Which combination of features BEST characterizes legends?
powerful villains and brave knights
magical animals and clear moral lessons
historical basis and supernatural elements
shapeshifting creatures and poetic language


Answer 1


historical basis and supernatural elements


Answer 2
Powerful villains and brave knights but magical animals and clear moral lessons are awesome!!!

Related Questions

why is the musical quality of poetry important?



t is perhaps the most important single element in poetry, and yet poetry without musical quality and metre is not properly poetry at all. The other two factors of musical quality and metre are much more formal in their nature.


Which word means the ability to notice and understand things clearly? i think its b but it might be wrong






I think the answer is astute
Answer: Evident

Explanation: plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood

Synonym: Obvious
Hope this helped

identify the error in the following sentence and the best way to fix it


Answer: A or D


On Day 2, Brian at

1. berries.

2. a rabbit.

3. fish.

4. a foolbird.


1. Berries goodluck (mark as brainlist)


Fool bird


Brian ate a fool bird he ate the berries in chapter 7 and got very sick from them.

write the past tense form of each verb
1 run ________
2 write ________
3 talk __________
4 smile __________
5 say ____________


1. ran
2. wrote
3. talked
4. smiled
5. said


1. ran

2. wrote





Help plz middle school English


Answer: d


answer D. classification

can you write me a monologue 1min 30secs long with the emotions in brackets


One day I woke up got dressed and went downstairs to greet my mother and father. When I went down I saw a handsome boy sitting in our living room he looked kinda familiar. Then my mother and a woman her age came out and said good morning I replied in a cold voice moring. The strange woman said don't you remember me Yu-Jun. I was very shocked when she knew my name but I had a cold look on my face the whole time. I replied no am I supposed to know you. She then told my mother she did change I then spoke again what do you mean" I change "  I said in a very cold meantone. She said I am Seo-Jun when she said that I was very shocked but again didn't show it. She was my childhood friend's mother and I guess the boy in the living room is my childhood bestie but we lost connection when he moved to the U.S 10 years ago we known each other since we were 1 and he went to the U.S when he was 10 and I was 9 that means he's 20 now and I am 19. The reason I am cold now because I had no other friend than him and when he left I cried so hard and that's when I  started to become cold and I didn't speak that much. I would only speak In class or when I needed to. I was zoned out till Seo-Jun spoke again saying I need to talk to you and Sun-oh my ex-bestie. I then said fine what do you want to talk about she said let's go in the living room then we went to the living room and they made me sit next to him but I kept my distance. Then she said something very unexpected. She said we you and Sun-oh are getting married. I said what why do I have to marry a mn that I don't even know he's a complete stranger. My mom spoke she told me to apologize I said no and I won't marry him and went to my room in anger. My mom apologizes when Mrs.Jeon aka Seo-Jun said it's fine give her time it's very suprising to her    

The rest you can do  

Write an informational compare and contrast essay in third person.

Choose any informational texts and create a compare and contrast essay.
Article 1- Minutes that matter
Article 2- Defeating Dragons
Article 3- Food that fuels

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The minutes count and they fly like water you can’t hold them you need them but its to hard to success. The minutes have 60 seconds in each minute the time ticks and its not even noticeable until you realize that the night came because the minutes past and no one may tell you that they tick.

The minutes go slow if you take your time and you wait for that last minute to go quick it feels like eternity but it also helps you go stuff and do them quick.


Go to kibin automatic thesis generator and type the differences and similarities such as one raises money for phone cards the other collect food oil for fuel and they both aim to help families


How did the Scottsboro boys trial progress?


D. It was quick because the jury was convinced of the boys’ guilt
Their trials began 12 days after the alleged crime and, despite ample evidence that they were innocent, eight of the nine were found guilty by all-white juries and sentenced to death in the electric chair. ... The Scottsboro defendants were ultimately saved from execution, but they languished in prison for years.

Part A

What is an implied idea in "To My Old Master"?

Jourdon trusts the Colonel to reimburse him for unpaid wages.

Jourdon does not believe the Colonel will keep his promises if he and his wife return to work on the plantation.

Jourdon is eager to share details with the Colonel about how well he is doing.

Jourdon wants to return to work for the Colonel but does not think he can make enough money working on the plantation.
Question 2
Part B

Which evidence from "To My Old Master" best supports the answer in Part A?

"I am doing tolerably well here. I get $25 a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy (the folks call her Mrs. Anderson), and the children,"

"Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you."

"I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can."

"This will make us forget and forgive old scores and rely on your justice and friendship in the future."


for part a it’s b and also for part b it’s is b

Answer: part A:Jourdon wants to return to work for the Colonel but does not think he can make enough money working on the plantation.

 part B:"This will make us forget and forgive old scores and rely on your justice and friendship in the future.                                                  "Explanation: I took the test

Read the passage.

It might not be well known, but there is a desert in North America. It spans along the western side of the continent, from southern Oregon to northern Mexico. It is mostly contained in the arid area between the Rocky Mountains to the east and the fertile coast of the Pacific Ocean to the west. Researchers estimate that the desert is between 500,000 and 730,000 square miles.

Differences of latitude, elevation, climate, topography, vegetation, soil, and human use have divided the desert into a cold region and a hot region. The cold region of the desert is known as the Great Basin Desert. This area covers almost all of Nevada, western Utah, and sections of the neighboring states. South of this basin is the Mojave Desert, which is the hot region of the North American Desert. This area covers much of California, southern Nevada, and some of Mexico.

As a desert, the area is arid because of high evaporation, extreme temperatures, high winds, localized storms, and sun-beaten land. Life in the desert is a struggle for humans. People do live in this desert, but the pockets of people are dispersed and isolated. Native Americans and European settlers have added to the population of the region. Despite the harsh conditions, a surprising number of plants, animals, and reptiles make the desert their home. In fact, some species can only be found in the desert.

Which information best supports the idea that the desert is a difficult place to live?

A. There are differences of latitude, soil, and climate among the deserts.
B. The desert has pockets of people that are dispersed and isolated.
C. There are extreme temperatures, high winds, and localized storms.
D. The desert has a surprising number of plants, animals, and reptiles.



The answer is C: There are extreme temperatures, high winds, and localized storms.


the other answers do not support the idea that the desert is a difficult place to live because they do not say why or how, while answer C tells some examples of why the desert is a difficult place to live in, such as extreme temperatures or high winds. This is why answer C supports the idea that the desert is a difficult place to live. I hope this helped!

adapted from To My Old Master

This letter was written by Jourdon Anderson, a person who escaped slavery during the Civil War. The letter is addressed to the man who once held him in slavery, Colonel P.H. Anderson. After the Civil War, Colonel Anderson’s plantation was failing, and he wrote Jourdon to ask him to return to work the fields and help him save his business.

Dayton, Ohio, August 7, 1865.

To my old Master, Colonel P. H. Anderson, Big Spring, Tennessee.


I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can. I have often felt uneasy about you. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt and am glad you are still living. I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the Nashville Hospital, but one of the neighbors told me that Henry intended to shoot me if he ever got a chance . . .

I want to know particularly what the good chance is you propose to give me. I am doing tolerably well here. I get $25 a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy (the folks call her Mrs. Anderson), and the children, Milly, Jane, and Grundy, go to school and are learning well . . .

As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville. Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you. This will make us forget and forgive old scores and rely on your justice and friendship in the future. I served you faithfully for thirty-two years, and Mandy twenty years. At $25 a month for me, and $2 a week for Mandy, our earnings would amount to $11,680. Add to this the interest for the time our wages have been kept back, and deduct what you paid for our clothing, and three doctor’s visits to me, and pulling a tooth for Mandy, and the balance will show what we are in justice entitled to.

From your old servant,

Jourdon Anderson

P.S.— Say howdy to George Carter and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were shooting at me.
In "To My Old Master," which quote from the text best states a claim Jourdon makes about the value of the Colonel's offer of independence and a better life?

"I have often felt uneasy about you. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt and am glad you are still living."

"As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville."

"I get $25 a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy (the folks call her Mrs. Anderson), and the children"

"Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you."




Which word is a synonym of adverse? HELPPP MEEE PLZZZ AND NO LINKS!!!





Journal 29--Respond using 4 to 5 complete sentences.

Your mom works really hard, and you want to do something to show how much you appreciate her. What will you do?


I will do chores to help her long day. I will cook her dinner and take the dogs out for a walk. I will make it easier on her. I will lastly give her a lot of love.


It all depends on what your mom likes.


Mom works extremely hard everyday and rarely has time for herself. I think I would like to take her to her favorite restaurant and possibly catch a movie. Mom does love shopping, we could go to the mall after. I would like to buy her perfumes, shoes, clothes, and maybe even some furniture. I don't have enough money to give my mom all those things. I know I can make sure she comes home to peace, quiet, and cleanliness. Maybe even the fresh scent of dinner being made, or desserts being baked.

hello, can someone write a story on why I should get a later bedtime using all 10 of these words it doesn't have to be long, and please keep it appropriate. Glance Agony Abrupt Frantic Cacophony Homophone Premonition Prevent Biography Biology



I believe I should have a later bedtime because it allows me more time to study/do homework such as biology without premonition! At first glance, staying up later means "less" sleep causes the brain agony because of the abrupt change in sleep, creating frantic feelings. But I think it instead prevents cacophony due to the quietness, and in the end creates a more productive environment.



See below:


What a fun prompt! I hope this is what you're looking for!

Dear (whoever is supposed to be reading this paragraph. you fill in),

I cannot prevent my frantic scrambling to get assignments done, finish my studying, and do the things I want to do like (insert hobby or sport here), with such an early bedtime. By the time I finish one homework assignment and glance at the clock, it's already (insert what you think is a late time)! Take today as an example. I had to write a biography for English, had over 2 hours of Biology homework, and I had to figure out the meaning of words like cacophony, premonition, and homophone for this poetry assignment I was doing! By the time I have any spare time to do the things I want to do, it comes to an abrupt stop because (insert your current bedtime) comes! The agony of never being able to finish (insert a project you want to do) or even read (insert book name) is driving me crazy!

For these reasons, I think you should let me have a later bedtime.

Sincerely, (name here)

I hope this wasn't too long, I was having a lot of fun with it!


Imagine that you wake up one day and discover that you are invisible Write a story about what happened to you that day, and be sure to include a lot of information in your story.



someone forced me to drink an invis potion in my sleep




Story below :)

      I calmly woke up thinking everything was great! The sun was shining, birds chirping. I went downstairs to eat breakfast before I got ready for school. I saw my mother and said hello... but she replied "Where are you honey?". I hastily replied "I'm right here mom" but she still did not see me. I rushed to the bathroom and realized "I WAS INVISIBLE!" I was scared and nervous at first but then I realized.... "I don't have to go to school!!" I was very excited about that so I walked to the ice cream truck and got ice cream for free! I was thinking of what to do and realized "I can go to school and get all of the drama and secrets". That's when I saw the school bus taking people to school. But then again I was still in my pajamas... but nobody could see me I was invisible! I got on the bus and we got to school much faster than it normally takes. I had to remember  to be very quiet although I was invisible everyone could still hear me! I walked inside of my school and saw my best friends! I wanted to go say hello to them but instead just walked up and listened. They were talking about me! I heard one of them say "How should we arrange this" and then the other said "Hmm not sure but she is going to be so surprised" I started to think what if they are going to embarrass me in front of everyone or maybe something even worse! I started getting very nervous. I left school quickly and saw the time. School was almost over! I was wondering where all the time went but then remembered waking up and my friends not being there. I must have passed out from being so nervous! I went into my all of my classrooms and grabbed copies of the work so i could do my work and bring it in tomorrow. I went home and sat down. "Time to get this work done" I said to myself. I finished the first assignment but then I got distracted and next thing I know i'm sleeping and it is 7 in the morning. "Wow I fell asleep not finishing my work.. oh well" I shrugged. I jolted out of my seat "Maybe i'm not invisible!" I saw that I wasn't invisible! I did enjoy being invisible but I like being able to hang out with my friends and family more.

n which sentence do the subject and verb agree?

Glossy green leaves and brilliant sunlight has created a beautiful scene.

Vitamins and minerals isn't equally present in all foods.

A half of a grapefruit is waiting for me on the breakfast table.

The night air, soft and cool, were blowing in through the car window.



the night air, soft and cool, were blowing in through the car window


Answer:Option: C " A half of a grapefruit is waiting for me on the breakfast table.

Explanation: Hoped I Helped!

Learn more about your question here <https://brainly.com/question/9859376?referrer=searchResults>

Which word is a synonym of immaterial?



unimportant, irrelevant, insignificant, intangible


Which of the following apply to this sentence?

The guests are terrified by the bizarre behavior of Christopher Wren.

voice: passive
verb: are terrified

subject: guests
voice: active
subject: Christopher Wren
verb: the bizarre



c and d


D and C are the answers

Read the excerpt from "Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge" by Hon. Seth Low, Mayor of the City of Brooklyn.

Which of the following best summarizes the central idea of this excerpt?

In the course of the construction of the Bridge a number of lives have been lost. Does it not sometimes seem as though every work of enduring value, in the material as in the moral world, must needs be purchased at the cost of human life? Let us recall with kindness at this hour the work of those who labored here faithfully unto the death, no less than of that great army of men who have wrought, year in and year out, to execute the great design. Let us give our meed of praise to-day to the humblest workman who has here done his duty well, no less than to the great engineer who told him what to do.


Low explains that it took Roebling fourteen years to design and build the Brooklyn Bridge.

Low celebrates the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge and the hard work that went into building it.

Low takes credit for managing the planning and construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Low complains that the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge took much longer than it should have.




Low celebrates the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge and the hard work that went into building it.


Their explaining how the person or people who put in their time and hard work building the Broolyn Bridge in best they could to show their honor

it explains in the line/paragragh

"Let us recall with kindness at this hour the work of those who labored here faithfully unto the death, no less than of that great army of men who have wrought, year in and year out, to execute the great design. Let us give our meed of praise to-day to the humblest workman who has here done his duty well"

Low celebrates the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge and the hard work that went into building it is best summarizes the central idea of this excerpt. Hence, option B is correct.

What is Brooklyn Bridge?

The Brooklyn Bridge, the first bridge to use steel cable wire, was a great feat of engineering in the 19th century. In a pneumatic caisson, explosives were also utilized for the first time during construction.

It is around 1.3 kilometers away. Again, if you travel carefully, it should take you around 60 minutes, giving you time to savor the landscape and snap some photos. It will take you 20 to 25 minutes if you move rapidly.

John Augustus Roebling, who created the Brooklyn Bridge, made significant contributions to the development of steel suspension bridges. Before relocating to western Pennsylvania at the age of 25.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Brooklyn Bridge, click here:



Answer the question below



The phrase would be "out of breath"


It says that he was playing the harmonica until he was sweating and out of breath. Therefore when it says "tried to get his wind", it means he is trying to catch his breath.

“Out of breath” would be the correct answer

Which statement plagiarizes information from this passage?
A) "Lange used photography to document the difficult period of the Depression and to motivate agencies and individuals to take action to improve the situation."

B) Dorothea Lange used photography to "document the difficult period of the Depression and to motivate agencies and individuals to take action to improve the situation" (Carson).

C) Carson states that "Lange used photography to document the difficult period of the Depression and to motivate agencies and individuals to take action to improve the situation."

D) According to Carson, Dorothea Lange "used photography to document the difficult period of the Depression and to motivate agencies and individuals to take action to improve the situation."



A - “Lange used photography to docume the difficult period of the Depression and to motivate agencies and individuals to take to improve


I say it’s that one because it doesn’t say who said it where did that quote come out from

I am writing an opening statement for an assignment and Grammarly is telling me there is passive voice misuse in this statement: "He should be prevented from disrespecting the gods and believing in his false ones." I am stuck on this could someone help?
(PS: I do not have Grammarly Premium so it just tells me I have the mistake not how to fix it).


Don’t use words like he me you I or we or anything like that when writing formal essay. It causes grammarly to say passive voice. I would personally ignore it though.


Perfect indirect characterization…ready? “Big Henryk stomped his feet like a baby. He let out a loud squawk. Uri grabbed Big Henryk’s ears and twisted. I thought he was going to twist them off. Big Henryk’s eyed bugged out. Using the ears as handles Uri hauled Big Henryk to his feet” (100-101). What do you think this Passage reveals about the character, Big Henryk?



It reveals that he is very spoiled and often throws temper tantrums

2. What inference can be made about today’s passage?
People enjoyed going to the tigers’ habitat.
People are no longer afraid of tigers.
Tigers won’t attack someone facing them.



If people go to the tiger habitat they are no longer afraid of tigers. And if people go to the tigers' habitat then the tiger won't attack someone facing them.


Technically this passage would be invalid because it is not logical. It also could be put in the form of a syllogism to make it easier to understand. If you would like to know how to do that, I would be glad to show you!

Hope this helps!!

It can be made‘Tigers won’t attack someone facing them.’

What exactly is active voice?



Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action. ... The two grammatical voices are active and passive.

An active voice is a sentence where the subject acts upon the verb.

which part of a narrative is most clearly shown in this passage?



so I ain't sure either but I think it's characters bc

Rico the character is being described on everything he is wearing or how he looks and the dialogue is just used one, I think the setting is just the classroom nothing else and it isn't telling anything about the plot so I don't think any of what is being tell will apply much in the story.

Characters, since they describe the Character

My class is doing a court case on Tell-tale Heart. I need 15 questions because I am the lawyer against the narrator.
I need 7 questions for the narrator
5 questions for the cops
3 questions for the neighbor


I don't understand, could you explain it better.

i know you need help but i dont understand

Read the sentence.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which he wrote about in letters to friends.

Which sentence corrects the vague or ambiguous pronoun he?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which was written by them to friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which he wrote about to their friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which was written about in letters to their friends.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends.



The last option.


I believe it is the last option since we know who wrote the letters. In the original sentence it just says "he" and this could refer to either Thomas or John. In the last one it says who "he" is

That’s the answer because I know

Which word is a synonym of maternal?


Answer: maternal means relating on mother's side.

Synonyms of maternal are: parental, enate, enatic.

Other Questions
A principle at a certain high school claims that the students in her school are above average in SAT. She collects a random sample of 50 students and given an SAT test that provided with a mean score of 541. Is there sufficient evidence statistically to support the principals claim? The mean population SAT score is 500 with a standard deviation of 100. SAT scores are normally distributed. Please show all the steps involved in a hypothesis testing including proper statistical symbols, formula used, and report/interpret results in complete sentences. Add. 34.700 + 98.428 98.775 132.435 132.980 133.128 Will give BRAINLIEST 40 Points! 11 French Questions.Remplace les lments souligns par le pronom y ou en.Est-ce que tu as -quelques timbres-?Est-ce que tu en quelques as ?Est-ce que tu en as quelques ?Est-ce que tu en as quelques-uns ?Est-ce que tu y as quelques-uns ?Remplace les lments souligns par un pronom tonique.Je me suis assise - ct de Marie- dans le bus.Je me suis assise elle dans le bus.Je me suis assise ct delle dans le bus.Je ct delle me suis assise dans le bus.Je lai assise dans le bus.Remplace les lments souligns par un pronom tonique.Diane est alle au march avec -ses frres-.Diane est alle au march leurs.Diane est alle au march avec ils.Diane est alle au march avec lui.Diane est alle au march avec eux.Complte la phrase avec un pronom tonique.__, je ne suis pas en grve.JeLuiMoiMeComplte la phrase avec un pronom tonique.Par rapport __, je ne suis pas grande.leluiilleurComplte la phrase avec un pronom tonique.Jai fini tout mon travail __-mme.euxluimemoiLordre des pronoms dans cette phrase est-il correct ?Il ne vous y en a pas donn.OuiNonLordre des pronoms dans cette phrase est-il correct ?Jen y ai achet trois.OuiNonLordre des pronoms dans cette phrase est-il correct ?Je leur en nai pas parl.OuiNonLordre des pronoms dans cette phrase est-il correct ?Parle-lui-en !OuiNonLordre des pronoms dans cette phrase est-il correct ?Tu ne ly as pas vu ?NonOui Choose the correct form of the verb estar that would be used in this sentence:They are in the car. Any two conditions of low quality of life buying Fisher Industries, which has earnings per share of $1.50, 3.5 million shares outstanding, and a share price of $15. Brutus will pay for Fisher by issuing new shares. There are no expected synergies from the transaction. If Brutus pays no premium to acquire Fisher, what will the earnings per share be after the merger We drove a long distance, and then we stopped for the night. How should the sentence be classified? Write a paragraph detailing a common ritual in American culture similar to the Nacirema example. What do we do that anthropologists might find strange or unusual? What does the "abolition" of slavery mean? HELP PLEASE 10 POINTS!!!Enrique has to pay 80% of a $200 phone bill. Explain how to use equivalent ratios to find 80% of $200.(U need to write a paragraph) how a teens lifestyle may contribute to the development and progression of hiv? HELP ME WITH THIS TWO PROBLEMS1. When I add 6 to five times my number I get 36. My mystery number is ....2. When I add 7 to three times my number I get 43. My mystery number is.... How much would you make for the YEAR at $25.02 per hour,worked 51 hours and do get paid overtime? Round to the nearestcent. volcanoes play an important role in determining climate change. when a volcano erupts it throws out large volumes of ______________ gas and ash into the atmosphere which can influence climatic patterns for years. Please answer number 1 and 2.I have to do 2 pages of homework I need this done I have school tomorrow.. Have no idea how to do this. Please help I beg you. Which map shows where the Hebrew people originated? Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!! Mr. Jones bought a piece of land for 60 000. The land increased in value by 20% in a year. The new value of the land is Melanie is making a piece of jewelry that is in the shape of a right triangle. The two shorter sides of the piece of jewelry are 5 mm and 12 mm. Find the perimeter of the piece of jewelry. (SCIENCE) which of these statements about heating up water on earths surface is true? water heats up faster than land water heats up by conduction from EarthPLEASE HELP!!!!