American Black Bear. ... Short-Faced Bear. ... Asiatic Black Bear.

Which statement best explains why a wet saw used to cut through a fine optical crystals is constantly lubricated with oil


The major reason why a wet saw that is used in cutting optical crystals is constantly lubricated with oil is largely due to friction, lubrication decreases friction and minimises the increase of internal energy.

Friction is basically the coming together of two parts that rubs against each other, it causes heat and lead to  deterioration of surfaces, it can also lead to wear and tear.

Although, despite it down side, friction is desire-able in most applications

e.g the brake system of vehicles, and if not for friction, we humans cannot walk without falling

learn more:

23 and 24 only please help!



23: Acceleration 24:1m/s^2


[tex]a = (v_f - v_i) /delta(t)\\a=(16-10)/6\\a=6/6\\a=1m/s^2[/tex]

Which of the following is the goal of physical fitness test? *

a. to determine the level of fitness.
b. to identify the area of development/improvement.
c. all of the above
d. to identify strengths and weaknesses.




hope this helps!!

*please mark brainliest if correct!! Trying to level up!!

Which car will experience a greater KE, a car traveling at 16 m/s or a half as massive car traveling at 32 m/s



The car that is hald as massive


We can use the eqation for kinetic energy to solve this problem

KE = 1/2mv^2 (where m is mass and v is velocity/speed)

Lets give the original car a mass of 100kg and use the equation

KE = 1/2(100kg)(16m/s)^2 = 12800J

and now lets find kinetic energy of the half as massive car

KE2 = 1/2(50kg)(32m/s)^2 = 25600J

From this, we find that the hald as massive car will experience a greater kinetic energy while travling at double the velocity

A bicycle accelerates from rest to 6m/s in a distance of 50m, calculate the acceleration


50x6=300 this is the answer I think

The acceleration of the bicycle is 0.12 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex].

We know that acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time. In this case, the bicycle is accelerating from rest to a velocity of 6 m/s. The change in time is the time it takes the bicycle to travel 50 m.

We can use the following equation to find the acceleration:

a = (v2 - v1) / t


a is the acceleration

v2 is the final velocity (6 m/s)

v1 is the initial velocity (0 m/s)

t is the time

Plugging in the values from the problem, we get:

a = (6 m/s - 0 m/s) / 50 s

= 0.12 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex].

Therefore, the acceleration of the bicycle is 0.12 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex].

To know more about acceleration here


For the equation BaCl2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl, how many chlorine atoms are on the reactants side and on the products side?


Answer:2 reactants 2 products.

this is a balanced chemical equation. That means the number of chlorine before the arrow will be the same after the arrow

Explanation: i think this answer will help you very much

A machine does 2500 J of work in 1 min. What is the power developed by the machine?



41.7 watts


power=work done/time



Using a balance, determine the mass of the ball and basket of the ballistic pendulum. Fire the ballistic pendulum
and measure the maximum height the pendulum reaches. Use the conservation of energy (initial KE + initial GPE =
final KE + final GPE; KE = 12mv2; GPE = mgh) to calculate the initial speed of the pendulum after the ball has
collided with the pendulum basket. Next, use the conservation of momentum (total initial p = total final p; p = mv)
to determine the initial speed of the ball before it collided with the pendulum basket.


The conservation of energy and moment allows to find the results for the velocity of the pendulum and the bullet in the system are:

The velocity of the pendulum (bullet + basket) is: v₀ = 1.98 m  The speed of the bullet, depending on the mass are:

          m (kg)    v (m / s)

            0.05      41.58

            0.10       21.78

            0.15       15.18

            0.20      11.88

           0.25       9.90

The conservation of mechanical energy is one of the most important principles of physics, it establishes that if there is no friction force, the energy is constant at all points. Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic energy plus the potential energies.

In the attachment we can see a diagram of the system, let's start by finding the speed of the pendulum when it leaves, for this we use the  conservation of energy.

Starting point. In the lowest part of the movement.

      Em₀ = K = ½ (m + M) v₀²

Final point. At the top of the movement.

      Em_f = U = (m + M) g y

Energy is conserved because there is no friction.

      Em₀ = Em_f

      ½ (m + M) v₀² = (m + M) g y

      [tex]v_o = \sqrt{2gy}[/tex]  

They indicate a table with several measurements of the masses and the period, let's use the relationship of the simple harmonic motion.

        y = y₀ cos wt

The period and the angular velocity are related.

        w = 2π / T


we substitute

          y = y₀ cos ( [tex]2 \pi \frac{t}{T}[/tex] )

Let's analyze how long it takes to reach the point of maximum height, the period is the time of a complete oscillation, therefore from the lowest point to the highest point we have ¼ of oscillation, consequently the time to the highest point.

        t = T / 4

        y = y₀ cos ( [tex]2 \pi 4[/tex])  

        y = y₀

Therefore the point of maximum amplitude coincides with the maximum height and must be average by the student, suppose that the height is

          y₀ = 20 cm = 0.20 m

Let's calculate the initial velocity.

     v₀ = [tex]\sqrt{2 \ 9.8 \ 0.20 }[/tex]  

     v₀ = 1.98 m / s

They ask for the speed of the bullet before striking the basket of mass

       M = 1 Kg.

The conservation of the momentum that for an isolated system the momentum is constant in all the instants. Let's form the system by the bullet and the basket.

Initial instant. Before the crash

       p₀ = m v

Final moment. Right after the crash.

      P_f = (m + M) v₀


The momentum is conserved because the system is isolated.

      p₀ = p_f

      m v = (m + M) v₀

      v = m + M / m v₀

they have tabulated various mass for the bullet, we calculate the speed of each bullet.

m = 0.05 kg

    v = [tex]\frac{0.05+1}{0.05} \ 1.98[/tex]  

    v = 41.58 m / s

m = 0.10 kg

     v = [tex]\frac{0.10+1}{0.10} \ 1.98[/tex]  

     v = 21.78 m / s

m = 0.15 kg

     v = [tex]\frac{0.15+1}{0.15y}[/tex]  

     v = 15.18 m / s

m = 0.20 kg

     v = 11.88 m / s

m = 0.25 kg

     v = 9.9 m / s

In conclusion with the conservation of energy and the momentum we can find the results for the speed of the pendulum and the bullet in the system are:

The velocity of the pendulum (bullet + basket) is: v₀ = 1.98 m  The speed of the bullet, depending on the mass are:

          m (kg)    v (m / s)

            0.05      41.58

            0.10       21.78

            0.15       15.18

            0.20      11.88

           0.25       9.90

Learn more about conservation of energy and momentum here:

astronomers have determined the surface temperature of stars by studying their colors. what color emission represents stars with the hottest temperatures?





Did the question already

Two parents are having a child The father has freckles which are a dominant trait The mother does not have trecktes Find the possibility of the chad having tracks. ​






which term is equal to velocity change per second?



Acceleration  is measured in meters per second squared (m/s²) change in velocity is measured in meters per second (m/s) time taken

Two billiard balls having the same mass and speed roll directly toward each other. What is their combined momentum after they meet


Their combined momentum after they meet is 0.

What is law of conservation of momentum?

According to the law of conservation of momentum, absent an external force, the combined momentum of two or more bodies operating upon one another in an isolated system remains constant. As a result, momentum cannot be gained or lost.

Let the mass of each billiard balls = m.

If the initial velocity of first ball is u; according to the question, the initial velocity of the second ball be -u.

Hence, initial momentum of the first ball is: P₁ = mu

initial momentum of the second ball is: P₂ = -mu

Hence, total initial momentum of the two balls = P₁ + P₂ = mu + ( -mu) = 0.

So, according to law of conservation of momentum:

Their combined momentum after they meet is = 0.

Learn more about momentum here:


The combined momentum of the two billiard balls after they meet is zero.

When two pool balls of the same size and speed roll directly at each other and collide, their momentum will increase.

Let us denote the speed of the first ball as [tex]\rm p_1[/tex] and the speed of the second ball as [tex]\rm p_2[/tex]. The momentum of the balls are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction because they have the same mass and velocity.

[tex]\rm p_1= -p_2[/tex]

When the balls collide, their momentum increases:

Total momentum after the collision= [tex]\rm p_1+ p_2[/tex]

Substituting the relationship

[tex]\rm p_1= -p_2[/tex]

Total momentum after the collision

[tex]\rm p_1- p_1= 0[/tex]

Therefore, the combined momentum of the two billiard balls after they meet is zero.

Learn more about momentum, here:


1) A blinking light of constant period is situated on a lab cart. Which diagram best represents a photograph of
the light as the cart moves with constant velocity?
How do I solve this?


Option C with uniform displacement at each time interval represents the photograph of light as the cart moves with constant velocity.

At constant velocity, the change in displacement with time is uniform. The displacement of the given object in motion increases at equal rate.

At constant velocity, the initial velocity is equal to the final velocity.

v₁ = v₂

The acceleration of the object at constant velocity is zero, because the change in velocity with time will be zero.

[tex]a = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t} \\\\a = \frac{v_2- v_1}{t} \\\\v_2 = v_1\\\\a = \frac{v_1 - v_1}{t} \\\\a = 0[/tex]

Thus, from the given options we can conclude that option C with uniform displacement at each time interval represents the photograph of light as the cart moves with constant velocity.

Learn more about constant velocity here:

The change in the momentum of an object is represented by the following formula:
Impulse = (Force)(time) = change in momentum
I = F • t = pfinal – pinitial
A 1.0 kg rabbit traveling east at 10 m/s spots a predator, turns around, and then begins to travel west at 21 m/s.
What is the change in momentum of the rabbit, and what is another term for this concept?

The rabbits change of momentum is

A. 31 kg•m/s east

B. 31 kg•m/s west

C. 15.5 kg•m/s, west

D. 15.5 kg•m/s, east

This value can also be referred to as

E. Collisions

F. Potential energy

G. Kinetic energy

H. Impulse

Please help will mark brainliest


Hi there!

Recall that:

Change in momentum = mass × change in velocity


Δp = mΔv = m(vf - vi)

Plug in the given values. We can assign east to be positive and west to be negative in this instance (Velocity is a vector with direction).


Δp = (1)(-21 - 10) = -31 kgm/s OR 31 kgm/s WEST.

The correct answer is B.

Change in momentum is EQUIVALENT to the quantity of IMPULSE.

The correct answer is H.

what is the capacitance of capacitor​



The capacitance C of a capacitor is defined as the ratio of the maximum charge Q that can be stored in a capacitor to the applied voltage V across its plates. In other words, capacitance is the largest amount of charge per volt that can be stored on the device: C = Q V . 1 F = 1 C 1 V .


A capacitor's capacity to hold an electric charge when a potential difference (voltage) is applied across its plates is measured by the capacitance of the device.

It can be calculated using the formula C = Q/V,

where Q is the electric charge stored on the capacitor in coulombs (C), C is the capacitance in farads (F), and V is the voltage across the capacitor in volts (V). The capacitor's physical properties, such as the area of the plates, the space between them (dielectric separation), and the substance between the plates (dielectric constant), all affect capacitance. A better charge storage capability is indicated by a higher capacitance value.

To know more about capacitance, here


The distance between adjacent nodes in a standing wave pattern is 25.0 cm. What is the
wavelength? If the frequency is 200. Hz, what is the speed of the wave?




Speed of the wave in the string will be 3.2 m/sec


We have given frequency in the string fixed at both ends is 80 Hz

Distance between adjacent antipodes is 20 cm

We know that distance between two adjacent anti nodes is equal to half of the wavelength

So \frac{\lambda }{2}=20cm




\lambda =40cmλ=40cm

We have to find the speed of the wave in the string

Speed is equal to v=\lambda f=0.04\times 80=3.2m/secv=λf=0.04×80=3.2m/sec

So speed of the wave in the string will be 3.2 m/sec

pls answer this question is due today​


Answers:Speed for section A = 15 km per hourSpeed for section B = 0 km per hourSpeed for section C = 60 km per hourSpeed for section D = 40 km per hour



To compute the speed, we divide the distance traveled over the time duration.

For instance, if a car goes 100 km in 5 hours, then its speed is 100/5 = 20 km per hour.


For section A, the car travels 30 km over the course of 2 hours (since 11:00-9:00 = 2:00)

speed = distance/time = (30 km)/(2 hrs) = 15 km/hr


We don't need to do any computations for section B. It's a flat horizontal line, so the speed is zero. There's no change in distance, so the car is stationary for this 1 hour period.

You could say speed = distance/time = 0/1 = 0 km/hr if you wanted.


For section C, its change in distance is 60-30 = 30 km and the change in time is 0.5 hour (because it spans from 12:00 to 12:30)

So, speed = distance/time = (30 km)/(0.5 hr) = 60 km/hr

The steeper slope of section C, compared to section A, means the car is going faster.


Section D spans from 12:30 to 14:00. This is a time period of 14:00-12:30 = 1:30 = 1.5 hours. The change in distance is 60 km

(60 km)/(1.5 hrs) = 40 km/hr

The speed of the car during section D is 40 km per hour.

Side note: if you were talking about velocities instead of speeds, then section D would have a negative velocity of -40 km/hr to indicate the car is going the opposite direction (compared to sections A and C). However, speed is always nonnegative.

How does the temp of water change when it is heated on a stove top and it begins to boil.



The temperature will no longer rise with the heat because the energy. When the water is boiled on the steam, the temperature rises when heat is given


Other Questions
As the state population of Georgia moved westward, why did Atlanta become the final state capital of the state?ASavannah was no longer needed as a port city.BThe advancement of the British military encouraged the Patriots to move the state capital here.Its location was the center of Georgia's population.DIt had better rail accessibility and a growing population. Will mark BRAINLIEST how do I solve it? I don't know how, I can't remember and I don't have my notes how many years is 25 months 109 weeks and 765 days Part AIn the story "Life on the Sea," why does the captain think about his family when he is at sea?He thinks about his family to help himself feel better when he is unhappy with life at sea.He thinks about his family to give himself strength to be a better captain.He thinks about his family because he is worried about their safety at home while he is away.He thinks about his family to distract himself from a difficult job.Question 2Part BWhich excerpts from the story best support the answer in Part A?Select the two correct answers."In the morning, he would call his daughter and tell her about the big storm and hear the wonder in her voice at the size of each wave.""He imagined their voices telling him that they were proud of him, and it filled him with a strength that he hadnt felt at other times during this journey.""His wife, Marla, didnt understand his obsession with the water, why he spent months of the year navigating a boat full of crab fishermen to isolated spots of the ocean hundreds of miles from shore.""He touched the picture of his family that was inside his raincoat as the next wave approached." Keep a smile on your faceKeep a bounce in your stepDon't ever forget who you areNo matter what the world might say about youYou are a beautiful personInside and outThis is the dayTo step out of your comfort zoneTo be kind to someone who needs itTo remind yourself of everything you haveDon't ever forget that you mean something to someoneHave you said "I love you" to someone today?Have you smiled or waved at a stranger?Have you spread joy?Remember- good vibes only :)(be kind to someone today) Look at the actions listed below and select ALL that are good safety practices in the workplace. Then, select the Submit button. 22. PLEASE HELP PLEASSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE15 points Max rode his bike 40 miles in hours. The verb is used correctly in following sentence:You should have taken the garbage out to the receptacle. Find x in the triangle Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as: a. an Internet Protocol (IP) addres how about these are they correct? List rewards appropriate for accomplishing your short-term goals: for eating a proper diet and losing weight List the reward for accomplishing your long-term goal: Ayer, mis hermanas _______ diez horas.a. durmieronb. dormimosc. dormisted. dormDespus de las clases, yo y mis amigos ________ .a. juegob. juganc. jugamosd. jugaste PLZ help me no link and do not copy and paste the topicGroup DiscussionWritten Response (Project): Group Discussion ActiveClick the links to open the resources below. These resources will help you complete the assignment. Once you have created your file(s) and are ready to upload your assignment, click the Add Files button below and select each file from your desktop or network folder. Upload each file separately.Your work will not be submitted to your teacher until you click Submit.DocumentsStudent Discussion GuideDiscussion EvaluationFile UploadAccepted file types: .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .zip, .pdf, .accdb, .msg Carlos is writing about different careers in health informatics. Choose the correct way to complete each sentence.Dr. Morales is a successful ______ a health informatics professional who tracks diseases within a population. She uses patient information contained in secure _________ when she conducts research.Options for space A. Unit coordinator Epidemiologist Medical librarianOptions for space B.Diagnostics imagesHealthcare libraries Electronic health records Evaluate each expression. 16^-3/2 Which statements describe the aristocrats of the Heian period? Choose three correct answersThey lived in Helan kyo.They lived all over Japan,They were mostly farmers.They built the culture of Japan.They consisted of a few thousand people,They made up the majority of the Japanese populationHELP ANSWER ASAP 20 POINTS T or FChristians tried to incorporate philosophy into their new religion.