Why is the tea ceremony of japan is important to modern life? Write in your own words 8 sentences please help me someone its very important:(


Answer 1


In Japan, tea is more than just a hot drink. It is a very important ritual that has a lot of meaning within the culture. The tea ceremony represents purity, tranquillity, respect and harmony and a lot of preparation goes into this important event. Discover more about the history of Japanese tea below .


Hope this helps !!
Why Is The Tea Ceremony Of Japan Is Important To Modern Life? Write In Your Own Words 8 Sentences Please

Related Questions

The word gymnasium is not originally from the English language, it's ______________.






Answer: The word gymnasium is originally a Latin word

III. The following paragraph contrasts the writer’s two cousins. Three major differences are identified, andeach of these is illustrated with several specific examples. Read the paragraph and circle anytransitions. Then write the transitions in the appropriate blanks below.OppositesMy cousins Joanne and Mary couldn’t be more different. First, Joanne is a total nonconformist. For one thing, Joanne’s appearance is bizarre. For example, her hair is partially shaved and dyed pink, and she’s covered in tattoos. In addition, her favorite clothes are ripped and have pictures on them of things like skulls. Furthermore, Joanne has a wild personality. For instance, she’ll do outrageous things, like the time she got her nose pierced. Another time, she hitchhiked to San Francisco at 2:00 a.m. Finally, when it comes to interests, Joanne is really into music. She plays the guitar in a punk rock band, and she loves to go to clubs and concerts to check out other bands. In contrast, Mary is the total opposite of Joanne. For one thing, Mary’s appearance is very conservative. For instance, her naturally blond hair is usually in a ponytail, and her favorite clothes are sweats or a soccer uniform. Unlike Joanne, Mary is the type of person who likes to follow the rules. For example, she’s never missed a day of school, and she can be relied on to be the designated driver any time she goes out to a party. Finally, Mary is a jock. She plays almost every sport, but soccer is her favorite. When she’s not playing sports, she’s watching them on television or in person. Truly, if I didn’t already know that Joanne and Mary are cousins, I would never guess that they’re related to each other because they’re complete opposites.1.What three transitions introduce Joanne’s character traits: nonconformist, wild personality, interests?________________________________________ ______________________2.List two transitions used in describing Mary that show contrast:______________________ _______________________3.List two transitions used to introduce examples:______________________ _______________________4.List two transitions used to add another example:______________________ _______________________5. What transition is used to signal the conclusion? ____________________________


The transitions as requested are as follows;

First, For one thing, FinallyFirst, For one thing, FinallyUnlike Joanne, In contrastFirst, For one thing, FinallyUnlike Joanne, In contrastFor instance, For exampleFirst, For one thing, FinallyUnlike Joanne, In contrastFor instance, For exampleIn addition, FurthermoreFirst, For one thing, FinallyUnlike Joanne, In contrastFor instance, For exampleIn addition, FurthermoreTruly.

First, we must understand what transitions are.

In writing, a transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. This connection can occur within a paragraph or between paragraphs. Transitions are used to show how sen- tences or paragraphs are related to each other and how they relate to the overall theme of the paper.

In essence, the three transitions that introduce Joanne’s character traits: nonconformist, wild personality, interests are; First, For one thing, Finally.

The two transitions used in describing Mary that show contrast are: Unlike Joanne and In contrast.

The two transitions used to introduce examples are: For instance and For example

The two transitions used to add another example are; In addition and Furthermore

The transition used to signal the conclusion is; Truly.

Read more on transitions:


What does the text list



Texting involves using a phone, or another device, to send a text message toExplanation:

Which of the following sentences follows the noun/verb/adverb sentence pattern?
None of the choices are correct.
The children played.
Bob will be happy.
Carson eats macaroni and cheese.
The duck waddled slowly.


The duck waddled slowly. Duck (noun) waddled (verb) slowly (adverb)

Come up with four interesting interview questions for the leader of the mission sending humans to Mars. You are only providing your questions, not the answers that could be given to those questions.

Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the interview.
Do not ask questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no." Ask questions that begin with how, what, or why. They will prompt your source to give more detailed answers.
Be courteous and friendly. Make the interviewee feel comfortable answering your questions.
Sentence Starter: Hi, my name is ___________________________. I was asked to be a member of the first human mission to Mars, but before I respond, I have a few questions for you.



Hi my name is Jocalyne. I was asked to be a member of the first human mission to Mars, but before I respond, I have a few questions for you.

(1) How do you plan on sending humans up to Mars?

(2) What do you plan on doing when you send those people into space?

(3) Do you have a plan if something bad happens?, if so please explain.

(4) Why are you sending humans why not a vegetable or a bunny?


I hope this helps

(I used my actual name as well)


I would suggest using questions like these-

1. What do you plan to do once arriving on Mars?

2. How safe do you believe this trip will be?

3. Why are you going to Mars?

4. Did you choose to be leader of this trip, or were you forced, and why did either or take place?

Hopefully this is useful! I apologize if it's not.

Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence.
out?/ do/ want/ you/ when/ what/ you/ to/ say/ go




(sorry i couldnt answer, i tried so many different ways but nothing seemed correct-)


what do you say when you want to go out

how you can help children with disabilitíe in yoủ community



All children need love, encouragement, and support, and for kids with learning disabilities, such positive reinforcement can help ensure that they emerge with a strong sense of self-worth, confidence, and the determination to keep going even when things are tough.

In searching for ways to help children with learning disabilities, remember that you are looking for ways to help them help themselves. Your job as a parent is not to “cure” the learning disability, but to give your child the social and emotional tools they need to work through challenges. In the long run, facing and overcoming a challenge such as a learning disability can help your child grow stronger and more resilient.

Always remember that the way you behave and respond to challenges has a big impact on your child. A good attitude won’t solve the problems associated with a learning disability, but it can give your child hope and confidence that things can improve and that they will eventually succeed.

What was sheriff Tate's rationale for not revealing Arthur Radley's role ??? Please help !


Sheriff Tate’s rationale was that Boo (Arthur) was a recluse. He did not like being around people let alone being in the spot light, which is what would happen if Boo was revealed. Bob Ewell was a bad man, who would continue to do bad things. No body was going to be upset that he was gone.

Read the affirmative claim and the negative counterclaim.

Affirmative claim: All students should have access to a free college education. Within the last twenty years, the average cost of college has nearly tripled, making a college degree unobtainable for many.
Negative counterclaim: Most students already receive some form of financial assistance that reduces the cost of a college education. Since many states are already financially burdened, it would be irresponsible of them to cover all college fees for all students.

Which phrase from the negative counterclaim contains the strongest use of pathos?


After reading the claim and the counterclaim, we can say that the phrase from the counterclaim which contains the strongest use of pathos is:

"It would be irresponsible of them to cover all college fees."

What is pathos?Pathos is one of the three persuasion techniques first mentioned by Aristotle. Pathos is the appeal to emotion. It means the speaker tries to convince her audience by evoking feelings and emotions.For example, imagine your purpose is to convince the people in your audience to donate to a certain charity. To evoke pity in them, you show them images of people suffering and explain how they, the audience, can help. This situation is an example of pathos.

Where is pathos in the counterclaim?The speaker in the counterclaim is trying to evoke emotions when they say that it would be irresponsible of states to cover all college fees. The adjective "irresponsible" brings forth feelings associated with its use.The audience may feel, upon hearing that word, that it is outrageous to demand such a things from states.When someone is irresponsible, we tend to feel displeased. Therefore, we do not want states to be irresponsible.

With that in mind, we can say that the phrase which contains the strongest use of pathos is "It would be irresponsible of them to cover all college fees."

Learn more about pathos here:





Which organisms occupy two different places within the same food chain? (Select all that apply.)
pitcher plant
Venus flytrap


Considering the available options, the organisms that could occupy two different places within the same food chain are remora, pitcher plant, and Venus flytrap.

What is Food Chain?

Food Chain is the straight web of links in a food network beginning from producer organisms and stopping at top predator animals, detritivores, or decomposer organisms.

In this case, remora is a predatory fish and can also be eaten by higher animals like bigger fish or crocodiles.

Also, the pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that can trap and consume small animals and, at the same time, can be consumed by more giant animals.

Similarly, the Venus flytrap is a plant that can trap and consume small animals while being eaten by bigger animals.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is options B, C, and D.

Learn more about Food Chain here: https://brainly.com/question/16504883


The answer is pitcher plants and remora


So I’ve written the side for why I agree however I need help for why I would disagree so to rephrase the statement:

Food companies and advertising are not to be blamed……




Banning and partial banning of fast food advertising has been a cause for debate globally over the last few years. The call to ban has been in large part due to the influence these businesses have on childhood obesity rates. Another factor driving the debate is health issues in the general population from the consumption of fast foods. Diabetes, intestinal problems, and poor dental health are all contributed to by processed foods and high sugar content drinks that are the mainstay of fast food restaurants.


Food companies and advertising are not to be blamed……

Children are exposed to mature content on a daily basis. This is why I believe it has negative consequences, such as forcing them to grow up faster, changing children's values and beliefs, and promoting junk foods and unhealthy lifestyles. As the years pass, so does the risk of sickness being diagnosed in children, which increases as the it comes to advertising and marketing, children are a heavily affected demographic. Nothing is simpler than appealing to children's wide-eyed gazes, but since they are so easy to entice, they are badly influenced by being blasted with a variety of alluring commercials.


So, you're asking for the negative side? This is my opinion why I would disagree.

Which describes a verb tense shift? a verb tense changes a verb tense is irregular a verb tense is spelled wrong a verb tense stays the same



a verb tense changes


an example:

I went to the store, and I buy some apples.


Who should you look closely at to figure out the theme of the play



The Protagonist, Antagonist, and supporting cast.


What does West
mean when she says to Sis,
"It's enough for me that you listened"? (The Sun Palor)


It means sister or girl

Select the word that means ‘produced’.
For most of the twentieth century, people with disabilities faced discrimination and were often kept at home. But the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, passed in 1990, has wrought many changes. For example, today more places are accessible to people in wheelchairs, and many people with disabilities have been enabled to live independently.



'Wrought' means 'produced'.

Final Exam
The words below have a similar
denotation. Which word has the
most positive connotation?
docile, unstable, flexible
A. docile
B. unstable
C. flexible


the answer is C. flexible

A _____ marks the first phrase of this folk tune.






I Think An Slur Actually marks The Phrase Of this Because I Play Trumpet I like to slur a lot and I just Played This So SLUR I think

In this unit, you read excerpts from naturalist and realist literary works. One such work is the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. As you read the story, write about the topics in the table. The information you add to the table will help you complete Task 2. As you enter information in the table, consider the following questions:

How do literary elements and rhetorical devices, such as foreshadowing, imagery, and symbolism affect your understanding of the story?
Where do you notice the theme of naturalism?
How does the author develop the characters in the story?
Use these strategies while reading the text. Then, use your notes to complete the table.

Use a highlighter
Read the story carefully and use a highlighter to call out important passages, phrases, or twists in the story.
Do not overuse the highlighter. It would defeat the purpose of emphasizing a part of the text if the majority of text is highlighted.
Add notes to the margin
In addition to highlighting the text, add comments or questions to the margin of the page.
Use a notebook
For answers that require a larger area to make notes, use a separate notebook instead of the margin.
You can also use the following link for reference:

Close reading a text
Complete the table.
Prologue–Chapter 2 While reading, think about…
theme of naturalism

Chapters 3–5 While reading, think about…

author’s purpose/point of view
communication between characters

Chapters 6–8 While reading, think about…

rhetorical devices

Chapter 9–Epilogue While reading, think about…

the tragic hero
figurative language




Prologue–Chapter 2 While reading, think about…



theme of naturalism

Setting: Ethan Frome is set in the fictional town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The story spans about 25 years, probably beginning in the late 1890s or early 1900s.


theme of naturalism:

Chapters 3–5 While reading, think about…

author’s purpose/point of view


communication between characters

Chapters 6–8 While reading, think about…

rhetorical devices



rhetorical devices: the whole story is riddled with them like when the scarf is worn by Mattie I think it symbolizes youth and being pretty

themes:There are a few themes that are in this book. One that issee personally is how your social environment makes you think ofall of the things you must not dolike cheat on your wife. Also another theme is the depression on winter and how wintereffected all of the residents ofthat town

characterization: ethan fromeused to be a beautiful man with adying mother ad then married Zeena who became old and less attractive. Then Mattie came into his life and became his love interest.

Chapter 9–Epilogue While reading, think about…


the tragic hero

figurative language

theme: The theme at the end of the book in my opinion cares  about what you have in the first place (Zeena) because she stuck by you since the very beginning

the tragic hero: Ethans's life became a tragedy since he could not escape Starkfield and poverty and on top of that because of the sled crash he now looks disfigured and unappealing.

figurative language: At the end of the book Mrs. hale talks about how she thinks that the Fromefamily that's living on the farm and the ones that are already dead are pretty much the same to everyone

Answer:Prologue–Chapter 2 While reading, think about…settingforeshadowingtheme of naturalismSetting: Ethan Frome is set in the fictional town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The story spans about 25 years, probably beginning in the late 1890s or early 1900s.foreshadowing:theme of naturalism:Chapters 3–5 While reading, think about…author’s purpose/point of viewsymbolismcommunication between charactersChapters 6–8 While reading, think about…rhetorical devicesthemescharacterizationrhetorical devices: the whole story is riddled with them like when the scarf is worn by Mattie I think it symbolizes youth and being prettythemes:There are a few themes that are in this book. One that issee personally is how your social environment makes you think ofall of the things you must not dolike cheat on your wife. Also another theme is the depression on winter and how wintereffected all of the residents ofthat towncharacterization: ethan fromeused to be a beautiful man with adying mother ad then married Zeena who became old and less attractive. Then Mattie came into his life and became his love interest.Chapter 9–Epilogue While reading, think about…themethe tragic herofigurative languagetheme: The theme at the end of the book in my opinion cares  about what you have in the first place (Zeena) because she stuck by you since the very beginningthe tragic hero: Ethans's life became a tragedy since he could not escape Starkfield and poverty and on top of that because of the sled crash he now looks disfigured and unappealing.figurative language: At the end of the book Mrs. hale talks about how she thinks that the Fromefamily that's living on the farm and the ones that are already dead are pretty much the same to everyone


Felipe is making a word families chart for the domain
words in this text. Should he add the underlined word to
one of his word families?
O yes, because this word has a specific meaning
within the domain of guitars
yes, because this word means the same thing in
different subjects
O no, because this word has a specific meaning within
the domain of guitars
no. because this word means the same thing in
different subjects


The answer to the prompt of whether Felipe should add the underlined word to the families chart for the domain words is: Yes, because this word has a specific meaning  within the domain of guitars.

Domain-specific words are those words that have a special meaning within a particular subject. The underlined word is: Pedals.

Pedals have different meanings depending on whether vehicles like bicycles, engineering levers, or guitars are being discussed.

In the world of guitar, pedals have a unique meaning. This makes it domain-specific.

Therefore, Felipe should add it to his list.

Learn more about domain-specific words here:


Plz help!!! i rlly need help :(

STORY: The Winter Hibiscus

questions are below! best responses will be marked as BRAINLIEST!!! :D

1. What does the Winter Hibiscus symbolize? Use examples from the text to support your response. *

2. When discussing literature, the term "dynamic character" means simply a character who undergoes some important change in the course of the story. Who is a dynamic character in "The Winter Hibiscus"? Why should this character be considered 'dynamic'? Provide evidence/examples from the beginning and the end of the story to support your response. *

3. What is the theme of the short story "The Winter Hibiscus"? What example(s) and/or event(s) from the text prove this? *

4. Based on her experiences in the story, what is the most difficult conflict that Saeng must face? (You can choose any of her internal conflicts or either of her external conflicts: Saeng vs. her mother, Saeng vs. her new environment in the United States) Use examples/evidence from the text to support your ideas. *

5. Using the list of generational conflicts on the whiteboard in the front of the classroom, what is the most dominate generational conflict in "The Winter Hibiscus?" Explain your ideas using examples from the text. *


The story, Winter Hibiscus is a very attention grabbing and perhaps a very beautiful one too. Thes story's main point or summary is a little mysterious in some ways. The plot Mountain goes like this

Rising Action: Saeng Failed the test and she is very mad at herself for failing

Rising Action: David (I can infer that Saeng likes him) looks like he already has someone to hang out with

Rising Actions are usually parts/events of the story that make the "problem worse". It is conflict that Characters face before everything is resolved the end.

There are many Conflicts that are mentioned, and some are

what I Infer about. In the part when she had taken the Car License test, you see that she is stressing out a lot. I could infer that she in having little conflicts with herself about If she's going to fail or not. Little did she know, these little conflicts turned out to be "BIG PROBLEMS" that she must face. She ends up not stopping at the Stop sign because she was worried and had little fights within her body. In which, we could turn to the Climax as she fails the License Test. During this part, the theme has not showed yet or to be made "Clearer"

Towards the falling action the story and the theme start to enroll in a way. When Saeng bought the winter Hibiscus it felt like a symbol of Hope. The texts from the book say that she planted the Winter Hibiscus, which comforts her in a way. It just comforts her.

Saeng is in fact a dynamic character I would say. In the rising action part, she was very mad at herself for failing. She does not do really anything about it. Instead, she is like "Eh, who cares", "It's just some weird test". Though, towards the end, the story made me feel like she has a little hope with her new life in America

I hope this helped

I know it's due soon

Read it at morning at give me some suggestions!

(: Sorry, this took too long....... I hope you don't mind.

help me please
help me please



I am so sorry but I can not give you the answer to this because I don't know it but I hope that making you happy by actually trying to help will help you rise ur spirits up and get an A on this assignment.


I wish you the best of luck on this assignment.

Stories can be told well in movies, but the best way to tell a story is in the pages of a novel. Novelists can develop characters fully and sustain readers' suspense for many chapters.

Which words reveal that the sentence includes subjective writing?
O in movies
O the best way
O develop characters fully
O for many chapters



The best way.



the best way


subjective writing is based on a personal point of view/opinion




I would be down to help but i can't read it Y-Y


Island life offers the best of all worlds. Take Lummi Island, for example, the smallest of the San Juan Islands in northwest Washington and still a well-kept secret. Though its meager population quadruples to 4,000 with the summer tourist season, it never feels the slightest bit crowded. One can always find a deserted beach to roam or a forest path to explore. The mainland is only a 12-minute ferry ride away, so city life is within reach. Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, is another prime choice for those wishing to live somewhere with peace and quiet but proximity to a city. Many Seattle employees live on the island and commute each day to their downtown jobs. Vashon Island, near Tacoma, might seem too small for some. There is no "town" to speak of, but a quiet little artists' community thrives there.
Family homes on the islands mentioned above are no more expensive than on the mainland. Such houses offer stellar views of surrounding landscape, including mountains, waterways, and other scenic islands. Otter, bald eagles, seals, and even whales are frequent visitors to Pacific coastal islands. They are a nature lover's paradise and also offer perfect settings for stargazers and photographers. Quite a few island inhabitants were once tourists who found they couldn't bear to leave and made the island their home.
If there are drawbacks, they are only these: there is usually a minimum of culture in terms of theater or music events. But all that means is an excursion into town now and then to get your fix. The same is true if you want a wide variety of food or like to eat in restaurants. The only other minor drawback is the ferry schedule, which can be sporadic. There are also periods of time each year when ferries are in "dry dock" and not running due to planned or unplanned repairs. Still, for those wanting to escape the noise and stress of city life, islands are a perfect choice. They are among the nation's few remaining unspoiled places to call home.

Which sentence best summarizes the author's attitude in this selection?
There is no "town" to speak of, but a quiet little artists' community thrives there.
But all that means is an excursion into town now and then to get your fix.
Still, for those wanting to escape the noise and stress of city life, islands are a perfect choice.
Many Seattle employees live on the island and commute each day to their downtown jobs



I think C would be the best choice.

Your 21-year old cousin is graduating from college and has already accepted her first full-time job offer.
She will be earning $3,000 per month. She already has an apartment and her fixed monthly expenses are
$1500 per month. She enjoys traveling, but doesn't have a lot of money to do so. She also has $500 per
month in student loan payments.
She needs a car to get to work, but knows that she has to finance it through an auto loan. She also wants
to begin building her credit history by applying for a credit card, she has been an authorized user on her
parents' credit card since high school.
She calls and asks for your advice on both an auto loan and a credit card. Based on what your cousin
wants to accomplish financially and her current financial obligations, would you advise her to apply for
both types of credit? Why or why not?
Complete responses should consider:
-- At least 3 specific pieces of advice related to each type of credit: credit cards and auto loans.
--The advice should consider whether the type of credit is appropriate for a young adult like her
-- What trade-offs will your cousin have to make based on the advice you are giving her?
Your response: *


It is not correct for your cousin to apply for both types of credit, as this could put her into debt.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Your cousin's available funds are too little to guarantee both types of credit.That's because they would demand a lot of money and leave her with few resources to meet her needs.In this case, it would be more important for your cousin to save money, in investments that yield profits, such as savings cards, shares, real estate credits, among others that would allow her to have enough money in a period to buy a car.While she capitalizes on these investments, she must apply the credit card application, which should only be used in emergency cases, to help her save money.

About the need to buy a car, your cousin can buy a used and cheaper car, for as long as she doesn't have enough money to buy the car she wants.

More information:


Summary of planning your trip to gold


I planned my trip to gold we’re going up my nose:)

rezumat gura satului



I don't understand-


Society in every state is a blessing, but "government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one"; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.

Is the quoted phrase objective or subjective?

a.) neither objective nor subjective
b.) subjective
c.) there is not enough information to tell
d.) objective





How has the job market changed to cause the need for students to learn 21 stCentury Skills


Let’s take a loook back for instance technology has advanced. There are more remote jobs now than their was before. The economy does change living in the valley tub in the bay. I understand work wages are different having a degree pays more than no degree. Students are doing more work online than paper and pencil! The 21st century has changed significantly for the better to provide jobs with degree and skillls.

Help me please book name :The comeback


8.Real Laurie's mom congratulates Laurie for wining.

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