Write an essay on global economy : post coronavirus


Answer 1


hey mate!!!


As the health and human toll grows, the economic damage is already evident and represents the largest economic shock the world has experienced in decades.

The June 2020 Global Economic Prospects describes both the immediate and near-term outlook for the impact of the pandemic and the long-term damage it has dealt to prospects for growth. The baseline forecast envisions a 5.2 percent contraction in global GDP in 2020, using market exchange rate weights—the deepest global recession in decades, despite the extraordinary efforts of governments to counter the downturn with fiscal and monetary policy support. Over the longer horizon, the deep recessions triggered by the pandemic are expected to leave lasting scars through lower investment, an erosion of human capital through lost work and schooling, and fragmentation of global trade and supply linkages.

For emerging market and developing countries, many of which face daunting vulnerabilities, it is critical to strengthen public health systems, address the challenges posed by informality, and implement reforms that will support strong and sustainable growth once the health crisis abates.

Advanced economies are projected to shrink 7 percent. That weakness will spill over to the outlook for emerging market and developing economies, who are forecast to contract by 2.5 percent as they cope with their own domestic outbreaks of the virus. This would represent the weakest showing by this group of economies in at least sixty years.

Every region is subject to substantial growth downgrades. East Asia and the Pacific will grow by a scant 0.5%. South Asia will contract by 2.7%, Sub-Saharan Africa by 2.8%, Middle East and North Africa by 4.2%, Europe and Central Asia by 4.7%, and Latin America by 7.2%. These downturns are expected to reverse years of progress toward development goals and tip tens of millions of people back into extreme poverty.

Emerging market and developing economies will be buffeted by economic headwinds from multiple quarters: pressure on weak health care systems, loss of trade and tourism, dwindling remittances, subdued capital flows, and tight financial conditions amid mounting debt. Exporters of energy or industrial commodities will be particularly hard hit

Demand for metals and transport-related commodities such as rubber and platinum used for vehicle parts has also tumbled. While agriculture markets are well supplied globally, trade restrictions and supply chain disruptions could yet raise food security issues in some places.

Even this bleak outlook is subject to great uncertainty and significant downside risks. The forecast assumes that the pandemic recedes in such a way that domestic mitigation measures can be lifted by mid-year in advanced economies and later in developing countries, that adverse global spillovers ease during the second half of 2020, and that widespread financial crises are avoided. This scenario would envision global growth reviving, albeit modestly, to 4.2% in 2021.

including support for the private sector and getting money directly to people. During the mitigation period, countries should focus on sustaining economic activity with support for households, firms and essential services.

Global coordination and cooperation—of the measures needed to slow the spread of the pandemic, and of the economic actions needed to alleviate the economic damage, including international support—provide the greatest chance of achieving public health goals and enabling a robust global recovery.

Thank you!!pls mark me as brainliest!!

Related Questions

Read the passage.


“Can you chop the scallions?”

Seo-Jun didn't look away from his smartphone to reply to his mother’s request. He was busy texting Vince Cordova about a new show they were planning to binge watch Friday night.

“Seo. . . . Seo!”


“What do you mean, 'What’? I need you to chop the scallions.” It was 11:30 a.m., and the Town Pavilion—the office building Ji-Suk's food truck Bul-GO!-gi was parked outside of—was about to unleash a stampede of customers. “I have to get this beef marinating, otherwise in a half hour I'm going to lose a bunch of hungry tax consultants to the chicken and waffle guys across street.”

Seo-Jun smiled, but Ji-Suk couldn't see his eyes from under his royal blue cap. Then she realized he was still looking at his phone, which he was concealing below his knees as his fingers tapped the screen.

“Hey!” She threw a kitchen towel at him, and it unfurled in midair and landed on his head, draping itself over the brim of his cap.

“Okay, okay, I'll do it.”

Ji-Suk had made a name for herself in Kansas City, especially after a local magazine wrote a big cover story when she left her job as an attorney at a law firm after seven years to start a food truck business. If her own mother had still been alive, she would have been quite upset with Ji-Suk for that. Her mother had spent years learning to speak relatively good English, and she’d been determined to make sure Ji-Suk graduated from a respectable college and became a lawyer. Even though she'd made Ji-Suk take Korean lessons every Saturday morning followed by violin lessons in the afternoon—and cooked kimchi and other Korean delicacies with her at least once a week—Ji-Suk's mother had wanted her to succeed by American standards.

And she had. She'd become a lawyer, just like her mother wanted, but she'd also learned to love burnt end barbecue, a local culinary favorite. She was an avid fan of the Kansas City Chiefs. She even loved playing softball; she had a wickedly fast windmill pitch, having played throughout college and graduate school and on the law firm's recreational team. Ji-Suk had succeeded by American standards in ways her mother couldn't have imagined, and in ways her mother probably didn't want, but Ji-Suk couldn't do anything about that. She was American, just as much as she was Korean, and even though her mother wouldn't have wanted her to do it, starting the food truck was Ji-Suk's way of honoring her mother and showing that she valued what her mother had taught her.

Still, she was determined not to force Seo-Jun to do the things her mother had forced her to do. He wouldn't have to take violin lessons, nor would he have to learn Korean. She was more than willing to let him take Korean lessons if he showed any interest, but he never did.

She wasn't sure, however, whether she was doing the right thing, as Seo-Jun didn't seem to want to play sports, nor did he have any serious hobbies. He got by in school, but he didn’t apply himself. He was mostly interested in his friends. She hadn't been any different at his age, and she would have spent most of her time with her friends, too, but her mother would never have allowed it.

Seo-Jun finished chopping a stalk of scallions and put down his knife in order to glance at his phone. “Hey mom, Vince has to do something with his family on Friday night. He asked if we can hang out right now. Would it be okay if I headed over there now?”


He tried to read his mother's face, but she just carried on marinating the meat. He grabbed his backpack and threw it over one of his shoulders. Then he headed out the back door of the truck.

He looked back at her serving her first guest. She was smiling, but it was a distant smile. Without saying a word, he climbed back into the food truck.

Ji-Suk glanced over but still didn't say a word.

He picked up his knife and a handful of scallions and started chopping.

Which sentence best summarizes a theme of "Bul_GO!-gi"?

Children are never exactly the same as their parents.

Parents cannot control their child’s decisions.

One must find a balance between time with family and friends.

Every generation has to find its own way to be unique and still honor its heritage.



C, One must find a balance between family and friends.


Its exactly what happens within Seo's head, and the theme of the passage.

Good luck! Hope this helps, have a nice day!

Which statement best describes the meaning of the imagery in the line "It is the bright day that brings forth the adder"? (An adder is a snake. ) The sun shines on Caesar, but he must watch his steps around others. Brutus will kill Caesar with a bite of stinging fangs. The warm praise of the people can cause Caesar to be more powerful and dangerous. Some animals cannot be trusted, no matter what.


The statement that best describes the meaning of the imagery in the line "It is the bright day that brings forth the adder" is the following:

A. The sun shines on Caesar, but he he must watch his steps around others.

In the tragic play "Julius Caesar," the emperor of Rome Caesar is killed by the people he trusted the most.The line we are analyzing here is said by Brutus, one of the people who will end up murdering Caesar.Brutus uses imagery, a type of figurative language in which words appeal to the senses in order to describe something.

What does Brutus mean?Many interpret that line as if Brutus meant that Caesar must be careful. If things are looking good (bright day), others will most likely betray and hurt Caesar (adder).However, when we read that line in context (Act 2, scene 1), we realize that Brutus is talking about the possibility of Caesar being a snake himself.Caesar is about to be crowned king, so Brutus is concerned that he may become a dangerous man, that he might be filled with arrogance.The crowning is represented by the "bright day" and arrogance by the "adder."

With that in mind, we can easily eliminate options B through D. None of them is appropriate to either interpretation of the line. Option C does mention Caesar being dangerous, but not because of the crowning.Therefore, the best option is letter A. Caesar must be careful now that he is about to be king.

Learn more about imagery and "Julius Caesar" here:




A) The sun shines on Caesar, but he must watch his steps around others.



Which prefix can you add to the base word substantial to create an
antonym? Write the word.
A. in-
B. Con-



That would be A


Adding "in" to the word substantial would result in a word meaning the opposite.

PLEASE HELP!!! i need to know wjicj one it is



dependent clause


Which of these rewrites the given sentence correctly?

The stone hurt him on his head.
(1 Point)
On the head was hurt by a stone.
The head was hurt by the stone.
He was hurt on his head by the stone.
His head was hurt by a stone.


His head was hurt by a stone in my opinion

A poem that does not follow a consistent rhythm or rhyme



free verse is open sourse of that poem

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A) Showed off
B) Behaved quietly so to avoid notice
C) Stayed on a diet.





When you want to keep a low profile, you want to avoid attention.




"keep a low profile" means to remain hidden and out of such notice.

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TESTIMONY BEFORE THE SENATE HEARINGS ON THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT How does the structural style of the text contribute to its persuasiveness?


The text presents a descriptive structure that manages to expose the way women live and their positive characteristics, managing to convince the public that women have equal and even better capabilities than men.

We can reach this answer because:

The speech cited in the question above was delivered by Gloria Steinem in an attempt to convince the Senate to declare an amendment establishing equal rights.In this speech, Steinem uses a descriptive structure to expose information that could convince the senators.In this structure, it begins to expose how much women have suffered in the labor sector, as they have been subjugated and their wages and jobs have been harmed by prejudice.Then she begins to show how this inequality is not justifiable, since women have the same abilities and skills as men, and often these abilities and skills are shown to be greater in women.

This type of structure allows information to be exposed and explained in detail, allowing listeners to perceive all the nuances that make them up.

More information:


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needed a haircut


Hi, I need help on this. I have no idea how to do it. Please help me... I need to submit this tonight.

*No irrelevant answers
* Don't answer if you don't know​



One day, while I was heading somewhere, I met an old  wrinkly man trying to cross the road amidst the bustling street. Since the street was very busy and several cars were speeding ahead, I offered to help the man cross the street together. I felt pity because he had no one to assist him, but was surprised because he turned down my offer, I felt dejected, but since he has the freedom to choose yes or no, I decided to let him be and waved farewell. I watched the man cross the road before heading to my destination.


if you think this answer is good, please give "Brainliest" or rate/heart my answer

What major driver of the Malaysian golf industry.. PLEASE HELP ME!!



Tourism Malaysia is completely driving the golf industry in accomplishes its real success because tourism Malaysia also has driven the profit in their industry.


Hope this helps.

I am earth True or False >:)





Tralse True+false=tralse

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Write a thesis related to the following question:
Should people be accountable for life or death situations?



People should be held accountable for life or death situations that they had substantial influence in or control over.


Your question is rather vague and not based upon any sort of book so I decided to give you a general statement --- heads start on your thesis. Life can be very surprising and sometimes events that happen are unstoppable. But clearly in every circumstance where an individual has affected something they should be held accountable for the outcome of their actions. Hope this helps.

Is this correct..?...​


Which statement best expresses the central idea of the passage

Identify which is a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, alliteration or personification.
2 x10=20
a. James ran like a cheetah.

b. Samantha sells samosas by the sea shore.

c. After I fell down from the tree my head to spin like a whirlpool.

d. The chair looked as if it waited for me to sit on it.

e. I am so busy. I have a million things to do.

f. She is as lazy as a 90 year old grandma.

g. Susan is a bunburyist who smiles like a cashmere cat.

h. The nanny was as sweet as a candy and as caring as a mother.

i. Betsy baked better bread with bananas, blueberries, and butter.

j. He was a tall giraffe.


Answer: a: simile     b: alliteration    c: simile    d: personification    e: hyperbole   f: simile      g: simile      h: simile     i: alliteration  j: metaphor

Explanation: Similes are comparing unlike things with like or as. This means that a, c, g and h are similes. However on d it also uses the word as but it's personification. That's because personification is giving nonliving things human like characteristics. A chair cannot wait, but a human can therefore it's personification. Alliteration is the repetiotion of the beginning sound on a set of words. So because most of the words in b and i start with the same sound, it's alliteration. E is a hyperbole because a hyperbole is an exaggeration. The speaker of the statement doesn't actually have a million things to do, they're exaggerating which makes it a hyperbole. Lastly j is a metaphor because it compares 2 unlike things without using like or as, instead using was. Hope this helps :)

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Because he was not treated week by her and was afraid of his wife.

Write a story in which a character receives $10,000 in the mail without knowing who sent it. What happens next? Make sure your story has a clear beginning, middle, and end. If you get stuck, try using the tips and lessons on the left side of the screen to help you out!


The above question wants to analyze your writing ability and imagination. For that reason, I can't write this story for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you should think about why this character got the money in the mail and how the character figured it out.

After that, you can write your story as follows:

Start with the character receiving the money in the mail.Show the character confused about this event and communicating with some people commenting on what happened.Show the character by contacting the post office to find out who sent the money.Show the character by initiating an investigation into this money and its sender.End with the character figuring out what that money means and who sent it.

You can find more information on how to write a short story at the link:




do you know how to do this

solve pls brainliest



The answer is future tense

9. "Ultima's owl gave the warning that the time of peace on our hill was drawing to an end," (Rudolfo 15). How does this quote provide foreshadowing?



It provides foreshadowing because the owl gives a warning that the peace would soon end.

10. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics
I began to worry about my grandmother when I noticed how gaunt she had become eating the nursing home food.
A. Distracted
B. Pale
C. Thin
D. Unsure



C) Thin


if the word in italics is gaunt, the answer would be thin

The word that best matches the word in italics I began to worry about my grandmother when I noticed how gaunt she had become, eating the nursing home food thin. The correct option is C.

What is writing?

The four primary categories of writing are expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive. We'll briefly discuss the distinguishing characteristics of these four writing styles on this blog post.

Italic script, sometimes referred to as chancery cursive and Italic hand, is a semi-cursive, slightly slanted calligraphic form that was created in Italy during the Renaissance. It is one of the most widely utilized calligraphy techniques in modern Western calligraphy.

This writing technique is easily learned by students and enhances the overall legibility of their writing. Because it doesn't include loops and frills, italic cursive is more readable and simpler to master than conventional cursive.

Therefore, the correct option is C. Thin.

To learn more about italic, refer to the link:


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I don't know which novel you're asking about. What book is it?

how should we take care of our public property?​


Each public place has rules that must be followed. Following these rules can lead to reasons on why public property should be taken care of.

hey pls say me the reported speech

Direct Speech / Indirect Speech

Change the direct speech sentences into indirect speech:

1 . I said, "Let's go and play now".

2. He said, "Come back home soon, it may rain".

3. She said, "The movie was boring".

4. They said, "Everyone can join us for the picnic".

5. John said, "It is frustrating that the WiFi is slow today".

6. Chan exclaimed, "Isn't this boring to do".

7. Mom said, "It is time that you started studying", to Eva.

8. Teacher said, "It is important to wake up on time on school days.​


We can change the sentences from direct speech into indirect or reported speech in the following manner:

I suggested going and playing then.He told me to go back home soon because it might rain.She said that the movie had been boring.They told us that everyone could join them for the picnic.John said it was frustrating that the WiFi was so slow that day.Chan asked if that wasn't boring to do.Mom told Eva it was time she started studying.Our teacher said it was important to wake up on time on school days.

What is direct speech?We have direct speech when we tell others what someone said using that person's exact words. To differentiate between speakers in the sentence, we use quotation marks.An example of direct speech is: Tina said, "I don't think we can make it."

What is indirect speech?We have indirect speech when we use our own words to tell others what someone said. Here, no quotation marks are used. Also, changes are made to the sentence:Verb tenses are used in the past form of the original ones.Subjects are adapted to show who said what.Time expressions also change to the past. For example: today - that day; now - then.

Let's take the example above again: Tina said, "I don't think we can make it." If we change it into indirect speech, it becomes: Tina said she didn't think they could make it.

Learn more about indirect speech here:


Which of these is the best summary of the last paragraph?

The narrator nodded in agreement after Tabitha explained why she decided to make her report about an
inspirational team

Tabitha explained that she made her report about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan because they were an
inspirational team

The narrator clapped along with everyone after Tabitha finished her report about an inspirational team

Tabitha explained why she decided to make her report about an inspirational team and everybody


The last one because it make the most sense

What are some negative connotations for the words: beauty, charm, wealth, glorious, freedom, and strength.



Hag, unattractiveness, poverty, miserable, captivity, weakness


Hope this helps!

(truly I can’t comprehend what connotations are lol)

Many words and phrases used in English were first written down in Shakespeare's plays.
Select one:
O True


The answer is: True.

Please help hurry 2 questions


1. Is personification because pictures can’t rlly say something or talk
2. Is a hyperbole because the subject isn’t rlly as light as a feather the person speaking is just exaggerating

Has anyone read the animal farm? If so, I need a sentence for "doctrine" relating to the animal farm.



Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer develop Old Major's idea that animals have a right to freedom and equality into “a complete system of thought” (Chapter 2) which they call Animalism. The central beliefs of Animalism are expressed in the Seven Commandments, painted on the wall of the big barn.

Explanation:i believe the doctrine that animals should control a farm so they have the food they actually want, and to be put by the animals they want to be put by.

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