What specific concerns led Roosevelt to take on the trusts such as railroad companies?


Answer 1


Despite his generally pro-business outlook, Roosevelt disliked the corruption and arrogance of the new class of super rich. In 1902, public demands for "trustbusting" (breaking up the monopolies) prompted him to file suit under the Sherman Act against the biggest railroad trust in the country. In 1901, James J.


Answer 2

Roosevelt took on trusts like railroad companies due to monopolistic practices.

Why did Roosevelt target trusts like railroad companies?

Roosevelt's actions were driven by his concern over the unchecked power and monopolistic practices of these trusts which were stifling competition, manipulating prices, and exploiting workers.

He believed that these monopolies were detrimental to a fair and competitive market economy, and he saw the need to regulate and break up these trusts to ensure a level playing field for businesses and to protect the interests of consumers and workers. Through his antitrust policies and regulatory actions, Roosevelt aimed to restore competition and prevent the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few corporations.

Read more about Roosevelt



Related Questions

which country fought the colonies on the western frontier and had the help of the Native Americans?





Britain convinced the Native Americans to fight against the colonists who I believe were pushing for westward expansion, which the Native Americans disliked for obvious reasons. The British also wanted to stop westward expansion for their own reasons.

Hope this helps.

Identify some grievances addressed in the Declaration of Independence and then how they were "Fixed" in the U.S. Constitution?



The sacred rights of mankind are not to be

rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty

records. They are written, as with a sun beam

in the whole volume of human nature, by the

hand of the divinity itself; and can never be

erased or obscured by mortal power.”

— Alexander Hamilton, 1775

“The basis of our political systems is the

right of the people to make and to alter

their Constitutions of Government. But the

Constitution which at any time exists, ‘till

changed by an explicit and authentic act of the

whole People is sacredly obligatory upon all.”

— George Washington, 1796

“The Declaration of Independence...[is the]

declaratory charter of our rights, and of the

rights of man.”

— Thomas Jefferson, 1819

Message fromthe Director

The Declaration of Independence and the

Constitution of the United States are the two most

important, and enduring documents in our Nation’s

history. It has been said that “the Declaration of

Independence was the promise; the Constitution

was the fulfillment.”

More than 200 years ago, our Founding

Fathers set out to establish a government based

on individual rights and the rule of law. The

Declaration of Independence, which officially

broke all political ties between the American

colonies and Great Britain, set forth the ideas and

principles behind a just and fair government, and

the Constitution outlined how this government

would function. Our founding documents have

withstood the test of time, rising to the challenge

each time they were called upon.

Make no mistake, we have been presented with

a timeless framework for self-government, but in

order to preserve this wonderful gift, we must hold

these principles close to our hearts. I encourage you

to read and understand these documents. I promise

you will be nothing short of inspired.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


1. Which of the following is the best example of consumerism?
Buying food for your family
O Buying a PS5 that you really want
O Taking out a loan to pay for your college education
O Buying clothes that you need



Buying a PS5 that you really want


Consumerism encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. Buying food, and clothes is necessary for survival, taking out a loan is an investment for the future, but a PS5 is a consumer electronic that you don't really need. An obsession with buying things is an example of consumerism.




All of the above.


without all of these things, boats would not have functioned correctly and sailors would have gotten lost at sea.


i believe the answer is c. i had this test in 7th grade and i remember the answer im pretty sure.


What connection is there between the X, Y, and Z Affair and recent US elections?



The XYZ Affair had a lasting impact on the U.S., even after peace was restored. The U.S. was not at all prepared for a naval battle, so the Department of the Navy was created in 1798 to oversee all naval affairs. Negative feelings about France resulted in the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798An incident in which french agents attempted to get a bribe and loans from US diplomats in exchange for an agreement that French privateers would no longer attack American ships. It led to an undeclared Naval War between the two countries.

PLEASE HELP!! SEMESTER EXAM QUESTION! : What effect did the Dust Bowl have on states in the Great Plains?
a. Farms were abandoned as families moved away.
b. Tourist activity began as people visited the region.
c. Jobs increased through efforts to conserve the soil.
d. Factories relocated as storms made transportation difficult.



answer A (:


what services do vassals provide lords and kings




At its core, it was an agreement between a lord and a vassal. A person became a vassal by pledging political allegiance and providing military, political, and financial service to a lord. A lord possessed complete sovereignty over land, or acted in the service of another sovereign, usually a king.

Arrange the tiles in chronological order to show how events led to modern-day restrictions on voting rights.


It should be noted that the voting rights acts were signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.

Your information is incomplete as you didn't provide the necessary information. Therefore, an overview of the topic will be given.

It should be noted that the voting rights acts was singed by President Johnson. It outlawed the discriminatory voting practices that were adopted in the southern states.

The restrictions on the voting that are forbidden in the Constitution include race, sex, color discrimination, etc.

Learn more about voting rights on:



The chronological order of how events led to modern-day restrictions on voting rights is:

After Reconstruction, discriminatory voting laws are passed that disenfranchise people based on race.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 requires federal oversight of voting rights in districts with a history of discrimination.

More African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans vote and are elected to office.

The Supreme Court rules in Shelby v. Holder that criteria to determine which districts need federal oversight are no longer valid.

States again begin passing laws to restrict voting rights.


After the Reconstruction that came with the end of the Civil War, Southern States enacted laws aimed at keeping minority groups from voting. These laws were overcome with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and more minority groups like African and Latino Americans were able to vote and get into office. With the Supreme Court ruling in Shelby v. Holder in 2013 however, states began imposing restrictions again and especially in minority districts.

What were the four classes of people lived in South Carolina in the antebellum era


1. elite. wealthy, upper. class. rich with land.
2.middle. tradesman, merchants, shopkeepers,
3. lower. unskilled and. uneducated. individuals who.
4. independent. farmers. lived on small farms. which they worked.

What are actions that demonstrate absolute power? How?



Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the ultimate authority to run a state was in the hands of a king who ruled divine right


sorry if this doesn't help <3

How did the men spend their time on the settlements? Select two options.


A settlement is a location in which a population or a group of people live in and stay for a long period of time, raising their family and caring for them.

Historically, many settlements have come as a result of people leaving their homes and going to a new location in search of better living conditions and when they find it, they settle.

With this in mind, we can see that there are different activities which men can engage in after they've eased into a settlement and they include:

FarmingHuntingCutting of trees Building of homes, etc

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview to give you a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about settlements here:


Ch 5 Lesson 2
8. How did new transportation systems influence the economy in the early 1800s?


These advances in transport helped drive settlement in the western regions of North America. They were also essential to the nation's industrialization. ... Busy transport links increased the growth of cities. The transportation system helped to build an industrial economy on a national scale.

Which strike hurt the labor movement the most? Was it the fault of the workers, if not
then who?



the Homestead Strike?


what are the two black african amaricans
who first played teenis?​



Lori McNeil and Zina Garrison face off in the Eckerd Tennis Open, which is the first time two black players meet in a major professional tennis championship. McNeil defeats Garrison, 2-6, 7-5, 6-2.


Hope this helps and a crown would be very much appreciated bye

How were Black and Brown people viewed by Europeans throughout the 19th century?


They were viewed as less than especially by skin color which was used almost as a caste system.

Match the terms to their correct definitions.
a large group of states or countries,
usually ruled by one powerful leader
a country, state, or territory ruled by
a king or queen
1,000 years
a line of rulers where the power is passed down from father to son
across generations



millennium-1000years dynasty-a line of rulers where the power is passed down from father to son

across generations kingdom-a large group of states or countries,

usually ruled by one powerful leader


empire-large group of states or countries usually ruled by one powerful leader

kingdom-ruled by a queen or king

millennium- 1000 yrs

dynasty-royal rulers


who were the first permanent white settlers in oregon





Missionaries was the first permanent American white settlers in Oregon Country. In 1820’s, settlers and trappers to move to Oregon because of the lure of fertile lands, furs, plentiful rainfall, and a mild climate. The trail on traveling to Oregon Trail start from Independence, Missouri where eases or illnesses was the biggest threat to those who travel.

Answer: All the test answers in order are 1. C. Missionaries

2. D. It was where Mountain Men traded beaver pelts for supplies and where they had fun and games.

3.  C.The Oregon Country offered fertile soil along the Pacific coast.  D. The Oregon Country consisted of mild temperatures throughout the year.


Which health agency is under the supervision of the American federal government?
Doctors Without Borders



it is CDC it is the answer of the question

What factors made the South more attractive than the North to some businesses during the '60s and 70's?


More land and for new construction.

i think this is easy:
Which of the following groups benefited most from the circumstances
depicted in the illustration titled "A Mesoamerican Infected with Smallpox"?
A. Spanish soldiers
B. English Puritans
C. American Indian leaders
D. French fur trappers



I think its A . Spanish soldiers



Which event marked the beginning of segregation in professional baseball in the late 1800s? Congress passed a law segregating all sports. Branch Rickey fought for segregation before the Supreme Court. An executive order requiring segregation was issued. Baseball owners reached an informal agreement on segregation.


The event that marked the beginning of segregation in professional baseball in the late 1800s is ;

Baseball owners reached an informal agreement on segregation.

What is segregation in baseball?

Segregation in baseball serves as the informal agreement that made base ball to be popular in 1800.

According to the question, we are to discuss event that marked the beginning of segregation in professional baseball in the late 1800s.

As a result of this we can see that the owners of this baseball reached an informal agreement on segregation and this segregation helped in moving base ball to next phase.

Therefore, segregation in professional baseball in the late 1800s was of help to base ball.

Learn more about professional baseball at;






Which one of the Letters and Discoveries of Galileo is about the movement of the earth?


- The Letters and Discoveries of Galileo about the movement of the earth was in the Dialogue of the Chief World Systems

- How he stated the earth movement was that the earth is among the natural bodies that moves circularly

Galileo is known to be the Father of Experimental Science. He carried out scientific experiments to test his theories of motion of objects and mechanics.

It was stated in his "Treatise on the Tides," a paper in 1616, that he used a diagram to explain the earths movement. He stated that the Earth revolves in a counterclockwise direction both on its axis.

Conclusively, Galileo's was known to be the man who gave the theory of the circular movement of the earth.

If analysts are correct in predicting that today's inflation report will show the highest levels of inflation in 40 years, how do you think markets will respond?


I can try to answer give me a few and I will be back to you !!! Untill then hope someone sees it

What are some of the problems that afflict cities throughout theregion?


Answer: Similar problems afflict cities throughout the region. Slums spread over larger and larger urban areas. Often unemployment and crime increase. In addition to social problems, there are many environmental problems. These include high levels of air pollution from cars and factories.

Explanation: Give me the brainiest

who was the founder north carolina



The first European settlement in what is today North Carolina—indeed, the first English settlement in the New World—was the "lost colony of Roanoke," founded by the English explorer and poet Walter Raleigh in 1587. On July 22nd of that year, John White and 121 settlers came to Roanoke Island in present-day Dare County.


Answer: North Carolina was first settled in 1587. 121 settlers led by John White landed on present-day Roanoke Island on July 22, 1587. It was the first English settlement in the New World. On August 18, 1587, White's daughter gave birth to Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the New World.


answer this for a kiss.

add my disc ! juju#0001 <33



an African American who refused to move to a segregated railway car


but I want a kiss


homet Adolph please,or homère Adolphe plessy,was a french-speakunv creole Louisiana.

How does the film “The Birth of a Nation” affect today’s society?


On February 8, 1915, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation, a landmark film in the history of cinema, premieres at Clune’s Auditorium in Los Angeles. The film was America’s first feature-length motion picture and a box-office smash, and during its unprecedented three hours Griffith popularized countless filmmaking techniques that remain central to the art today. However, because of its explicit racism, Birth of a Nation is also regarded as one of the most offensive films ever made. Actually titled The Clansman for its first month of release, the film provides a highly subjective history of the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Studied today as a masterpiece of political propaganda, Birth of a Nation caused riots in several cities and was banned in others but was seen by millions.

David Wark Griffith was born in La Grange, Kentucky, in 1875, the son of an ex-Confederate colonel. His father died when he was seven, and he later dropped out of high school to help support his family. After holding various jobs, he began a successful career as a theater actor. He wrote several plays and, on the advice of a colleague, sent some scenarios for one-reel films to the Edison Film Company and the Biograph Company. In 1908, he was hired as an actor and writer for the Biograph studio and soon was promoted to a position as director.

I've been asked to write an essay on civil rights and to choose one that personally affects my life today and I need to get a quote from somebody. It says from friends or family, but I can say you guys are my friends, right? Yeah.
So, can someone give me their opinion on LGBTQIA rights? (Nothing negative, please!)



Hope this helps...


People belonging to the LGBTQIA community often have their basic civil rights ignored and are often discriminated against simply because they do not love people of the "appropriate gender". Personally, I believe this is equivalent to racism and everyone, regardless of their sexuality, should be allowed their rights. It is unfair and immoral to ignore the rights of others. Everyone should have the right to love who they choose and the freedom to speak about it without having to face discrimination.


My opinion on LGBTQ rights is.  Everyone has their own right to express themselves with how they feel, right? So why should people make such a big deal if people of the LGBTQ community want to express themselves?

Some of the most important people in my life have been part of the LGBTQ community and seeing the way that they have expressed themselves and how happy it made them to do so, made me realize it should not matter what you think or how it makes you feel just so long as they feel welcomed and loved and what they are doing makes them happy.

What did the robber barons believe?
O A. They should stop other business owners from creating trusts.
O B. They had a responsibility to make workplaces safe.
O C. They should keep the price of goods low for consumers.
O D. They had a right to gain wealth and power.


The answer is D . They had the right to gain power and wealth.

Answer: D: They had a right to gain wealth and power.


Why was the middle colonies climate important



The Middle colonies spanned the Mid-Atlantic region of America and were temperate in climate, with warm summers and cold winters. ... Climate and land were ideal for agriculture. These colonies were known as the "breadbasket" because of the large amounts of barley, wheat, oats, and rye that were grown here.



Their climate helped them become the 'breadbasket' of British North America.


hope I helped!

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