Write a 500 or more word report about sin

No links cuz they dont help


Answer 1


The Bible’s answer

Sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards. It includes breaking God’s laws by doing what is wrong, or unrighteous, in God’s sight. (1 John 3:4; 5:​17) The Bible also describes sins of omission​—that is, failing to do what is right.​—James 4:​17.

 In the Bible’s original languages, the words for sin mean “to miss a mark,” or a target. For example, a group of soldiers in ancient Israel were so adept at slinging stones that they “would not miss.” That expression, if translated literally, could read “would not sin.” (Judges 20:16) Thus, to sin is to miss the mark of God’s perfect standards.

 As the Creator, God has the right to set standards for mankind. (Revelation 4:​11) We are accountable to him for our actions.​—Romans 14:12.

Is it possible to avoid sinning completely?

No. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:​23; 1 Kings 8:​46; Ecclesiastes 7:​20; 1 John 1:8) Why is that so?

 The first humans, Adam and Eve, were sinless in the beginning. That is because they were created perfect, in God’s image. (Genesis 1:​27) However, they lost their perfection by disobeying God. (Genesis 3:​5, 6, 17-​19) When they had children, they passed on sin and imperfection as inherited defects. (Romans 5:​12) As King David of Israel said, “I was born guilty of error.”​—Psalm 51:5.

Are some sins worse than others?

Yes. For example, the Bible says that the men of ancient Sodom were “wicked, gross sinners” whose sin was “very heavy.” (Genesis 13:13; 18:20) Consider three factors that determine the gravity, or weight, of sin.

 Severity. The Bible warns us to avoid such serious sins as sexual immorality, idolatry, stealing, drunkenness, extortion, murder, and spiritism. (1 Corinthians 6:​9-​11; Revelation 21:8) The Bible contrasts these with thoughtless, unintentional sins, for example, words or actions that hurt others. (Proverbs 12:18; Ephesians 4:​31, 32) Nevertheless, the Bible encourages us not to minimize any sins, since they can lead to more serious violations of God’s laws.​—Matthew 5:​27, 28.

 Motive. Some sins are committed in ignorance of what God requires. (Acts 17:30; 1 Timothy 1:​13) While not excusing such sins, the Bible distinguishes them from sins that involve willfully breaking God’s laws. (Numbers 15:30, 31) Willful sins come from a “wicked heart.”​—Jeremiah 16:12.

 Frequency. The Bible also makes a distinction between a single sin and a practice of sin over an extended period. (1 John 3:​4-8) Those who “practice sin willfully,” even after learning how to do what is right, receive God’s adverse judgment.​—Hebrews 10:26, 27.

 Those guilty of serious sin can feel overwhelmed by the weight of their mistakes. For instance, King David wrote: “My errors loom over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too much for me to bear.” (Psalm 38:4) Yet the Bible offers this hope: “Let the wicked man leave his way and the evil man his thoughts; let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.”​—Isaiah 55:7.

Answer 2


500 word report


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pls help with this question


B is the answer I am pretty sure

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(of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
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noun: dynamic; plural noun: dynamics
a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.
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another term for dynamics (sense 3).

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You could make a telephone call on it


Have a great day!

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As a result of this, we can see that the given sentence has two options which are "to break" and "breaking" which are choices and the correct choice is "breaking" because it is a present continuous tense which shows that the sentence is still in the present continuous form

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A letter to your friend telling him/her three ways in which computers have made learning easier for students



Dear friend,

Three ways computers have made learning easier to students are:

they made information more easily accessible, they gave learning tools and games, and they made online learning possible.

Yours truly,


Essay Outline: Topic is the greatest gift you have ever given OR received.

Task, Purpose and Audience

Task: Create an outline for a 5 paragraph descriptive essay following the prompt.

Prompt: The best gift I gave or received was…

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to entertain readers by providing an interesting description and theme of generosity portrayed through the topic you pick.

Audience: Your audience will be your teacher.


Bridge: (connects the hook and the thesis)


Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Thesis restatement:


Memorable idea:



See topic


Hook: Good luck

Bridge: (connects the hook and the thesis)


Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Topic Sentence:

Concrete Detail:

Concrete Detail:


Concluding Sentence:

Thesis restatement:


Memorable idea:

How does the setting of the story affect how Alejandro understands his mother in "One Thousand Miles"?.


The setting of the story was important as D. The vibrant setting of Los Angeles helps Alejandro realize why his mother decided to stay in Mexico after her family moved.

The setting of a story simply means where and when a story takes place. It is the location where a story takes place. The elements of a setting include place, mood, and time.

In the story, the setting of the story affected how Alejandro understands his mother as it helps him realize why his mother decided to stay in Mexico after her family moved.

Read related link on:


After the voice revealed himself as Darkstalker, he hoped Moon would do what?

(Book: Wings of Fire - Moon Rising)



Beautiful Book, he hoped the moon would have been touched in the heart.


They love to visit Hilton Head every summer, where you can swim in the ocean.

Identify the pronoun problem that applies.(10 points)
Fix the error by inserting the correct pronoun.(10 points)
Explain why you made the correction that you did reference the pronoun problem.(10 points)


We can identify the pronoun problem, fix it and explain it in the following manner:

1. In "They love to visit Hilton Head every summer, where you can swim in the ocean," the pronoun problem is the use of "you" in the second part of the sentence.

2. We can fix that error by using "they" instead of "you": They love to visit Hilton Head every summer, where they can swim in the ocean.

3. The reason why we must use "they" is the fact that the first part of the sentence is talking about "they", so to speak.

When we suddenly use "you", we are changing the perspective of the sentence. To remain consistent, we must use "they".

This type of pronoun error is quite common in informal, spoken language. It refers to a sudden change in perspective.

Take a look at the example: I enjoy going to that café because you can get some delicious desert there.

The sentence in the example begins with the perspective of the speaker, "I", but suddenly changes to what "you" can do.

Although a listener would understand what the speaker means, it still sounds odd.

That is what happens in the sentence we are analyzing here. The sudden change from "they" to "you" sounds odd.

To correct it, we must use "they" instead of "you".

Learn more about pronoun problems here:


PLZ help me no link and do not copy and paste the topic

Group Discussion
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Its probably way to late but for the future people.


I focused on my topic and viewed my key points to the best of my ability. In a discussion, you are not allowed to interrupt the person who is talking or whenever someone else talks we must be able to listen and respect the other group. In my opinion I think that I did gave my point justice in explaining in great detail. Considering my topic of discussion I did not include personal experience only facts that I researched. I was able to listen and respect my peers including my teammates. When other teams disagree, I will simply show my evidence to deny their views. The other team would use facts as well as their personal experience to get their point through. There were times when the other teams evidence did not line up so my team was quick in disproving it. Of course there were moments when I disagreed with the other teams as it was a debate, but I respectfully allowed them to continue until it was my turn to speak. There were times when my language was grammatically correct and appropriate to the topic. For example I said “With that being said” or “It occurs to me”. When it was my turn to talk I would sit up straight and make sure that my posture represented confidence. For example with my hands I would also move them around to make people feel easy and use it to my advantage. I used eye contact when I felt as if my confidence in the discussion needed to be represented. I used a straight forward voice to my advantage as well as it dominates the attention to my point of discussion. When the group came to a conclusion we did a report and were able to have a mutual agreement that we stayed on task and were able to complete the debate efficiently

. The group discussion was efficient as we all listened and respected our peers and showed passion during our debate as to why we thought out opinion was correct.  

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?

A. Carol was the last person, out of the house wasn't she?

B. Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she?

C. Carol, was the last person out of the house wasn't she?

D. Carol was the last person out of the house wasn't, she?




hope it helps you brainliest

Answer: C


because it is the correct answer, got it right on my test.

How change indirect speech of my brother said,"I'm staying here for a week


My brother said that he will be staying here for a week.

In paragraph 4, the author states, “In the digital age, we’re seeing more sophisticated limbs.” What details does he provide in support of this main idea?


The details that support the author's main idea that "In the digital age, we're seeing more sophisticated limbs" are:

1. The thought-controlled bionic leg that Zac Vawter used to climb the floors of Willis Tower.

2. Glen Lehman's nerve-controlled bionic hand.

3. The artificial hand known as i-limb Ultra.

4. Cathy Hutchinson's robotic arm controlled by a device in her brain.

This question refers to the article "Are Bionic Superhumans on the Horizon?" by Ramez Naam.In paragraph 4, the author states that more sophisticated limbs are being developed in this digital age we live in.In the following paragraph, he presents details that support that main idea. That is, he gives examples that prove his idea is right and credible.He offers four examples of limbs developed through science and technology that gave different people the ability to use their legs, arms, or hands again.The four examples or details are:

1. Zac Vawter's thought-controlled bionic leg.

2. Glen Lehman's nerve-controlled bionic hand.

3. The artificial hand known as i-limb Ultra.

4. Cathy Hutchinson's robotic arm.

Learn more about main ideas and details here:


1. Which detail best supports the idea that the Cheboygans stood out from the other students in
(1 Point)
A. "That's when the Cheboygans sailed in, coming through the front doors as if on a tide of light." (Paragraph
B. "The boy was tall, with long auburn hair tied in a pony-tail at the nape of his neck and a smattering
of freckles across his nose." (Paragraph 12)
C. "The city, in our world, could refer to several nearby places – Hartford, New York, Boston - but mostly, we
meant it as a code." (Paragraph 15)
D. "When I walked into Mrs. Bleyer's homeroom, the girl Cheboygan was sitting at my usual desk" (Paragraph



A. "That's when the Cheboygans sailed in, coming through the front doors as if on a tide of light."


Which literary device(s) would be best to
include as part of a literary analysis topic?
A. The device of symbolism, which occurs throughout the text and
strongly supports the theme
B. The device of irony, which is somewhat hidden in one or two
places in the text
C The device of metaphor, which the author uses in the text but
which does not strongly tie to theme





When writing an analysis, it's best to use symbolism as a device. Many writers use symbolism to convey different things and make their feelings shine through when words alone don't quite cut it.

The answer to this question is A

Can someone plz help me on this one? I really don’t get it :(


infront of “the” im pretty sure!!

In the second person point of view, the narrator is not a character in the story – but “you” are. Speeches and instruction manuals are often written in the second person. Second person often uses the pronoun “you”.

Which of the following is an example of second person point of view?

“Guys,” I said, “I think we may be heading the wrong way.”

You slowly realize you didn’t step in mud.

She quickly convinced us that we should follow her.

We try to welcome all newcomers.


A would be third person because of use of I, and is wrong.

B would be in second person because of the usage of You, so it is correct.

C and D are first person so they are incorrect.

What is a complex sentence for tacit?



he gave his tacit approval in letters to the media

Which statement provides the MOST LIKELY reason a reader would argue that "The Journey to Acceptance" is more objective than "Mendel's Momentous Work"?A"The Journey to Acceptance" reads like a scientific book, while "Mendel’s Momentous Work" reads like a blog post.B"The Journey to Acceptance" has a structured argument that is easy to follow, whereas "Mendel’s Momentous Work" is complex and difficult to understand.C"The Journey to Acceptance" praises Mendel as the most important scientist of the 1800s, whereas in "Mendel’s Momentous Work" his scientific discoveries are criticized.D"The Journey to Acceptance" has more facts and details, whereas "Mendel’s Momentous Work" uses feelings and thoughts to make the passage more engaging for readers.



It is D: "The Journey to Acceptance" has more facts and details, whereas "Mendel’s Momentous Work" uses feelings and thoughts to make the passage more engaging for readers.


I had the same question before.

Punch on his nose. Change this sentence into passive voice​


The statement in Passive Voice would read: His nose was punched.

What is a Passive Voice?

Passive Voice is a form or set of forms of a verb in which the subject executes or receives the action of the verb (e.g. they were identified as opposed to the active form he identified them).

The formula for Passive Voice is given below:

Subject + will be + present participle + object.

That is: S + will + be + ing + past participle + by object.

Learn more about Passive Voice at:

I wish, Sir, to set some investigations of this kind afloat in France; and should they lead to a confirmation of my principles, when your constitution is revised the Rights of Woman may be respected, if it be fully proved that reason calls for this respect, and loudly demands JUSTICE for one half of the human race.
–A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,

Mary Wollstonecraft
Which Enlightenment principle does this passage most clearly convey?
>use of scientific inquiry
>rejection of superstition
>support for human rights
>observation of natural law



A. Women’s rights deserve the same respect as men’s rights.

D. It is unjust for women to be excluded from having equal rights.


it is c- support for human rights.


edge 2023

do you agree or disagree that bigger is a sign that something is important? why or why not ?


This truly depends on what case you are looking at. Personally, I would say yes, things that are BIG or BOLD are usually being expressed importantly or directly. However, in some cases, this is not how it will go.

Part A

In the story "Life on the Sea," why does the captain think about his family when he is at sea?

He thinks about his family to help himself feel better when he is unhappy with life at sea.

He thinks about his family to give himself strength to be a better captain.

He thinks about his family because he is worried about their safety at home while he is away.

He thinks about his family to distract himself from a difficult job.
Question 2
Part B

Which excerpts from the story best support the answer in Part A?

Select the two correct answers.

"In the morning, he would call his daughter and tell her about the big storm and hear the wonder in her voice at the size of each wave."

"He imagined their voices telling him that they were proud of him, and it filled him with a strength that he hadn’t felt at other times during this journey."

"His wife, Marla, didn’t understand his obsession with the water, why he spent months of the year navigating a boat full of crab fishermen to isolated spots of the ocean hundreds of miles from shore."

"He touched the picture of his family that was inside his raincoat as the next wave approached."


In the story "Life on the Sea," the reason why the captain think about his family when he is at sea is

B. He thinks about his family to give himself strength to be a better captain.

The excerpts from the story which best support the answer in Part A is:

B. "He imagined their voices telling him that they were proud of him, and it filled him with a strength that he hadn’t felt at other times during this journey."

Based on the given question, we can see that from the complete text, there is the belief of the captain that he loves his family very much and thinks about them when he is out at sea because they give him strength to be a  better captain.

This is shown when he thinks about his family when he was at sea that gives him strength which he didn't have before.

Therefore, the correct answers are options B and B

Read more about "Life on the Sea," here:


Calculate the speed of a car that travels 50 km (kilometers) in 30 min (minutes).

Question 1 options:

1.6 km/min (kilometers per minute)

1.6 miles/hour

1,500 km/min (kilometers per minute)

1,500 miles/hour


The speed in kilometer per minute of the car that travels 50 km in 30 min is 1.6 km/min (kilometers per minute)

Speed (km per minute) = Total distance / Total time taken

Total distance = 50 km

Total time = 30 minutes

Speed (km per minute) = Total distance / Total time taken

= 50 km / 30 minutes

= 1.666666666666666

Therefore, the speed in kilometer per minute of the car that travels 50 km in 30 min is 1.6 km/min (kilometers per minute)

Learn more about speed:



1.6 KM/MIN


Can someone plz help me? :(



options 2 and 5 make the most sense to me

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