why are flashbacks often necessary in stories with in media res openings?


Answer 1


They are necessary just to make readers understand the story.

Related Questions

1. How does Hayden's use of capitalization develop a
theme in "[American Journal]"?

A: Hayden’s lack of capitalization suggest that all things are equal

B: Hayden slack of capitalization emphasizes his disdain for Americans

C: Hayden‘s use of capitalization emphasizes the control The Counselor’s have on their society

D: Haydn‘s use of capitalization emphasizes Americans in ability to understand the unknowable essence


Hayden's use of capitalization develops a  theme in "American Journal" because: C: Hayden‘s use of capitalization emphasizes the control The Counselor’s have on their society.

In this poem by Robert Hayden, the poet described several characteristics of  American society in detail. After his observations, he makes a report to The Counselor whom he seems to respect.

In this poem, the poet did not use capitalization on basic nouns like America. Only The Counselor and the Unknowable Essence were capitalized.

A possible reason for this is to demonstrate the superiority of these personalities over the other people and places in the poem.

Learn more about Robert Hayden here:


Modified True or False

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct. If it is incorrect, underline the word that makes the statement untrue then write the correct word. Write your answer in your test notebook.
________1. Mango is an example of fruit with high acidity.
________2. Foods with low amounts of hydrogen ion have low ph.
________3. Oily products tend to spoil slowly when inadequately packaged.
________4. When foods undergo chemical processes, foods may already be considered spoiled.
________5. Secondary package allows for the unit packs to be carried in bulk.
________6. Use of the primary package is normally for bulk transport in large warehouses.
________7. Foil packaging is one of the oldest and most common methods of food packaging in homes.
________8. Manufacturers should appear on the label of the food package.
________9. Canned foods come in a limited variety.
________10. When labelling, instructions for use should appear on the food package.


This question has various statement which are either true or false.

1. Mango is an example of fruit with high acidity.

False, Mango has Ph value 6 which is mildly acidic.

2. Foods with low amounts of hydrogen ion have low ph.

False, foods with low hydrogen ions will have high Ph value.

3. Oily products tend to spoil slowly when inadequately packaged.

True, Oily products do not spoil fast.

4. When foods undergo chemical processes, foods may already be considered spoiled.

True because chemical processes are irreversible and food can not be bought back at its initial quality after a chemical process is undergone.

5. Secondary package allows for the unit packs to be carried in bulk.

True, Secondary packaging is used for bulk packaging.

6. Use of the primary package is normally for bulk transport in large warehouses.

False, Primary packaging is used to sell and store product individually.

7. Foil packaging is one of the oldest and most common methods of food packaging in homes.

False , Home canning is the oldest method of packaging in homes.

8. Manufacturers should appear on the label of the food package.

True, This enables the customer to easily look for the manufacturer of the product and identify the new brand.  

9. Canned foods come in a limited variety.

True, canned food has limited variety but food can be stored longer.

10. When labelling, instructions for use should appear on the food package.

True, This is an important text which should be mentioned on the food package label. This helps to understand the customers about how to use a specific product.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/25853221

Write out the Great Chain of Being with explanations

(please help ASAP, due in tomorrow!!)



Elizabethans believed that God set out an order for everything in the universe. This was known as the Great Chain of Being. On Earth, God created a social order for everybody and chose where you belonged. In other words, the king or queen was in charge because God put them there and they were only answerable to God (the Divine Right of Kings). This meant that disobeying the monarch was a sin, which was handy for keeping people in their place! It also led to the idea that if the wrong person was monarch everything would go wrong for a country, including whether the crops would be good, or if animals behaved as they should. The Elizabethans were very superstitious.

The Great Chain of Being includes everything from God and the angels at the top, to humans, to animals, to plants, to rocks and minerals at the bottom. It moves from beings of pure spirit at the top of the Chain to things made entirely of matter at the bottom. Humans are pretty much in the middle, being mostly mortal, or made of matter, but with a soul made of spirit. The theory started with the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato, but was a basic assumption of life in Elizabethan England. You were a noble, or a farmer, or a beggar, because that was the place God had ordained for you.

The Great Chain of Being is a major influence on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth disturbs the natural order of things by murdering the king and stealing the throne. This throws all of nature into uproar, including a story related by an old man that the horses in their stables went mad and ate each other, a symbol of unnatural happenings.


In Shakespeare’s time people believed in witches. They were people who had made a pact with the Devil in exchange for supernatural powers. If your cow was ill, it was easy to decide it had been cursed. If there was plague in your village, it was because of a witch. If the beans didn’t grow, it was because of a witch. Witches might have a familiar – a pet, or a toad, or a bird – which was supposed to be a demon advisor. People accused of being witches tended to be old, poor, single women. It is at this time that the idea of witches riding around on broomsticks (a common household implement in Elizabethan England) becomes popular.

There are lots of ways to test for a witch. A common way was to use a ducking stool, or just to tie them up, and duck the accused under water in a pond or river. If she floated, she was a witch. If she didn’t, she was innocent. She probably drowned. Anyone who floated was then burnt at the stake. It was legal to kill witches because of the Witchcraft Act passed in 1563, which set out steps to take against witches who used spirits to kill people.

King James I became king in 1603. He was particularly superstitious about witches and even wrote a book on the subject. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth especially to appeal to James – it has witches and is set in Scotland, where he was already king. The three witches in Macbeth manipulate the characters into disaster, and cast spells to destroy lives. Other magic beings, the fairies, appear in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Elizabethans thought fairies played tricks on innocent people – just as they do in the play.


The Body

Medicine in Shakespeare’s England followed the theory of the ‘humours’. These were four liquids in your body – blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm (pronounced ‘flem’) – which needed to be in balance for you to be healthy. Each liquid gave off vapours, which entered the brain and altered the person.

If someone was ill, you could treat them by altering the amount of the humour they had in them. You might give them an emetic (something to make them throw up), or you might bleed them, to take excess blood away.

Each humour was supposed to correspond to a type of personality.

If you were ‘sanguine’ (dominated by blood) you would be jolly, optimistic and fat.

If you were ‘choleric’ (yellow bile) you would be short-tempered, red-haired and thin. You might also be ambitious.

If you were ‘phlegmatic’ (phlegm), you would be slow, pale, and lazy.

If you were ‘melancholic’ (black bile), you would be thin, yellowish, and tend to spend a lot of time thinking and worrying.

Many of Shakespeare’s characters correspond to one of these types – and he often makes specific reference to the name of these types. Characters use sanguine as an insult – Prince Hal does in Henry IV Part I. Today we might call someone sanguine if they were very relaxed about things – Prince Hal uses it to mean someone who is so laid back that he is a coward and a lazy person. In The Taming of the Shrew Petrucchio shouts at his servants for serving mutton because it is choleric – and he and his wife Katherine are already bad-tempered enough!


Have a great day!

How was British theater different from American theater in the colonial era?

a.) In Great Britain, the theater was enjoyed by all social classes, but it was condemned in some classes in America.
b.) In Great Britain, the theater was seen as too secular, while it was popular with everyone in America.
c.) In Great Britain, the upper class shunned theater, while the upper class in America embraced it.
d.) In Great Britain, the theater was only popular with the upper class, and in America, it was only accepted by the lower class.


British theater was different from American theater in the colonial era in that: a.) In Great Britain, the theater was enjoyed by all social classes, but it was condemned in some classes in America.

During the 15th and 16th centuries in England, the theatre had become popular among all social classes.

In America, however, this was not the case as the Puritans who were highly religious rejected the theater as they believed that it drew people away from God.

They also believed that the theatre was a distraction that inhibited people's ability to work.

So, option B explains the difference between the theatre in colonial America and Great Britain.

Learn more about the colonial theatre here:


"Bleeding Kansas" refers to the _____.
war between the U.S. army and native tribes
slaughter of buffalo on the Plains
raids between abolitionists and proslavery militias
battles between settlers claiming land


"Bleeding Kansas" refers to the US war fought between proslavery and antislavery advocates for control of the new territory of Kansas under the doctrine of popular sovereignty. the war between the U.S. army and native tribes.

What is Bleeding Kansas?

Between 1854 and 1859, the Kansas Territory experienced a series of bloody civil clashes known as Bleeding Kansas, Bloody Kansas, or the Border War. It came up as a result of an intellectual and political discussion about whether slavery was permitted in the hypothetical state of Kansas.

Following the establishment of the new territory of Kansas in 1854, a period of intense guerrilla warfare between pro- and anti-slavery factions is referred to as "Bleeding Kansas." 55 persons were slain overall between 1855 and 1859.

The political upheaval that swept the nation before to the Civil War included Bleeding Kansas. On January 29, 1861, Kansas became a free state in the Union as a result of the anti-slavery movement's success.

A settler from Kansas Territory named John Brown entered Virginia in 1859 with the intention of raiding the Harpers Ferry armory and starting a slave uprising. Several young men who had previously engaged in vigilante violence in Kansas in an effort to end slavery in that region made up part of his tiny group of rebels.

To read more about Bleeding Kansas, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/8531393


How do you find a theme to a nonfiction text?


How to find a theme for a nonfiction text:

~theme is the overall point that the author is trying to make

->to identify the theme, you've first gotta identify the story's plot, the way the story uses characterization, and the primary conflict in the story

~ Literary nonfiction writers develop their story's theme by researching and using supporting references and factual details to illustrate the point, using language to make the story more compelling

~the theme is the main idea of the story

~in a nonfiction informational texts, the central ideas are the most essential ideas

Hope this helped you-have a good day bro cya)


The theme is the main idea of the story. It is an important idea that the fiction writer wants to convey to the readers.Theme is a thread that runs throughout a whole book. When done well, the theme relates to every subject and story and piece of advice. It ties everything together.

How do you find a theme to a nonfiction text?

The theme is the overall point that the author is trying to make. Literary nonfiction writers develop their story's theme by researching and using supporting references and factual details to illustrate the point, using language to make the story more compelling.

When citing a web page, what item is included that does NOT appear in a print source citation?
links to additional information
the date the material first appeared on the site
the date you accessed the information
the name of the page owner



The date you accessed the information


You do not need to know the day you accessed it because it is unimportant .


the date you accessed the information.


what is the author’s purpose? to entertain the reader with an interesting story to provide examples of parkour movements to educate the reader about a popular sport to persuade readers that parkour is dangerous


Answer: If the author is trying to entertain the reader It will be about how fun and cool it is to parkour.

If the author is trying to provide examples of parkour movements, then there will be examples of parkour movements

If the author is trying to educate the reader about a popular sport, then the author will talk about one popular sport and lots of info on it.

If the author is trying to persuade readers that parkour is dangerous, it will talk about how you can get hurt while doing parkour

(sorry for this long paragraph lol.)

Explanation: I'm sure there's a story that is supposed to be here about parkour since all the answers talk about parkour, But I'll try my best to answer your question! (i can't give you an exact answer because I have not read the story..( you did not include it)

The correct response is - If the author wants to amuse the reader, they will talk about how enjoyable and wonderful parkour is.

What is Danger?

The risk may be defined as the chance that something bad will happen. Risk is uncertainty about how an action may affect or implicate something that people value, frequently focused on negative outcomes. There have been many distinct meanings put forward.

She felt certain that her employment was safe from exposure or responsibility to damage, pain, injury, or loss and that children may play there without fear. 2: an instance or source of risk; mining's risks. 3a Old English: jurisdiction Do you realize how dangerous you are to him? – Shakespeare

Physical dangers include radiation, magnetic fields, pressure extremes (high pressure or vacuum), noise, etc. Psychosocial dangers include stress, violence, and slipping and falling risks as well as improper machine guarding and equipment breakdowns.

Danger: Denotes a potentially dangerous situation that, if not avoided, will cause death or significant harm. Only the direst circumstances could warrant the use of the signal word "DANGER."

To read more about Danger, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/644354


read the excerpt from harrison bergeron. a police photograph of harrison bergeron was flashed on the screen—upside down, then sideways, upside down again, then right side up. this excerpt is an example of satire because it humorously:



exposes the incompetence that this society views as normal.


2. How to vote on election day in 12 easy steps
Step 1: Go to your assigned polling precinct from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 9
The Commission on Election (Comelec) advises voters to come early and not wait until the last
minute. Look for your name in the voters list posted near the precinct. The Parish Pastoral
Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) voter’s assistance desk in the polling place can also help
you look for your precinct, sequence, and room number.
Step 2: Fall in line in the holding area
Step 3: Give your name, valid I.D., and precinct number to the Board of Election Inspectors
Step 4: Get your ballot, ballot secrecy folder, marker, and go to the voting area
Make sure your ballot is clean of any marks.
Step 5: Vote wisely
Under voting and abstaining is allowed; overvoting is not. If you overvote, the vote will not be
counted. Shade the entire oval corresponding to your candidate of choice. Cover your ballot
using the ballot secrecy folder; even the poll watchers and BEI cannot look at your ballot. Do
not make any other marks on the ballot.



im confused


do you need an answer or something?

im taking american gov so... yea

Language is generative, which means that the symbols of a language __________. A. Remain fixed, limiting the messages one can say B. Must adhere to a certain standard or set of rules C. Can be combined to generate unique messages D. Are used to represent certain ideas or events Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D.


When a language is said to be generative, this means that the symbols of a language:

C. Can be combined to produce an infinite number of messages.

According to the given question, we are asked to state what it means when a language is said to be generative, and what this means about the symbols of a language.

As a result of this, we can see that language is generative because the symbols of that language can be combined in order to produce an infinite number of messages.

Read more about language here:


Answer: rules C. Can be combined to generate unique messages

the stock market crash of 1920 left my grandfather ------- (penny)





the hint "Penny" lets us know we are looking for a word with the base word of penny.

drop the "y", replace it with an "i" make is mean "not as much" by adding "less" at the end.

Read the excerpt from stanzas 3 and 4 of "The Turtle.”

It isn’t even hers but came to her
in the rain or the soft wind,
which is a gate through which her life keeps walking.

She can’t see
herself apart from the rest of the world
or the world from what she must do
every spring.
Crawling up the high hill,
luminous under the sand that has packed against her skin,
she doesn’t dream

Based on what is happening in this part of the poem, the repeated "s” sound most likely relates to

the natural flow of the turtle’s actions.
the turtle’s difficulty building a nest.
how the turtle views the seasons.
how the sand feels to the turtle.


The effect which the repeated "s” sound have on this part of the poem is;

The addition of rhythm to the poem. It also adds a sneaky mood to the poem.

The repeated use of the 's' sound in this poem is reflective of a poetic device known as alliteration.

Alliteration is the repetition of the initial sounds of consonants in a group of nearby words.

Alliteration is an important poetic device because it helps to add rhythm to a poem.

In the poem, we see an individual being described who got something easily. Just like the crawling of a snake, the 's' sound used in this poem also adds a sneaky feeling/mood to it.

how many questions can you miss on the permit test


If you miss more than 7 you don’t pass


Those under 18 will receive a test with 46 questions and must answer 38 of them correctly to pass. If you are over 18, your test will only have 36 questions, and you must answer 30 of them correctly. If you fail the written test, you are required to wait seven days before attempting it again.

How many correct answers to pass: 38

How many questions: 46

Passing score: 83%


which would make the best topic for a piece of creative nonfiction?



how car moves


cause it is nonfiction

An event in someone’s life, as it would be nonfiction but would most likely require creative elements (description of scenery and people, recreation of dialogue, internal thoughts, etc.).

Please helppp I dont get itt!!
No links :(



her family tells her not to



It is either A or B


C and D don't make any sense.

I have not read the story myself, so I don't have much context. I'm kind of leaning more towards A, but I don't want to confidently say one or the other.


hope it helps

pls help meeeeeeee what makes printed hands good for kids​



A: Kids like the colors and designs


"Plus, Jen Owen says, kids love the bright plastic designs" is evidence for answer choice A. The answer choice already includes that kids love the designs, and it can be easily inferred they also like the bright colors.

what are two words that use the Latin root onus, meaning burden?



"a load, that which is borne or carried," Old English byrðen "a load, weight, charge, duty;" also "a child;" from Proto-Germanic *burthinjo- "that which is borne" (source also of Old Norse byrðr, Old Saxon burthinnia, German bürde, Gothic baurþei), from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children."

1. Which of the following sentences from the article shows that the author had conflicting feelings about her mistress?
A. My mistress was so kind to me that I was always glad to do her bidding, and proud to labor for her as much as my young years would
B. After a brief period of suspense, the will of my mistress was read, and we learned that she had bequeathed me to her sister's daughter, a
child of five years old.
C. My mistress had taught me the precepts of God's Word: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "Whatsoever ye would that men should
do unto you, do ye even so unto them."
D. As a child, I loved my mistress, and, looking back on the happy days I spent with her, I try to think with less bitterness of this act of


Answer: D


In answers A through C , None of the dialoged has a conflicting theme.

'' I loved my mistress, and, looking back on the happy days I spent with her,  I try to think with less bitterness of this act of injustice'' is a giveaway of feeling conflicted .

The author frequently revisits her memories of certain people and places.



Start studying from Rituals of Memory Analyze the Text. ... it is like the looped relationships with places, our communities, and even our own families.


3. What is a metaphor?

A. giving human traits to animals, nonhuman beings, or inanimate objects
B. a comparison between two unlike things that is implied
C. a comparison between two unlike things using the words like or as


Answer: B

Explanation: take my answer and have fun with what you have!

B, A is personification and C is a simile.

• When Douglass states that, "Mr. Covey succeeded in breaking me. I was broken in body, soul, and spirit.
My natural elasticity was crushed, my intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the cheerful
spark that lingered about my eye died; the dark night of slavery closed in upon me; and behold a man
transformed into a brute!" how does this passage portray the mental and emotional state of a slave who
has been dehumanized? What images does the passage bring to mind?





Read the passage, then use the drop-down menus to
answer the questions.
What is the author's purpose in this passage?
How does the author achieve his purpose?



To convey the importance of lqbal's life


The correct answer is B and A.:)


Hope this helps! :)

Any ideas for this…?



Food companies aren't to blame for poor self-image and obesity in young people because there are many different food choice options and tons of representation for every type of person.

Although fast food is very popular and practically everywhere, there are specific stores and resturants (such as Whole Foods) where you can buy healthy food choices. There are even an abundance of great options in grocery stores. It's up to young people to be proactive and choose the right ones, not Food Companies.

Lastly, commercials are very diverse these days. There are different type of people and clothing for everyone to relate to, and as such with food, you have a choice of what to buy and what to see.


Pronunciation: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. bulky B. earbud C. debut D. judge 2. A. travelled B. played C. cleaned D. wanted 3. A. educate B. debate C. passionate D. state 4. A. passionate B. imitate C. fortunate D. approximate 5. A. biography B. benefit C. breadwinner D. bacteria 6. A. intestine B. spine C. reliable D. digestive 7. A. household B. honest C. handicapped D. headphone 8. A. development B. indent C. establishment D. employment


1. Debut is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

2. Cleaned is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

3. Passionate is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

4. Imitate is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

5. Benefit is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

6. Reliable is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

7. Honest is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

8. Indent is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

In this question, we use Oral English transcription of words to identify the option that is odd from the rest of the given options.

In Oral English, transcription of words involves pronunciation of the words, then carefully writing them down as pronounced.

From the parameters given, we have:

1.A.    bulky    →    /blki/B.  earbud    →   /iəbd/C.   debut     →    /dεbju:/D.   judge     →    /dʒʌdʒ/

Debut is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

2.A. travelled        /ˈtrav(ə)ld/B. played           /pleɪd/C. cleaned         /kliːnd/ D. wanted          /ˈwɒntɪd/

Cleaned is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

3.  A. educate         /ˈɛdjʊkeɪt/B. debate           /dɪˈbeɪt/C. passionate    /ˈpaʃ(ə)nət/D. state              /steɪt/

Passionate is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

4. A. passionate     /ˈpaʃ(ə)nət/B. imitate             /ˈɪmɪteɪt/C. fortunate         /ˈfɔːtʃ(ə)nət/D. approximate   /əˈprɒksɪmət/

Imitate is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

5. A. biography      /bʌɪˈɒɡrəfi/B. benefit           /ˈbɛnɪfɪt/C. breadwinner  /ˈbrɛdwɪnə/D. bacteria          /bækˈtɪəriə/

Benefit is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

6.A. intestine        /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/B. spine             /spaɪn/C. reliable         /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/D. digestive      /dɪˈdʒɛs tɪv/

Reliable is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

7. A. household      /haʊsˌhoʊld/ B. honest             /'ɒnɪst/C. handicapped  /ˈhandɪkæpt/D. headphone    /hɛdˌfoʊn/

Honest is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

8. A. development    /dɪˈvɛləpm(ə)nt/B. indent                /ɪnˈdɛnt/C. establishment   /ɛˈstablɪʃm(ə)nt/D. employment     /ɛmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt/

Indent is the one that is pronounced differently from the others.

Learn more about Oral English here:





An object of obsession.


What curse did Saint Peter pronounce on the selfish woman?



Saint Peter cursed her to live like a bird and struggle for food and shelter. As soon as he cursed her, she was transformed into a woodpecker.


Can you mark me as brainliest


to live like a bird and struggle for food and shelter and  that she must bore the hard, dry wood to get her food


Does anyone speak Turkish? I have a very important math question.​


Yeah I can speak a little bit!

and you can ask your question!

outsiders who was in charge of the children when the fire started


What children, the children in the fire or the main characters , Johnny and Ponyboy?

Read the sentence. The snow and ice that arrived last night elated kids and adults alike when they awoke to a winter wonderland. What is the compound subject of the sentence? snow and ice night kids and adults they.


The compound subject of the sentence based on the given sentence is:

Snow and ice

According to the given question, we are asked to state the compound subject of the sentence based on the given sentence.

As a result of this, we know that the subject of a sentence is the thing which is giving the action, while the object of a sentence is the receiver of the action.

With this in mind, the compound subject has to do with the use of two or more noun phrases to form one long noun phrase

Read more about compound subject here:


Based on the information given, the compound subject of the sentence based on the given sentence is snow and ice.

It can be deduced that the subject of a sentence is the thing that is giving the action. On the other hand, the object of a sentence is the receiver of the action.

The compound subject has to do with the use of two or more noun phrases to form one long noun phrase. Therefore, the correct option is snow and ice.

Learn more about compound sentence on:


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