Why the men who wrote the Constitution distributed federal power among the three branches. ​


Answer 1

According to the doctrine of separation of powers, the U.S. Constitution distributed the power of the federal government among these three branches, and built a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one branch could become too powerful.

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is electoral college bad and why





If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. ... Each Senator casts one vote for Vice President.

I’ll give brainlist whom ever answers this
No plagiarism pls.
How do Somalis preserve Somali culture



Somalia is a long, narrow country that wraps around the Horn of Africa. It has the longest coast of any African nation, bordering on both the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The inland areas are predominantly plateaus, with the exception of some rugged mountains in the far north. The northern region is more arid, whereas the southern portion of the country receives more rainfall. Many Somalis are nomadic or semi-nomadic herders, some are fishermen, and some farmers. Mogadishu is the capital and largest city.

what is the issues of the 1892 presidential election?



Es difícil elaborar las reglas concernientes a la elección y a los partidos y candidatos que puedan enfrentar efectivamente este problema.


espero que te sirva : )

which development was an accomplishment of the mauryan empire?


Among the greatest achievements of the Mauryan Empire was the creation of a stable economy and trade network.

got it online..

What was the name of the white supremacist group that emerged during Reconstruction and targeted African American



the Ku Klux Klan


why did the confederate lost the civil war



The most convincing 'internal' factor behind southern defeat was the very institution that prompted secession: slavery. Enslaved people fled to join the Union army, depriving the South of labour and strengthening the North by more than 100,000 soldiers. Even so, slavery was not in itself the cause of defeat.


Why did Republicans oppose slavery?​



Republicans initially had a preference for creating free states, not slave states, and they opposed slavery for several reasons: Republicans were in the North and did not own slaves.

The Democratic-Republicans fought the effort of the Federalists to create a powerful, centralized government and fought the creation of a federal bank and oppose slavery.

What is slavery?

The practice of owning another person, is sometimes known as slavery. A slave was stripped of the majority of the rights typically enjoyed by free people since they were regarded by law like chattel, or property. 

Republicans supported slavery for a plethora of reasons, including their location in the South and the fact that they didn't own any slaves. Republicans generally preferred the creation of free states rather than slave states.

The reformers wanted to end the ownership of slaves because they believed that slavery was an atrocity and a curse on the United States. They circulated a ton of anti-slavery books among Southerners and petitioned Congress, sought for election, and distributed it widely.

Learn more about slavery, Here:



How do hunter-gatherers go from migratory people to a developed civilization? What is the pattern that we discussed in Unit 1 with the first civilizations like Mesopotamia and now the pattern you see again in Mesoamerica?



I DONT KNOW the answer

Describe the homeland of Alexander the Great.



Its looks like an old greek place

4. What did the following streets represent?
A. Broadway
B. Madison Ave. =
C. Wall Street =



Broadway: A large open or main road.

Madson Ave: a center of the advertising and public relations industries

Wall street:  symbol of high finance and investment



Broadway Represent Commercial Theater

Madison Ave represent Advertising

Wall street Repersent High Finace and Investment

Compare and contrast the Spanish and English methods of colonization. Provide at least three (3) examples of similarities (compare) and differences (contrast).



The Spanish engaged in harsh military activity and activity defeated and took over Native American civilizations they encountered. The English did engage in some physical combat with Native Americans during colonization, but not nearly as much as the Spanish. The English preferred to leave the Native Americans alone and build their own colonies, while the Spanish actively used the Native Americans as slaves and tried to convert them to Christianity.


Hope this helps!

Many historians consider the __________ version of soccer to be the origin of the game played today. Selected Answer: CorrectB. English Answers: A. Persian CorrectB. English C. Greek D. Roman


I think that it was the Greeks

What does "equal protection under the law" mean?



Equal Protection refers to the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing laws. The governing body state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances.



Equal protection under the law means that a persons similarly situated must be similarly treated, and they must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances.


how many survived to celebrate the first thanksgiving in 1621?



53 pilgrims survived to celebrate the first thanksgiving in 1621

Research the following Reconstruction scandals using an encyclopedia, the Internet, or other sources:

New York's Tweed Ring, the Credit Mobilier Scandal, and Black Friday.
Use correct language, spelling, and punctuation to write at least 300 words on each of these three scandals. You should assess and explain the individuals involved, the nature of the scandal, and the consequences of the influence of their activities on the government or everyday life. The total length of your report should be 900 words.


I will answer soon am writing it in my note


New York’s Tweed Ring

    William M. Tweed, or "Boss Tweed", started out his career as a New York City fireman and then began working his way up the political ladder until he was elected into the State Senate in 1867. Tweed gathered a small ring of bigwigs around him, these men were largely in control of New York City's finances. Tweed's Ring was essentially in control of New York City until 1870, using embezzlement, bribery, and kickbacks so that they could siphon massive chunks of the city's budget into their own pockets - anywhere from $40 million to $200 million. Companies that were under the control of the Tweed Ring would bill the city for work that wasn't done or they would overprice work that they had done, and the kickbacks would filter into the pockets of Tweed and his cronies. Those same companies, under city contracts would do the job poorly so that the work would need to be repaired shortly, which would then be done by other companies controlled by the Tweed Ring. William Tweed also had a large part in New York City's transportation system, so he delayed the construction of the subway system for years. Tweed and his ring of followers were eventually discovered, but only due to the investigative journalism by the New York Times and by the political cartoons in Harper's Weekly, which were done by Thomas Nast. The men involved were all tried, Tweed's trial ended with him being convicted of forgery and larceny and was then given a 12 year sentence in jail. He was actually released in only one year but was soon arrested again and sued by New York City in a $6 million civil suit. He fled to Cuba in 1875, and then to Spain, but was arrested immediately upon arrival there and was sent back to New York where he was sent to prison and then died there in 1878.

The Credit Mobilier Scandal

      In 1864 the Union Pacific Railroad created the Crédit Mobilier of America construction company as part of an attempt to earn more money and falsely prove to the US Government and citizens that they would contract companies outside of their business. That same year Congressman Oakes Ames began to hand out cash bribes and discounted shares of the Crédit Mobilier company to fellow congressmen in order to gain more votes and favorable actions for the Union Pacific company. Then, the Union Pacific contracted the Crédit Mobilier company to build the eastern portion of the First Transcontinental Railroad at rates significantly above the average railroad construction cost. These construction contracts brought high profits to the Crédit Mobilier company, which was owned by the Union Pacific's directors and principal stockholders, who divided the outsize profits with the Union Pacific stockholders. The Union Pacific was able to circumvent rules that required them to receive full payment for stock issued at par by writing bank checks for Crédit Mobilier to pay them, then Crédit Mobilier would purchase stock for the Union Pacific using these checks. The main way that Crédit Mobilier and Union Pacific were able to get away with it was by using indirect billing and cash for the payment. The construction of the railroad required large sums of money for construction and Crédit Mobilier prepared reports that they sent to congress via Union Pacific with exaggerated costs for the construction. In the end, US Congress paid $94,650,287 to Crédit Mobilier through Union Pacific, while Crédit Mobilier incurred operating costs of only $50,720,959 and the Union Pacific earned $44 million. The scandal was discovered by the New York newspaper The Sun in 1872 There were 15 politicians involved in this part of the scandal including the Vice President Schuyler Colfax, James Garfield who would eventually become the President of the United States; and many congress representatives.


9Rousseau believed that the only legitimate government was one that responded to the will of the people. What did Rousseau hope the people would do in that type of government?


Answer: As long as they remained residents of the state, he believed that citizens must obey the laws or be forced to do so.

To what extent did the Industrial Revolution bring social-economic or political progress to Europe in the 1800s.


It helped in shaping the country, civilization of citizens,governmental systems emerged ,general growth in economy was eshtabished and also increase in population growth rates due to increased productivity thus secure food supply

After reading the excerpt above, what type of warfare was used during the Battle of Kings Mountain? *






it is guerilla.


The reason being is because they're using hidden run tactics meaning that they're using what they know in order to get a better position from the loyalists

What is significant about Angela Merkel’s position as chancellor of Germany?


she was the first women to become chancellors of Germany

One appeal of fascism to italians was its promise of:



promise of a stable government



I’m pretty sure it is B

What animal did the long drive out West
A. Cattle
B. Sheep
C. Pigs
D. Horses



(A): Cattle. brainliest expected for me.

Answer: A

Explanation: 1. The long drive began with the spring cattle from the open range 2. Cattle were divided and branded

president hoover responded cautiously to the depression because he


The answer is: he thought the business cycle would correct itself
President Hoover responded cautiously to the depression because he... ....a lack of credit. President Hoover urged Congress to institute the RFC because he believed that the economy suffered from... ... President Hoover's economic policies had failed

after the battle of san jacinto, what did antonio lopez de santa anna sign?



The Peace Treaty


After being held for about three weeks as a prisoner of war, Santa Anna signed the peace treaty that dictated that the Mexican army leave the region, paving the way for the Republic of Texas to become an independent country.

To declare war, Adams had to get approval from Congress. What principle of government is being demonstrated?


The principle being demonstrated is Checks and Balances. In order for the president to declare war, the need approval from Congress. However, many times presidents have commenced military operations without approval or consent with Congress, which has raised questions and concerns.

I hope this helps! :)

What issue led American Baptists to withdraw from the American Bible Society to form the American and Foreign Bible Society


Based on historical perspective, the issue that led the American Baptists to withdraw from the American Bible Society to form the American and Foreign Bible Society is the issue of slavery abolition.

American Baptists, particularly the northern section of the American Baptists, did not support slavery but encouraged freedom of slavery.

At some point in history, the American Bible Society did not support the idea of distributing Bibles to the slaves. This goes against the tenets of the American Baptist, particularly the northern part, which supported slavery abolition.

This led the American Baptists to form the American and Foreign Bible Society eventually.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "the issue of slavery."

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/985261


"Come back with your shield or on it."

- Spartan saying

Witnesses record that mothers whose sons

died in battle openly rejoiced, while moth-

ers whose sons survived hung their heads in


We do not imitate our neighbors but are an

example to them. We are called a democracy

because the administration of our govern-

ment is in the hands of the many and not of

the few. Our laws afford equal justice to all in

their private disputes, while advancement in

public life is based on reputation and ability.

– Pericles of Athens

Based on these excerpts, how did the ancient city-states of Sparta and Athens compare with each other?


Athens praised imitation, while Sparta encouraged creativity


Sparta glorified combat, while Athens exalted democracy


Spartan mothers were cold and uncaring, while Athenian mothers encouraged individualism


Athens exa



The answer is B.


Spartans lived on the idea of battle and pride.

How did the Mauryan Empire's army help to promote trade?

A. It helped defeat rival trading empires.
B. It protected trade routes from thieves.
C. It helped acquire new colonies for raw materials.
D. It stopped the importation of unfamiliar products.


Mauryan Empire's army helped acquire new colonies for raw materials to promote trade. Therefore opinion B is correct.

What is Army?

The Army is a strong combat force that protects and serves our country on land, at sea, and in the air. Army Rangers and Special Forces, two elite units, undergo specialized training for complex combat circumstances.

The Army maintains permanent stations throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in addition to domestic bases, and troops are deployed wherever there is war. Individual service commitments might last anything from two years to a lifetime.

Anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 may enroll in the Army (17 with parental consent). A resident immigrant or U.S. citizen is required. The high school equivalency test, such as the GED, may be recognized in lieu of a diploma. A physical fitness examination and the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test are also required. There can be extra criteria for some positions.

To learn more about  Army follow the link.




its b good luck^^


Could a child born in a soddy in the 1880s have been a farmer during the Dust Bowl years?


Answer: Yes.

Explanation: Because it was about 10 to 20 years later that the removal of prairie grass started the beginning of the Dust Bowl.

in the space provided, write a letter to a friend about your visit to the Spartan city-state! be sure to record all you learned about the Spartan economy!



Explanation: Dear friend, i have had a great time here and miss you dearly i have found some old drachma, and have been helping with the farming for the slaves it's hot out and i have a good time iv'e learned alot about this place like how drachma is a silver coin of Ancient greece  dating back to the mid 6th centruy

bc, and the former monetary unit of modern Greece. The drachma was one of the world's earliest coins. Its name derives from the Greek verb meaning “to grasp,” and its original value was equivalent to that of a handful of arrows. they kinda heavy to hold in your hand and the food is good i want to help all the people and have learned about how their econmey relied on man farming.                                  well for now my friend i have to get somme sleep

love, you'r friend

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