Write out the Great Chain of Being with explanations

(please help ASAP, due in tomorrow!!)


Answer 1


Elizabethans believed that God set out an order for everything in the universe. This was known as the Great Chain of Being. On Earth, God created a social order for everybody and chose where you belonged. In other words, the king or queen was in charge because God put them there and they were only answerable to God (the Divine Right of Kings). This meant that disobeying the monarch was a sin, which was handy for keeping people in their place! It also led to the idea that if the wrong person was monarch everything would go wrong for a country, including whether the crops would be good, or if animals behaved as they should. The Elizabethans were very superstitious.

The Great Chain of Being includes everything from God and the angels at the top, to humans, to animals, to plants, to rocks and minerals at the bottom. It moves from beings of pure spirit at the top of the Chain to things made entirely of matter at the bottom. Humans are pretty much in the middle, being mostly mortal, or made of matter, but with a soul made of spirit. The theory started with the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, but was a basic assumption of life in Elizabethan England. You were a noble, or a farmer, or a beggar, because that was the place God had ordained for you.

The Great Chain of Being is a major influence on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth disturbs the natural order of things by murdering the king and stealing the throne. This throws all of nature into uproar, including a story related by an old man that the horses in their stables went mad and ate each other, a symbol of unnatural happenings.


In Shakespeare’s time people believed in witches. They were people who had made a pact with the Devil in exchange for supernatural powers. If your cow was ill, it was easy to decide it had been cursed. If there was plague in your village, it was because of a witch. If the beans didn’t grow, it was because of a witch. Witches might have a familiar – a pet, or a toad, or a bird – which was supposed to be a demon advisor. People accused of being witches tended to be old, poor, single women. It is at this time that the idea of witches riding around on broomsticks (a common household implement in Elizabethan England) becomes popular.

There are lots of ways to test for a witch. A common way was to use a ducking stool, or just to tie them up, and duck the accused under water in a pond or river. If she floated, she was a witch. If she didn’t, she was innocent. She probably drowned. Anyone who floated was then burnt at the stake. It was legal to kill witches because of the Witchcraft Act passed in 1563, which set out steps to take against witches who used spirits to kill people.

King James I became king in 1603. He was particularly superstitious about witches and even wrote a book on the subject. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth especially to appeal to James – it has witches and is set in Scotland, where he was already king. The three witches in Macbeth manipulate the characters into disaster, and cast spells to destroy lives. Other magic beings, the fairies, appear in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Elizabethans thought fairies played tricks on innocent people – just as they do in the play.


The Body

Medicine in Shakespeare’s England followed the theory of the ‘humours’. These were four liquids in your body – blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm (pronounced ‘flem’) – which needed to be in balance for you to be healthy. Each liquid gave off vapours, which entered the brain and altered the person.

If someone was ill, you could treat them by altering the amount of the humour they had in them. You might give them an emetic (something to make them throw up), or you might bleed them, to take excess blood away.

Each humour was supposed to correspond to a type of personality.

If you were ‘sanguine’ (dominated by blood) you would be jolly, optimistic and fat.

If you were ‘choleric’ (yellow bile) you would be short-tempered, red-haired and thin. You might also be ambitious.

If you were ‘phlegmatic’ (phlegm), you would be slow, pale, and lazy.

If you were ‘melancholic’ (black bile), you would be thin, yellowish, and tend to spend a lot of time thinking and worrying.

Many of Shakespeare’s characters correspond to one of these types – and he often makes specific reference to the name of these types. Characters use sanguine as an insult – Prince Hal does in Henry IV Part I. Today we might call someone sanguine if they were very relaxed about things – Prince Hal uses it to mean someone who is so laid back that he is a coward and a lazy person. In The Taming of the Shrew Petrucchio shouts at his servants for serving mutton because it is choleric – and he and his wife Katherine are already bad-tempered enough!


Have a great day!

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Which strategy can help you write a comparative claim about the difference between a video new story in the story that is mostly written text
A: imagine how you would have filmed the event what details you would have tried to capture on screen
B: Think about the decisions the video producers made about what to show on screen and compare that to the details included in the print article
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b) Think about the decisions the video producers made about what to show on screen, and compare that to the details included in the print article.


When you compare two versions of the same story, you should look very closely at the kinds of details that each story includes, and ask yourself, What effect do these choices have on viewers and readers?(Also, I took the quiz♡)


The strategy that can help to write a comparative claim about the difference between a video news story in the story that is mostly written text is: “Think about ……… the print article.” Hence, Option B is correct.

What is a strategy?

A strategy explains how the methods (goals) will be attained with the available resources. As an organization competes or adapts to its environment, strategy may be intentional or develop as a pattern of behavior.

Strategic planning and strategic thinking are among the tasks involved. An organization's long-term objectives and the plan it has to achieve them are referred to as its strategy.

The approach that can assist in writing a comparative claim about the distinction between a video new story in a story that is primarily written text is to consider the choices that the video producers made regarding what to show on screen and contrast that with the specifics included in the print article.

Therefore, Option B is correct.

Learn more about strategy from here:



if yall need 02.06 Introduce Your Ideas *About 75 Minutes answer here it is 02.06/2.08/2.09/2.10 Introduce Your Ideas and this helps yall copy and pest this will help yall

Do canteens make a positive difference in the lives of others? In the article Minute That Matter by Kristina Waltz, two teenagers Brittany & her brother Robbie wanted to help military soldiers with their phone bills so they started an organization called Cell Phones for Soldiers. In another article, Food that Fuels by Chad Bailey, Cassandra & other teenagers formed another organization called Food that Fuels where they save food grease & reuse it and refine it into biodiesel. These two organizations helped many people.

In the organization Cell Phone for Soldiers, Kristina & Robbie first began by raising money to help a soldier pay his cell phone bill. Brittany decided to send donated cell phones to the soldiers. They collected old phones and turned them in to be recycled & then used that money to send prepaid phone cards to troops. “Over 180 million talk time has been given to soldiers” due to this organization.

In the organization Food That Fuels Cassandra & other teenagers used old cooking to create biodiesel. They went to the school board and spoke to them about using this fuel for the school busses. “It doesn’t matter how big or small you are, anyone can make a difference. Cassandra & other teenagers are making a positive difference.

Both these organizations help others by using recycled products. Both organizations have earned awards and even Cassandra & the other teenagers have gone to the White house. Although they both used recycled products, they used different products. The Cell Phone for Soldiers used recycled phones to help pay for phone minute cards for soldiers. The Food That Fuels used old cooking oil to refine and make biodiesel fuel. These two organizations may be different and are also similar in being teenagers and helping others.

Teenagers can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Food That Fuels helps their environment by using old cooking oil to create biodiesel. Cell Phone for Soldiers helps soldiers by collecting old cell phones to recycle and earn prepaid cell phones for soldiers. Teenagers help people.

hope that help yall





Words can be borrowed from "dead" languages. TrueFalse



the answer is true and have a nice day





Plenty of words from the romance language tree come from Latin, an old language no longer used


"She took careful stock of herself, then combed her hair and tied it back up again. Then she starched and ironed her face, forming it into just what people wanted to see, and opened up the window and cried, “Come heah people! Jody is dead. Mah husband is gone from me.”" -- From "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Huston

Comment on meaning. What would you phrases like “the meaning of love . . . the importance of self-knowledge . . . developing and /or losing relationships” How did the quote "hit home" with you and explain in a paragraph.



Personally from my own perspective the meaning of this quote is how some people put on a mask to make other people happy and or so other people don't notice how sad/empty they feel.


It certainly was cold, was his thought. When he got back to the States he could tell the folks what real cold was. He drifted on from this to a vision of the old-timer on Sulphur Creek. He could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe.
"You were right, old hoss; you were right," the man mumbled to the old-timer of Sulphur Creek.
–“To Build a Fire,”
Jack London
Read the passage. Then, complete the statements.
Through all the conflicts he faces, the man learns that he should have .
This points to the theme that



It certainly was cold, was his thought. When he got back to the States he could tell the folks what real cold was. And she drifted on from vision of the old-timer on Sulphur Creek. He could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe.

"You were right, old hoss; you were right," the man mumbled to the old-timer of Sulphur Creek.


Hopeeee itsss helpsss ^_^


1. listened to the old man

2.ignoring advice from others can lead to disaster


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The thing which the narrator's description of the wallpaper reveals about the context of the story is:

A. The narrator feels imprisoned by her life

According to the given question, we are asked to state the  thing which the narrator's description of the wallpaper reveals about the context of the story.

As a result of this, we can see that from the complete text, the narrator feels imprisoned by her life according to the wallpaper and how it seems to torment her wherever and whenever she looks.

Read more about imprisonment here:


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Answer: i would get anything My hero academia

Explanation: I love My hero academia

I would get a dog because it would be a built in best friend. It is also scientifically proven that dogs boost peoples serotonin levels.

Which word from Juliet's conversation with her mother is understood one
way by Lady Capulet and another way by the audience?

A. Cousin
B. Heart
C. Temper
D. Love


b. Heart
probably not sure rho

Before you go

Which ending corrects the sentence fragment?

running off to your friend’s house

to the airport

please call me

and eat dinner



The answer is It's please call me.

As a widow, Penelope does have a choice about which of the following matters?
o whether she chooses male or female companions
o the special foods she has prepared for herself and her family members
O whether her parents choose a husband for her or she chooses for herself
o whether she will follow Greek xenia (hospitality) customs



• Whether her parents choose a husband for her or she chooses for herself.


Having the choice to love someone or stay a widow for the rest of her life is her right, therefore, her parents forcing a man she dislikes upon her is a violation of her basic human rights and so much more.

What’s the theme of the highlighted text?
What is the message and the topic of the textual evidence that is being highlighted!!
((((The theme should be about the highlighted text!)))



Sometimes life doesn't go the way you plan, even if in high school you're #1. Or, you should prepare for all possible endings.


This is backed up through the highlighted text, specifically when it says "Grant did not have to struggle his way through rigorous courses in high school" and in the second half when it mentions that Grant wasn't prepared.

Note: I'm sorry I'm bad at finding specific themes lol

what is the significance of swifts use of the names strephon and celia



. Because he uses traditional character names, the reader realizes

Swift is talking about a hypothetical person.



Because the names were common to traditional romantic poetry, it allowed him to poke fun at idealized love.


newer answer

short story

the grouchy ladybug

at five o'clock in the morning,the sun came up. A friendly ladybug flew in from the left, it saw a leaf with many aphids on it, and decided to have them for breakfast. But just then, a grouchy ladybug flew in from the right it too saw the aphids and wanted them for breakfast.

5.When did the story happen?

6.Where did the story happen?

7.Who are the characters in the story?

|||. identify the elements of the story by filing in the graphic organizers. Nos 8-11









5) 5 o'clock am

"at five o'clock in the morning"

6) on a leaf

"flew in from the left, it saw a leaf" then the ladybug goes to thus leaf


i looked up the story and theres a lot more than what you provided. based only on the section you gave, the characters would be: the ladybug and the aphids.

the whole story's characters (including parts you did not provide) would be the ladybug aphids, yellow jacket, stag beetle, praying mantis, sparrow, lobster, skunk, boa constrictor, hyena, gorilla, rhinoceros, elephant, whale, fireflies.

After staring for several minutes, Wendy realized that
the pool of water in the road was an allusion.





I'm not sure what the question is, but an allusion is a reference, whereas an illusion is something you see that isn't real. Illusion is the correct word to use in this passage.

What are the first three books of the old testament​


The first three books of the old testament are Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus.

What is the Old Testament?

This refers to the preceding or first books of the christian bible. The Old Testament consists of thirty-nine books most of which were written between 1200 and 100 years Before Christ (BC).

The Old Testament (or Old Covenant) contains the primary texts of the Jewish law, history, prophecies, literature on wisdom, and information of the ancient tribes of Israel.

Learn more about the Old Testament here:


Read the excerpt from a text about online learning. "Virtual schools were growing quite quickly," said Christina Martin, a policy analyst at the Cascade Policy Institute, a free-market think tank based in Portland, Ore. . . . The big issue, she said, was fairness. Some students have access to virtual schools because they have a learning coach to stay home with them, while others don’t. Also, Internet connections can be costly, and not every family has one. And families have to pay for their own printing. . . . "An adult must stay with a child during the day and make sure they’re doing their work. " This information would best support a claim about students’ need for personal coaches. Internet supervision. High-tech gadgets. Equal access to technology.


The corrective statement was that the Virtual classes were increasing on very vast scale and it means very student have to be present virtually to attend the classes like on computer or on Mobile .

Due to current situation , the virtual classes increases and there were some advantages and disadvantages like :

Advantages :

Flexibility of time.Individual attentions.Expand world wide  

Dis- Advantages :

Less face interaction .High on Cost .Connection issues .

Now a days the scale of virtual classes were increasing on high number and it was using day to day like either in school as well in offices and which make the things easy accessible .

For more information on Virtual , please refer the below link : https://brainly.com/question/19906390

why has freedom been such an important ideal over the course of amer history



For Americans, independence is a prime motivator for self-determination, reflected in the bravery of the early colonists and those who marched westward to create new lives, homes, and communities. Various freedoms are also guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Answer: The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few ...

Answer the question below based on the passage “The Myth of Tantalus”.

“For one glorious evening, he dined happily among his fellow mortals, and it was as though he had actual friends.”

Based on this sentence, you can conclude that Tantalus


After reading the passage about Tantalus, we can conclude the following about him:

Tantalus most likely wished he had friends.

Who is Tantalus?Tantalus is a Greek mythology character. As a matter of fact, it is from his name that the verb "tantalize" is derived. Tantalus was the son of the god Zeus with a nymph and, for that reason, he was friends with the gods and allowed in heaven.However, Tantalus used his access to heaven to sin against the gods. He stole nectar and ambrosia from them to give to humans. He also killed his own son and served him for the gods to eat to test the gods. For that reason, he was punished by being imprisoned in Hades, a mythological hell, where he could not reach the water and the food that were right in front of him.

What can we infer from the passage?The passage says that the night Tantalus spent with fellow mortals was glorious. He was happy because he felt as if he had actual friends. With that piece of information, we can infer that Tantalus wished he has friends, that he craved this sort of intimacy with other mortals.

Learn more about Tantalus here:








3 organ system





8 roots

9 stem


hope this helps i dont know the others

Write a summery of the passage "The Adventure Itself"


The question above wants to analyze your reading and writing ability through a summary written by you. In that case, I can't write this summary, but I'll show you how to write it.

A summary is a short, direct, and precious text. This type of text is made to present the most important parts of another text, in a faster but specific way, which allows the reader to understand the text, without reading the full version.

In this case, to write your summary, you must follow these steps:

Read all the text your question refers to.Identify the most important parts of this text that are essential to your overall understanding of the text.Rewrite these parts, adapting them to make the text cohesive and modifying the words to avoid plagiarism.

More information about summary at the link:


What are some good books to read?



To Kill a Mockingbird


The Catcher in the Rye


Pride and Prejudice

The Great Gatsby


Jane byre

Jane Eyre

Don Quixote


Fahrenheit 451


hope this helps

please mark me brainleast


Percy Jackson; Rick Riordan

Land of Stories: Chris Colfer

The Running Dream; Wendelin Van Draanen

Harry Potter; JK Rowling

Keeper of the lost cities; Shanon Messenger


In Lord of the Flies Chapter 7, when Jack exhibits reluctance to step up as a courageous leader, what effect does it have on Ralph?



The tension starts to become noticeable when Jack challenges Ralph's leadership skills. Their relationship is antagonistic.


While they try to find the beast Jack makes it clear he resents Ralph because he is the leader, Jack does his best to undermine his authority.

Read the excerpt from Gilgamesh: A New English Version. Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop, he poured out flour as an offering and said, "Mountain, bring me a favorable dream. " Enkidu did the ritual for dreams, praying for a sign. A gust of wind passed. This excerpt is repeated several times. What effect does this repetition have on the epic? It shows that Gilgamesh is a courageous hero who seeks adventure. It shows that Gilgamesh's journey is both very long and very difficult. It shows that the landscape Gilgamesh is traveling is distant and vast. It shows that the supernatural are leading Gilgamesh during his quest.


I would assume that the answer is B, It shows that Gilgamesh's journey is both very long and very difficult, considering the fact that he does this so many times throughout the story, which would indicate that his journey does indeed last a while and that he hopes the his dreams would be better than the peril he faces on said journey, but I haven't read this story and I may be wrong.

If this is unhelpful, I apologize.

The excerpt is taken from an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia written about the Sumerian mythological King of Urk Gilgamesh. It depicts the adventurous and questful life of Gilgamesh.

The repetition of epic depicts:

Option D. It shows that the supernatural is leading Gilgamesh during his quest.

The epic can be explained as:

Gilgamesh is a Sumerian king who became friends with Enkidu with whom he faces many adventures.

This excerpt from the poem tells readers about how Gilgamesh's adventure path is supported and guided by some invisible and bigger force.

Gilgamesh went to the adventure path to seek the meaning and to discover about immortal life.

He went to seek secrets beyond immortal life after the death of his friend Enkidu.

Therefore, some force was driving Gilgamesh.

To learn more about The Epic of Gilgamesh follow the link:


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