What are three basic tasks of the federal bureaucracy


Answer 1

The federal bureaucracy performs three primary tasks in government: implementation, administration, and regulation.

Related Questions

In order to retain information discussed during lectures, it is best to review notes:
Before a test.
During class.
Immediately after class.
Before class.


In order to retain information discussed during lectures, it is best to review notes: Immediately after class.

Retention of information is the storage of information that can be retrieved later.

To retain the pieces of information that were gathered during lectures, it is important to review the notes that were taken immediately after the class.

This is vital because the memory of the lecture is still fresh at that time. Thus, it will be easier to fully incorporate the knowledge.

Learn more about note-taking here:


2. Which of these titles is probably related to the story's theme?
Me Together
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Prairie



charlie and the choco factory


British novelist Roald Dahl published his first children's book, Charlie, and the Chocolate Factory, in 1964. Young Charlie Bucket's exploits in the bizarre Willy Wonka's chocolate factory are the focus of the narrative. Thus, option C is correct.

What story's theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

There are good things in little packages. Things are either good or terrible in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and one way Dahl assigns goodness to something is by making it small.

The underlying message of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory appears to be that good kids get rewarded, and wicked kids get punished.

The original tale by Roald Dahl criticizes a wide range of behaviors, including poor parenting, chewing gum, television, spoiling kids, overeating, and self-indulgence.

Therefore, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory of these titles is probably related to the story's theme.

Learn more about story's theme here:



9 grade engilsh heelllppp



A is the answer


Hope this helps

MAy I get BrAiNEIst Pls?

Re-read this paragraph from the speech.

(18) It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. (19) The prayers of both could not be answered. (20) That of neither has been answered fully. (21) The Almighty has His own purposes. (22) "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." (23) If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? (24) Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. (25) Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

The speaker uses the quotation in sentence 22 ("Woe unto the world...the offense cometh...") to

suggest that the country is being punished for allowing slavery
contrast the values of the troops for the North and the South
imply that the North has a responsibility to destroy the South
establish the idea that slavery is a necessary woe in the country's history

Re-read this paragraph from the speech.

(10) One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. (11) These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. (12) All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. (13) To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war; while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. (14) Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. (15) Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. (16) Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. (17) Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other.

The primary function of sentence 17 ("Both read the same Bible...") is to

contrast the religious beliefs that guide the North and the South to war
decry the role that religion had in perpetuating the institution of slavery
emphasize the religious beliefs that both the North and the South have in common
illuminate the role of religion in inspiring the reason and justification for war

Re-read the first paragraph of the speech.

(1) At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. (2) Then, a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. (3) Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. (4) The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. (5) With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.

The purpose of this first paragraph is to

refute the rumors circulating about the nature or causes of the war
acknowledge the reason for the brevity and content of the rest of his speech
establish the foundational thesis for the speaker's forthcoming argument
establish the speaker's confidence for the future of a unified country


After reading the paragraphs from President Lincoln's speech, we can answer in the following manner:

D. Establish the idea that slavery is a necessary woe in the country's history.C. Emphasize the religious beliefs that both the North and the South have in common.C. Establish the foundational thesis for the speaker's forthcoming argument.

Why does Lincoln quote the Bible?In question 1, we are supposed to analyze the reason why President Lincoln quotes the Bible, particularly the part about woes and punishment.According to the quote, people will (and even must) do wrong things (woes), but they will be punished for it. Then, Lincoln explains that slavery is one of those woes that people must do, and that is was originally allowed by God.The only reason why there is war now is because slavery has continued for longer than God intended. If the whites had ended it when they should have, no war (punishment) would be necessary.

What does Lincoln mean when he says both sides read the same Bible?Both the North and the South have the same beliefs. They consist of Christians who pray to the same God and read the same Bible. However, even though they have their religious beliefs in common, they still fight.Here, Lincoln does not seem to be criticizing religion at all. Nor is he saying that the two sides have different beliefs. He is emphasizing the fact that they actually believe in the same things.

What is the purpose of the first paragraph:The first paragraph in this speech, just like in any other speech, has the purpose of establishing the thesis, the idea that will guide the rest of the speech.The first paragraph is an introduction where the speaker presents the main idea that will be developed throughout the speech.

With the information above in mind, we can choose letters D, C, and C, respectively, as the best choices.

Learn more about President Lincoln's speech here:


What does it put away ???


The meaning of the word put away means to discard or do away with something.

What is the meaning of the word "put away"?

The word put away is a transitive verb that implies that we renounce, discard or do away with someone or something that we believe is either of no use or purpose to us any longer.

The word put away can be used in sentences as:

After dinner, Zafirah helped put away the leftovers and wash the plates.The teacher had to put away the old test files when he was promoted to the school headmaster.

Learn more about the meaning of the word "put away" here:


A coffee shop’s blog allows people to post ideas about new coffee drinks, names of flavors, and future promotions. What two purposes does this blog have?

to inform stakeholders about the company’s performance
to gather feedback about products from customers
to communicate job openings to prospective employees
to encourage customers to interact with one another
to announce changes in the company’s structure to investors



B and A? [I'm not sure about A. It may be D.]

Explain the purpose of photographs.


The purpose of photographs is to capture moments in time for future reference. For example, one might take a photo of a newborn to look at in the future and remember how the person looked when they were an infant.

What is the main idea of this article excerpt? Service means helping others in the community. Service benefits the helpers and those helped. Service is valuable because it is done for free. Service requires help with food production.



I believe the answer is B

Here's an explanation:

As stated in both paragraph 3 and 4, the people who serve aren't doing it for money or gifts but to instead benefit the less fortunate people in the community while also making better people out of themselves by understanding the perspectives of others struggling, which are invaluable and important of a good citizen.



its B


In order to work as a lifeguard, you need a special ___.


Lifeguards must have current CPR, First Aid, and AED certifications.

To work as a lifeguard, you must be certified in CPR and first aid for children and adults through the American Red Cross, or another approved agency. You might also need to be certified in the use of an automated external defibrillator.



"Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway. The trees had been stripped bya recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean toward each other, blackand ominous, in the fading light. A vast silence reigned over the land. The land itself was adesolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even thatof sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness—a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the Sphinx, a laughter cold as the frost andpartaking of the grimness of infallibility. It was the masterful and incommunicable wisdom ofeternity laughing at the futility of life and the effort of life. It was the Wild, the savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild."


Explain and interpret the quote shortly.


One way to explain and interpret the quote from "White Fang," by Jack London, is the following:

In the passage, London uses imagery and simile to describe this cold, lonely atmosphere in the wilderness. By describing the place as ominous and comparing its sounds to the laughter of a Sphinx, a creature that kills men, London is conveying the idea that nature is powerful and ruthless.According to London, nature is eternal while men are mortal. Therefore, nature does not care about our lives. We are nothing compared to it.

The power and ruthlessness of nature is a common theme in Jack London's literary works.

He based his writing in his own experiences as an adventurer, especially when it comes to his time in freezing Yukon, in Canada, during the Klondike Gold Rush.

As we can see in the quote from "White Fang," London describes the Northland Wild as a place where human life is nothing.

Nature is cold, cruel, powerful. It does not care whether men live or die.

London compares the place to a Sphinx, a mythological creature that presents a riddle to be solved. If one cannot solve it, one is eaten by the Sphinx.

The same happens when it comes to nature. If one does not learn to respect it and to survive in it, one dies.

Learn more about Jack London here:


What is one of Edgar Allan Poe's lasting legacies?


Answer: He paved the way for writing as a career.  

- Poe was one of the earliest American short story writers and is generally considered the inventor of the crime fiction genre, also receiving credit for his contribution to the emerging science fiction genre. He was the first American writer known for trying to make a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.

What is the effect of the author's choice of the word loathsome rather than hateful in this sentence from The Count of Monte Cristo?

Two soldiers were accordingly sent for, and the inspector descended a stairway, so foul, so humid, so dark, as to be loathsome to sight, smell, and respiration.

It implies that the effects of the stairway are felt only by the inspector.

It suggests that the soldiers are used to the place and do not hate it.

It reveals that the unpleasant aspects of the stairway are manmade.

It stresses the disgusting, offensive nature of the stairway.


it’s stresses the digusting, offensive nature of the stairway


d.) It stresses the disgusting, offensive nature of the stairway.


Who would you like to associate yourself with?



I would like to associate myself with good people, Not toxic people.


Have a good day!

1. Sarah didn't like the job because it was boring. -> The job…
2. While they were travelling, they met lots of other tourists.
During .....................................................................................................................
3. Who did you dance with in that nightclub last night?
Who …………………………………………………………………………….……...
4. I was waiting for a bus when I met my boss.
I met ……………………………………………………………………….…...
5. I was excited when I found $5,000 in a bag.
Finding ………………………………………………………...……….


Rewriting the statements in reported speech

1. Sarah didn't like the job because it was boring. ->

The job was considered boring by Sarah because she did not like it

2. While they were travelling, they met lots of other tourists.

During their travel, they met other tourists

3. Who did you dance with in that nightclub last night?

Who was the person you danced with last night in the club>

4. I was waiting for a bus when I met my boss.

I met my boss when I was waiting for a bus

5. I was excited when I found $5,000 in a bag.

Finding $5,000 in a bag got me excited

Read more about reported speech here:


In 1–2 sentences, explain how context influences whether a writer uses formal or informal language.


It should be noted that context simply means the surroundings of the text and this influences the language that's used.

Context simply means the setting within which a literary work is situated. It should be noted that context provides the background information to inform the readers about where the event in the story will take place.

Context simply means the surroundings of the text and this influences the language that's used. A playful context can be used to denote an informal setting.

Learn more about context on:


it hasn't been graded yet but this was my answer:   Context influences whether a writer uses formal or informal language because for example they were writing a paper for school they would use formal language, but if they were just sending their friend a text they would use informal language.

don't forget to rewrite it in your own words... that would be plagiarism! :)

Lan (be)..

..... at her lesson for six hours.



add me brainlist

Explanation:six hours

Read the excerpt below and then select one prompt. You will choose to write either a narrative essay or an informational response paragraph.

The Railway Children
By Edith Nesbit

Chapter I, The Beginning of Things

They were not railway children to begin with. I don't suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to Maskelyne and Cook's, the Pantomime, Zoological Gardens, and Madame Tussaud's. They were just ordinary suburban children, and they lived with their Father and Mother in an ordinary red-brick-fronted villa, with coloured glass in the front door, a tiled passage that was called a hall, a bath-room with hot and cold water, electric bells, French windows, and a good deal of white paint, and 'every modern convenience', as the house-agents say.

There were three of them. Roberta was the eldest. Of course, Mothers never have favourites, but if their Mother HAD had a favourite, it might have been Roberta. Next came Peter, who wished to be an Engineer when he grew up; and the youngest was Phyllis, who meant extremely well.

Mother did not spend all her time in paying dull calls to dull ladies, and sitting dully at home waiting for dull ladies to pay calls to her. She was almost always there, ready to play with the children, and read to them, and help them to do their home-lessons. Besides this she used to write stories for them while they were at school, and read them aloud after tea, and she always made up funny pieces of poetry for their birthdays and for other great occasions, such as the christening of the new kittens, or the refurnishing of the doll's house, or the time when they were getting over the mumps.

These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys, and a Mother Goose wall-paper. They had a kind and merry nursemaid, and a dog who was called James, and who was their very own. They also had a Father who was just perfect—never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game—at least, if at any time he was NOT ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he couldn't help himself.

You will think that they ought to have been very happy. And so they were, but they did not know HOW happy till the pretty life in the Red Villa was over and done with, and they had to live a very different life indeed.

The dreadful change came quite suddenly.


Select only one prompt. You will choose to write either a narrative essay or an informational response paragraph.

Prompt Choice 1 (Narrative Essay)

Read the prompt below and write a well-developed narrative essay.

How would you describe a scene from your childhood? What colors and images do you remember most clearly? Write a narrative of an early childhood memory.

**Be sure that your narrative has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use your mature voice, specific details, sensory descriptions, and dialogue. Proofread your work before submitting.

Prompt Choice 2 (Informational Response)

Review the excerpt above. Answer the following question in a well-developed paragraph.

How does the story describe the ideal life? What details create a sense of perfection? Be sure to use information and details from the excerpt to support and explain your answer.

**Be sure to re-state the question in your topic sentence and use specific examples and details from the story to support your answers. Proofread your work before submitting.

(100 points)


The above question wants to analyze your writing ability, in addition to wanting to read a personal account written by you. For that reason, I can't write this essay for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you must know that a narrative essay is a text where you tell a story, in this case, you need to tell a story about yourself, about a memory from your childhood.

Based on this, you should write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Present the memory you will present, giving basic information about it.

Body: Write down paragraphs, showing how this memory happened, show the event it represents, what you did in that event, what you felt, what you visualized, and all the necessary details for your reader to have a lot of information about this memory.

Conclusion: Show how this memory was important and represents a special moment.

More information on writing an essay at the link:


can somebody do this for me? i want it to be about social anxiety and how i feel alone but i cant put it into words !i’ll give you a crown if you do it:)



What are two characteristics that are caused by your social anxiety? Maybe shy, and or quiet? nervous, maybe awkward? There, that's the first line which is repeated at the beginning of each stanza.

What are you curious about? Maybe what it's like to easily connect with people, or maybe you're wondering how to do that.

The next line is "I hear". What do you hear in a situation where you get social anxiety? Conversation? Laughter?

Same with the next line, "I see". Do you see groups of people, or are you just staring at the floor or your phone?

See if you can go through the poem and answer each question with a simple word or two, afterwards you can revise it so it makes more sense. Hope this helps!


I am socially awkward

I am strange

I hear your voices

I see your lips moving

I want to speak, but I'm afraid

I am socially awkward

I pretend to be calm and cool

I feel as if you'll laugh If I talk

I touch the place above my beating heart.

I worry I'll never meet new friends

I cry when friendships comes to an end

I am socially akward

I understand that you won't laugh

I say that dreams come true

I dream about the day, that I'll be cool

I try to start conversations

I hope I won't be excluded

I am socially awkward


I hope this helped (you can change the parts you don't like)

Write a story that contains the following sentence.

If only I had not said those words ...
a)If you are writing in the first person,stick with it throughout the story.
b)Include interesting details about how characters behave.
c)End with a sentence which sum up the events or the way the narrator feels.


Just read about a time in your life that he regretted saying something to a friend or family member

Okay so, I know I've already asked something like this but this time it's a question for my growth mindset class,

--> brainiest = best answer
--> points 100 (50 for each)
--> Question:

Let's say you want to memorize meanings of words, okay? Which option would be the best and fastest? Explain in two sentences. (At least.)

a) Looking over the definitions until you get it.
b) Making tools to help you.
c) Testing yourself until you get all of them correct.
d) (Write your own.)

Second Question:

How do you study for a spelling test? Let's say it's due tomorrow. (Opinion)

a) Keep writing down the words until you get them correct.
b) Making tools to help you.
c) Memorizing the spelling.
d) (Write your own.)

Please answer this for me!!! <3



#1 & #2


For both I would write notes like the term and the definition because I remember things easier when I write it down.

meaning of yamete kudisia?​



yametekudasai." = Can you please stop it?


ah ah ah yameteh


ah ah ah deliciosso

Even though the day was hazy and cool, Herman and Annie packed a picnic and headed to the shore.



All Access. 25% off Best Of The Year Sale. $1.43 / week*. A $500 value with everything in the Print + Digital Plan plus 25+ benefits including: Member-only content on all 17 sites in the Outside ...

Which is a statistical question that you can ask to learn about your classmates’ favorite movie?
What is your favorite movie?
What is Mr. Maddox’s favorite movie?
How many students like The Lord of the Rings as their favorite movie?
How many students own the movie The Lord of the Rings?

CORRECT ANSWER:What is your favorite movie?


What is your favorite movie? is the correct answer. Thus, option "A" is correct.

What is Statistical question?

Statistical question is that type of question which have more than one possible answers. The answer of statistical question is the collection of various points of data.

The answer of statistical question depends on variety and situations. The answer of statistical question may be range . Answer of statistical question are more than on.

Thus, option "A" is correct.

To learn more about statistical question click here:



Answer:What is your favorite movie?


how do you write narrative framework



Narrative structure, also referred to as a story line or plot line, describes the framework of how one tells a story. It's how a book is organized and how the plot is unveiled to the reader.


Exposition > Rising action> Climax> Falling action> Resolution

Help help pelsss I need to pass ASAP


The answer for your question is going to be C

Monday 10/25/21: Write three sentences using the word school:
Sentence 1) use the word as a possessive noun
Sentence 2) use the word as a plural possessive noun
Sentence 3) plural noun



The school's policy is weird

The school's rules are unnecessary

Schools shouldn't exist



First Player’s Speech

Consider three other works that would move a modern day Hamlet to tears
and to action. Consider media such as:
• Songs
•Movie clips
•Quotes from literature



songs art and poems


To whom does Jefferson address the Declaration?
O a candid world
the American people
the King of Great Britain


Congress is your answer

What is the most likely reason why the author does not include a resolution?

The author wants to keep the reader or listener engaged.
The author wants to create a comparison with a famous Greek tale.
The author wants to teach lessons about Arabian cultural practices.
The author wants to promote the idea of reason and wisdom over power.



The author wants to keep the reader or listener engaged.so its a


When Elizabeth saw Heathcliff what did she say?



Heathcliff enters and Hareton leaves, "to enjoy his grief and anger in solitude” (303). Heathcliff moodily confides to Lockwood that Hareton reminds him more of Catherine Earnshaw than he does of Hindley. He also tells Lockwood that he will still have to pay his full rent even if he leaves the Grange, to which Lockwood, insulted, agrees. Heathcliff invites Lockwood to dinner, and informs Cathy that she can eat with Joseph in the kitchen. Lockwood eats the cheerless meal and leaves, contemplating the possibility of his courting Cathy and bringing her "into the stirring atmosphere of the town” (304). and tell him he is moving to London :

Other Questions
in 1985, robert ballard discovered the wreckage of what sunken ship? what is 2244 divided by 51 show work Please tell me if I am right with 1. And 3. Also, please help me with 2. And 4. Thanks! Which statement about diffraction is correct?O The amplitudes of two waves combine to appear as one big wave.O Sound waves bend around the corners of various obstacles.O The amplitudes of two waves combine to appear as a wave smaller than the individual waves.O Sound waves can only travel in straight lines. Asisten a una escuela secundaria verbo y sujeto Using the information in your graphic organizer, write a paragraph in the space below explaining how theme develops in the story "The Nest."Write a topic sentence that mentions the theme, title, and author.Then follow your graphic organizer and write your ideas about how protagonist, antagonist, conflict, falling action and resolution, mood, and setting develop in the story.Be sure to include the theme of the story.End with a sentence that restates your idea about the theme.The Nestby Violet SorzanoRandall squinted up through the trees, trying to gauge the time, but gave up quickly. He should have paid attention when his father taught the family to read the position of the sun. He should have paid attention, too, before sneaking off this morning on his first solo hike, forgetting the whistle his mother stressed he always bring.He pictured his parents now at their camp beneath the tree with the eagles nest, wondering where he was. Randall was wondering the same thing. Lost and out of food, he feared he had but a few hours before darkness closed in, trapping him in the bitter cold with the creatures of the night.He closed his eyes to fight back tears, when he heard it in the distance. Water! His fathers words came flowing into his mind; one tip he actually remembered. If youre ever lost, find a river and follow it.In a flash, he was on his feet, scaling fallen trees, tearing through brush, frantically following the sound. The sky grew darker, but the noise grew louder, and Randall, tired and scared, forged ahead until he found it. He reached the river bank and was mulling his next move when a sudden splash caught his eye.A majestic eagle rose from the water, soaring skyward with a freshly caught fish in its talons. Could it be the same eagle nested above his camp? It glided triumphantly into a high nest a short distance away, eager to greet its family. Randall smiled, equally triumphant, eager to do the same as he followed the eagles flight.In the distance, he saw his mother, his whistle clutched in her hand. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Non-disabled people cannot _______ how hard it is for the disabled to find a good job. A.dream B.think C.imagine D.find which net represents this rectangular prism? MARKING AS BRAINLIEST!! Heres question 2!!! Calculate the number of mole of NaOH needed to prepare 250 mL 0.30 M NaOH solution. (Relative Atomic Mass: Na = 23.0; H = 1.0; O = 16.0] A)75.00 mol B)0.833 mol C)1.200 molD) 0.075 mol Exit These two right cylinders have the same height, 25 centimeters. The radius of the smaller cylinder is 5 centimeters and the radius of the larger cylinder is 3 times greater than that of the smaller cylinder. What is the ratio of the volume of the larger cylinder to the volume of the smaller cylinder? A. 6:1 B. 12:1 C. 9:1 D. 25:1 PLZ I NEED HELP 18 POINTSWhich of these was NOT a goal of the Spanish conquistadors?converting indigenous people to Christianitygaining fame and glory by conquering new lands for Spainsearching for gold and other valuable metalsfinding a sea route to the East Indies The amount of energy involved when an electron is acquired by a neutral gaseous atom is what? Answer quicklyy please find the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the given line and passes through the given point. CD; (-2,1). C cornet point is (2,13). D cornet point is (5,7). In two or more complete sentences, explain how to use ordered pairs of points in f(x) = 2x + 5 and g (x) = x-5/2 to determine if f(x) and g(x) are inverse of each other. Blaine and her sister are identical twins riding roller coasters at Kinetic Kars. They each ride theroller coaster on their own once. Next time, they ride the roller coaster together. On which ridedo you think they have the most kinetic energy? Explain your answer using information from classactivities. Which is the best explanation for why Mesopotamians built canals?O They needed a way to control low water levels.O They needed a way to control the surplus.O They needed a hoy to control the river's flow.They needed a way to control flooding. The Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) has a fleet of roughly 400 plow trucks that are used to control snow and ice on approximately 8300 lane miles of Maines state roads. They usually plan on an average of about 30 treatable events in a winter. This includes the use of rock salt, salt brine and winter sand, a mix of sand and salt. Salt brine is used on roads and bridges prior to a storm to delay ice and snow from sticking to the roadway and is also used in plowing to fight the buildup of ice and snow throughout the storm. Rock salt helps keep roads safe when winter storms hit, reducing winter road accidents, but it can also have negative effects on plant life and aquatic ecosystems. What are the environmental effects of salting that must be mitigated? Select ALL that apply.A)Salt kills roadside plants.B)Salt builds up in roadside soil , changing its pH, preventing the growth of plants.C)Salt corrodes metals like automobile brake linings, frames, and bumpers, and can cause cosmetic corrosion.D)Elk, moose and sheep eat road salt causing "salt toxicosis" where they lose their fear of vehicles and humans, causing many fatal encounters.E)Salt doesn't evaporate, or otherwise get removed once applied, so it remains a persistent risk to aquatic ecosystems due to runoff or ground According to the income balance, the + sign refers to _____ and the - sign refers to _____