When Russia took over almost all of Ukraine in 1781, the people:
O had better lives.
were victims of famine.
O had to give up their language and culture.
were forced to leave the country.


Answer 1

According to historical records, when Russia took over almost all of Ukraine in 1781, the people "had to give up their language and culture."

Russian Takeover of Ukraine in 1781.

The Russian takeover of Ukraine in 1781 was made under the Treaty of Pereyaslav.

During this period, the Russian government promoted the idea of Russification in which non-Russians like Ukrainians were prevented from using their language in print and public.

Though the Ukrainians rose to the highest Russian state and church offices, they gave up their language and culture.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option C. "had to give up their language and culture."

Learn more about Ukraine here: https://brainly.com/question/515033

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Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power, but some libertarians diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing economic and political systems.


True or False: Jamestown was founded for
economic purposes. (Economic means
dealing with money)



The first permanent English settlement in America was Jamestown, founded in 1607 as an economic venture. England wanted to establish an American colony to increase her wealth and power - to compete with other European nations. England hoped to find silver and gold in America.

Jamestown was intended to become the core of a long-term settlement effort, creating new wealth for the London investors and recreating English society in North America. The colonists arrived at Jamestown after a 4-month journey from London.


I will give brainliest if its correct.


Oh yeah Kool Aid Man.
Hope this helps

how did the underground railroad lead to the civil war?


the underground railroad physically resisted the repressive laws that held slaves in bondage, by provoking fear and in anger in the south, and prompting the enactment of harsh legislation that eroded the rights of white Americans, the Underground Railroad was a direct contributing cause of the Civil War.

PLZZZ some1 help asap


Answer: c

Explanation: I think i'm right but not sure.

what goals does the international monatary funds today


The International Monetary Fund aims to reducing global poverty, encouraging international trade, and promoting financial stability and economic growth.

The International Monetary Fund aspires to reduce worldwide poverty through fostering financial stability and economic progress, as well as stimulating international trade.

What were some of the benefits of the apprenticeship system? Education for peasants, and a way out of poverty Education for clergy, and a way out of poverty Schools and universities, and a higher status for women Education for peasants, and a higher status for women.


Based on sociological context, some of the benefits of the apprenticeship system are "Education for peasants and a way out of poverty."

What is an apprenticeship system?

An apprenticeship system is a system in which individuals undergo training to acquire skills or trade from a professional, teacher, or expert over a certain period.

One of the advantages of the apprenticeship system is that it gives individuals the opportunity to earn more money through the skills they learned.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option A. "Education for peasants and a way out of poverty."

Learn more about the apprenticeship system here: https://brainly.com/question/13306500

The key benefits of apprenticeship system is Education for peasants and a way out of poverty. So the correct option that matches the statement quoted above is A.

Apprenticeship refers to monies given to students pursuing higher education as a part of their practical exercises, and such students continue learning before they can start practicing on their own.


Apprenticeship is payment given to students for providing their time to gain practical knowledge to the seniors of similar field and continue their education to solve their money problems while they learn.

Apprenticeship is a double-edged sword as it not only gives the higher education students to nurture their skills and practical knowledge but also earn money for learning such skills.

It is to be noted that the apprenticeship is provided only for the services provided by such students in the field. e.g., A medical student starts his apprenticeship and services to a senior doctor(s).

Hence, the correct option is A that the apprenticeship system is a beneficial way to provide education for the peasants and also a way out of poverty.

To know more about Apprenticeship, click the link below.


why did European countries thought it was necessary to take control of other lands


God, Gold, and Glory. The 3 G’s


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write an essay relating the political thoughts in the Declaration of Independence to the Bible

From an encyclopedia, the Internet, or another reference, read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

Copy each phrase that you think is part of the tradition of Western political thought (for example "all men are created equal").
An essay of 300 words explains how each of these ideas is related to Biblical teaching.
Hint: Refer to the lesson "Theory, Practice, and Models" for a list of the Declaration's main thoughts that are a part of the tradition of Western political thought (bottom of page 1). Type your findings using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Proper documentation includes both parenthetical citations within the body of your report anytime you summarize or quote a source, as well as works cited page.

will get brainliess



Jesus died in the cross for all of us and for the Humanity


before exploration how were slaves treated



During times of famine, some Native Americans would also temporarily sell their children to obtain food. The ways in which captives were treated differed widely among Native American groups. Captives could be enslaved for life, killed, or adopted. In some cases, captives were only adopted after a period of slave

Watson's work with conditioning a fear response to furry objects with Little Albert is an example of the potential for _________ conditioning to play a considerable role in the development of certain types of pathology.



a) classical


Response to Fear

Classical conditioning was initially applied to human behavior in 1920 by psychologists Watson and Rayner, who looked at how this learning process may explain the formation of phobias.

In this 1832 cartoon, President Andrew Jackson is depicted as a king holdings
vetoed bill and trampling on the U.S. Constitution.



King Andrew The First



I'm not exactly sure what your question here is, but I will do my best to explain the meaning of the cartoon. President Andrew Jackson was nicknamed "King Andrew I" because of his incredibly strict form of governing. Additionally, Jackson had a "kitchen cabinet," which is when a leader would offer political leadership to their family, friends, and political allies rather than qualified individuals. This would make him like a King, as he is only concerned about himself and his friends' wellbeing instead of the progression of American expansion and society. During this presidency, he vetoed an extraordinarily high amount of bills, one of which included the Nullification Bill and the Renewal of the National Bank. The Nullification Bill stated that if the state government did not agree with any law that a federal government passed, they had to right to ignore, or nullify it. This was leaning heavily on the original Articles of Confederation, which had trouble with unification between states. Because Jackson refused to renew the National Bank, the American economy suffered an economic recession (it lasted six months). Afterwards, the federal government was banned from meddling with economic affairs to a large extent. Hope this helps!

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Social loafing lowers group productivity. Conflictwithin groups can erode morale and cause members to withdraw. It can be subtle or pronounced, and can (but isn’t always) the cause and result of free riding. Conflict – if not effectively addressed – can leave group members with a deeply jaundiced view of teams.


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10 years old when his family moved to london
10 years old when he came

What civil rights movement was MOST directly inspired by Iroquois culture?
immigrant rights
GLBTQ rights
African American rights
women’s rights


D: Women’s rights.

This was highly supported by Iroquois women.

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Statistical analysis shows that those with a low insurance score are more likely to file a claim. Those with higher credit scores tend to get into fewer accidents and cost insurance companies less than their lower-scoring counterparts.


Describe the events of the last year's of the revolutionary war





It was there in 1781 that a combined French and American army led by George Washington defeated and captured General Cornwallis and his army. This defeat was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War and forced Great Britain to decide to come to the negotiating table. Treaty of Paris 1783

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Although the Chinese composed only .002% of the nation's population, Congress passed the exclusion act to placate worker demands and assuage prevalent concerns about maintaining white "racial purity."

What were the Articles of Confederation and what were its



Each state only had one vote in Congress, regardless of size. Congress had not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. There was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress.



The Articles were the first constitution of the United States after the revolutionary war. They provided for a very weak national government in response to the tyranny of great britain which did not allow the national government to tax or control the acts of the state governments. This led to the nation being run by individual state governments, inhibiting trade, national protection, and infrastructure

The prosperity of the Kush civilization was based on


Answer: the trade of exotic african goods with egypt

Explanation: cause i said

In the U.S. most factory workers were from?



German, Irish, British, Scandinavian, and Polish workers


Dont take my word for it I'm just guessing because there really isnt much provided in the question

Brainliest for anyone that gives good answer!
What are 3 reasons for imperialism and 3 reasons against imperialism?​



Reasons Against Imperialism.

Imperialism almost always creates conflict. ...

Exploitation is much easier through the imperialistic process. ...

It can be an expensive process to pursue. ...

Imperialism creates conflicts amongst the strong. ...

It changes the spiritual beliefs of local populations.

Reasons for Imperialism

To claim territory to create bases to protect the empire. ...

Political.Political. based on a nations desire to gain power.

Ideology based on cultural values such as the belief that the white race was superior.

What examples, such as health care, social security or employment, can you give that may work better in a socialist nation than a capitalist one? What about in a capitalist nation over a socialist one?
Which system do you feel protects the freedoms of the individual better? Give an example.
As you prepare for life outside of high school, whether it be a job or college, which economic system would you prefer to be a part of right now? Support your answer.


To better understand how health, social security, or employment can work best in a socialist nation or a capitalist nation, we have to understand the purpose of each economic system.


Socialism emphasizes reducing class distinction through shared ownership of resources and central planning of the economy, for greater equality in the distribution of income and resources.


In capitalism, the focus is on the accumulation of wealth through private property, free competition and little State intervention in the economy.

The system that best protects the individual's freedoms is the system where free trade is encouraged, in this case, the capitalist system, where there is a chance of free competitiveness and incentives for private production.

An effective State has the function of regulating the public and economic policies that help in the security and protection of the individual's rights and in their social and professional development.

Therefore, when preparing for educational and professional life, the capitalist economic system can be more beneficial, by encouraging the production of innovative and creative ideas that contribute to a country's economy, generating the possibility of professional growth and advancement.

Learn more about economic system here:



The capitalist economic system can be more advantageous while preparing for educational and professional life, as it encourages the production of unique and creative ideas that contribute to a nation's economy and create the prospect of professional growth and advancement.

why are some computer viruses called trojan horse



Trojan malware takes its name from the classical story of the Trojan horse, because it imitates the technique to infect computers. A Trojan will hide within seemingly harmless programs, or will try to trick you into installing it. Unlike viruses, Trojans do not self-replicate by infecting other files or computers



The original Trojian Horse was created in ancient Greece during the Trojian War. The army created a wooden horse that was sent as a gift to Troy. But the horse was full of soldiers ready to fight once they entered Troy's gates.

A Trojian horse virus works in a similar manner. It is a virus disguised as some thing you want (i.e. a video game), but when you download it to your computer the virus is realeased and does what is was coded to do.

why did the pilgrims and puritans decide to establish themselves in north america?



they both came to north America to practice religious freedom.


cuz In the 1500s England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created a new church called the Church of England.

Research the history of the Immigration Service in the United States.
Read about the following laws:
• 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
• 1990 Immigration Act
• 1996 Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA)
Identify three issues that these laws were designed to address. Using current news sources identify one issue the country is still working to solve.



The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRAIRA) strengthened U.S. immigration laws, adding penalties for undocumented immigrants who commit crimes while in the United States or who stay in the U.S. for statutorily defined periods of time.

The Act was designed to improve border control by imposing criminal penalties for racketeering, alien smuggling and the use or creation of fraudulent immigration-related documents and increasing interior enforcement by agencies charged with monitoring visa applications and visa abusers. The Act also allows for the deportation of undocumented immigrants who commit a misdemeanor or a felony.

The Act mandates that immigrants who are unlawfully present in the U.S. for 180 days but under 365 days must remain outside the United States for three years unless pardoned. If they remain in the United States for 365 days or more, they must stay outside the United States for ten years unless they obtain a waiver. However, if they return to the U.S. without the pardon, they must wait 10 years until they may apply for a waiver.

Further Reading

For more on IIRAIRA, see this Cornell Law Review article, this Journal on Migration and Human Security article, and this Center for Migration Studies article.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/PUBLAW/HTML/PUBLAW/0-0-0-10948.html



immigration law

wex definitions

wex backgrounders


immigration reform

immigration law

immigration enforcement

illegal immigrants

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

immigrationExplanation:Because it makes sense and its a proven fact


The Immigration Service was established in 1891 to regulate immigration that started to increase in 1880. In the first 20 years of the 20th century, the “Great Wave” of immigrants came from Europe. Immigration decreased during the World Wars and the Great Depression. People did come from Mexico for work in agriculture during all of this time, however.

Problem: Documents

One of the problems that developed with immigration was that some people came without proper papers and permission. This is often called being “undocumented.”


Lack of border controls contributed to ability to enter.

Problem: Contributions

Another goal of immigration laws was to encourage skilled workers to immigrate to the United States. Many workers who were entering without documentation had few skills. Another goal was to contribute to family stability. Immigration rules needed to give priority to family members of people who had become citizens.

The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed to give unauthorized aliens (non-citizens) the chance to apply for legal status. If they met the requirements they could gain legal status. The requirements included a clean criminal record and registering with the Selective Service. Applicants also had to have knowledge of US history, government, and English.

In 1996, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act was passed to enforce border patrol, monitor illegal activities, and regulate employment practices.

In 2015, border control remains an issue. Presidential candidates discuss how to improve systems so entry to the country is regulated and effective and safe.


This is the offical Plato answer! So I would recommend you re word this a little bit. Hope this helps!

which two european countries mainly took control of latin america, during and after the columbian exchange?



Although most of Latin America was colonized by Spain, the countries of Portugal and France also had major influences on the region. Due to war and disease, native populations were decimated.


why were chartered companies important to british imperialism in india? just answer with anything lol



-In general, monopolies over particular branches of commerce (such as the English East India Company’s monopoly of trade with India and Asia) were granted, and consequently chartered companies became organs of imperial expansion and control.

-Chartered companies are the monopolistic organizations in commercial capitalism of the 16th - 18th centuries and are one of the most important tools of primitive accumulation of capital and in establishing colonial empires, as capitalism needs monopoly as well as free trade.

-Chartered companies in Africa aided the emergence of a European-centered global capitalism that required African labor, commerce, and colonies to thrive, but which took more from Africa than it gave in return.

-The British chartered companies were the first and by far the most successful of all those founded during the colonial movement of the late nineteenth century. Indeed, they provided the pattern for the rather forced imitations of the method adopted by continental colonizers.

-Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent.

-They defeated the Mughal empire and took control of India's government.

These were my notes in class today we got asked the same question. Hope This Helps You! A brainliest would mean a lot.

Discuss the Factors leading up to the Great Depression.
Discuss how the worldwide depression affected the lives of people in the United States and around the world.
Describe how the United States and other nations were able to climb out of severely depressed economies



After the first world war, much of the countries suffered greatly. There were declines in consumer demand, there were financial panics, and the government was misguiding the people. The abandonment of the gold standard, which backed up American currency up with gold, was disabled, and it caused Americans financial confusion in terms of a new economic policy. Britain was forced out of the gold standard in 1931, but the United States wasn't out of it until 1933, so the faster you were out of the gold standard, the faster you economically recovered.


in which colony were the most revolutionary war battles fought?



Either New York or New Jersey


There really close to each other so it's hard to know for sure but it's definitely one of those. I found a really good articles explaining why New Jersey.

First article: The majority of the war battles were fought in New Jersey. New Jersey was an important state during the revolutionary war period because of its location. It is near the center of the thirteen colonies and also located between New York and Philadelphia. Because of this New Jersey revolutionary war battles are more compared to other states.

Side note: Other articles do say New York and New Jersey so I do believe that it might had been both since again there really close to each other.

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