What causes a change in speed or direction?
A) Balanced Force
B) Net Force
C) Force


Answer 1


force i think


Related Questions

What is the formula for ammonium



The formula for ammonium is NH₄⁺

Why does in the golf stream warm and provide it’s Rhode Island or Bangor Maine


An ice cube in a pint glass demonstrates how the shrinking polar ice cap gives more flow to a stronger Gulf Stream, while an ice cube in the adjacent pint glass demonstrates why Gulf of Maine seawater is not warming faster than any other water body.

The electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10 describes the electron configuration of what neutral element?





Copper has this electronic configuration.

You can count the total number of electrons

= 29

Cu is the 29 th in the periodic table.( atomic number = 29)

Two or more than two atoms with different physical or chemical properties can not combine together to form an element. Therefore, the given electronic configuration represents copper element.

What is element?

Element generally consist of atoms or we can atoms combine to form element. Atoms of an element is always same, means all the properties of all atoms of one type of element is same.

The systematic distribution of electrons in the various atomic orbitals is called its electronic configuration. The atomic number of copper is 29. The electronic configuration of copper is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s¹ 3d¹⁰. 1,2,3 represents the number of shells and s and represents the orbitals. The superscripts represents the number of electrons in each orbitals.

Therefore, the given electronic configuration represents copper element.

To know more about element, here:



With which instrument can you measure the mass of a solid?


You can use Balances and Scales..

For the majority of everyday objects, a balance is used to determine an object's mass. The balance
compares an object with a known mass to the object in question. Different types of balances include digital
digital scientific balances and beam balance

Which process releases heat?
O A. Sanding wood
O B. Baking bread
O C. Burning gasoline
O D. Frying french fries​





burning gasoline i think pls can i have brainliest if right!

Answer:French fries


use the principles of atomic structure and/or chemical bonding to explain each of the following. in each part, your answers must include references to both substances. the atomic radius of li is larger than that of be. the second ionization energy of k is greater than the second ionization energy of ca. the carbon-to-carbon bond energy in c2h4 is greater than it is in c2h6. the boiling point of cl2 is lower than the boiling point of br2.


Li vs. Be Radius: Li has more shells, larger atomic size.K vs. Ca Ionization: K's 2nd ionization harder due to electron configuration.C-C Bond Energies: C₂H₄ has stronger double bond than C₂H₆.Cl₂ vs. Br₂ Boiling: Br₂ has higher boiling due to stronger dispersion..

1. Atomic Radius:

  Atomic radius increases down a group and decreases across a period. Lithium (Li) has a larger atomic radius than beryllium (Be) due to Li's additional electron shell. Be has fewer shells, resulting in a smaller radius.

2. 2nd Ionization:

  Second ionization energy is the energy needed to remove a second electron. Potassium (K) has higher second ionization energy than calcium (Ca) due to K's electron configuration ([Ar] 4s¹), requiring breaking into a filled shell.

3. C-C Bond:

  Carbon-to-carbon bond energy differs based on bond type. Ethene (C₂H₄) has a stronger double bond, requiring more energy to break, while ethane (C₂H₆) has a weaker single bond.

4. Boiling Point:

  Boiling points relate to intermolecular forces. Chlorine (Cl₂) has lower boiling point due to weaker dispersion forces compared to bromine (Br₂), with stronger dispersion forces leading to higher boiling point.

Learn more about atomic structure, here:



Question 4 (1 point)
Model A
In the molecule above, the black circles are Carbon, the blue circles are Hydrogen
and the red circles are Oxygen. Which formula below is correct for this molecule?





Jus took USA Test prep test

I do not quite understand this, anyway someone can help? I'll give brainliest to the correct answer!


To solve for number one we must follow these steps:

m = 703.55 g − 345.8 g

m = 357.75 g

Then we solve for the density-

d = 357.75 g / 225 mL

d = 1.59 g/mL

Answer for number 5) 1.59 g/mL

Density= Mass/Volume

therefor- Mass = 65.14g and Volume = 35.4mL

Density = 65.14g/35.4 mL = 1.84 g/mL

Answer for number 6) 1.84 g/mL

Question 7-

g = (0.8765 g/mL)(250.0 mL) = 219.1 g

Answer: 219.1 g

Question 8-

Density = mass/volume

Mass = 1587g

4.5cm x 5.2cm x 6cm = 140.4 cubic-cm

Volume = 140.4 cubic-cm

Mass/volume = 1587/140.4 = 11.3 g/cm^3

Answer: 11.3 g/cm^3

Question 9:

First calculate the volume of iron

49.10mL − 45.50mL = 3.60mL

Density = mass/volume;

density = 28.5g/3.60 mL= 7.92 g/mL

Answer: 7.92 g/mL

Question 10:

Volume = 2500.0g / 10.5g/cm3 = 238.095cm^3

Now we round up the answer to 238cm^3

Answer: 238cm^3

I hope this helped!

Explain how you can find the number of neutrons in the isotope nitrogen-16​






Atomic number of nitrogen= 7



neutrons= ?

Nitrogen-'16'= 16 means the mass

16-7= 9

There are 9 neutrons in Nitrogen-16

Matt is conducting an experiment where he compares the properties of water and
lemonade. The first stage of the experiment is focusing only on the physical properties of?



sitric acid from lemon



The first stage of the experiment is focusing only on the physical properties of acidic property.

What is physical property?

A physical property would be any quantifiable attribute whose value describes the condition of a physical system. Changes in a system's physical attributes are able to characterize its transitions between brief states. Physical attributes are sometimes known as observables.

Physical characteristics are frequently classified as intense or extensive. An intense property is independent of the system's size or extent, as well as the amount of material in the item, whereas an extended property has an additive link. The first stage of the experiment is focusing only on the physical properties of acidic property.

Therefore, the first stage of the experiment is focusing only on the physical properties of acidic property.

To learn more about physical property, here:



Part C
Next Emmerson pours dark blue–colored water on the soil around the well. The pictures show how his model looked over time. What do you observe?



I obseve that the water is turnign a little green in the begining but when the water hit the gravel and dirt it became realy blue


Mark brainliest idc


I observe that the water started off by turning green and the higher the water went the more blue it had gotten.

Explanation: lazy answer but if you want an answer here you go:)

how does the molecular geometry change if you replace a bond with a lone pair?



The overall molecular shape (the molecule geometry) changes because of the lone pairs repulsion, but the electron geometry does not change because whether an atom or a lone pair is added there's still two electrons being added.


hope that helps :D


Un par solitario o par de electrones no compartidos es un par de electrones de valencia que no se encuentra formando un enlace, ni compartido con otros átomos. Cuando un átomo se agrupa con otros para formar una molécula, sus electrones más externos -también conocidos como electrones de capa de valencia- dejan de pertenecer únicamente al átomo del que provienen, pasando a pertenecer a la molécula formada. Los orbitales atómicos de valencia dejan de existir como tales y pasan a formar orbitales moleculares con características diferentes a las originales. Como los pares solitarios se encuentran en la capa más externa de los átomos, cuando estos átomos forman moléculas pasan a formar parte del conjunto de electrones de valencia de la molécula. De esto se deduce que los pares solitarios son, de hecho, un subconjunto de los electrones de valencia de la molécula a la que pertenecen.


espero que te sirva :)

1. Describe what happens when two substances at different temperatures come into contact. Describe how the
law of conservation of energy applies to this system.




When two substances at different temperatures like into contact, the substance that is at higher temperature will transfer energy, in the form of heat, to the substance that is at lower temperature, until their temperatures get equal.

In this case, if the two substances are isolated of the rest of the universe, the law of conservation of energy states that the heat released by the substance initially at higher temperature is the same amount of heat gained by the substance originally at lower temperature.

Chlorine and oxygen form many different compounds, including CIO, and Cl2O3. How do the names of these compounds differentiate one chlorine oxide from another?​



We can mix two compounds and create a third that bears little resemblance to its parents. For instance, by mixing two parts of hydrogen gas with one of oxygen - liquid water is formed. We should not be misled by the fact that chlorine and chlorine dioxide share a word in common. The chemistries of the two compounds are completely different.

Chlorine and chlorine dioxide are both oxidizing agents (electron receivers). However, chlorine has the capacity to take in two electrons, whereas chlorine dioxide can absorb five. This means that mole for mole, ClO2 is 2.6 times more effective than chlorine.

If equal, if not greater importance is the fact that chlorine dioxide will not react with many organic compounds, and as a result, ClO2 does not produce environmentally dangerous chlorinated organics. For example; aromatic compounds have carbon atoms arranged in rings and they may have other atoms, such as chlorine, attached to these rings, to form a chlorinated aromatic - a highly toxic compound that persists in the environment long after it is produced.  

Chlorine dioxide's behaviour as an oxidizing agent is quite dissimilar. Like ozone, the predominant oxidation reaction mechanism for chlorine dioxide proceeds through a process known as free radical electrophilic (i.e. electron-attracting) abstraction rather than by oxidative substitution or addition (as in chlorinating agents such as chlorine or hypochlorite). This means that chlorinated organic compounds such as THMs and HAAs are not produced as a result of disinfection using chlorine dioxide

Hope this helps, have a nice day! :D

The way that the names of these compounds show that the Chlorine oxides are different is by making reference to the number of individual molecules in the compound.

How are the chlorine oxides differentiated?

The number of chlorine and oxygen molecules in each compound are used to name the compounds which ensures that they are differentiated.

ClO₂ is called "Chlorine Dioxide" which shows that there are two Oxygen atoms.

Cl₂O₃ is called "Dichlorine Trioxide" which shows that there are two Chlorine molecules and 3 Oxygen molecules.

Find out more on Chlorine oxides at https://brainly.com/question/25937152.

Which of the following elements has the lowest first ionizition energy ?
1 ) Li
3) Na
4) Al​



I think Mg is correct I am not sure

Sodium (Na)

if u look at the ionization energy for each one its the lowest.

Li: 520 Kj/Mol


Na: 495.8

Al: 577.5

A chemist has dissolved a certain substance in water. The chemist knows that more of the substance could be dissolved into the water before it stops dissolving. Therefore, the current solution is


unsaturated………. The answer

Answer is: the current solution is unsaturated.

Unsaturated solution means that more of a substance can be dissolve.

For example:

Solubility of potassium chlorate (KClO₃) at 100 grams of water at 80°C is 37.5 g, that means that all 37.5 g is completely dissolves, this is the saturated solution.

If we add 20 grams of potassium chlorate in 100 grams of water, there is less solute than the saturated solution, so this is unsaturated solution.

6.02 times 10 to the 23 atoms of an element have a mass in grams equivalent to the mass of how many of the atoms in amu?



Relation between AMU and Gram

The mass of an atom in amu is numerically the same as the mass of one mole of atoms of the element in grams. One atom of sulfur has a mass of 32.07 amu; one mole of S atoms has a mass of 32.07 g. For compounds, the molecular mass (in amu) is numerically the same as the mass of one mole of the compound in grams.


i hope this helps and can i have branly plz

In Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR),
A Bonded electron pairs cancel each other out and do not repel other electrons
B Bonded electron pairs are more repulsive than lone pairs on the central atom
C Bonded electron pairs are less repulsive than lone pairs on the central atom
D Bonded electron pairs are equally as repulsive as lone pairs on the central atom


Answer: look at the close because that is the answer


given the molecular clocks shown, you can conclude that reptiles and mammals should have approximately ______ amino acid differences between them in cytochrome c.



The answer to your question is 15

what is an element? (name ten elements and write their symbols) (name the elements that make up proteins, fats and carbohydrate)​


I really hope this helped!

An element is the basic unit of things.

10 elements:

Iron (Fe)Oxygen (O)Bismuth (Bi)Lead (Pb)Boron (B)Helium (He)Hydrogen (H)Neon (Ne)Tin (Sn)Zinc (Zn)

Elements that make up proteins:

Carbon (C)Hydrogen (H)Oxygen (O)Nitrogen (N)Sulfur (S)

Elements that make up fats:

carbon (C)hydrogen (H)oxygen (O)

Elements that make up carbohydrate: (before any oxidation or reduction)

carbon (C) hydrogen (H)oxygen (O)

Cómo se clasifica el aire?



Not me


A red car and a black car begin to accelerate from rest at the same time. The red car accelerates at a constant rate of 3 meters per square second. The motion of the black car is shown in the graph below.imageWhich of the following statements correctly compares the acceleration of the two cars?A.While the cars are accelerating, the red car accelerates faster than the black car.B.While the cars are accelerating, the black car accelerates faster than the red car.C.The red car only accelerates faster than the black car for the first second of acceleration.D.The black car only accelerates faster than the red car for the first second of acceleration.


That car moves or accelerates faster which has the higher speed.

If the red car accelerate at higher speed than black car then the red car reach first on the destination but if the black car moves with higher speed than red car then the black car reach its destination earlier than the red car.

The conclusion can be drawn when the image is present or any data but there is no data or image present which provides us accurate information so we can conclude logically that car which moves at higher speed will move faster than the other car.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/25525382

How do I convert 50 years into seconds. Express your answer in scientific notation?


Answer: 15768 seconds

Explanation:            (50 years) x (365 da/yr) x (86,400 sec/da)

        =      (50 x 365 x 86,400)  seconds

        =        1.5768 x 10⁹ seconds

Hurry i only have till today to finsh this!
Instructions: For this lab, use the Energy Skate Park Basics simulation and the lab report to record your information. You will submit your completed lab report.



With the friction on, the minimum height I can place the skater so that he makes it all the way around the loop is 6 meters. This is about a meter higher than if the friction were turned off. The “lost” energy is going towards thermal energy. This means in real life that heat is being created due to the friction.



With the friction on, the minimum height I can place the skater so that he makes it all the way around the loop is 6 meters. This is about a meter higher than if the friction were turned off. The “lost” energy is going towards thermal energy. This means in real life that heat is being created due to the friction.


what is the accepted iupac name for the compound mg3p2?


There are two types of chemical compound one is covalent compound and other is ionic compound, covalent compound formed by sharing of electron and ionic compound formed by complete transfer of electron. Therefore, the IUPAC name of the Mg[tex]_3[/tex]P[tex]_2[/tex] is Tri magnesium Di phosphide.

What is chemical Compound?

Chemical Compound is a combination of molecule, Molecule forms by combination of element and element forms by combination of atoms in fixed proportion.

An ionic compound is a metal and nonmetal combined compound.  Ionic compound are very hard. They have high melting and boiling point because of strong ion bond. The IUPAC name of the Mg[tex]_3[/tex]P[tex]_2[/tex] is Tri magnesium Di phosphide. The oxidation state of phosphide is -3.

Therefore, the IUPAC name of the Mg[tex]_3[/tex]P[tex]_2[/tex] is Tri magnesium Di phosphide.

To learn more about chemical compound, here:



how is the chemical reaction for iron (II) + carbonate

iron (III) + carbonate

and iron (III) and (II) + sulfate


Answer:FeCO3 + 2HNO3 > Fe(NO3)2 (salt) + H20 (water) + CO2(carbon dioxide)


Carbonate-with-acid reactions form these three things

Which action reflects irresponsible lab safety behavior?


It's because not wearing goggles could result in pieces of rock going into someone's eyes.

What element is being reduced in the following redox reaction? Cr(OH)4-(aq) ClO-(aq) → CrO42-(aq) Cl-(aq).


The element that is being reduced in the given redox reaction is Cl (Chlorine)

The given redox reaction is

Cr(OH)₄⁻(aq) + ClO⁻(aq) → CrO₄²⁻(aq) + Cl⁻(aq)

First, we will define the terms oxidation and reduction

Oxidation can be defined as an increase in oxidation number

Reduction is defined as a decrease in oxidation number

This means the element that is being reduced in the reaction would have a decrease in oxidation number.

Oxidation number of Cr in Cr(OH)₄⁻ is +3; and the oxidation number of Cr in CrO₄²⁻ is +6. This is an increase in oxidation number and it means Cr is being oxidized.

Oxidation number of Cl in ClO⁻ is +1; and the oxidation number of Cl in Cl⁻ is -1. This is a decrease in oxidation number and it means Cl is being reduced.

Hence, the element that is being reduced in the given redox reaction is Cl (Chlorine).

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/25673444

a. Law of conservation of matter
i. What does the law say about matter?


Can u help me plzzz this is my final exam am I need help asap

Imagine yourself making a nice cup of tea on a cold winter day. You begin by boiling some water in a kettle. Next, you add the steaming liquid to your cup. Then, you open a tea bag and repeatedly dunk it into the water. You pour a dash of milk and drop a few sugar cubes into the cup, stirring the solution with a spoon. Finally, you squeeze a bit of lemon into your tea mixture. However, before you have time to stir the lemon juice into your tea, the liquid forms clumps. In other words, your tea has curdled!
Based on the scenario, answer the questions below.

Which of the four indicators of a chemical change is described in the paragraph above?
What makes the tea with milk and lemon curdle?
Name some of the chemical substances in the tea mixture. (You will need to conduct some research on your own to do this.)
Which chemicals could have reacted to cause the curdling?


change of state (boiling)increase in aciditymethamphetamine (caffeine) theobromine and theophylline lemon juice
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