Why do use persuasion in communication plan?


Answer 1

Answer: hello i am hear to give you the brainliest of the brainliest answer

Explanation: yes

Answer 2


A persuasive message is more likely to be effective if it is: Delivered face-to-face. Other things equal (once again), personal communication is generally more effective than less personal forms, in large part because it gets the audience's attention.


Have A great day

Hope this helps


Related Questions

Review the two independent clauses below and join them correctly with any of the methods you have learned:

Artie has a large collection of vintage video games.

He keeps the most valuable games in clear acrylic cases.



To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon or a comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas).



Which one is grammatically correct?

1. If I were a man, I’d marry you.
2. If I was a man, I’d marry you.

Is there any difference?



If I was a man, I’d marry you.

What literary form used in "Old dan had voiced his challenge to the devil cat."


Answer:hold onmm

Explanation: 23 is the answer I dont know how bu I guss that is

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Mary likes dogs she has a chocolate lab and a beagle.

Why do people in prison have books sent to them?


People in prison have books sent to them because some prisons have nolibraries and others have only poorly stocked ones. ... Books Through Bars had too many books and needed to make space. Prisoners who wanted to read often had no access to books.

In most Greek communities, women...
had the same rights as men.
were nearly as powerful as men.
had far fewer right than men.
were often abused and harshly treated.



Had far fewer rights than men.


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giving brainliest to whoever provides the right answer





brainly pls

The weather broadcast gives us ........... about how the weather is going to be. 1. the information 2. informations 3. an information 4. information​



gives us the information


can you mark me as brainlist

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Irresponsible is correct answer


Mark as brainlist

Which description gives the best visualization of this excerpt? Men seek opportunities to visit the beach with their true loves. Waves reach toward the sky to embrace the stars. All of nature strives to illuminate the beloved woman’s path. The beautiful stars decorate the night sky seen from the shoreline.


Answer: A would be the answer i think


Men seek opportunities to visit the beach with their true loves.


I can confirm that it's A


D. Saw A. Mallet B. Gouge C: Pallet 2. What is the common part in all methods of enhancing finished products? A. Preparation of all materials needed. B. Planning and creating of design. C. Smoothening of objects. D. All answers are correct.​






that is my answer

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The mayas for example made striking advances in writing, astronomy, and architecture. Both the Myers in the Aztecs created highly accurate calendars. The Aztecs adapted earlier pyramid designs to build massive stone temples. The Inca showed great skill in engineering in engineering and managing their huge empire. Hope this helps! :)


Claudius Speech in Hamlet

This speech is a rare example of a Shakespearean soliloquy from a villain.
Consider, why would Shakespeare devote these lines to imparting the feelings of
Claudius, the antagonist?
Relate Claudius' feelings as presented in this soliloquy in a modern form of
confession. Be sure to express Claudius' conflicted feelings of guilt and
happiness and his desires at the end of the speech.


Shakespeare allowed Claudius to present a soliloquy to show Claudius' rationality and his understanding of the actions and consequences he provoked.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Claudius is a complex character and aware of his actions.Shakespeare wanted to reinforce Claudius' rationality by showing that he killed his brother aware of what he was doing, but also aware that he was acting the wrong way.Claudius, despite being rational is a person capable of feeling emotions, as we can see in the way he talks to the queen.This ability is what makes him feel guilt, fear, and sadness for the sin he committed in full control of his actions.

Sin makes Claudius feel estranged from God. He wants to ask for forgiveness, but he knows he is not sorry, and therefore, God will not hear him. In this case, the soliloquy is what allows Claudius to express the guilt he has, even though he is happy with the result of his actions.

More information on what is a complex character at the link:


An independent clause contains a subject and verb, expresses a complete thought, and can stand on its own as a complete sentence. A dependent clause contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought; it depends on being joined to an independent clause to form a complete sentence. Dependent clauses can often be recognized by a marker word at the beginning of the clause that signals a subordinate relationship with an independent clause. Many sentence fragments are dependent clauses that have mistakenly been separated from the independent clauses they belong with. Which of the following is a dependent clause? Mark all that apply. Choose all that apply • 0 points No matter how you look at it. Where I went to elementary school. Since I forgot to bring a change of clothes. As if they were children. I’ll go see your band tonight if I finish my work in time. When you arrive will determine whether we find good seats.




No matter how you look at it.

Where I went to elementary school.

Since I forgot to bring a change of clothes.

As if they were children.



I’ll go see your band tonight if I finish my work in time.

When you arrive will determine whether we find good seats.


He watched the fireworks standing in front of his door.

A. Identify the kind of the mistake in the sentences
B. Rewrite them in their correct forms



He watched fireworks while standing in his door.

In "Sonnet 73," Shakespeare uses the metaphors of autumn, a sunset, and a dying fire to most likely
communicate the idea of
the transience of love
the importance of faithfulness
the certainty of old age and death
the bitterness of lost love



the certainty of old age and death


Good luck on your final exam. I would say its to do with aging and death as autumn refers to dead leaves and the leading up to winter, death of vegeation. Dying fire, burns but it the fire will soon come to an end and a sunset, it is beautiful but it only lasts for a while before transcending into complete darkness, as in night.

Hope this makes sense??

Help me answer these two questions ASAP thank you


Answer False, True


He attended Thetford Grammar School (1744–1749), at a time when there was no compulsory education but he did asist his father in making stays

how should you punctuate the title of a poem or a short story that you write about formal analysis?
a. "quotation marks"
b. Underline (or italicize)
d. [Brackets]



Quotation Marks


Symbolism is a type of:

Figurative Language

Denotative Language


Fancy speak​


A. Figurative language

The modes of transportation have evolved over time bringing a range of new technologies. Modern transportation is without a doubt one of humanity's greatest achievements. With the development of vehicles so many types and designs have emerged; however, the choice remains between choosing two wheels and four wheels. Automobiles and motorcycles are the most common modes of transportation. These two methods have proven to be quite effective especially when travelling across long distances.

Add Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________


When adding a thesis statement, you must take a stand on the subject presented.

This because:

The thesis statement is responsible for defining the opinion of the author of a text on the subject.This allows the reader to know the direction the text will take and which ideas will be defended or revoked.

An example of a thesis statement that can be added to the text presented above is:

"The automobile, however, offers more safety to the driver, but due to a higher cost of fuel and maintenance, which can make the motorcycle a more popular vehicle."

More information about the thesis statement at the link:


gandang bungad to ah​



Same thing bro control it

“It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. It is also true that, in some instances, trauma, in the shape of early separation or bereavement, has steered the potentially creative person toward developing aspects of his personality that can find fulfillment in comparative isolation. But this does not mean that solitary, creative pursuits are themselves pathological… avoidance behavior is a response designed to protect the infant from behavioral disorganization. If we transfer this concept to adult life, we can see that an avoidant infant might very well develop into a person whose principal need was to find some kind of meaning and order in life which was not entirely, or even chiefly, dependent upon interpersonal relationships.” ANTHONY STORR, Solitude: A Return to the Self

Does Chris McCandless demonstrate avoidance behavior? Consider his traits, actions, and relationships with others. Cite and explain at least 3 pieces of evidence to support your answer. Then, write a thesis statement. Be prepared to defend your viewpoint during a discussion
Evidence 1?
Evidence 2?
Evidence 3?
Thesis Statement?


return every book disorganization true and isolated chris demonstrates his traits and sofia yet

A perfect day, Ginny thought to herself as she
gazed at the small island ahead, noting the thin line
on the horizon formed by the mainland.
"Ninety minutes before we return to the mainland,"
Captain Bill reminded the eager snorkelers. Ginny
set her dive watch, Plenty of time to explore, and
lickety-split, she jumped into the sea.

Ginny distanced herself from the boat, Far too
crowded, how can anyone see anything? Too much
splashing, you'll frighten the fish! The congestion of
snorkelers was soon behind her, and she felt
transported to an underwater world all her own,
transfixed by the schools of tiny rainbow fish darting
before her, astonished by the occasional turtle
cruising along the white sands below. Do slow
down, come closer to the surface. Ginny willed the
fish with her mind. The kelp waved gently, the bright.
Aaarghhh,she sputtered and choked ,she was brought back to reality when massive wave crashed over her head .Ginny poked her head above the water .nothing ?
Nothing ? Where is the boat ? Her mind raced frantically the boat and it’s Passengers were gone,only the small island and the faraway mainland remained .She glanced at her watch ,three hours ,how is that possible , where did time go ?The once dreamy waters were now a nightmare. Which best analyze of the plot structure standard



the answers is B i hope its help

It is linear, first presenting the climax and then the rising action is best analyze of the plot structure standard. Hence, option B is correct.

What is plot structure?

An introduction is found in the first part. The tension between the characters and the stakes is "built" by increasing the action. The story's turning moment occurs at the climax, and the issue is resolved in the falling action. The denouement is the conclusion of the story, where all the unfinished business is resolved.

Four different styles of storyline are utilized in fiction: linear, episodic, parallel, and flashback. The linear storyline is the one that short stories use the most frequently.

Because it is refined and elegant, a three-act structure is a particularly well-liked one, especially in screenwriting. Set the stakes and introduce the key characters in the first act to acquaint the reader with the universe of the book.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about plot structure, click here:



what can the students have for luch sorusunun cevabi​






Answer: The students have for lunch pizza or hamburger.

Describe a day when everything went wrong?


You would wake up late and miss the bus and be late for school. The you find out that you had a test in the class you missed. You go to your next  block and find out that you had 5 tardys so you have a lunch detention. You go to your third block class and then go to your lunch detention and find out you forgot your lunch so you didn't eat any lunch and you were hungry for the rest of the day. School was over and you lost your phone so you ran around school trying to find it before the buses leave. You finally found it and started going outside and then saw that the buses were gone so you had to walk home. When you got home you got grounded because you have missing assignments and 2 f's so you found your phone and missed the bus for no reason because your phone got taken away. Then you found out that your friends are busy so they canceled the plans you had after school. You had whatever sport or activity you do after school, so you went to where they held the event at and found out that you got kicked off the team/ group. You went home and your parents asked you to mow the lawn and do the dishes and then make dinner. You finish making dinner and cleaning so you take a shower and the water was cold. The day was finally over that was the worst day of your life.

Read this line from "For You O Democracy."

I will make divine magnetic lands

What does this line suggest?

America will attract the attention of spiritual leaders.

Democratic forces will alter American landscapes.

The ideals of democracy will draw people to America.

America’s natural resources will become valuable assets.



The ideals of democracy will draw people to America.


6.09 full test attached

The given line from "For You, O Democracy" means that " The ideals of democracy will draw people to America." Therefore, option (C) or (iii) is what the ling suggests.

What does the line suggest?

The final three stanzas of "For You O Democracy," composed between 1859 and 1860, were first published in the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass as "Calamus" number 5.

Whitman extols democracy and illustrates how valuable it is to the common populace in this poem. He believes that democracy, in which the state works for the well-being of its citizens, is the ideal system for ruling the masses. The poet hopes to make America seem alluring or "magnetic."

In "I shall construct divine magnetic lands," a metaphor is employed. The term "magnetic" does not necessarily imply that the lands are magnetic. Instead, it refers to places that draw in visitors because of a wonderful feature they possess.

Check the link to learn about the lines from For you O Democracy;



A co-worker of yours was tasked with writing an email to the department, encouraging appropriate handwashing protocol in the workplace. She asked you to review her writing for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and any other sentence errors. She also wants to make sure her email comes across as professional, since it will be going to her co-workers, her supervisor, and the head of the department.

What’s up, guys?

So, I have to send an email to ya’ll about making sure you use apprpreeate hand-washing methids. Since were all trying to stay safe and healthy in this office. There are lots of reasons why u need to wash your hands. First off, wash after you go to the bathroom because that would be really gross and nasty for people to go to the bathroom and then forget to wash their hands which will spread all kinds of germs and might make some people sick, you know? Next, you probably need to wash your hands after eating lunch or even snacks, or really any time that you might touch your face or mouth or nose and then touch a door handle or shake someone’s hand or give someone a high five. That’s a big one when it comes to spreading germs. For future reference, please don’t spread your germs and wash your hands.

Thanks for listening to my email. Have a good day and remember to wash your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Explain why this email is or is not appropriate for its audience.



No, This is not an appropriate email for it's general audience.


The reason why it's not an appropriate email is because doesn't actually come across to it's target audience, to be professional. Let's start off with basics on why, this Email is non-professional. When your writing Something professional like email, an essay, presentation, or other formal events that have to be written, you have to use formal language in order for you to sound professional or get through to your audience in mind. This Email uses informal language like slang, spelling errors, punctuation errors, or any other sentence errors. informal language is used if you were to be texting friends/somebody, conversation, or other worries without being formal. This email uses slang like "y'all", "u", "you know", "what's up guys?", "probably", and "So" are all signs of being in informal. Instead "y'all" it should everyone or everybody, removing the word you know from the sentence or paragraph because it's unnecessary, and "u" should be replaced with you or you should and "probably" should be replaced with another word. next for Grammer errors, the first sentence spells, "appropriate" wrongly, instead of "apprpreeate" it should be "appropriate".

This Email by Geri also spells, "methods" wrong with "methids" instead that should be, "methods." As for punctuation errors, At the very end of the email, it says "Thanks for listening to my email. Have a good day and remember to wash your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". The punctuation mistake is here, there are too many "!" in this one sentence all should be remove, but one because this correct. when writing sentence, there's always suppose to be one "." , "?", or "!" when ending a sentence again shows of informal language use.

Moving on from this, The Email should be fixed as so, "Hello everybody,

I have sent out an email out this email to inform everyone in the office to use appropriate hand washing methods.

There are many reasons of why you should and need to wash your hands. The first reason why you should wash your hands is, When you use the restroom you'll need wash your hands afterwards because it easily spread germs around the office and would be unsanity if others were to go the restroom and forget to wash their hands. That will spread different kinds germs around along with making other Sick. The Next reason on why should Wash your hands is, after you eat lunch, or touched your face, tounge, or other body parts you must wash your hands afterwards because this will cause an increase of germs and speard quickly to others if you were to touch a door handle, shake somebody hand, or even if you were to give somebody a high five. For future reference, Please do not spread germs around the office and wash your hands. After all, we all trying to stay safe and healthy in this office.

Thank you for reading this Email. I hope everybody can find their ways to stay healthy and safe. Remember to wash your hands ! "

I hope this answer helps you out and I hope this is helpful.

This email is not appropriate for its audience.

What is an email?

Electronic mail is known as email. It is a technique for sending messages between computers over the internet.

This email opens up with "What’s up, guys?", which is an inappropriate way of addressing to the co-workers, her supervisor, and the head of the department.

This email was meant to be professional, thus it should be written in formal language. However, it is written in informal language.

To learn more about email here



What is the theme of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116?



(true love) the eternity of true love


Sonnet 116 developed the theme of THE ETERNITY OF TRUE LOVE through an elaborate and intricate cascade of images.

, he Hurried into the room




if you were a teacher, how would you apply the reward system in managing your classroom


If i were a teacher. the way i would apply the reward system when managing my classroom would be to explain how the good actions of a person or individuals would be rewarded.

Based on the given question, we need to show how the reward system which refers to the way a person gets a 'reward' based on the good deeds which he gets and alternatively, punishments based on the bad deeds.

This can be established in a classroom by giving well behaved students more responsibility over others.

Read more about reward system here:


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