What was it like to be a prisoner at Auschwitz?


Answer 1


It was a struggle to survive.


Answer 2



I know you can’t read likes so i just copied the whole thing.

Living conditions

One of Auschwitz I streets with a row of poplars.

One of Auschwitz I...

A fragment of Sector BII with wooden barracks right after finishint the building. Photo:

A fragment of...

Auschwitz Concentration Camp opened in former Polish army barracks in June 1940. Twenty brick buildings were adapted, of which 6 were two-storeys and 14 were single-story. At the end of 1940, prisoners began adding second stories to the single-storey blocks. The following spring, they started erecting 8 new blocks. This work reached completion in the first half of 1942. The result was a complex of 28 two-storeys blocks, the overwhelming majority of which were used to house prisoners. As a rule, there were two large rooms upstairs and a number of smaller rooms downstairs. The blocks were designed to hold about 700 prisoners each after the second stories were added, but in practice they housed up to 1,200.

In the first months, the prisoners drew water from two wells and relieved themselves in a provisional outdoor latrine. After the rebuilding of the camp, each building had lavatories, usually on the ground floor, containing 22 toilets, urinals, and washbasins with trough-type drains and 42 spigots installed above them. The fact that prisoners from the upstairs and downstairs had to use a single lavatory meant that access was strictly limited.

Two types of barracks, brick and wooden, housed prisoners in the second part of the camp, Birkenau. The brick barracks stood in the oldest part of the camp, known as sector BI, where construction began in the fall of 1941. Inside each of them were 60 brick partitions with three tiers, making a total of 180 sleeping places, referred to as “buks,” designed to accommodate 4 prisoners. The SS therefore envisioned a capacity of over 700 prisoners per block. At first, the buildings had earthen floors. Over time, these were covered with a layer of bricks lying flat, or with a thin layer of poured concrete. The barracks were unheated in the winter. Two iron stoves were indeed installed, but these were insufficient to heat the entire space. Nor were there any sanitary facilities in the barracks. Only in 1944 were sinks and toilets installed in a small area inside each block. Nor was there any electric lighting at the beginning.

Wooden stable-type barracks were installed in segment BI, and above all in segments BII and BIII. These barracks had no windows. Instead, there was a row of skylights on either side at the top. A chimney duct, which heated the interior in the winter, ran almost the entire length of the barracks. The interior was divided into 18 stalls, intended originally for 52 horses. The two stalls nearest the door were reserved for prisoner functionaries, and containers for excrement stood in the two stalls at the far end. Three-tier wooden beds or three-tier wooden bunks intended for 15 prisoners to sleep in were installed in the other stalls, for a total capacity of more than 400 prisoners per barracks.

During the first year or so, water in sector BI was available only in the kitchen barracks, and prisoners had no access to it. Unable to wash, they went around dirty. They had to perform their bodily functions in unscreened outside privies. The barracks were frequently damp, and lice and rats were an enormous problem for the prisoners. It is therefore hardly strange that epidemics of contagious diseases erupted frequently. Sanitary conditions improved to a certain degree in 1943, when each part of the camp was outfitted with a bathhouse and equipment for disinfecting clothing and linen. Nevertheless, the capacity of these facilities in proportion to the number of prisoners limited the possibilities for making use of them. In sector BI, for instance, there were 4 barracks with sinks for washing (90 spigots per barracks), 4 toilet barracks (a sewer with a concrete lid that had 58 toilet openings in it), and 2 barracks containing toilets and sinks—for a sector containing 62 barracks housing prisoners. The prisoners also had limited opportunities for bathing. Additionally, they had to undress in their own barracks before doing so and, regardless of the weather, walk naked to the bathhouse. For many prisoners, this led to sickness and death.


The order of the day

Releases from the camp

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president lincoln favored a strategy that focused on capturing and holding confederate territory—namely richmond, the confederate capital—not the destruction of the confederate armies.


To say that President Lincoln favored the policy of capturing Confederate territory is False.

During the Civil War:

Richmond was only captured towards the end of the war Union armies faced a lot of defeat as they tried to capture territory

President Lincoln might not have favored the killing of the rebel Confederates but on several occasions he ordered his generals to keep pursing the fleeing Confederates to destroy their armies.

In conclusion, President Lincoln favored the destruction of Confederate armies.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/1734510.

Guys give me 20 facts about Cuba Or anything from Cuba or anything from Cuba



1.  The official name of Cuba is the Republic of Cuba or Republíca de Cuba in Spanish.

Despite being a communist country, Cuba still considers itself a Republic.

2. Cuba has one of the highest literacy rates in the world with almost all of the population (99.8%) being literate.

Thanks to a big push against illiteracy by the government in the 20th century.

3. Cuba is the largest Caribbean island both in terms of size and population. It is also the 17th largest island in the world.

4. Vintage American cars from the 40s and 50s are still driving on Cuban roads.

5.Cubans call vintage cars “almendrones” (big almond) and their drivers “boteros” (boatmen).

6. Cuba is the only country in the world that has a double currency system.

7. Cuba’s coastline stretches more than 5,700 km.

8. Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba in 1492, and claimed it for Spain.

9. Slavery in Cuba was abolished in 1886. One of the last countries to do so.

10. Cuba’s main exports are sugar, tobacco and nickel.

11. Cuba has nine UNESCO World Heritage sites; two of them natural and the other seven cultural. Old Havana is one of the cultural world heritage sites.

12. Ernest Hemingway lived in Cuba for twenty years and wrote two of his most famous novels there; The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls.

13. During the prohibition era, many American bartenders moved to Cuba to continue their profession. Amongst them was Eddie Woelke, to whom many credit the famous Cuban cocktail; El Presidente.

14. Cuba is home to the largest flamingo colonies in the western hemisphere.

15. Many of the world’s most famous cocktails originate from Cuba.

16. There is a law preventing Cuba’s vintage cars from being exported from the island. Only Cubans and foreign residents (temporary or permanent) are allowed to purchase cars in Cuba.

17.  Cuban people earn approximately $29.60 a month on average.

18. Cuban life expectancy is 79.72. In the United States its 78.69.

19. Fidel Castro smoked Cohiba cigars. The CIA even allegedly tried to assassinate Castro once by sending him a box of poisoned cigars.

20. The Cuban hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, measuring just 5 cm from beak to tail. Locals call them zunzún.

21. The worlds smallest frog also lives in Cuba. It is only 10 mm (0.39 in) long.

22. Cuba is one of the safest countries in Latin America, with almost no violent crime and one of the most popular destinations for solo female travellers in the world.

23. It is practically impossible to eat beef in Cuba. The government has a strange history with cows.

Hope this helps, have a nice day/night! :D

If it did help please mark me brainliest!

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The Cod Wars


The Wars for the Territorial Waters; German: Kabeljaukriege) were a series of 20th-century confrontations between the United Kingdom (with aid from West Germany) and Iceland about fishing rights in the North Atlantic.

Answer: the cod wars


The Cod Wars (Icelandic: Þorskastríðin; also known as Landhelgisstríðin, lit. 'The Wars for the Territorial Waters'; German: Kabeljaukriege) were a series of 20th-century confrontations between the United Kingdom (with aid from West Germany) and Iceland about fishing rights in the North Atlantic. i think that this might be the answer

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B) the temperance movement
C) the suffrage movement
D) the property rights movement​


c the saf range movement

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b. Wampanoags


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B. Less soldiers and less advanced
weapon technology
C. More Rural
D. Larger Population
E. More Urban
F. Smaler Population
G. Economy is IndustrialFactories
H. Economy is Agricultural
L. More railroads
J. Less rairoads




D. Larger Population

E. More Urban

G. Economy is Industrial Factories

L. More railroads


B. Less soldiers and less advanced

weapon technology

C. More Rural

F. Smaller Population

H. Economy is Agricultural


J. Less rairoads


6. Why did Carthage need to be destroyed?


Question: Why did Carthage need to be destroyed?

Answer: The city was sacked and destroyed by Umayyad forces after the Battle of Carthage in 698 to prevent it from being reconquered by the Byzantine Empire.


Carthage was — or at least, had been for the last couple of centuries — Rome’s only great-power rival in the western Mediterranean. It was a focus for potential anti-Roman coalition building (as Hannibal’s career in Italy showed) and also an economic rival. Carthage’s amazing ability to bounce back from that defeat surprised and dismayed Roman hawks like Cato the Elder (of Karthago delenda est fame).

However, the destruction of Carthage was not a rational piece of statecraft. It was a much more visceral cultural reaction that stemmed from Rome’s self-serving, but nonetheless very fundamental, view of the relationship that had been created by the peace of 201.

On the psychological level, the Roman's believed that the Carthaginians were now subjects, not a foreign power: the Roman view was that the surrender after the second Punic war had made Carthage into a client state whose duty was to take orders. In the Roman view (domestic as well as international) clients were believed to have a duty towards their patrons/conquerors. Failing to follow the wishes of the patrons was not just interstate politics but more like treason. This partly explains the vindictiveness from a Roman perspective, even though it hardly excuses such behavior in our eyes.

There is also the fact that Rome was fighting the Fourth Macedonian War at the same time. From the Roman perspective both of these wars seemed like treachery: defeated enemies who were refusing to remains subordinate were a very scary thing to the Romans, who depended on a complex network of subject people to man their armies and secure their positions. They were far more savage in punishing "faithless" "allies" than defeated enemies: it's not a coincidence that the Romans also leveled Corinth in the same year (146) as Carthage.

The twin destructions of Carthage and Corinth do also reflect the fact that Rome was beginning to realize that it was the dominant power in the Mediterranean world. The Third Macedonian War, a generation earlier, shattered the power of Rome's major rival to the east, just as the defeat of Carthage gave Rome a free hand in the West. That lack of serious opposition seems to have done something to the Roman psyche: It's pretty clear that Polybius, who was a first hand witness to the whole saga, felt that the older generation of Romans were very different than the generation that took Corinth and Carthage. In fact, he he tacked on several more books to the end of his history to follow events after the battle of Pydna, which made Rome 'mistress of the world.’ As those books go on he becomes notably more critical of Roman character and behavior, in contrast to the admiration he showed in his earlier work. He had very complicated feelings about the events of 146, but despite his Romanophilia and his friendship with the Scipios he was painfully aware that something darker and more vindictive had emerged in the Roman psyche after the end of the Hannibalic war.


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Sugar supplied the energy, the hint of nutrition, the sweet taste to go with the warmth of tea that even the poorest factory worker could look forward to


I already did it

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death penalty
abolition of slavery
teens being tried as adults for certain crimes
membership restriction by clubs or other organizations

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B. Abolition of Slavery

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I'm pretty sure "All above"


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Image result for Why do you think that the original rules stated only men would be allowed to serve in the military? Do you think the changes through the years have been positive or negative? Do you have any concerns about women serving in direct combat positions? Why or why not?

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religious freedom, to find gold, to grow crops, faim


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Ese queso es delicioso.
Este queso es delicioso.
Esto queso es delicioso.
Eso queso es delicioso.


Estequeso es delicioso


este queso es delicioso

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To criticize how weak the USA president william McKinley was (To gain pulic favor)


Hope this helps

This map reflects that Canada

joined with the Paris Agreement before the United States
joined with the Paris Agreement in a commitment to reduce emissions
refused the Paris Agreement along with other countries in order to reduce emissions around the world
refused the Paris Agreement along with other countries as a violation of its own national sovereignty


Considering the map, this map reflects that Canada joined with the Paris Agreement before the United States joined with the Paris Agreement in a commitment to reduce emissions.

This is because the Paris Agreement, which was made to reduce emissions on climate around the world, was originally signed by many countries, including the United States and Canada.

However, in 2017, the United States pulled out of the Paris Agreement under President Donald Trump's administration.

During this period, Canada remains as part of the Paris Agreement after having signed and ratified the deal in 2016.

The United States rejoined the Paris Agreement early in 2021 under President Joe Biden.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option A. "This map reflects that Canada joined with the Paris Agreement before the United States joined with the Paris Agreement in a commitment to reduce emissions."

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/11413470


B. Joined with the Paris Agreement in a commitment to reduce emissions.


Took the test and got it right.

Have a nice day!

What can the dodo and the island of Mauritius teach readers about ecology and our environment .


Answer:Dear person asking for those answers  

I hope you remember to always smile and be happy have the courage to answer by yourself because YOU CAN hope you all luck in life and don't forget to BE YOURSELF never try to be someone else be an icon, so people want to be like you, and you can do it all luck in life live with joy search for what is Islam to start a life full of JOY :D  

with all love and passion  


please help me I need to finish this it's all ready pass due!


Answer: The 2nd one


It means to delay or prevent a debate.

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whether potential cabinet members' backgrounds suit their cabinet posts.whether they bring geographical balance to the cabinet.whether they satisfy interest groups.whether they have high-level administrative skills.  whether they include ethical and racial minorities and womenacceptability to interest groups Race, ethnicity and gender balanceParty loyalty.

*Cabinet members today usually are college graduates and leaders in various professional fields*

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It last for three days

Explain some of the challenges the Freedmen's Bureau faced in the post-Civil War years as Emmanuel Dabney describes them.


Some of the challenges faced by the Freedman's bureau as described by Emmanuel Dabney include:

Misconceptions by Black Americans President Johnson's opposition to the Bureau's work Conflict between Black and White people

The Freedman's Bureau had a lot of work to do in the South after the Civil War. Part of this included laying to rest, misconceptions that Black Americans had about their new status such as:

The land of the white owners would be shared Staying on a plantation would lead to their re-enslavement

There was also President Johnson who was opposed to the Bureau as he was of Southern descent. He vetoed Freedman Bureau acts and restored land under the Bureau to previous Confederates.

The Bureau was also to act as a peacemaker in the South to calm the ever rising tension between the Whites and the previously enslaved Blacks.

In conclusion, the Freedman's Bureau faced a lot of challenges in carrying out their roles.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/648734.

What were the issues of the 1876 presidential election?


In the presidential election of 1876, Democrat Samuel Tilden ran against Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. At the end of election day, no clear winner emerged because the outcomes in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana were unclear.

Samuel Tilden, a Democrat, campaigned against Rutherford B. Hayes, a Republican, in the 1876 presidential election. Because the results in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana remained ambiguous at the conclusion of voting day, there was no obvious winner.

Fill in the blank

Lincoln developed his
___% Plan in 1863 and
begun re-admittance
before the South
surrendered at
Appomattox in 1865.


Lincoln developed his 10% Plan in 1863 and began re-admittance before the South surrendered at Appomattox in 1865.

What is the 10% plan of Lincoln?

President Lincoln in December 1863 proposed a reconstruction program that would allow Confederate states to establish new state governments after 10 per cent of their male population took loyalty oaths and the states recognized the permanent freedom of formerly enslaved people. It specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 per cent of its voters from the voter rolls for the election of 1860 swore an oath of allegiance to the Union.

Many congressional Republicans thought Lincoln’s 10 per cent plan was too lenient.

Learn more about Lincoln, here:



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they didn't know how long they would be in the cattle

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The long-term effects were that it created exclusionary polices in the future. The congress and courts gave immense powers too.

THOU shalu do no murder.
Who would most likely agree with the message in this image?
OA Howard Hughes
OB. Desmond Doss
OC. A. Philip Randolph
Cesar Chavez


Considering the available options the person that would most likely agree with the message in this image is "Cesar Chavez and A. Philip Randolph."

This is because Cesar Chavez and A. Philip Randolph" were famous for being American labor leaders and civil rights activists.

A civil rights activist is known to support human rights, one of which is the right to live.

Option A is wrong because Howard Hughes is a very successful businessman who may want to do anything to succeed, including killing his competitors.

Option B is wrong because Desmond Doss is a military man. One of his responsibilities is to shoot to kill enemies.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is options C and D.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/22844974

Answer: A

Explanation: Desmond Doss

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