Which of the following is not an effective way to find out about a character? FYI, It's not (A).
(A). How they look
(B). How others react to them
(C). How the stars were positioned when they were born
(D). How they act


Answer 1









Answer 2


D no doubt


Related Questions

write a letter to the President of Gulshan Club to organize a winter festival program in the club premises.
(250 words)
Hints: food, winter clothes, educational things for children, baby foods, time, date, day, etc.




Microcredit is a very hot topic of debate these days! Basically, microcredit involves providing small business loans to the poor who are traditionally marginalized by the usual banking institutions because they lack collateral, or the resources to in other ways pay back a loan should they default on their payments. In the eyes of Western banking, this lack of collateral makes the poor a high credit risk and, by definition, untrustworthy.


The following passage is an example of which of the literary devices listed below?

"Huge pines were twisted and snapped off, blown sideways...He pulled up enough thick limbs for a bed, green and spicy with the new broken sap smell..."







I believe it's C, imagery


The quotation is a description of the scene taking place, which therefore makes it an example of imagery.

I apologize if this is incorrect.

Imagery is an example of which of the literary devices listed below. Hence, option C is correct.

What are literary devices?

Using the literary device of personification, non-human objects are given human traits. It is one of the most popular literary devices and has many uses. improves the visual.

A literary device is a writing technique used by authors to make meaning clear, express ideas, and highlight important themes in a piece of writing. As an example, a metaphor is a popular example of a literary device.

A literary device is any distinguishing feature of literature or a particular work that we can name, pinpoint, interpret, and/or evaluate. Both literary elements and literary procedures are the correct terms for literary devices.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about literary devices, click here



A regular rhythm created by the accented syllables of words is called ____.



Answer: meter


a fixed pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of fixed length to create rhythm. Syllabic stress. some syllables said with emphasis.

The Ana is number 1 meter

identify the error in this sentence and the best way to fix it e


B. Is the correct answer
Best way to fix it :
The gym is closed on Sundays but it opens early on mondays

It is a comma splice and needs a conjunction. Hope this helps.

Vocabulary in Context: “Big Henryk was holding Kuba upside down by his ankles while Ferdi walloped Kuba’s rump with a big bone, one of many that were lying around”. Based on the context clues, what does wallop most likely mean? A.Tickle B.Strike C.Slice D.Scrape



In this context, wallop most likely means strike

Answer B strike


because ferdia was about to hit him

I need help on question D And you will have to look at the answer from question C !
I need answer ASAP PLZ! First one to answer will get a brainliest! And plz nooooo scam link!



Her acceleration is 4 mph.


hope this helps!! :P




Choose the indirect object in the sentence. Adnan loaned Bruce his bicycle last Saturday.


I believe the indirect object is his.

which example is a medium





Hope this helps

Podcast is a medium.

I checked on go ogle to check my answer. This is what it said.

"Podcasting as simply the dissemination of media files with RSS feeds, it's a medium."

Plese help! Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

“Well,” he says, “there’s excuse for picks and letting-on, in a case like this; if it warn’t so, I wouldn’t approve of it, nor I wouldn’t stand by and see the rules broke—because right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better. It might answer for you to dig Jim out with a pick, without any letting-on, because you don’t know no better; but it wouldn’t for me, because I do know better.”

The meaning in this excerpt is _____.



Answer: I have narrowed it down to at least two answer which were explicit and implicit. I say this because you know someone is in trouble but for what? I don't really know. So I would either pick A or D. ( Sorry if I didn't help at all)





Sorry if it is wrong!

Which word is a synonym of covert? HELP ME PLZ!!!





Answer: Your answer would be stealth


A paradox is something that sounds impossible but is actually true. Explain the meaning behind this paradox: “This was the Ghetto: where children grew down instead of up”.



You only get worse and not better.

You won’t be a better person just worse

Find the units digit of the following within the indicated number base: $(14_8)^2$
(Sorry this is math)


Answer:800+900 =1700



which sentence is the most concise?



I think it could be A


Because Concise means something in details so the A sentence is detailed more then the others.

Hope it helps! <3


How do Janina and Misha react to the milkweed plant?



It was thrilling just to see a plant, a spot of green in the ghetto desert.

She plucked it from my shirt. She held it by the seed up to the light. She dusted her nose with it and giggled. She brushed the fluff across her cheek, closing her eyes. She stood on tiptoes and held it as high as she could and let it go. It sailed toward the sky.

“That’s my angel,” she said.

Which sentences must be revised to correct vague pronouns? Choose three answers.

They say strange things happen during a full moon.
Phil visited Uncle James shortly after his vacation.
I talked to my teacher and she agreed to postpone the exam.
After her accident, Julie helped Lian fix her broken-down bike.
We took Grandma to the museum to celebrate her recovery.
Before Tara’s recital, Jemma wished her good luck.



They say strange things happen during a full moon.

Phil visited Uncle James shortly after his vacation.

After her accident, Julie helped Lian fix her broken down bike.


In the first, "They" doesn't explain who says things happen during the full moon.

In the second, "His" does not explain who went on vacation.

In the third, "Her" doesn't fully explain who's bike had broken down.

Th sentences which must be revised are A.They say strange things happen during a full moon.  B. Phil visited Uncle James shortly after his vacation. and D. After her accident, Julie helped Lian fix her broken down bike.

What is a pronoun?

This is a word that can replace a noun in a snetence an the noun which is replaced   by a pronoun is known as antecedent.

The replaced words should be:

They doesn't explain who says things happen during the full moon.His does not explain who went on vacation.Her doesn't fully explain who's bike had broken down.

Therefore, the words should be replaced to state things clearly.

Read more about pronouns here:


Why does Killer Kane wake Max before daybreak ?

( Book : Freak The Mighty - Chapter : 17 )





He wakes Max before daybreak because he says that if it is true that he killed this boys mother god ,strike me dead and nothing happend .

Can some pretend to be a news reporter for football this is 70 points.





Im just going to use the last name morgan (making up names)

Hello welcome to News today Sports!

MY name is (name)

If you watched last game, you saw the greatest throw in history by morgan to fin by 90 yards! What a throw! Lets see the video . (shows video) AS you see morgan used arm to just chick that football across the yard and scored the dolphins the winning point. Fin used the last of his energy to run and made the point!  No one has EVer made a throw as incredible as that! As you see here *freezes video* you see don trying to catch the ball in mid air Almost making it but meets the ground instead.

Thats news today by (name) and have a great night

Answer: I got you

Explanation: Hello this is Sportz X, I’m (name) we are here in football season right now the score is 10 to 16 as we take the ball and run down the field while avoiding every tackle and we score as we make a touch down

Read the passage.
Our visit to New Mexico was great. Watching the sun rise over the desert is one of the greatest memories I have from any vacation. Taos, a small town that is nestled among soaring mountains, was my favorite place to visit. Skiing constantly, we flew down the sides of mountains for most of our vacation.

Which group of words from the passage is a participial phrase?

a. Watching the sun rise
b. flew down the sides of mountains
c. Skiing constantly
d. nestled among soaring mountains



b. flew down the sides of mountains


Hope This Helps ^^


I think it is b


A participial phrase is a group of words consisting of a participle and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the participle, such as: Removing his coat, Jack rushed to the river.

The Ornithopter

Many people know Leonardo da Vinci today as an artist, and it is true that he was indeed a great painter and sculptor, but he was also an inventor and one of the first individuals in recorded history to draft detailed plans for a flying machine.

In order to make a living, Leonardo often depended upon wealthy individuals who would commission work from him. That means they would hire him and pay him to create specific work they wanted. In 1482, when he was 30 years old, Leonardo heard of an opportunity to work for Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. The duke, however, did not want a painter; he wanted a military engineer to help him defend the city against its enemies. This was an excellent opportunity that would pay Leonardo well, but Leonardo was a peaceful man. He considered war to be “a beastly madness.” He preferred to make things of beauty.

Leonardo made the decision that he could tolerate making weapons if the resources the duke could provide would also allow him to create things he loved. He sent a letter to the duke detailing his skills in designing and building weapons. “I will assemble catapults, mangonels, trebuchets and other instruments of wonderful efficiency…I will make an infinite number of items for attack and defense,” he wrote.

Leonardo’s letter convinced the duke of his talents, and he got the job. He set about designing the weapons that the duke desired. But Leonardo was infinitely creative, always thinking of new things, new ideas—he could not be limited to weapons alone. One idea that he had not mentioned in his application was the ornithopter. It was not a weapon of war, and it was not something that the duke had asked for, but Leonardo went ahead and designed it anyway.

Leonardo was fascinated by the idea of flight. The word “ornithopter” comes from two words meaning “bird” and “wings.” And on first inspection, his plans resembled a bird’s wings attached to a human being’s arms. He concluded that a human being’s arms were neither strong enough nor light enough to stay in the air for long. So, his design included sets of foot pedals and levers that were operated with the hands. He created detailed plans and presented them to the duke, uncertain of how the duke would react to a design for which he didn’t ask.

As it turned out, the duke was very impressed with the ornithopter, but it wasn’t Leonardo’s innovation that excited him. He immediately thought of the ways this machine could be used in war. If a spy could fly over the enemy’s camp, imagine what information he could gather! This was not what Leonardo had intended for his beautiful flying machine.

But how Leonardo felt about war turned out not to matter in the end. His ornithopter was never built—along with his designs for tanks, parachutes, diving suits, machine guns, and even robots that he created for the duke. The ideas of Leonardo da Vinci were centuries ahead of the technology needed to make them.

He created detailed plans and presented them to the duke, uncertain of how the duke would react to a design for which he didn't ask.

Which type of conflict is expressed in this excerpt?

A. individual vs. nature

B. individual vs. individual

C. individual vs. society


The answer is c . Individual vs society

had poes short story been set in a different time period, do you think the story would have been as effective? explain in a 100-word essay
im talking about edgar allan poes short story about the spanish inquisition btw


A 100-word essay for five points? I don’t know about that.
How to do make 100 word essay

Write a speech on the topic of an unjust situation you are passionate about. This may be an issue on the community level, or a current national issue.

Remember to use the following elements:

a claim
supporting facts, statistics, and reasons
possible objections to your claim (counterclaims)
a summary and call to action
three transitional words or phrases and one instance of effective keyword repetition
proper documentation of sources using MLA citation style
Your speech should be a minimum of 200 words.




The Great Compromise solved issues between states with small populations and states with large populations.

The Great Compromise was developed at the Constitutional Convention and helped in creating the modern day structure of Congress. In this deal, both states with small populations and large populations got something they wanted. For example, the Senate would be composed of 2 Senators from each state, regardless of their states population. This helped to ensure that smaller states had a voice in the creation of federal laws.

On the other hand, the House of Representatives would have the number of representatives based on a states population. The greater the population, the more representatives. This made larger states happy, as they felt this accurately represented the power they should have in Congress


El Gran Compromiso resolvió problemas entre estados con poblaciones pequeñas y estados con poblaciones grandes.

El Gran Compromiso se desarrolló en la Convención Constitucional y ayudó a crear la estructura moderna del Congreso. En este acuerdo, ambos estados con poblaciones pequeñas y grandes obtuvieron algo que querían. Por ejemplo, el Senado estaría compuesto por 2 senadores de cada estado, independientemente de la población de su estado. Esto ayudó a asegurar que los estados más pequeños tuvieran voz en la creación de leyes federales.

Por otro lado, la Cámara de Representantes tendría el número de representantes basado en la población de un estado. Cuanto mayor sea la población, más representantes. Esto hizo felices a los estados más grandes, ya que sentían que esto representaba con precisión el poder que deberían tener en el Congreso.


This speech would be really easy if you did it yourself.

If you pick a topic you are really passionate about you should be able to write the speech in under an hour

MODIFICATIONS: Write one paragraph.


If you are teaching writing a 5-paragraph essay with the writing process, then your first step will be teaching students to brainstorm for topics and filling out a graphic organizer. When brainstorming a topic, it is important for students to pick a focused, narrow topic that they know a lot about. When filling out the graphic organizer, it is important for students to include main ideas and details in an organized way.

Modifications: Students who are writing a 3-paragraph essay instead of writing a 5-paragraph essay will need to brainstorm topics also. Special needs students may have difficulty narrowing their topics. For example, they may choose dogs, but this is too broad. You will need to work with these students during this lesson to choose a narrower topic, or you can also give them partners to work with. When doing prewriting and filling out the graphic organizer, students will have a smaller graphic organizer since they are writing three paragraphs. It is helpful if the teacher fills out the main ideas for the student, and then asks them to write details that they want to include in each of the paragraphs. An example might be: Paragraph 1: Introduce topic of Taking Your Dog For a Walk; Paragraph 2: Three Things to Always Remember When Taking Your Dog For a Walk; Paragraph 3: Conclusion and Why it is Important to Take Dogs for a Walk.


umm huh write about what


help me compare the poem "Funeral" to the book The Outsiders PLSSS!!
In the poem "Funeral", how does Ponyboy compare to Ralph in their experiences of moving on? What results for the two characters after the loss of their friends?



In the outsiders i know one character gets himself killed because his friend died



In the outsiders i know one character gets himself killed because his friend died


dont mark me as brainiest mark the person on top as brainliest

One of the many things that authors have to consider when writing is the audience they are writing for. The author may use specific techniques to interest a particular audience, or shape their writing to ensure that their specific audience will understand the main ideas. For example, if you were writing an instruction manual for rocket scientists, it would likely look very different from one you would write for young children. Your language, tone, and writing style would change significantly.

You will be writing two separate paragraphs in this journal entry, each intended for a very different audience. Imagine you have been asked to write a paragraph about something you can do to improve your school or community. First, write the paragraph imagining that the readers of the paragraph will be first- and second-graders at the local elementary school. Then, revise the paragraph, this time writing it for an audience of political repesentatives in your city.

Your response should be no less than 150 words in total, and must include both versions of the paragraph.


Answer I have no clue  bruv





This is the sample qusteion for you





The slight difference in meaning between words is generally known as ________.




It is known as a substance.


Answer:The slight difference in meaning between words is generally known as nuance.

Lots of points!!!!! Emergencyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Which of these is an example of the kind of claim that would go in an opinion essay?
Fables are boring because it’s too hard to believe that animals would act like human beings.
Fables were used by older cultures to teach children how to get along with other people.
Fables are more fun to read than other stories because animals make interesting characters.
Fables could be used in preschool to teach students how to make good choices.

I really don't think it's A.



Fables are more fun to read than other stories because animals make interesting characters.


This is an opinion not a fact, and as an opinion essay is an opinion essay this would be the best example.

The answer is A. Fables are boring because it’s too hard to believe that animals would act like human beings.


It's an opinion.

are teachers allowed to give a whole class detention ?

( not sure if this is english or social studies )





depending on what yall are doing no


no...they trynna play yall


A very popular form of extended metaphor appears in poems that compare something inanimate to a living, breathing human being. This technique is called _____.



Answer: personification

Reasoning: personification is when an inanimate object is given human/living characteristics.

Example: the chilly morning air brushed itself against my cheek, sending chills throughout my body.

A very popular form of extended metaphor appears in poems that compare something inanimate to a living, breathing human being. This technique is called option D: Personification.

What do you mean by term Personification?

Personification is refers to as the situation when an inanimate object is given human/living characteristics.

On the other hand, Hyperbole is used to exaggerate things. Metaphor and simile are used to compare two unlike things.  

Therefore, correct option is D.

Learn more about Personification, refer to the link:



One of the many things that authors have to consider when writing is the audience they are writing for. The author may use specific techniques to interest a particular audience, or shape their writing to ensure that their specific audience will understand the main ideas. For example, if you were writing an instruction manual for rocket scientists, it would likely look very different from one you would write for young children. Your language, tone, and writing style would change significantly.

You will be writing two separate paragraphs in this journal entry, each intended for a very different audience. Imagine you have been asked to write a paragraph about something you can do to improve your school or community. First, write the paragraph imagining that the readers of the paragraph will be first- and second-graders at the local elementary school. Then, revise the paragraph, this time writing it for an audience of political repesentatives in your city.

Your response should be no less than 150 words in total, and must include both versions of the paragraph.

Please Help, I'll give 25 points.



Hello, I Think in school we should have more recess time. Studies show that recess helps kids brains get working faster. also the second graders will get tired but not too tired so they will listen but not be loud and squirmy. In conclusion extra recess would be good for all grades.


There’s one paragraph that’s all I have time for I have to go to bed sorry. But I hope that helps


Picking up garbage is one thing I could do to benefit the neighborhood. Littering is a major source of pollution, especially considering how many humans litter. When trash is eaten by animals, they are injured and sick, and the ecosystem suffers as a result. As a result, tidying up after others is quite beneficial. If everyone pitched in to pick up garbage, the neighborhood would be a cleaner and happier environment.

Picking up garbage is one thing I could do to help the neighborhood. Littering is the most prevalent cause of pollution, and it has a greater impact on the environment than many people realize. An animal may easily grow ill and die if it ate plastic on the side of the road. Picking up after others is a good duty to accomplish while assisting in any location; if everyone worked together to eliminate litter, the neighborhood would be clean and healthy.


search up quill bot. and paraphrase from there!

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