When using wildcards and the matching case option, which of the following would not be found by entering on in the Find dialog box?
1. den
2. down
4. documentation


Answer 1

There are different types of Wildcard. The option that would not be found by entering on in the Find dialog box is called  Dayton.

Wildcard  is commonly known wild character or wildcard character. It is known as a symbol that is often used in place of or to stand for one or more characters.

Some wildcards are;

The asterisk (*)The question mark (?) Percent ( % )

Wildcards are said to be universally used. Dayton cannot be found because it is not a wildcard but a name of a person.

Learn more about Wildcard  from


Related Questions

see attached file for quesion


The picture doesn’t load.

(a) Explain what the following Java components are used for.JListJFrameFLowLayoutJpanelJFrameEventListener(b) Write simple Java codes to illustrate how each one of the above components are implemented.​



Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.

VPN or Proxy is safer?


Proxy chain is safer

check image dont answer if you dont know please




1-2nd option

2-1st option

3-last option

hope this helps!! have a good rest of ur day!! <3

Brainliest if correct. 5. if you wanted b show how many employees at your office ride a bicycle to work in
comparison to the number of employees who drive a car, take public transportation,
or walk wihat visual would be best? (1 point)



I believe a bar graph would be best for me. What are your answer options though?


Write a program that generates 100 random numbers and keeps a count of how many of those random numbers are even and how many of them are odd.



import random

numbers = []

even = 0

odd = 0

for i in range(100):

   numbers.append(random.randint(1, 200))

for i in range(100):

   if numbers[i] % 2 == 0:

       even += 1


       odd += 1

print("Even:", even)

print("Odd:", odd)


Gg ez.

Identifies 3 different companies that use Information Systems. Then for each company describe the WHAT the company actually uses, the HOW the company uses it, and the WHY the company needs to implement this system within itself.


Three companies that use information systems:


This company has been using an information management system for transactional and database operations. It was first used in 1968. Till then the system has gone through many modifications as per the changing requirements of the company. The information system used by IBM helps in defining structure for database, an organization for data, query management, database transactions, etc.


This company uses a health-based information system. The information system used by this company aims at offering customers and users a regularly updated information base. They can access current research and technical documents. The content is in simple language and accessible in many locations. It gives a portal-like feature that is used to provide data published by experts, key researchers, findings, etc.


The information system used by this company is a blend of high technology and a diverse workforce. They offer machine learning guided information systems to train candidates, speed up their performance, and generate quality results. Their information systems offer new career options as well as opportunities to develop software using various forums, communities, etc.

The companies that use Information Systems are

Amazon IBMRRE Ventures

How does Ama.zon use information systems?

Ama.zon uses  information systems in a  lot of its business processes as it helps them to have good and improved efficiency in the the area of collection, storage, and analytics of all their customers' information.

Conclusively, IBM uses the information system for:

Keeping of customers information.communicating.Buying and selling etc.

Learn more about  Information Systems from


A Product Manager has been given responsibility for overseeing the development of a new software application that will be deployed to a group of Accenture clients.

What would be the most time-saving and cost-effective way for the Product Manager to address the new application’s security considerations?

Utilize a DevSecOps approach to incorporate security into the development process from the beginning.

Schedule development of security features after the application’s initial release.

Design the application’s security features after the application’s initial build is complete.

Contract with an external vendor to develop a security solution separately from the main application.

I don't know this yet.


There are different software that has been developed today. The most time-saving and cost-effective way is to Design the application’s security features after the application’s initial build is complete.

Accenture is known for their work in improving business needs. They are constantly shifting to a new method of delivering information technology.

They are known to embed security into the product development life cycle helps secure the business and also keeping speed and assisting to remove friction.

Learn more about Accenture from


list 3 things needed in order to complete mail merge process.

pls help me!​


There are three documents that are involved in the mail merge process:

1- the main document
2- the data source
3- the merged document.

Write a program that reads the student information from a tab separated values (tsv) file. The program then creates a text file that records the course grades of the students. Each row of the tsv file contains the Last Name, First Name, Midterm1 score, Midterm2 score, and the Final score of a student. A sample of the student information is provided in StudentInfo.tsv. Assume the number of students is at least 1 and at most 20.
The program performs the following tasks:
Read the file name of the tsv file from the user.
Open the tsv file and read the student information.
Compute the average exam score of each student.
Assign a letter grade to each student based on the average exam score in the following scale:
A: 90= B: 80=< X < 90
C: 70=< X < 80
D: 60=< X < 70
E: X < 60
Compute the average of each exam.
• Output the last names, first names, exam scores, and letter grades of the students into a text file named report.txt.
• Output one student per row and separate the values with a tab character.
• Output the average of each exam, with two digits after the decimal point at the end of report.txt. Hint: Use the setprecision manipulator to format the output.
Ex: If the input of the program is:
and the contents of Studentinfo tsv are:
Barrett Edan 70 45 59
Bradshaw Reagan 96 97 88
Charlton Caius 73 94 80
Mayo Tyrese 88 61 36
Stern Brenda 90 86 45
the file report.txt should contain:
Barrett Edan 70 45 59 F
Bradshaw Reagan 96 97 88 A
Charlton Caius 73 94 80 B
Mayo Tyrese 88 61 36 D
Stern Brenda 90 86 45 C
Averages: midtermi 83.40, midterm2 76.60, final 61.60



using namespace std;

// Class student required to store the data
class Student{
string lname;
string fname;
int marks[3];
char grade;

// Function which generates the grade for student
void calculate_grade(){
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
sum+= marks[i];
double average = sum/3;
if(average>=90 && average<100)
this->grade = 'A';
else if(average>=80)
this->grade = 'B';
else if(average>=70)
this->grade = 'C';
else if(average>=60)
this->grade= 'D';
else this->grade = 'F';

// This function reads the file , and creates a vector of Students data
vector read_file(string fileName){

// Opening the file
fstream fin;

// Temp variables
vector list;
vector row ;
string line, word, temp;

// Read the data into vector
stringstream s(line);



Student st;
st.fname = row[0];
st.lname = row[1];
st.marks[0] = stoi(row[2]);
st.marks[1] = stoi(row[3]);
st.marks[2] = stoi(row[4]);
return list;

// This function takes filname to be output as input, and list of student
void writeFile(string filename, vector list){

// Opening the new file
ofstream fin(filename);
for(int i=0;i string line = list[i].fname+"\t"+list[i].lname+"\t"+to_string(list[i].marks[0])+"\t"

// Find the stats required
double average1 =0,average2 =0 ,average3 = 0;
for(int i=0;i average1+=list[i].marks[0];

// Writting the stats
fin<<"\n"<<"Average: "<<"mid_term1 "<
// Closing the file
int main(){

// Taking the input
cout<<"Enter the filename: ";
string filename;
vector list;

// Reading and Writting to the file
list = read_file(filename);


Alexis plans to stop trading once she lose 5% of her account balance, her account balance is $215.00. How much money is she willing to lose ?



She's willing to lose $10.75.


$215.00 * .05 = answer


$215.00 * .95 = x

$215.00 - x = answer

Diane, a developer, needs to program a logic component that will allow the user to enter a series of values


The Examples Of Users:FormTableQueryThe Answers Are:Formatted summary of information from a database

User-friendly interface for adding to or retrieving information from a database

Stores raw data in a relational database

Retrieves specific information from a database. Can also be used to update, edit, and remove dataHope it helps*^-^*All Correct!?

Responsible manner in video and audio conferencing​



1.Mute yourself when not speaking.

2.Be on time.

3.Ensure your technology works correctly.

4.Use technology to fully engage remote participants.


At what layer in the TCP/IP protocol hierarchy could a firewall be placed to filter incoming traffic by means of:

a) message content
b) source address
c) type of application​​


The answer is c) type of application

The most significant protocol at layer 3, often known as the network layer, is the Internet Protocol, or IP.The IP protocol, the industry standard for packet routing among interconnected networks, is the source of the Internet's name.  Thus, option C is correct.

What are the TCP/IP protocol hierarchy could a firewall?

Application-layer firewalls operate at the TCP/IP stack's application level (all browser traffic, or all telnet or ftp traffic, for example), and thus have the ability to intercept any packets going to or from an application. They stop different packets (usually dropping them without acknowledgment to the sender).

Firewalls are frequently positioned at a network's edge. An external interface is the one that is located outside the network, while an internal interface is the one that is located inside the firewall.

Therefore, The terms “unprotected” and “protected,” respectively, are sometimes used to describe these two interfaces.

Learn more about TCP/IP here:



Meenakshi has created a presentation of six slides. The slides have the same background, but s wants to change the background of each slide. Which option can help her in doing so?​


Ans:- Using Background Styles button present in Background group on the Design tab.

Explain if a company is responsible for using computer components manufactured using fair trade practices. [9 marks]



Fair trade practices aims at promoting the fair relationships between the buyers and producers. It is a kind of a social movement that makes the producers to provide the better conditions and humane working environment in case of developing countries.

• It also favors and supports the proper and substantial payment to the manufacturers and wages to the labors.

• It is a trading partnership that states the manufacturers to analyze and check their supply sources or resources and provide disclosure if the materials were produced or mined in the areas of conflict or areas of extreme poverty.


can you mark me as brainlist


It is a trading partnership that states the manufacturers to analyze and check their supply sources or resources and provide disclosure if the materials were produced or mined in the areas of conflict or areas of extreme poverty.

You are given an array of integers. Your task is to create pairs of them, such that every created pair has the same sum. This sum is not specified, but the number of created pairs should be the maximum possible. Each array element may belong to one pair only.

Write a function

class Solution public int
solution (int[] A); }

that, given an array A consisting of N integers, returns the maximum possible number of pairs with the same sum.

1. Given A = [1, 9, 8, 100, 2], the function should return 2. The pairs are (A[0]. A[1]) and (A[2], A[4]); the sum of each pair is 10.
2. Given A = [2, 2, 2, 3], the function should return 1. Although, for instance, A[0]+A[1] = A[0]+A[2], the pairs (A[0], A[1]) and (A[0], A[2]) cannot exist at the same time, because they both contain a common element, A[0].


Complete PYTHON code with explanation:

def solution(nums):

# form a dictionary which will store

# the possible pair's sum as key and the indexs used for the sum

sumAndpair = {}

# for every element in list nums

for i in range(len(nums)):

# iterate on all the element to the right of current element

for j in range(i+1,len(nums)):

# calculate the sum of current 2 elements

sum = nums[i] + nums[j]

# if the sum is already in the dictionay

if sum in sumAndpair:

# check if the current index have already been used

# if yes, then continue to next iteration

# this will make sure that same number have not been used more than once

if i in sumAndpair[sum] or j in sumAndpair[sum]:


# if no, then append the current i and j to the value of current sum




# if the current sum is not in the dictionary

# add the sum as key with a list of index used


sumAndpair[sum] = [i, j]

# copmpute the maximum possible number of pairs with the same sum

# which will be the maximum length value out of all the possible sum

# this maximum length will be divided by 2, since a pair of i, j contrinute to one sum

maxLength = 0

for key, value in sumAndpair.items():

if maxLength

I really need help with this question! Please help!



(C) Emma goes to sleep late and does not set an alarm.


Decomposing a problem is setting a back drop inference as to (WHY?) something happens . So Emma woke up late , the only reasonable (WHY?) in this question would be (C)

I have a D in one of my majors, I got a lot of 70s and I'm failing music. im in middle school. Will I be held back? Please answer this



probably sorry it will be okay

Depends on where you’re from and what grading scale is used. I wouldn’t say you’re ruined if you push hard the rest of the year.

What is a shell programming? Write a shell program to get the following details from the student: NAME, AGE, USN and GENDER. Output all the details to the terminal and also display message whether the student is eligible to vote or not


Shell programs are computer programs designed to run on the Unix/Linux shell

The shell program where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This gets input for NAME

read NAME  

#This gets input for AGE

read AGE  

#This gets input for USN

read USN

#This gets input for GENDER


#This prints the name

echo "Name: $NAME"

#This prints the age

echo "Age: AGE"

#This prints the usn

echo "USN: USN"

#This prints the gender


#The following if condition determines, if the user is eligible to vote or not

if [ $USN -gt 50 ] then

echo "You are not eligible"


echo "You are eligible"

Read more about computer programs at:


13) You notice that the row labels in your spreadsheet are 1, 2, 3, 8, 9.
Row labels 4 through 7 are missing. What could cause this?


Possible reasons for missing out row 4 to 7 are as follows,

Chance of rows from 4 to 7 contain incorrect/ non formatted data.Chance of rows from 4 to 7 are in hidden state.Chance of rows from 4 to 7 are assigned to some other user which does not belongs to your current user.Chance of rows from 4 to 7 were deleted from the sheet.

These are all the possible reasons for missing of row 4 to 7.

Learn more:  https://brainly.com/question/24504878

What is the result of the following code?







We can split the expression into two sections

First Section:

7 // 2 = 3. Using the floor division we only utilize the integer part.

Second Section:

10 % 2**4 = 0**4 = 0

Bringing back the full version expression we have

3 + 0 = 3

Your job is to protect your company's information assets. What security objectives
should you address?
1) Assets, liabilities, and threats
2) Common vulnerabilities and exposures
3) Confidentiality, integrity and availability
4) Risks, threats and vulnerabilities



Explanation: The CIA Triangle is the basis of all Security related needs.

If a client must wait too long for software that works, he might attempt to add requests for more and more features to be added to the program. This is known as ________.



scope creep


hi hi hihihihihivvv hihihihihihi v vhi


Answer: hihihihihihiihihi hihihihiihihih

Explanation: hi.

Define Word Processing



Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents. ... Text can be inserted, edited, moved, copied or deleted within your document and the appearance of the text can be modified in numerous ways.

• R7.9 Write enhanced for loops for the following tasks.
a. Printing all elements of an array in a single row, separated by spaces.
b. Computing the maximum of all elements in an array.
2. Counting how many elements in an array are negative.



a is the correct answer


correct me if I'm wrong hope it's help thanks

Complete the sentence based on the given information.

______ are responsible for analyzing the client business model, whereas _____ are responsible for identifying errors in the software product to confirm that it meets the client model.



blank answer so brainly doesnt delete your question.


what are organization tools?


an app or software created to optimize your daily task performance

state an application that would be better to write c++ than java and give a rationale for your answer


Microsoft Visual Studio is the best deal
Other Questions
PLEASE I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP At the end of the Crimson Comet's soccer season, Coach Jackson hosted a party for the players. He had 20 players on his team and ordered enough extra large pizzas for each player to eat 3 slices. Extra large pizzas have 10 slices each and cost $17. How much did all the pizzas cost? Select the correct answer.Estimate the solution to the following system of equations by graphing.3x + 5y = 146x - 4y=9 Are cheeseits good to you yes or no. i dont like them Wind can help fly a kite, power a sailboat or spread seeds. Around the world, the wind has become an increasingly popular and inexpensive source of energy that is converted into electricity. At the National Wind Technology Center in Colorado, scientists are working to advance wind power technology. The wind is often considered an environmentally friendly source of power. Wind doesn't pollute the environment and is a renewable source of energy that can't be used up like fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Harnessing power from wind is nothing new. Some of the first windmills were used in Europe more than 5,000 years ago. Today, modern windmills, called turbines, resemble airplane propellers and are grouped in wind farms. As of 2011, 38 states have wind farms. Despite the benefits, wind power is far from perfect. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using wind power? Be sure to include examples to support your statements. Algebra help........................ A phase change diagram for water is shown below. The star on the diagram represents the temperature and pressure of some water vapor that a scientist has placed in a special container.The scientist wants to make changes to the container that will allow the container to have some liquid water, some ice, and some water vapor at the same time. What change should the scientist make to the container? A. The temperature should not be changed, but the pressure should be increased. B. The temperature should not be changed, but the pressure should be decreased. C. The temperature should be increased, but the pressure should not be changed. D. The temperature should be decreased, but the pressure should not be changed. one of the biggest dangers of storms that produce heavy rains or storm surges is ___.A. Low Temperatures B. Flooding please help answer the question in the image!!! Maplewood Furniture Store is having a sale on dining room furniture. When a customer purchases a set of dining chairs, a one-time discount of $55 is applied to the total. During the sale, Rhianna buys a set of 6 chairs that match the table she inherited from her grandmother. Rhianna pays $455 in all. Which equation can you use to find the regular cost, c, of each chair? ( ANSWERS 6c - 55 = 455, 55(c - 6) = 455, 55c - 6 = 455, 6(c - 55) = 455,) What is the regular cost of the chair A bag holding 7 1/5 pounds of mixed nuts will be divided equally among 9 people.How many pounds of nuts will each person get? in 2020 the attendance at kennedy school's spring festival was 210. in 2021 the attendance was 168. What was tge percent change in the attendance from 2020 to 2022 tound to nearest whole percent Solve the inequality p+4 Can you please help me with this question The equation A = 1/2bh (one halve) gives the area A of a triangle, where b is the lengthof the base and h is the height. Solve this equation for h. E1 ECONOMIC SYCUBACommandCuba's economy is only 33% free andCuba has been asince 1959.It has mostly awith only a few market elerFreedom?Private businesses and citizens havein Cown their own businesses because the gocontrol. If a planet has an eccentricity of 0.92 and a distance of the major axis is 5,000,000 km, then what is the distance between foci?(1 point)460,000,000 km0.00000018 km4,600,000 km5,000,000 km an enzyme catalyses only one reaction explain why Question 3 Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (03 02) A fish is 5 feet below the surface of a lake if its position can be recorded as -5 feet what would the position of o representa o the distance above the surface of the lake O the distance below the surface of the lake O the surface of the lake me height of the fish Find the slope of the line that passes through the pair of points (4,3) (-1,6)