What do you think young people will be like in 20 years’ time, why?


Answer 1
People will be more evolving with newer technologies because the generation has changed since phones came out and consoles more people has been depending on phones than when before it came out.
Answer 2


There will be a significant difference-but that was before our economy crashed, so now we have to hope for the best.


Gen z is currently the youngest generation of the youth. Millennials are in their 30's, and the oldest Gen z's in their 20's. We have come by far enough when it comes to technology but consider our pop culture and trends. Celebrities used to dress up like their clothes were from Walmart, leg warmers, wacky toys, and stuff was all the rage. America used to be more successful economically in the decades prior, but the early 2000's up to 2008-recession-was basically a prospering trade hub. -this was before China and opposing others really got their power together as massive superpowers-it had been 10 years since the soviet union collapsed, so this includes Russia and other Slavic countries, including Asian and European nations that used to be under their thumb.

So now, we have-international tensions, a global virus with more variants, and a global depression, so if we get that over with, what is mentioned above might be a alternate future.

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which two pieces of evidence in paragraph 6 tell you that dickens was extremely popular in america

Oxford Progressive English book
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where is the paragraph can you send the paragraph too so we know what we have to find

Match the description to the term.

1. no meter, no rhyme
free verse
2. first eight lines of a sonnet
3. suggestion
4. consonant or vowel sound repeating on stressed syllables
5. one thing is like another
6. nature is God
7. three-foot line
8. a perfect model
9. repetition of a vowel sound in a series of words


1. no meter, no rhyme

free verse

2. first eight lines of a sonnet


3. suggestion


4. consonant or vowel sound repeating on stressed syllables


5. one thing is like another


6. nature is God


7. three-foot line


8. a perfect model


9. repetition of a vowel sound in a series of words


Out of the choices provided above, the descriptions can be matched to their appropriate terms as below,

no meter, no rhyme – free versefirst eight lines of a sonnet – octavesuggestion- connotationconsonant or vowel sound repeating on stressed syllables – assonanceone thing is like another – similenature is God – pantheismthree-foot line - trimetera perfect model – idealrepetition of a vowel sound in a series of words – alliteration

Therefore, the options 1-A; 2-F; 3-G; 4-H; 5-I; 6-C; 7-B; 8-D; and 9-E hold true.

What is the significance of a description?

A description can be referred to or considered as the textual evidence that explains additional and required information regarding a term or a phrase, which is usually attached to the literal meaning of the word. Each description is linked to the meaning of the word in the literal sense as well as the interpretation of the same.

Therefore, the options 1-A; 2-F; 3-G; 4-H; 5-I; 6-C; 7-B; 8-D; and 9-E hold true and states regarding the significance of a description.

Learn more about description here:



Please explain how to do this​



Read that


Just go in order and tell the “function” of the sport one will be the action the other will be the function hope it helps


see the picture clearly and write it's function

How can notice and note in non-fiction help you with your writing



The answer could help you see details that shows you the main idea, compare and contrast, understand the author's purpose, infer, make a generalization, notice cause and effect.

what is an important characteristic of a confederal system



What is an important characteristic of a confederal system? It has a weak central authority. The establishment of a new city or county is an example of which type of power?

What are the four types of literary theories according to literary historian M. H. Abrams? critical, theoretical, practical, and otherworldly mimetic, rhetorical, expressive, and formal critical, reflective, analytical, and quarterly reflective, persuasive, emotional, and structural.



mimetic, rhetorical, expressive, and formal,

hope that helps



Just Did this Its B mimetic, rhetorical, expressive, and formal



what do you upgrade to make your computer speed up



Upgrade, delete files. Close any unwanted application. Clear out memory.

Update,delete files, or deletes things you don’t need, if still not working get more storage:))

How does the children’s book by James Clavell compare to the Jews ?



the enormous power of teachers, for good or for bad


It's frightening to think how a child's mind is susceptible to being manipulated so easily by the authority figures they trust

hey can someone help me with this please ​


Present - Present Participle - Past - Past Participle

bring - bringing - brought - brought

teach - teaching - taught - taught

shrink - shrinking - shrunk - shrunken

write - writing - wrote - written

freeze - freezing - froze - frozen

read - reading - read - read

walk - walking - walked - walked

give - giving - gave - given

say - saying - said - said

begin - beginning - began - begun

draw - drawing - drew - drawn

blow - blowing - blew - blown

cost - costing - cost/costed - cost/costed

burst - bursting - burst - burst

Hope I didn't miss anything ^^

how is reading a graphic novel similar to reading a traditional novel?



A graphic novel contains a beginning, middle, and end. A graphic novel will offer the type of resolution that one expects from a novel, even if it is part of a series. Effectively, this makes a graphic novel longer and more substantive than a comic book, which is a serialized excerpt from a larger narrative.

slogan for department of labor



A fair day's wage for a fair day's work The motto of the American Federation of Labor.


Birding, also called birdwatching, is a leisure activity that is growing in popularity. There are many ways to be a bird enthusiast. For example, you may simply notice the birds you see on evening walks, or you may actively seek out places to view interesting and rare birds. You might go birding on your own, or you can watch birds with a group of friends.

It doesn't take much to get started birdwatching except a desire to see birds. Start by observing birds around you. Tools such as binoculars can help you bring birds into focus. Learning to look for and compare specific trait will help you identify different species. By visiting different habitats during different seasons, you can learn which species will come to specific areas at certain times.

Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
What can the reader infer about the author of the passage?

The reader can infer that the author believes that



the third option


it makes the most sense to me


I think 3 is an answer.

But am not sure about it .


please help me and stop posting scam links its a waste of time and i wont even click it bruv



just stop it


if you stop it, it will do no harm to you.

School bus drivers have been driving rashly and overcrowding the buses thereby posing a risk to the lives of innocent school children.

Suggest two measures to overcome this problem



I do not Because I am a student

Jesse y Joy caminan por la calle.
Los dos llevan mochilas. De repente,
se abre un hoyo en la calle. Joy se
cae en el hoyo y... ¡llega a un
laboratorio secreto! En el
laboratorio hay un monstruo. Ella
agarra una linterna. Con la
linterna, se escapa del laboratorio y
regresa a la calle. Joy lleva la
linterna mientras camina por la
calle con Jesse.



Jesse and Joy are walking on the street.

They both carry backpacks. All of a sudden, a hole/chasm opens up in the street.

Joy falls into the hole/chasm and is transported to a secret lab!

In the laboratory there is a monster.

She grabs a flashlight.

With the flashlight, she escapes from the laboratory and returns to the street.

Joy holds the flashlight while she walks along the street with Jesse


off topic but Jesse y Joy have good songs

pls pls write below!


I need an essay pls help or at least something y’all :(


Answer:in explantion


Okonkwo, the son of the effeminate and lazy Unoka, strives to make his way in a world that seems to value manliness. In so doing, he rejects everything for which he believes his father stood. Unoka was idle, poor, profligate, cowardly, gentle, and interested in music and conversation. Okonkwo consciously adopts opposite ideals and becomes productive, wealthy, thrifty, brave, violent, and adamantly opposed to music and anything else that he perceives to be “soft,” such as conversation and emotion. He is stoic to a fault.

Okonkwo achieves great social and financial success by embracing these ideals. He marries three women and fathers several children. Nevertheless, just as his father was at odds with the values of the community around him, so too does Okonkwo find himself unable to adapt to changing times as the white man comes to live among the Umuofians. As it becomes evident that compliance rather than violence constitutes the wisest principle for survival, Okonkwo realizes that he has become a relic, no longer able to function within his changing society.

Okonkwo is a tragic hero in the classical sense: although he is a superior character, his tragic flaw—the equation of manliness with rashness, anger, and violence—brings about his own destruction. Okonkwo is gruff, at times, and usually unable to express his feelings (the narrator frequently uses the word “inwardly” in reference to Okonkwo’s emotions). But his emotions are indeed quite complex, as his “manly” values conflict with his “unmanly” ones, such as fondness for Ikemefuna and Ezinma. The narrator privileges us with information that Okonkwo’s fellow clan members do not have—that Okonkwo surreptitiously follows Ekwefi into the forest in pursuit of Ezinma, for example—and thus allows us to see the tender, worried father beneath the seemingly indifferent exterior.


Okonkwo, the son of the effeminate and indolent Unoka, tries to make his way in a world where manliness seems to be valued. In doing so, he opposes all his father is said to have stood for. Unoka was a slacker who was impoverished, wasteful, cowardly, gentle, and enjoyed music and talk. Okonkwo actively embraces opposing beliefs, becoming productive, affluent, frugal, fearless, violent, and fiercely opposed to music and everything else he considers "soft," such as dialogue and feeling. He is a stoic to the point of being stoic.


Use an encyclopedia, the Internet, or other sources to research the following Reconstruction scandals. 300 words each for all three of them.
- the Tweed Ring in New York
- the Credit Mobilier Scandal
- Black Friday



Black Friday

The Gold Ring was formed by Jay Gould and James Fisk.  The then president  of the United States, Ulysses  S. Grant, made an effort to stabilize the US dollar,  boost the economy after the hits of the civil war, and also to pay off the national debt caused by the war. He tried to do this by selling treasury gold every week. The first step he took to get a grip on the economy was to sign the Public Credit Act, which enabled citizens to have their bonds repaid in gold or the equivalent and so get a more secure circulation of “sound money “. Moreover,  president Grant placed the very talented George Boutwell in charge of the United States Treasury and he started selling gold on a weekly basis to buy US wartime bonds.  At the same time he improved the tax collecting methods to avoid counterfeiting and was able to keep the gold price and the money supply level artificially low. Jay Gould and James Fisk infiltrated in the social circles of  president Grant to receive confidential information of the selling of gold. They plotted to stop the president from selling the gold weekly, so that the price of gold could rise again. They also fed the president with false premonitions that the gold selling would harm farmers. When they thought that they found a profitable price to buy gold, they did so, in order to sell the gold again later for a higher price and so increase their wealth.  But the president came to know about their foul scheme and he ordered more gold to be sold on this particular Friday ,24th of September 1869 ,called “ Black Friday’’ and in this way the price of gold went so low that Gould and Fisk lost most of their money.  

The Dawes Acts (including civil service reforms)

The 1887 Dawes Act, gave the authority to the president of the United States to allot Native American tribal land to individual Native Americans. If they accepted these allotments and would go live separately from their tribes, they would be granted the US citizenship.  The creator of the act was Massachusetts senator Henry Laurens Dawes. The Dawes Act was a way to transfer tribal and communal ownership of land into individual ownership, and also to give non-Native Americans the chance to purchase these lands. In 1891 the Dawes Act was amended, then in 1898 into the Curtis Act and then again in 1906 by the Burke Act. For decades after these Acts, the Tribal communities have sold a great part of their communal land to non-Native Americans and in this way the government managed to destroy their tribal way of living . The aim of the government was to open the Indian lands for  European- American settlers to farm and make way for railroads. Through this Act,  tribal owned land in America decreased from 138 million acres in 1887 to only 48 million acres in 1934. The Dawes act had an impact on the gender roles and the social structure in the Native American community because to be able to receive land, the women had to be officially married. Before, the women had control over property and descent because of the matrilineal tribal society.  Now the men had to go out working in the fields while the women had to do domestic chores. The original plan, concocted by Henry Dawes to create respectable farmers according to the European –American model has failed and left the tribal community as mere survivors of destruction.


What does Mafatu do when the men go after him?



he did not search up for answers

Explanation: because hes noTE LIKE YOU

My ears have not yet drunk a hundred wordsOf that tongue’s utterance, yet I know the sound:Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?is this a simile, personification, or, metaphor?





Its personification because its giving human charateristics to the ears


Question: Describe how the weather is a symbol of the events in Act 2 of Shakespeare’s King Lear.



In Act 3, as Lear wanders through a desolate heath, a terrible storm rages overhead, strongly but ambiguously symbolic. The storm reflects Lear's inner turmoil and escalating madness in part: it is a physical, turbulent natural reflection of Lear's internal turmoil. At the same time, the storm embodies nature's awesome power, forcing the powerless king to acknowledge his mortality and human frailty for the first time, and to cultivate a sense of humility. The storm could also represent divine vengeance as if nature is enraged by the events of the play. Finally, the weather chaos represents Lear's Britain's political chaos.

Were....play football


Simple in its principal rules and essential equipment, the sport can be played almost anywhere, from official football playing fields (pitches) to gymnasiums, streets, school playgrounds, parks, or beaches.

Identify the speech style used in the following lines. 1. Parent and child talking about future plans.
2. Guidance counsellor advising a troubled Grade 11 student.
3. Friends talking about latest gadgets. 4. An engineer suggesting a proposal to his or her superior.
5. Husband and wife talking about relocating to another place.​


This would probably be casual style.

What does the news report say happens on Mars shortly before 8:00 PM?

A. a huge earthquake

B. a giant explosion

C. a poisonous gas cloud erupts

D. a space shuttle landing​



c. a poisonous gas cloud erupts


#Carry on learning

Look the picture of the lady describe her



if there is not other option sprightly describes her

What type or piece of material culture do you think gives the most information about your society? Why?



material culture, tools, weapons, utensils, machines, ornaments, art, buildings, monuments, written records, religious images, clothing, and any other ponderable objects produced or used by humans. If all the human beings in the world ceased to exist, nonmaterial aspects of culture would cease to exist along with them.

It is an interdisciplinary field and methodology that tells of the relationships between people and their things: the making, history, preservation, and interpretation of objects.



[tex] \large \text{Answer} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

✏️material culture, tools, weapons, utensils, machines, ornaments, art, buildings, monuments, written records, religious images, clothing, and any other ponderable objects produced or used by humans. If all the human beings in the world ceased to exist, nonmaterial aspects of culture would cease to exist along with them. However, examples of material culture would still be present until they disintegrated. The debate within social anthropology as to whether material culture is dominant in molding nonmaterial aspects is a continuing one. That the impact of material culture has varied from society to society seems clear.

hope it helps ᭄♡ツ

happy studying ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Brainlist plzzz

HELP IM TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

From White Fang
By Jack London

Breakfast eaten and the slim camp-outfit lashed to the sled, the men turned their backs on the cheery fire and launched out into the darkness. At once began to rise the cries that were fiercely sad—cries that called through the darkness and cold to one another and answered back. Conversation ceased. Daylight came at nine o'clock. At midday the sky to the south warmed to rose-colour, and marked where the bulge of the earth intervened between the meridian sun and the northern world. But the rose-colour swiftly faded. The grey light of day that remained lasted until three o'clock, when it, too, faded, and the pall of the Arctic night descended upon the lone and silent land.

As darkness came on, the hunting-cries to right and left and rear drew closer—so close that more than once they sent surges of fear through the toiling dogs, throwing them into short-lived panics.

At the conclusion of one such panic, when he and Henry had got the dogs back in the traces, Bill said:

"I wisht they'd strike game somewheres, an' go away an' leave us alone."

"They do get on the nerves horrible," Henry sympathized.

They spoke no more until camp was made.

Read this line from the story:

...the men turned their backs on the cheery fire and launched out into the darkness.

What part of this line most clearly adds to the tension in the story?
A. The contrast between the fire and the darkness
B. Using the word launched to describe the departure
C. The description of the men turning their backs
D. Ending the sentence on a dark note



The answer would be "Ending the sentance on a dark note."


What are your plans for the summer?
10 sentences or more sentences



My summer plans include spending quality time with my family, having fun, resting, watching movies together, or going out to do something similar; my family is my closest friends, and I don't mind spending my summer with them. I'd also like to spend time with my friends, going out to eat for lunch or dinner, having enjoyable conversations, and relaxing on a nice sunny day; it's fun to hang out with friends, especially if you've known them for a long time; we'd also play video games, go to the mall, and do other summer outdoor activities. On rainy days in the summer, I'd probably just stay in my room and watch movies while eating a snack or play video games with my friends online. Another thing I would enjoy doing is visiting my relatives' homes and getting to visit my cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents. That is how I intend to spend my summer.


Hope this helped!

What does Holmes say upon seeing Dr Watson that shows how observant he truly is? ​


A phrase often attributed to Sherlock Holmes, the English detective in the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Holmes supposedly says this to his amazed companion, Dr. Watson, as he explains his reasoning in solving a crime.

__ girl in blue jeans is my sister.
Give me __ pencil.
He is __ union leader.



for the first blank the answer is (The)

the second answer is (A)

the third answer is (The)


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