what events led to the rise of communism in cuba?


Answer 1

Answer: Varies


The Cuban Revolution is responsible for this.

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Who were the Republican and Democratic candidate in 1928?



Herbert Hoover and Al Smith

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red woods


66) For investments, how are risk and return related?
A) When the risk is low, the return is high.
B) When the risk is high, the return is low.
C) When the risk is high, the return is high.
D) When the risk is low, the return cannot be calculated.



For investments, how are risk and return related?

C) When the risk is high, the return is high.

1. contradiction,collaboration,jcongruence

2. Half,75%,10%





According to the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Cording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done whatAccording to the Founders, the British Crown had done what

How is power divided according to the Constitution?



Power is first divided between the national, or federal government, and the state and local government under a system known as Federalism. At the federal level, the Constitution again divides power between the three major branches of our federal government—the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.

What caused city states to develop in Sumer and form the worlds first civilization?



cities and towns were first formed in Sumer around 5000 BC. Nomads moved into the fertile land and began to form small villages which slowly grew into large towns. Eventually these cities developed into the civilization of the Sumer. This land is often called the "Cradle of Civilization".

Its all in the pic. Please answer it only if you are sure its correct.


I think the answer is 15




I need some help with my homework



yes telll me bro

i can help


tell bro

George Washington's cabinet was made up of four positions. How many cabinet-level positions are there today?
O A. twenty-one
OC. eighteen





There are sixteen cabinet level positions today. At the time of George Washington there it was made of four positions. Thus, option D is correct.

What is the importance of cabinet?

The purpose of the cabinet is to provide the president with a group of experts in many fields to advise in policies and the course the administration should pursue. The President can appoint new members of the cabinet at any time because they work at his leisure.

The other cabinet members assist in offering insight into specific and more specialized concerns. Every secretary performs duties as a candidate for the presidency. Thus means that in the event of the president's death, resignation or removal, and in the event that the vice president, the speaker of the House of the Representatives, or the president pro tempore of the Senate are all absent at the same time, the duties of the president will, based on eligibility, pass to a member of the president's cabinet.

Therefore, we can conclude that option D is correct.

Learn more about the importance of cabinet here:



The four uses of Psalms are: doctrinal, historical, critical, and practical.

15 points





Portions of Jeremiah's prophecy are similar to Psalm 100. false.

The Answer: is  false

How was Marcus Garvey different from civil rights leaders?



Garvey was different from many civil rights leaders, in that the organization he founded, embraced black self-determinism through race pride, economic self-sufficiency (black-owned industries/businesses), and political separatism.

Studying oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories are methods most often used by





study oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories. Some anthropologists study the development of early human beings.

Studying oral histories, archaeological evidence, and cultural histories are methods most often used by anthropologists

Complete the table with statements about the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist positions on each issue (one to three statements for each issue). Use the websites listed to find information, or look for your own sources. You might also want to go back and refer to the lessons in this unit for additional information.

Debated Issue Federalists Anti-Federalists
Bill of Rights They opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution because they thought the state constitutions guaranteed individual rights. They agreed to add the Bill of Rights as a condition of ratification. They believed that a bill of rights needed to be in the Constitution to guarantee that the new federal government would not take away those rights. They successfully campaigned to have the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution after ratification.
state sovereignty
presidential power
political corruption

The Federalist Papers

The Debate between the Federalists and the Antifederalists

Federalist-Antifederalist Debates


Constitution of the United States


The Federalists & Anti-Federalists were the interest group that offered their views on the ratification of constitution and creation of stronger central government.

Who are the Federalists & Anti-Federalists?

The Federalists means the people that supported the creation of a stronger federal government and ratification of the 1787 Constitution while the Anti-Federalists meant people that opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.

The Anti-Federalists opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution because they thought the state constitutions guaranteed individual right.

The Federalists agreed to add the Bill of Rights as a condition of ratification.

The Anti-Federalists believed that a bill of rights needed to be in the Constitution to guarantee that the new federal government would not take away those rights.

The Federalists successfully campaigned to have the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution after ratification.

Read more about Federalists



The first step in pursuing your financial goals is _______.​


The first step in pursuing your financial goals is setting your goal.​

In order to take charge of your financials, you must set a goal and strive to achieve it. Setting up how you plan on reaching that goal is the next step, with the final step involving actually following through with it.

I hope this helps! :)

I need help please......



The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.


Have a great day! :)

Which of the following seas has almost completely disappeared because of irrigation in the area?

A. the Aral Sea
B. the Black Sea
C. the Caspian Sea
D. the Aegean Sea​


A. the Aral Sea

hope this helps

What was Lincoln's purpose in writing the Gettysburg Address?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate — we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.



The stated purpose of Lincoln's speech was to dedicate a plot of land that would become Soldier's National Cemetery. However, Lincoln realized that he also had to inspire the people to continue the fight.


Lincoln speech was intended to dedicate a parcel of land that would eventually become Soldier's National Cemetery. Lincoln acknowledged that in addition to leading the war himself, he also needed to motivate the populace.

Lincoln, a centrist Republican, had to negotiate a divisive web of groups that included allies and adversaries from the Democratic and Republican parties. His supporters, the Radical Republicans and the War Democrats, asked that the Southern Confederates be treated harshly.

Lincoln was hated by anti-war Democrats (referred to as "Copperheads"), and irrational pro-Confederate extremists sought his murder. He controlled the groups by taking advantage of their animosity toward one another, judiciously allocating political favors, and appealing to the American people.

Learn more about Lincoln, from :



8) Which of these is one of the ways the media is able to to predict the winners and losers of an election on election day?
A) exit polls
B) canvassing
C) proposition
D) plurality voting





these is one of the ways the media is able to to predict the winners and losers of an election on election day

In a direct democracy, who votes on government policy?



In a direct democracy, every eligible citizen has the ability to vote on government policy.

Hope this helps, have a nice day/night! :D

what was goal of the Soviet Union in asia during the Cold War



After the war, the U.S.' s primary goal was prosperity through open markets and a strengthened Europe. The Soviet Union sought prosperity through security; a rebuilt Europe would be a threat. Similarly, the U.S. advocated capitalism while the Soviets advocated communism.


when did world war 2 start and when did it finish



1936 it started and 1945 it ended



1936 it started and 1945 it ended


A traditional Chinese method of rice farming uses

A. marshes
B. paddies
C. levees
D. floating fields​



I hope I'm right It is B paddies.

Pls do not get mad....


Help Please Urgent SIxth Grade K12:
Which statements correctly describe the religious beliefs of the early Chinese?

Select all correct answers.

A; The dragon would protect the emperor whether or not the emperor ruled wisely.

B;The Chinese believed in one god.

C: They practiced ancestor worship because they believed their ancestors took an interest in the affairs of the family.

D; The dragon was an all-powerful and kind god.

F: The rivers, mountains, and forests were alive with spirits.

H: They believed in an afterlife.



There were several beliefs that the early Chinese believed to be true according to their religion and some of them were:

a. The rivers, mountains, and forests were alive with spirits.

c. The dragon was an all-powerful and kind god.

e. They practiced ancestor worship because they believed their ancestors took an interest in the affairs of the family.

F. They believed in an afterlife.

The early Chinese believed that spirits and gods existed in the rivers, mountains, forests, and other parts of nature. They believed in multiple gods including the dragon which was all-powerful and yet kind.

Early Chinese also venerated their ancestors whom they viewed as being active in their lives and we can infer from this that they believed in the afterlife.

In conclusion, the early Chinese had several religious beliefs ranging from spirits to the afterlife.


Which geologic process is causing to cause this conversion?


Such type of movement of plate leads to geological process such as underground volcanic eruptions, the formation of basins and valleys, etc. Thirdly, it is a transformation in which plates "move away from each other" in sideways. Such type of movement leads to the "occurrence" of natural disasters such as Earthquake."

Colonist who were located more in the Low Country


Geographically, the Lowcountry is in the southern corner of South Carolina. ... Beaufort quickly became the wealthiest and most cultured town of its size

Which of the following was NOT part of the Townshend Acts? * a. An act requiring colonists to provide housing and supplies to British troops. b. A tea tax. O c. A tax on fish caught in British waters. d. A duty that taxed paint, lead, and paper. Help ​


The Townshend acts was not an act that required that the  colonists to provide housing and supplies to British troops.

What was the Townshend acts?

This was a series of taxation measures that the British people imposed on the colonists then in the America.

The Act required that the colonists were taxed for every thing that they imported into into the colony.

Read more on the Townshend act here: https://brainly.com/question/17826162

Does anyone have the 3.16 Unit Test: The Mesopotamian Moment - Part 1 answers i am on a deadline a really need it



Approximately what years were Mesopotamian civilizations in power?

4000 BC to 500 BC

What civilizations/empires were part of Mesopotamia over time?

Sumerians, Assyrians, Akkadians, Hittites, and Babylonians

What was the oldest Mesopotamian civilization?


What empire destroyed Sumer?

Assyrian empire

What modern day country is home to ancient Mesopotoamia?


What mountain range is to the north of Mesopotamia?

Zagros Mountains

What deserts are to the south and west of Mesopotamia?

Syrian and Sahara

How did the mountains and deserts of Mesopotamia help the people?

provided natural defense borders and runoff from the mountains brought annual flooding

What rivers flowed through Mesopotamia?

Tigris and Euphrates

What body of water do the Tigris and Euphrates flow into?

Persian Gulf

What are some inventions of the ancient Mesopotamians?

wheel, plow, cuneiform, 12 month calendar

What is silt?

fertile soil that is left behind on the banks of the river after flooding

How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers help the people?

brought fertile soil they could use to fertilize their crops and grow enough food to support a city-state

What does Mesopotamia mean?

land between the rivers

The land between the rivers is also known as ....

The Fertile Crescent

What is irrigation?

a system of ditches, dams, canals, and channels used to control and use water for agriculture

What is cuneiform?

Mesopotamian writing using wedge shaped symbols

What tools did Mesopotamians use to write with?

clay tablets and a stylus

Why did Mesopotamians need to start writing?

to document yearly trade and agriculture records

What is a scribe?

someone that went to school (edubba) for 12 years to learn how to read and write

Who made up the upper class in Mesopotamia?

king, priests, scribes, members of the royal family

Who made up the middle class in Mesopotamia?

farmers, artisans, merchants, craftsmen, fisherman

Who made up the lower class in Mesopotamia?


What are ziggurats?

religious temples built to honor the patron gods/goddesses of the city-state

What is polytheism?

belief and worship of many gods

What is monotheism?

belief and worship in one god

Who appointed kings to leadership?

the gods

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?

an epic story about king Gilgamesh, and his quest for revenge for the death of his friend Enkidu and immortaility

Who was Hammurabi?

Babylonian King who created a widely known law code - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

What was Hammurabi's Code?

282 laws as told to King Hammurabi by Mesopotamian god Shamash - harsh punishments encouraged people to not break the law

Who was Sargon?

an Akkadian king that created the world' first known empire. He pillaged and destroyed city states as he conquered them and gained power through terror.

Who was Nebuchadnezzar?

a Babylonian king that allegedly built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

An example of the geographic theme of movement.

trade developed in Mesopotamia between different city-states. People used rivers and roads to move goods from place to place.

An example of the geographic theme of region.

the Middle East

An example of the geographic theme of human-environment interaction

irrigating the land to grow crops

an example of the geographic theme of location

present day Iraq - on the continent of Asia

an example of the geographic theme of place

had ziggurat temples, 2 major rivers, hot and dry, made mud brick houses, worshipped many gods, ate dates and barley, only boys went to school, slept on house rooftops


“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” -George Washington

what do George Washington mean



he means that the he won't get rid of the basic principle that people rely on he will think of it as his life protector

Which of the following lists correctly reflects the bodies of water that are part of the South China Sea ?
A. the Persian Gulfthe Tonkin Gulf, and Manila Bay
B. the Tonkin the Gulf of Thailand , and Manila Bay
C. the Sea of Japan , the East China Sea , and Manila Bay
D. the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand , and Manila Bay​





Hope this helps

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