what is one thing that a bureaucrat would not do in han china?


Answer 1
Pls ask you question in a more understanding way! :) I will be more then happy just make sure you words are clear and understanding for readers ok!
Answer 2

After the Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), the Han dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) was China's second imperial dynasty.

What is a bureaucracy in China?

Eastern Han's capital was Luoyang, whereas Western Han's was Chang'an. The emperor presided as the top executive officer, was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and oversaw the administration of all written laws.

Confucian officials frequently served as local authorities. They frequently worked as landowners and tax collectors and acted as a conduit between the common people and the Emperor.

A massive bureaucracy was used by the Han to rule their empire. They possessed, among other things, departments for public works, finance, the military, and crime and justice. There was a chief minister and numerous lower-level officials in each department.

Chinese historians have devoted more thanIt took a millennium to discover the causes of the Han Dynasty's demise. They eventually came up with three primary hypotheses: 1) poor leadership; 2) the influence of empresses and court eunuchs over child emperors too young to rule independently; and 3) the Yellow Turban Revolt.

Learn more about Han dynasty here



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Humanism entered the world as the "3rd Force", countering the theories of the Behaviorists and A. Structuralists B. Functionalists C. Psychoanalysts​


C. Psychoanalysts as they are regarded as dehumanising by humanistic psychologists.

The department heads in Washington’s ________ did not always agree.


Answer:The department heads in Washington’s president did not always agree.


The department heads in Washington’s president did not always agree.

Why Washington is significant?

George Washington is frequently referred to as the “Father of His Country.” He was not only the first President of the United States, but he also led the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1775–83) and presided over the convention that drafted the United States Constitution.

Washington's contributions to the United States include his handling of the French and Indian War, early political activity, the American Revolution, military campaigns, political leadership during the war, the presidency and executive departments, and foreign affairs.

Therefore, The president of Washington's department heads did not always agree.

Learn more about the Washington, refer to:



To ensure we have religious tolerance in
the U.S., religions are protected by which
of the following?
A. anti-trust laws
B. Judicial review
C. hate crime laws
D. the Homestead Act



Explanation:b its b

after it was secretly transferred in 1802, the louisiana territory belonged to



France (Boy that didn't last long)



The economic system which governed the colonisation of the Americas was mercantilism or merchant capitalism. To be effective, mercantilism had to operate in tandem with colonialism to ensure that the wealth of the subordinated country belonged to the dominant one. It was believed that if the mother country could control all goods in and out of the colony, ensuring that no other country could trade with it, then she would have total control of the wealth that derived from the settlement. Thus, all goods produced in the Spanish colonies had to be exported to Spain and settlers could only officially purchase goods from Spain. Bullion and agricultural products would profit Spanish citizens and expand her treasury as well as increase employment and industries such as shipbuilding.

Spain took several steps to effect her monopolisation of the Americas. In the first place, to solidify her ‘discovery’ and ensure that her claim was recognised, effectively monopolising the Americas in accordance with her mercantilist aspirations, Isabella and Ferdinand sought the ratification of Pope Alexander VI. The Pope divided the world outside of Europe in half. Lands to the west of the Azores belonged to Spain and those to the east belonged to Portugal. This was the Treaty of Tordesillas, ratified in 1494 wherein Portugal would receive Brazil and West Africa, while all 'discoveries' in the Americas belonged to Spain. Though Spain and Portugal, Roman Catholic countries, believed that the Pope’s authority would ensure that Christian Europe would recognise their American claims, the Reformation resulted in Protestant countries such as England and Holland to whom his endorsement of the Treaty of Tordesillas meant very little. In fact, they believed that the Pope should not be involved in secular affairs such as this. France was also interested in Spain's overseas colonies and ignored the Pope's endorsement.


Despite her attempts, England, Holland and France managed to oppose Spain's monopoly in several ways; through exploration, piracy/privateering/buccaneering, smuggling (trading illegally with Spanish colonists) and settlement

Explanation: Please be more Specific Thanks

what leader made athens more democratic



Cleisthenes is the answer.

In the year 507 B.C., The Athenian Leader Cleisthenes introduced the system of political reforms called Demokratia “rule by the people”

what might caues somone metal map of a place to change



What might cause someone's mental map of a place to change? A mental map describes an individuals perception of features of earths surface, so things might have changed and places may have changed.


Why was it easy for Jane to move around while she was exploring



Jane Eyre takes place in five settings: Gateshead Hall, Lowood School, Thornfield Hall, Moor House, and Ferndean. Each setting encompasses a different stage in Jane’s life. Gateshead, where the Reeds live and Jane spends her young childhood days, contains the terrifying red-room, the place in which she undergoes her first truly terrifying experience: a supposed encounter with her Uncle Reed’s ghost. Jane’s marked change from this encounter prompts Mrs. Reed to send her to Lowood School, a place filled with similarly oppressive circumstances. Brontë modeled the harsh conditions of Lowood School after an English school she attended with her sisters. Just like in the novel, students suffered from typhus and consumption. Scholars note that Mr. Brocklehurst’s doctrine of privation matches Evangelical doctrines popular in Victorian England, and many read this section as a critique of those branches of Protestantism. After Lowood, Jane moves on to Rochester’s Thornfield Hall, which has a frightening, ominous presence at night, and Brontë uses quite a few other Gothic elements, such as descriptions of the supernatural, to define the setting. Many Gothic novels explore anxieties around sexuality, and accordingly Thornfield is where Jane explores romantic passion with Rochester. Moor House and Ferndean have less developed physical significance, but important names. The word “moor” signifies a mooring, a place where something is docked. Moor House is where Jane receives her inheritance, granting her stability for once in her life. The “fern” in Ferndean symbolizes the new growth Jane and Rochester will experience there, and Jane confirms that she has spent the past ten blissful years there by Rochester’s side, as his wife and his equal.

which group of city states from west asia colonized much of the mediterranean and were named after their famous purple dye?


Phoenicians may have discovered the dye as early as 1750 BC. The Phoenicians established a second production center for the dye in Mogador, in present-day Morocco.

King's purpose for writing this letter?



El propósito de la escritura de mi carta es para fundamentar la importancia del respeto al espacio personal para que sea leida a mis destinatarios . Espero te ayude :)


which ultimatum did serbia disagree on


it would not accept Austria-Hungary's participation in any internal inquiry

Can someone help me plz


If you rapidly scroll your mouse back and forth over the box, (or ur finger) you will be able to read the message formed by all of the letters, which says "Click the 'V' in lives". So click on the letter V in the word "Lives"

what explorer helped portugal win the european race for a sea route to asia?



Vasco de Gama


Vasco da Gama


Later, ​King Manuel​ of Portugal sent another explorer, ​Vasco da Gama​, on an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope. Da Gama left Lisbon, Portugal, in July 1497 and arrived in Southwestern India the next year Portugal had won the European race for a sea route to Asia.

What factors were common in 19th-century European revolutions? Choose three correct answers.

the rise of nationalism
the expansion of national territory
the desire for national self-rule
the desire to unify territories
inspiration from other revolutions



The rise of nationalism

The desire for national self-rule

The desire to unify territories

The rise of nationalism, expansion of national territory, desire for national self-rule etc.

Thus, the correct option is All of the above.

What led to the rise of nationalism in Europe?

Nationalism became a powerful force in the nineteenth century, changing Europe's political and intellectual landscape drastically. The eventual outcome of these adjustments was the demise of the multination dynastic empires of Europe and the rise of the nation-state.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars served as catalysts for the emergence of nationalism in Europe.

Middle class growth English industrialization, the rise of the working class, and liberalism. Both new conservation after 1815 and conventional institution preservation. The European government adopts a conservative stance following Napoleon's defeat.

In Europe, the emergence of the nation state is linked to nationalism. In certain nations, such as Germany and Italy, nationalism played a role in the creation of a state by bringing together autonomous regions with similar cultures.

Learn more about rise of nationalism in Europe, here



Should one of the High
Contracting Parties be attacked by another Power, the other
High Contracting Party binds itself hereby, not only not to support the aggressor
against its high Ally, but to observe at least a benevolent neutral attitude towards its
fellow Contracting Party.
What MAIN cause does the above passage describe?
A) Militarism
B) Alliances
C) Imperialism
D) Nationalism



A) Militarism i think the answers is a

Which statement best identifies a differeWhich statement best identifies a difference in the atmosphere of Amsterdam?

Theft has increased significantly.

Most of the Dutch now sympathize with the Nazis.

There is much rejoicing now that the English are set to invade.

The Jews have become increasingly rebellious against their Nazi oppressors.nce in the atmosphere of Amsterdam?



A. Theft has increased significantly.


I took a test :)

How might buyers have reacted to shopping for an item in a time?How might merchants have felt about being organized this way?


It should be noted that during the medieval times, merchants typically put the same kind of good together.

From the complete question, it should be noted that merchants would travel to foreign countries and trade his goods. This was done in medieval times.

During this era, merchants typically put the same kind of good together. This was done in order to make it easier to know the amount of goods bought and to easily know the supplies that they've.

Learn more about merchants on:


Answer:    the other answer is wrong that the other guy posted he only set a trap for you to lose points


I had it wrong

Most newly arriving immigrants were
which of the following?
A. Unskilled workers
B. Skilled workers
C. Union workers
D. White-collar workers


The answer is B, skilled workers


unskilled workers


got it right on acellus

1. All of the following embraced fascism EXCEPT
a. Juan Perón.
b. Adolph Hitler.
c. Benito Mussolini.
d. Paul von Hindenburg.



I think D is the answer


I'm not sure

sorry if I'm wrong

Which president or presidents were tasked with responding to foreign terrorist attacks on U.S. soil while in office? A) Bill Clinton B) Jimmy Carter C) Barack Obama D) George W. Bush E) George H.W. Bush


Not sure but I’m positive it is D

Why did Wilson initially try to maintain neutrality in World War I?.



He worried that the US would lose access to key imports from European countries.


I hope this helps!

Wilson initially try to maintain neutrality in World War I because he believed that the most important goal was to maintain peace, not just in the United States but around the world.

Reason to maintain neutrality:

Germany's proposed quarantine of the British Isles jeopardized Wilson's initial assumption that America may be impartial in thinking as well as action.

Britain was known as one of America's most significant economic partners, and tensions between the two countries were raised after German mines damaged or sank many US ships bound for the UK.

Learn more about neutrality in World War 1 here:


Question 3 (1 point)
One of the most effective strategies Hernan Cortes employed to defeat the Aztecs was forming an____with other tribe or city-
states. Fill in the blank



is there a provided word bank? the only word I can think of is allyship


In Plessy v. Ferguson, Homer Plessy claimed that "separate but equal" violated his rights under the
) First Amendment.
© Thirteenth Amendment.
O Fourteenth Amendment.
O Fifteenth Amendment.



14th Amendment


In reality, he argued that it violated both the 13th and 14th Amendment, but the big question in the Supreme Court's mind was "Did it violate the 14th Amendment". If it's wrong, you can argue with your teacher that it was a 7-1 decision that it did not violate the 14th Amendment and use Oyez.org as your research.  

In Plessy v. Ferguson, Homer Plessy claimed that "separate but equal" violated his rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. The correct option is c.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Usually considered one of the most consequential amendments, it addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War. The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress.

The amendment, particularly its first section, is one of the most litigated parts of the Constitution.

Learn more about amendment, here:



how old was larry holmes when he fought mike tyson?


When he taught mike tyson he was 38 years old

What is the definition of the word pancratium


It’s an ancient greek contest that includes boxing and wrestling

Hope it helps!

Islamic law is also called?



Sharia Law


Sharia is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It's derived from the religious precepts of Islam and is based on the interpretations of the sacred scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.

11. The Bolsehviks believed that which of the following would be necessary to change the
capitalist system?
a. a violent revolution
b. peaceful demonstrations
c. Grigori Rasputin's leadership
d. Reform in the Duma



the construction of these railroads required a vast amount of utilizing mostly steel,coal,and timber



Two Competing Companies: The Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad


hope this is ur ans.


How did the U.S. governments attempts 'save the world for democracy' end up

threatening civil rights in America?



Since the 1800s, the United States has positioned itself as the preeminent power in the Americas. Early U.S. administrations declared that the region should be free of foreign (mainly European) interference. As the United States grew in size, wealth, and military power, it began to make this vision a reality. Throughout the twentieth century, fearing the spread of communism across the Atlantic


On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to seek a Declaration of War against Germany in order that the world “be made safe for democracy.” Four days later, Congress voted to declare war, with six senators and fifty House members dissenting. “It is a fearful thing,” he told Congress in his speech, “to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance.” Wilson did not exaggerate; in 1917 the war in Europe had already lasted two-and-a-half bloody years and had become one of the most murderous conflicts in human history. By the time the war ended a year and a half later, an entire generation was decimated—France alone lost half its men between the ages of twenty and thirty-two. The maimed bodies of millions of European men who survived bore mute testimony to the war’s savagery.

Please help (30 points)
It has to be in your own words
Versailles treaty


The treaty forced Germany to surrender colonies in Africa, Asia and the Pacific; cede territory to other nations like France and Poland; reduce the size of its military; pay war reparations to the Allied countries; and accept guilt for the war.
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