Why do different countries have different weather?


Answer 1
it depends on the radiation amount that that they get from the sun and their geographical location

hope this helps
Answer 2
Because of their geographical location and their latitude and longitude. Climate trends can also play a part in this

Related Questions

Write an extended definition of racism using one of these:

Etymology: Explaining origin of the word itself
History: If relevant and helpful for explaining the term, discussing the history of the term/its use/controversies associated with it
Cause and Effect: Discussing how the situation came about and what effects it may have
Description: Listing and defining the component parts
Principles of Operation: Discussing how topic in question functions, including any special materials or conditions required; "how it works"
Classification: Showing how the topic fits into a larger category
Contrast/Negation: Showing how the topic differs from others in the same class
Comparison: Explaining how the topic is similar to others in the same category or class
Analogy: Explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second is familiar to the audience
Examples: Anecdotes or instances of this term from the real world
Illustrations: Visual aids


Hi there!!

I'm going to be using description.

The term "racist" is frequently misunderstood. "Prejudice, prejudice, or animosity aimed towards someone of a different race based on the conviction that one's own race is superior," according to the Oxford Dictionary. This is, nevertheless, a simplistic description of a difficult problem. The term "racial group" is derived from anthropological beliefs that have already been debunked. Because incorrect concepts of racial difference have become established in society's beliefs and behaviors, the present use of the terms 'race' and 'racial' has emerged. These ideas have an impact on many aspects of life in Scotland, from social attitudes to the way businesses are operated. The legal concept of race discrimination encompasses more than just 'race' in the way that it is used here. The Equality Act of 2010 protects people of all races, nationalities, and ethnic or national origins against racial discrimination. This includes white majority ethnic Scots, however they are unlikely to require it because they are not frequently discriminated against. Race is defined similarly under hate crime law.

Hope this helps :))

Each pair of sentences can be combined to create one compound sentence. Determine which choice best combines them.


A comma and a conjunction always work well but it really depends on the sentences you are combining.

When I was at school, we ______ stand up when a teacher came into the classroom.
A. Must
B. shall
C. had to
D. could





it's simple English learned this in like 3rd grade.


I'm going with C. had to.


I'm going with C because this answer fits better than the other options.

In the fairy tale, "The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage," which character does the cooking?



The mouse


The Bird now is responsible for bringing home the water, the Mouse cooks, and the Sausage goes to the forest to collect wood

Hi, can anyone help me to do this. I need to submit this immediately. Pls help me....​


This could really be anything.

Here’s something I experienced.

I was sitting at an intersection in the left turning lane at a red light. Someone in the crossroad (the road I was going to turn onto) was about to turn on the road I was on, they were in the middle of the intersection. The light turned yellow, then red, and of course, they decided to turn when it was red because they had no choice. At the exact same time, another car came flying through the intersection straight-on and slammed into the car that was turning — barely 20 feet in front of me. The car that was turning was t-boned and was sent slamming backwards, hitting the pole of the stoplight, and the car that hit them was stopped in the middle of the road, the entire front of their car crushed.
I was on my way to work, so I had to leave. Everyone was okay; the person who got hit was extremely angry, even if they were at fault. But that was the first time I witnessed a bad accident first-hand.

From the excerpt The Crab That Played with The Sea.
Which Sentence from the excerpt best demonstrates the author’s reason for writing



Answer: This is an excerpt taken from The crab that played with the Sea. A particular sentence that talks about the author's reason for writing is when the eldest magician said “Listen Pau Amma.


can you use carbon dating to determine the age of a dinosaur



(Hope this helps can I pls have brainlist (crown)☺️)


Carbon-14 dating is the most well-known type of radiometric dating. Carbon-14 dating, on the other hand, will not work on dinosaur bones. Because carbon-14 has a short half-life of 5,730 years, it can only be used to date materials that are less than 50,000 years old.

Radiometric dating, often known as radioactive dating, is the primary method used to determine the age of fossils nowadays. The characteristics of isotopes are used in radiometric dating. These are chemical elements that are identical but for one feature: the number of neutrons in their nucleus, such as carbon or uranium.

Dinosaur bones, on the other hand, have been there for millions of years, and some fossils have been around for billions of years. Scientists require an isotope with a long half-life to ascertain the ages of these specimens. Uranium-238, uranium-235, and potassium-40 are some of the isotopes utilised for this, each with a half-life of more than a million years.pls

a poisonous snake that has the letters d r e a d​



adder, any of several groups of venomous snakes of the viper family, Viperidae, and the Australo-Papuan death adders, viperlike members of Elapidae, the cobra family. The name adder may also be applied to certain other snakes, such as the hognose snake (Heterodon), a harmless North American genus.

Do you think your generation
will "change the world'?
Explain how and why or why



id k about my generation but the "Millennials" will change the world .


The age of individualism is over, and millennials are set on re-connecting with our tribal roots. We know that life means nothing without people to share it, so we are harnessing the power of the internet to create both virtual and in-person communities that enrich and support us.


There is a strong chance it will, as many things today are very different than how they were generations back. Many thing have evolved over time, like technology, vehicles, ways of living, money, etc. In the next decades, things will continue to evolve, change and progress, and a lot of it is enough to change the world gradually in a number of ways.


Which of the following is not provided by a dictionary?
A. Example sentence
B. Part of speech
C. Etymology
D. Phonetic spelling


c. Ethymology..................




I think its etymology.

Listen In John F. Kennedy's "Inaugural Address," President Kennedy claims that the world is in need of change

Which passages from the speech support this claim by providing evidence?

Select all that apply!!

A) And yet the same revolutionary beliels for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe-the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God

B) But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course-both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom. yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war

C) Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations

D) In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty​



The inaugural ceremony is a defining moment in a President’s career, and no one knew this better than John F. Kennedy as he prepared for his own inauguration on January 20, 1961. He wanted his address to be short and clear—devoid of any partisan rhetoric and focused on foreign policy. He began constructing the speech in late November, working with friends and advisers. While his colleagues submitted ideas, the speech was distinctly the work of Kennedy himself. Aides recount that every sentence was worked, reworked, and reduced. It was a meticulously crafted piece of oratory that dramatically announced a generational change in the White House and called on the nation to combat “tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.”

Kennedy wrote his thoughts in his nearly indecipherable longhand on a yellow legal pad. The climax of the speech and its most memorable phrase, “Ask not what your country can

do for you—ask what you can do for your country,” was honed down from a thought about sacrifice that Kennedy had long held in his mind and had expressed in various ways in campaign speeches.


hope its correct but you have lots of John F. Kennedy questions

Most students enjoy _____________books in their free time.





Most students enjoy reading books in their free time.

What does sunset mean to you?



sunset is a flaming and gorgeous moment for me.

For me, sunset is when the sun has decided to take a short break from one side of the earth to the other. This makes us see the moon more clearly and it shows that even the brightest people in the world can burn out, but with a little patience and time, they can be rebuilt into the happy person that they once were.

In this sentence is the modifier placed correctly





Options A and C both said that Sean had worn the hamper, which does not make sense.

City life essay. Please!!!! SOMANY POINTS



ELEMENTS OF ARTS and art are the most important thing to do with the routine electric supply even cautry


Is that you can differ


Many people claim that city life is the most exciting.

There are large shop complexions, banks,offices, theaters, hotels, clubs, hospitals, and so on, around the city.

There is electricity, good transport services, communication, plumb facilities and internet in the city making it a comfortable life.

There are lots of social services and job opportunities.

Life in the city is fun and exciting because there are many people and entertainment is easy to find.

Children in the city acquire good education since there are better schools in the city.

When people in the city fall sick or get ill, the can receive good health service because there are good hospitals in the city.

There are alot of facilities for people in the city. People in the city also have more opportunities for making money since there are more job opportunities.

In conclusion, City life is a busy life, which is crowded and expensive.


Before you can understand how two literary texts present a theme differently, you must see what their presentations of the theme have in common. Select all the sentences that describe aspects of the theme that the story and the play have in common.

(A) People should try to be generous to those who are less fortunate.

(B) If you are not suffering, you are not loving your neighbor as yourself.

(C) A good way to observe Christmas is to do something kind and loving.

(D) It’s okay to share what you have as long as you get something in return.

(E) People should not complain about being hungry when others are hungry.

(F) Things like Christmas angels are not real, except in the form of real people behaving kindly.

(G) Giving something up to help another may be painful, but the good feeling it gives makes up for it.





my personal experience in combat is what leads me to support greater health care benefits for veterans.
which kind of support is the writer using in this passage?
A. ad populum
B. Bibliographic
C. Logical and empirical
D. Anecdotal



Anecdotal is described as an account thats not necessarily true or reliable but based on personal experience rather than research or fact.

Write at least 1 complete sentence containing the word materialism.​


Answer: Our civilization remains enslaved to materialism.


1) Which line for the poem uses hyperbole?
A) Oh, Brown Eyes, sweet as the soft twilight
That lingers from pole to pole.
B) You may be faithless, but I'll be true.
I'll love you til the sun has set.
C) Brown Eyes, I've lost my heart to you.
I can't forget... I can't forget.
D) And I will love you til the sun grows cold
And the stars have turned to gold.


The line in the poem that uses hyperbole is option D. Therefore, option D is correct.

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves deliberate and exaggerated overstatement for emphasis or dramatic effect. It is a rhetorical device used to create emphasis, evokes strong emotions, or make a point more vividly. In hyperbole, statements are intentionally exaggerated beyond what is literally true.

Hyperbole is often used in everyday language, literature, poetry, and humor. By employing extravagant and exaggerated language, it aims to grab attention, create emphasis, or add humor to the communication.

Learn more about hyperbole, here:



reported speech
She said, "It is very quiet here." She said that:​



she said it was very quite here.


the thrid one is stage directions



Hello. what is thrid? thanks.. m

Consider the following instance. Think about why writers might want to use active or passive voice. Write an example sentence based on their circumstances.

Isabel is writing a thrilling book. Her main character, Jim, notices that his keys aren’t where he left them. How might Isabel word this realization? 



Writers need to be intentional about voice in order to ensure clarity. Using active voice often improves clarity, while passive voice can help avoid unnecessary repetition. Active voice can help ensure clarity by making it clear to the reader who is taking action in the sentence.


Why does the preacher live outside the settlement?



Answer: The preacher lives outside the settlement because he's too old to live in town anymore, and wants to spend the rest of his days in peace and quiet.


In Chapter 6, Louie overhears someone refer to a B-24 plane as "the Flying Brick," "the Constipated Lumberer," and perhaps most foreboding,
"the Flying Coffin." How do the descriptions of the B-24 in this section foreshadow events later in the text?


This description foreshadows the afflictions the characters will suffer as prisoners of the Japanese army.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The way Louie refers to the plane is very negative, as if it were something heavy, hard to bear, and would kill him at any moment.This relationship between Louie and the plane foreshadows the feelings he will experience as a prisoner of war when he is later captured by the Japanese army.

The prison he went through was very difficult to bear and he felt several times that he would die, but he survived.

This question is about the book "Unbroken."

More information:


Explain how the theme that fear of the unknown can either turn you to insight or hysteria.



When you are afraid of something unknown sometimes you will look and try to understand what you have yet to learn but sometimes it can lead you to be afraid and fear the worst of things it can lead you to hide away and fear everything that you dont know about yet


We can gather this by analyzing that for example when you were afraid of the dark because you didnt know what lurked in the darkness you either hid under your blankets and feared everythin that came with that darkness or you braved the dark and went to look and search

What is matter??? plz answer​



Matter anything occupies space is called matter


Matter is anything that has mass and occupied space.


and in english .

a subject or situation under consideration.

there is two photo attached.

one is example of matter in science and other one is eg of eng.

mark me brainlist if it helps

e. f. I... him a long time before I met his family (Supply the correct form of verb 'know'.)​


The correct answer is “knew”

My shoes were DIRTY. *
direct object
word is not a noun
object of the preposition
O predicate noun


Answer: I'm thinkin' "word is not a noun", but maybe I'm rusty :p


Wellll, a direct object from what I'm understanding is a NOUN that takes the action of a verb. It's one of those things that answers the "what" or "who" questions. Like "The students ate cake." The students ate what? cake. For this question in particular, dirty doesn't seem like a noun.

Why would African American leaders attempt to discourage people from migrating north?


Aside from competition for employment, there was also competition for living space in increasingly crowded cities. While segregation was not legalized in the North (as it was in the South), racism and prejudice were nonetheless widespread


so the use of rations and food would not be wasted


Why you should have a cell phone too, if everyone have it? Tell me your opinion and explain why.



You need a cellphone to communicate to others if you're in a dangerous or harmful situation. You can always call or text someone to send help. So that is a reason why carrying around a cellphone is handy and best for complicating situations.

Hope this helps, have a great day/night!



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