What does segregation mean?
refusing service
mandatory imprisonment
a legal system of separation by race


Answer 1


a legal system of separation of race


White and black/brown people had different schools because of there skin colour this is an example. This was LEGAL because of the system made and therefore black/brown people could not say it was illegal or wrong as it stands for what the government said was ok (back then)

I hope this helps

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who released an album in 1999 under the angsty pop persona ""chris gaines""?



Garth Brooks


In 1999, Garth Brooks released an album under the fictional rock persona Chris Gaines so that he could explore other music genres beyond country -- but he seems to have kept his alter ego in the '90s.

its copied so put it in ur own words if u have to explain hope it helped tho

Early peoples developed different cultures based on their
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Because it all depended on the people who affected them with the religious activities.

Your WAC writing should be well thought out and include explanations that prove your understanding. Your paragraph should contain 5-7 complete sentences. REVISE-when you finish your writing, reread and revise fo clarity and completeness. PROMPT: We've talked about voluntary and required responsibilities of a citizen of United States. What makes a good citizen? How can you demonstrate these responsibilities as you get older?​



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How would a common currency help the Roman Empire?


Answer: It would give the empire the ability to organize products, and have a reasonable price for all of them, which will help the economy big time.


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kentucky………………………:)love love love love love love

The system of checks and balances ensures that

governments have absolute authority over citizens.
governments will never have power over the people.
each branch of government has power over the others.
a government can only be run by a king with divine rights.


The system of checks and balances ensures that each branch of government has power over the others.

The answer to this question is option C. The reason why there are checks and balances in government is due to the fact that no arm of government would have absolute power over the government.

It is used to prevent a situation that there would be an absolute government. Every arm of government holds each other accountable and can call the other to order.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/6750413?referrer=searchResults

How did the Crusaders treat the inhabitants of Jerusalem



In celebration, the crusaders ruthlessly slaughtered all of the Muslim inhabitants of the city.



During the First Crusade, Christian knights from Europe capture Jerusalem after seven weeks of siege and begin massacring the city's Muslim and Jewish.The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the stated goal of capturing the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims.


this is for history I put in math on accident someone help me for brainliest

no bots



first good job saying bot and not links I bet you learned from me anyways the answer is it is not very relative

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
president of the senate



I'm not sure but maybe is majority and minority leaders.

Garnet has a glassy luster. Which mineral sample is most likely garnet?





What minerals are found with garnet?

Image result for Which mineral sample is most likely garnet?

The most commonly encountered minerals in the garnet group include almandine, pyrope, spessartine, andradite, grossular, and uvarovite. They all have a vitreous luster, a transparent-to-translucent diaphaneity, a brittle tenacity, and a lack of cleavage.

Which action was a result of Anne Hutchinson publicly questioning the teachings of Puritan leaders?

She was tried and sent away from Massachusetts.

She stayed in Massachusetts and founded a new religion.

She was tried as a witch but found not guilty.

She convinced Puritan leaders to make changes in their teachings.



She was tried an sent away from massuchuses.


I just know

Can someone plz help me?


One of history's first true super powers, the Persian Empire stretched from the borders of India down through Egypt and up to the northern borders of Greece. But Persia's rule as a dominant empire would finally be brought to an end by a brilliant military and political strategist, Alexander the Great.

How to memorize the 50 states and there capitals, division, multiplication, fractions, decimals, grammar, and vocab.



The app Stack The States and game "Map it" is good for memorizing states, memorizing capitals I recomend flashcards or learn to associate capital names to somthing that reminds you of the state, division is how many times a number can go into another number (try flashcards), multiplication use flashcards as well, fractions are another way to write out division 1/3 is one third of one so add 2/3 to equal 1, decimals create small numbers and are used in division and multiplication sometimes, grammar there are a lot of rules so just pay attention to who is teaching and try reading books and seeing how sentences are made, vocab use flashcards or associate words to key parts of their definition


Why did America focus on shipbuilding at the beginning of WWI?
Couldn't find this anywhere else online, hopefully, this will help you in the future.


In my opinion, America focused on shipbuilding at the beginning of WW1 because the war was fought not only on land but at sea level as well.

Which of these would be an example of an enumerated power of congress?

A. Establishing a minimum wage.
B. Requiring seat belts in cars
C. Coining and printing currency.
D. Making laws forbidding discrimination.


Definitely D.

Tell me if im wrong  

What economical factors lead to the fall of the Roman Empire?



Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor.


3 reasons for imperialism​



Economic competition among industrial nations.

Political and military competition, including the creation of a strong naval force.

A belief in the racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent.

Find 3 major battles. List them and tell me why they were important.



I would say the undeclared Anglo-Spanish war of (1585–1604). The Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) ,  and The fall of Constantinople (1453) are the most significant and here's why :


In the Anglo-Spanish war , if the English lost, the Spanish would have likely landed an invasion force and succeeded in overthrowing Elizabeth I, thus obliterating the Anglican church. Rather than becoming the most formidable sea power in Europe and, thus, being able to project that sea power, England would have become a Spanish vassal, making it much easier for Spain to “rub out” Protestantism in the rest of Europe. Furthermore, the notion of “Great Britain” would be strangled in its bassinet.

In the Battle of Thermopylae had not the Spartans, Thespians, and Thebans held the pass and allowed the other Greek forces the ability to muster a defense against the invading Persians it is entirely likely that Alexander the Great would never have had Aristotle as his tutor, and never have spread Hellenization to the known world resulting in the rise of classical culture and the offshoots it created.

In the Fall of Constantinople ; essentially this battle played a huge role in the formation of the modern world. as places like the Americas would never be discovered and the world maybe would be a different place, if the battle of Constantinople didn't happen.

who was the first leader of the ottoman empire



Osman l



Osman I was born about 1258. He is regarded as the founder of the Ottoman dynasty and empire. His father had established a principality centered at Sögüt in western Anatolia.

Anyone a big fan of 1D??


yeah i'm why you asking?




no explanation madatory just D1

In 570 CE the wealthy caravan city of Mecca acquired a reputation as sacred because it housed idols, statues of many gods in the Kaaba, a cube-like black shrine for prayer. Furthermore, the wealthy merchant class sold idols to pilgrims visiting the holy city. Muhammad, the founder of the Islamic faith, was born in Mecca. As he grew, the inequity he witnessed between the poor and wealthy merchant class troubled him. At the age of forty Muhammad was meditating in a local cave when his life forever changed. The angel Gabriel appeared and told him to recite the word of God. The ability to quote the word of God made him a prophet, or messenger of God. He believed that by worshipping one god, Allah, it would unite his people. Mercy and kindness would be at the center of his new religion that he would call Islam which means "submission." Muhammad would call his followers Muslims which means "followers of Islam."The author described how meditating in a cave changed Muhammad’s life forever to explain to the reader:a. Mohammad’s need for powerb. that Muhammad liked to be alonec. the foundation of the religion of Islamd. Mohammad’s disagreement with other faiths


That’s cool, how did you type so much???

Baron de Montesquieu's Enlightenment ideals influenced which of the following?
A Federalism, checks and balances, Declaration of Independence
B Separation of powers, U.S. Constitution, checkqand balances
C Natural rights, Thomas Jefferson, unalienable rights
D U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Bill of Rights


The answer is B.

He influenced Checks & Balances and Separation of powers.

the agreement signed with britain stating they would leave the ohio river valley and stop seizing american ships is known as?



the Embargo Act of 1807.


Britain initiated a sweeping ban on trade, known as the Embargo Act of 1807. This law prohibited American ships from leaving their ports until Britain and France agreed to stop seizing them at sea. The embargo, however, caused far more damage to America's economy than to Britain's.

Which two events disrupted overland trade between Europe and Asia


There were two main events that led to overland trade in Eurasia being disrupted and these were:

The Black Death The fall of the Mongols

The Black Death killed so many people in Europe and in order to curb the spread of the disease, movement became more restricted which led to trade dropping.

The fall of the Mongol empire also meant that security on the Silk Road was drastically reduced which led to less trade being conducted and the need for a new trade route being used.

In conclusion, the Black death and the fall of the Mongol empire disrupted overland trade.

Find out more on the Black Death at https://brainly.com/question/11787698.

Ur mom is hot likes sooo hot lol just kidding love y’all <3









Why was the American Federation of
Labor a different type of labor union
(compared to the Knights of Labor)
and why did it grow during the 20th



The A.F. of L. served as the preeminent national labor organization until the Great Depression when unskilled workers finally came together. Smart leadership, patience, and realistic goals made life better for the hundreds of thousands of working Americans it served.


What happens to the people born on Feb.. 29????? do they stay one until 4 years past??​



Once every four years, people born on Feb. 29 actually get to celebrate their birthday. That's right, Monday is leap day, the extra day added every fourth year to help fix the problem that while our calendar year is 365 days, the solar year — the amount of time it takes the Earth to circle the sun — is 365.24219 days.

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They still take it as a regular birthday just celebrated on a different day

Describe what militias were like during the French and Indian War.



group of untrained and ordinary people fighting in the war


the militias were contained with men who were just normal workers who were not trained for the military, but men who wanted to move to the appalachian mountains

Writing Workshop: Creating an Argumentative Essay
Reviewing Your Outline
Before you continue with your paper, it's a good idea to review your outline.
Check the elements that you included in your outline.
I included my thesis statement in the introduction.
I created topic sentences.
I included transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion
I found evidence to support each paragraph.
I used numbers and letters to indicate paragraphs and details.
I included an idea for a conclusion



prewriting exercises, it is important to record everything that comes to mind without editing as you write. You can use the various techniques to generate a number of different ideas to choose from to formulate your topic.

Brainstorming can help you find where your true interests lie and what part of a topic you might want to delve into further.

Freewriting can help you generate new ideas about a topic by writing nonstop, without editing, for a set amount of time.

Clustering, or concept mapping, can help you refine your thoughts and narrow the scope of a topic by making a map or diagram of different ideas you associate with a central topic.

Key Terms

clustering: A prewriting technique consisting of writing a central idea in a circle on a sheet of paper, adding related ideas around the circle, and connecting them with lines to show how they related to each other.

Outlining: A prewriting activity that allows you to organize to your ideas by placing them into an ordered sequence of primary and secondary ideas, which shows the relationship of the parts to the whole.

concept map: A diagram that shows the relationships between concepts. Concepts are written in circles or rectangular boxes, which are connected by arrows that are labeled with phrases such as “is a,” “gives rise to,” “results in,” “is required by,” or “contributes to” that denote the relationships between concepts.

freewriting: A prewriting technique in which the writer writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic.

brainstorming: A prewriting technique intended to generate creative ideas quickly and without editing, through word or idea association.

Which of the following best describes France's government according to the Constitution of 1791?






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