What most important when performing a poem: the content,structure or expression??



Answer 1




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what s the biggest capitol?


don't know i mean i love you all peeps

1. How much time do you spend _______ leisure activities?
a.on b. in c. for d. with


answer : A. on
explanation: the others don’t make sense in the given sentence

Ever since Deana was a child, she dreamed of flying into outer space. As a young girl growing up near Orlando, she had many opportunities to watch space shuttle launches. She would wake up extra early on launch days, sneak out her second-story window, and perch herself on the roof. She would stare at the shooting cloud and wonder who was inside and when it would be her turn.

Twenty years had passed since those days as a wistful child. Now Deana was seeing a shuttle from a whole different angle, from inside. Deana was sometimes still in shock that this was her life now. She thought about all the years of hard work, all of the times she decided to train and study instead of dating and going to parties like other people her age. She held back a tear as she tried to swallow. The view was spectacular. Earth was barely insight at this point and ahead of her was pure openness.

Suddenly, Deana blinked into reality. Sergeant Reece grabbed her arm and looked at her with terror in his eyes. There was a fuel leak. At this rate, there wouldn't be enough fuel to get the crew home. Deana took a deep breath. She was terrified but prepared. Deana ordered the crew to patch up the fuel tank. She adjusted the speed so that the shuttle did not burn as much fuel. She radioed ground control for help. They were able to redirect the shuttle back to Earth.

Deana's quick thinking and bravery saved everyone on that shuttle, but all Deana could think about is how her journey had to be cut short. As she looked back at the quickly approaching Earth, she thought to herself, "Well, there's always next time."

How did Deana save the space shuttle?

Select the answer that correctly quotes the text.

"The text says, Deana's quick thinking and bravery saved everyone on that shuttle, but all Deana could think about is how her journey had to be cut short."
The text says, "Deana's quick thinking and bravery saved everyone on that shuttle, but all Deana could think about is how her journey had to be cut short."
According to the author, Deana's quick thinking and bravery saved everyone on that shuttle, but all Deana could think about is how her journey had to be cut short.
According to the author "Deana's quick thinking and bravery saved everyone on that shuttle, but all Deana could think about is how her journey had to be cut short".



I think D





Use the dictionary entry for lore to answer the question.


lore [‘lor] noun

from Old English leornian

1. something that is taught

2. something that is learned

3. a body of knowledge or tradition

4. the space between the eye and the bill in a bird

5. the space between the eye and the mouth in a reptile or fish

Which definition of lore best matches the most common definition given by the dictionary entry?

a tale
a superstition
a lesson
a face



a. tale


the most common definition is : a body of knowledge or tradition.

Oxford defines lore as:

a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.

This is very large and usually takes up a quarter of the cover area. This is similar to a major headline in a newspaper.

• Main Image
• Selling Line
• Main Cover Line
• Cover Line





i did it hope it helps

Lan is interested in teaching _______ because she loves working with children.



teaching profession



lan is interested in teaching that because she loves working with children,


i dont know if this my answer is correct.

Select the correct pronoun to complete this sentence.
When Shauna and Sandra returned to the room, found a vase of roses.





there are two of them so the answer has to be for two or more people hence, they

Hope this helps luvv :)

Jeremiah's face was smeared and smudged with grease
and dirt from the cars he had been working on.
Which of the following revisions removes too many important details?
A. Jeremiah's face was smeared with grease and dirt from working
on cars.
B. Jeremiah's face was smudged with dirt from the cars he had been
working on.
C. Jeremiah's face was smeared and smudged from the work he had
been doing
D. Jeremiah's face was smeared with grease from the cars he had
been working on.





It leaves out how he was working on cars.


A traditional thesaurus may be used if an online thesaurus cannot be located because the information is the same in both types. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F.



A thesaurus has describtion of multiple meanings and gives proper mechanics of words such as punctuation, and nouns, verbs etc.




Edge 2022!

Please make it original. Write a 3-4 paragraph analysis of the character Rainsford from The Most Dangerous Game. Please make it original



Rainsford was justified in shooting Zaroff because he was acting in self-defense. Rainsford was unsure whether Zaroff would follow through on his promise to let him free, so he killed him just to be safe. Some may argue that it was unjustified, and that he could have simply departed because he had won the game. If he didn't murder Zaroff, though, many more men would fall victim to his dangerous game. Zaroff had already murdered a large number of people and would be dangerous if he was allowed to survive. Rainsford behaved in self-defense as well as for the sake of others. As a result, he was justified in assassinating Zaroff.


Here is a paragraph and it is all original you can do a plagerism checker hopefully this is helpful I will add more if I can

1. A woman is in a hurry so she runs a red light,
What type of conflict is that?

2. After being stuck in the car for 10 hours,2 brothers begin to fight over toys
What type of conflict is that?



1.person vs. Technology

2. Person vs. Person


simple past e past perfect
1.They ... (do) nothing before they met me. *
a)hadn't done
c)haven't done
d)have did

2.. I thanked him for what he ... (do). *
a)has done
b)had done
c)had do

3.They ... (clean) the room before I ... (call) them. *
a)had cleaned - call
b)have cleaned - called
c)had cleaned - called

4.He ... (tell) us the story of this life before he died. *
a)had telled
b)had told
c)has told

5.He ... (tell) me her name after she ... (leave). *
a)told - had left
b)tell - had leaved
c)told - has left

6.After the students ... (finish) the test the teacher left the room.

a)had finished
b)have finished
c)had finish

7.We ... (hear) a strange noise yesterday. *
a)have heard
chad heard

8.She posted the letter after she ... (write) it. *
a)has written
b)have written
c)had written

9.After they ... (go), I sat down and rested. *
b)had gone
c)have gone​


1: d) have did
2: b) had done
3: c) had cleaned-called
4. b) had told
5: a) told-had left
6: a) had finished
7: b) heard
8: c) had written
9: b) had gone

Bullying experience writing** using the 4 past tenses **



please can you be more specific in your question

In "the yellow wallpaper", how would you characterize the relationship between the narrator and her husband?


The relationship between the narrator and her husband in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is strained at best. He is acting more like a father or authority figure than a spouse, forcing her to stay in her room and rest when she feels as though some mental stimulation would actually help her.


Review pictures of several different fertilizer labels. You can find images by searching online. Discuss the information provided on each label. What is the chemical composition of each fertilizer? When should each fertilizer be used? What type of plant is the fertilizer used on? What other information do you see on the label?


Nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrate-based fertilizers are the most commonly used straight fertilizers in Europe. ...
Nitrogen fertilizers with inhibitors. ...
Phosphorus fertilizers. ...
Potassium fertilizers. ...
Calcium, magnesium and sulphur Fertilizers. ...
Micronutrient fertilizers. ...

You received an email from your cousin, Danial who is inviting you to a birthday party​



your birthday today

Rearrange these words: the poor girl/ jamil/ and/ talked/ sat/ next/ to/ her.



Jamil sat next to the poor girl and talked to her


Malcolm's earliest vivid memory was


His house was burned down in 1929

Which homophone best completes each sentence?
1. The group is running smoothly, so we shouldn't _____
2. Rosa Parks tested her _____
when she demanded a seat on the bus.
3. Swimmer Michael Phelps won his first Olympic _____
in 2004



1. meddle

2. mettle

3. medal


meddle: interfere/intrude

mettle: courage

medal: award

Which phrase from the first stanza of "The Raven" creates the most suspense by making a question appear in the minds of the speaker and reader? Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary While I nodded, nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping.


I would choose the last line: "suddenly there came a-tapping". Here, Poe captures the reader's attention by piquing their curiosity; what, the reader wonders, could be the source of that tapping? The sentence stands in stark contrast to the previous phrases, which set a tired and cold scene, and brings a fire of interest to the story.

The phrase that creates the  most suspense by making a question appear in the minds of the speaker and reader is "Suddenly there came a tapping." Therefore, option D is correct.

What are phrases?

A phrase is a group of words that work together to convey a single idea. It is not a complete sentence on its own. It can function as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition in a sentence.

A phrase consists of two or more words that do not have a subject or predicate. Unlike clauses, which have a subject and a predicate, phrases are grammatically incomplete. They do not express complete thought.

Phrases can also be combined to form longer and more complex sentence structures, such as prepositional phrases modifying noun phrases, or adverb phrases modifying verb phrases. Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about phrases, here:



write a story
which starts with these words: It was a
warm sunny day when the journey began.



It was a  warm sunny day when the journey began so Mum and Dad decided that we should visit the beach. Mum, Dad, baby Jack, and I were all there. So we gathered our belongings and prepared to go to the beach. When we got at the beach, I and my brother, Jack, immediately began playing in the sand and water. We built sand castles out of stones and seaweed, which we then buried in the sand. We even decorated them with flags and built doors out of them. After we'd done building sand castles, Mum suggested that we go canoeing in the water with Dad to cool down. So, my father and I walked down to the beach where the waves were flowing in and out to play. Baby Jack was not a fan of the water, so he began to cry, and his father pulled him up. After we had done swimming in the water, we went to collect some ice creams that Mum had purchased; I had one with a flake and chocolate sauce on top, which was delicious. It was now lunchtime, so we all sat down on a blanket and ate some delicious sandwiches that Mum had prepared earlier in the day. My favorite was the one with cheese and ham since it was so delicious and delectable. When Baby Jack spotted a seagull, he immediately began pointing his finger at it and laughing at it because it had pooped on a man's balding head. When the sky began to darken, Mum and Dad informed us that it was time to return home. We climbed into the vehicle and began our journey back home. Oh, what a beautiful day at the beach!


Hope it helps

A one sentese summary of I am a tomboy kid



is a girl but doesn't like girly things.

Which sentence needs a semicolon added to it?
A) Whenever I feel afraid I just whistle a
happy tune while I'm walking
B) Ralph's mother constantly nagged
him about his raggedy school clothing.
C) Some people prefer to write on a
computer others like to use pen and
D) The t-shirts in the gift shop were
unbelievably over-priced for such a
simple design.





There should be a pause in the sentence

in the film proctor only says “i say you are pulling heaven down and raising up a*****” and “god is dead”


what even is the question?

The culmination of all these incidents is Proctor's tragedy, which itself is pride. Proctor's stubborn refusal to part with his positive reputation in order to spend the remainder of his existence with him wife and kids is what ultimately causes him to die.

What is a film proctor?

The movie, which takes place it during the Salem witch accusations, follows a group of teenage girls whom, after just being discovered casting love charms in the woodlands, are forced to claim that Satan "decided to invade" him. As a result, they accuse a number of innocent individuals of witchery.

His faith is such a big part of himself and the people he is unable to entirely reject it, just like he will never ignore anything he saw that morning. Proctor finds confidence in herself towards to moreover middle of A Crucible as a result of his lack of trust in God.

Learn more about film proctors, here:



i need this ASAP... Read the following speech excerpt and then select the correct answer to the question below:

President George W. Bush's speech to the troops on the USS Abraham Lincoln
The war on terror is not over, yet it is not endless. We do not know the day of final victory, but we have seen the turning of the tide. No act of the terrorists will change our purpose, or weaken our resolve, or alter their fate. Their cause is lost. Free nations will press on to victory.

Which topic best relates to the central idea in this part of the speech?

Backing out of the fight
Avoiding future conflicts
Fighting a lost cause
Winning the war on terror





winning the war on terror


Winning the war on terror


President George W. Bush says

"The war isn't over" but "their cause is lost. Free nations will press on to victory."

This means the war isn't over, but we can see that their side has already lost. The United States will win and have victory.

This means the answer is "Winning the war on terror".

By looking at the choices we can also see that the only correct one would be "Winning the war on terror".

Let's examine the other choices just in case.

A. Backing out of the fight. Why would the Americans back out of the fight when we are winning? President Bush stated "We have seen the turning of the tide." Meaning they are winning.

B. Avoiding future conflicts. That would be nice, but it mentions nothing about avoiding conflicts. It only mentions the success we have had in battle.

C. Fighting a lost cause. This option doesn't even make sense because George Bush implies multiple times that we are winning and will win the war.

Therefore the only option that makes sense is "Winning the war on terror"

I hope this helped!!

Have a great day!!

help plus this is my last chance
Read this excerpt from a story and choose the title that best fits the focus of the narrative. Elton lived two houses away from Bob, an old man who would stand on his porch and yell at Elton when he walked to school. One day, Bob. wasn't there. Elton was relieved. But then Elton found out that Bob was sick, and his mom made him take Bob some flowers. When Bob recovered, he said that Elton was the only one came to visit. From that day on, Bob smiled and waved at Elton. A. Flowers for Bob B. Overcoming Fear C. Going to School D. The Neighborhood​



B. Overcoming fear


because elton overcame his fear of Bob when he went to go give him the flowers


B Over coming fear.


Elton overcame his fear and helped bob instead of being scared and not wanting to help him.

When is a pronoun in the possessive case?

A. when it receives the action

B. when it shows ownership

C. when it describes a verb

D. when it is the subject


B. When it shows ownership
A. Correct answer I think.

The moment the teacher announced the scores of the competition, the students celebrated. Substitute ‘The moment’ with ‘No sooner’.1 pointa. Their teacher announced.b. Had their teacher announced.c. Than their teacher was announcing.d. Was their teacher announcing.


a because “their teacher announced” is more grammatically correctly. hope this helps :)

11. The key to description is
O A. considering only what you think the readers already know.
O B. telling the readers how you would do something.
O C. giving the readers enough detail to form a picture in their mind.
O D. showing only the steps you consider important.



C seems understandable and make sense to this question



make 10 sentences into active and change into passive voice.​



· In sentences certain words are used to support the main verb. These words are there to help the main verb and are called helping verb or modals e.g. Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Would, Ought to, Must etc.


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