Why did Germany get involved in World War I? What were their actions and why?


Answer 1


The Paris Peace Treaties (Versailles, Trianon and St-Germain) blamed Germany and Austria-Hungary equally for starting the war. The reason hardly anybody knows this fact is presumably because Austria and Hungary didn’t make a fuss about it. For Germany, though, the War Guilt Clause became the focus for all their frustrated anger and hurt pride at losing the war; something Hitler and the Nazis skillfully exploited in their propaganda.

As for who bears the blame:

Austria-Hungary, for occupying Bosnia against the will of its inhabitants.

A group of Bosnian teenagers, for deciding to form a resistance organisation to fight against Austrian rule using violence.

A group of Serbian nationalist conspirators, for deciding to back those Bosnian resistance fighters with weapons.

Austria-Hungary, for deciding to use the assassination of Franz Ferdinand as an excuse to attack Serbia even before the police investigation had found any proof of Serbian involvement. (And they never did prove the involvement of the Serbian government.)

Germany, for promising absolute and unlimited support to Austria-Hungary for their planned invasion. This is crucial: Austria-Hungary would not have dared to take harsh action against Serbia by themselves, for fear of Russian intervention.

Germany, for urging Austria-Hungary to ignore diplomacy and launch an immediate military invasion of Serbia.

Russia and Serbia, for refusing to surrender to these threats, but instead putting their armies on alert while proposing a diplomatic solution with international arbitration.

Germany, for sabotaging the British attempt to arrange a conference to mediate the crisis.

France, for telling Germany that it would honour its alliance with Russia if Germany attacked Russia.

Britain, for telling Germany that it would honour its alliance with Belgium if Germany attacked Belgium. (Some historians have advanced the argument that the war was Britain’s fault because this warning wasn’t explicit enough.)

Austria-Hungary, for refusing to accept the Serbian concessions given in reply to their ultimatum.

Austria-Hungary, for declaring war on Serbia.

Germany, for declaring war on Russia.

Germany, for declaring war on France.

Germany, for invading Luxembourg.

Germany, for invading Belgium.

Britain, for honouring its treaty with Belgium by declaring war on Germany.

In other words: you can, at most, blame the other countries involved for refusing to back down when they were threatened, and making it clear that they were prepared to fight if diplomacy failed. But it was Germany and Austria-Hungary who were making the threats and ramping up the tension at each stage of the crisis, and them who shot first.

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What is monotheism?

Monotheism is the conviction that there is only one deity or that God is one. As a result, it differs from polytheism, which holds that there are multiple gods, atheism, which holds that there is no deity, and agnosticism, which holds that the presence or nonexistence of a god or gods is unknown or impossible to know.

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Learn more about monotheism, here



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c,Not my boat ,you boat
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A submarine


Hope this helps:))

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please mark me brainliest!!

According to Confucius, the duty of children to revere their parents is the foundation, whence all other virtues spring.

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Confucius' teachings remain influential across China and East Asia to this day.

Learn more about Confucius, here:



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youre welcome and have a great day

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B) Spain wanted compensation for what it saw as the betrayal of France. This was the taking back and then selling of the Louisiana Territory to the
United States.

C) Florida had been claimed by American troops during the War of 1812. Fighting with the few Spanish forts there harmed relations with Spain.

D) Florida had become a refuge for runaway slaves and American Indians. These groups were raiding white settlements near the border with Georgia



Answer Choice B


It has to be answer choice B because Spain was selling and getting back the Louisiana Territory it would hurt them or did hurt them financially and land wise too or in other words how much land they owned. Because of this happening, it contributed to the Adams-Onis Treaty.

(I'm sorry if it's wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's right)


The answer is D) Florida had become a refuge for runaway slaves and American Indians. These groups ended up raiding white settlement near the border with georgia.

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the answer is letter T


thank me later

The answer is for this question is True. Hope this helps!

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Need example?
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The X and Y axis, are used to find a coordinate,

Explanation: ALWAYS

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I did the research to find out what it is:)

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The answer is below


The obvious negative effect of the black death was the huge amount of death but this horrible loss actually helped those who survived. The large drop in population caused a labor shortage which made the labor of the remaining people far more valuable thus giving them a bargaining chip for much better conditions and rights. This sudden shift of power destabilized the feudal system that had relied on keeping laborers under their thumb and caused the end of feudalism.

Hope this helps someone :)

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Learn more about Christianity here:



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The relationship of the Ghana Empire with other empires can be described as collaborative

What was the empire of Ghana?

The Empire of Ghana was an African empire that existed between the years 750-1068, which covered the territory of current countries such as:

MauritaniaMaliSenegalSahara desert

Due to its location, the Empire of Ghana had great importance in trans-Saharan trade. Therefore, its relationship with neighboring communities was collaborative and commercial to trade different products.

On the other hand, this relationship improved when camel transport was introduced, due to the fact that new products were included in the trade routes to other communities.

Learn more about Ghana in: https://brainly.com/question/18224268

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The rights guaranteed in our constitution are what make our country great. We must protect them at all times, especially times of trouble.


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I’m guessing that they were probably murdered by Christopher Columbus

what leadership strategies are needed in our world to handle the problems and issues we face today.



1. Define & Communicate Vision

2. Encourage Recognition

3. Speak from the Heart

4. Delegate & Empower

5. Commit to Continued Education


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role in reducing polio infections worldwide?
A. Agriculture
B. Cooperation
C. Education
D. Consumption


Answer: B. cooperation


essentially, cooperations are why we have vaccines, also just took the quiz

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I dont think so. But Joseph Weaknesses were he was conceited in his youth, causing dissension in his family.


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