What are the main differences between informative and argumentative claims?


Answer 1


Informative claim/essay's purpose is to educate on a certain topic, not to try to persuade or convince others

The argumentative claim is the foundation for an argumentative essay. It introduces the reader to the main argument you will be making about a topic or issue. ... A strong argumentative claim is debatable, focused, and clear.

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when the plot of a story develops in an unexpected or surprising way but is still somehow logical?



We will define each below, but here are the six elements of plot:


-Inciting Incident

-Rising Action or Progressive Complications




These elements are the major events in a story, and they’re essential in all creative writing, whether you’re writing a novel, screenplay, memoir, short story, or other form. Even skilled writers who do not use these intentionally are incorporating them into their writing subconsciously because they are what brings movement, conflict, action, and life to stories.

Do you think you can survive the zombie apocalypse?
If so how?





the way I would survive the zombie apocalypse is by dressing up and making myself look like a zombie.

Have a good day



Protection or protective gear = motorcycle protection gear

They have kevlar which is a bulletproof substance so even if I am against a human v human situation I'm safe. it's also sort of bite-proof because it's leather + kelvar and even a dog can't bite through that. An average dog bites force is about 230 to 250 PSI I don't think a zombie bite is equivalent to a dog's.

Weapons blunt or long-range

I would prefer blunt weapons over a blade because you might accidentally cut yourself and blunt weapons like a baseball bat or mace are easy to handle. I would go either with a crowbar or a spear. Crowbars can pry doors and it's sturdy because it's fully metal only downside would be because it's heavy.

Spears are efficient too because they are long-range and sort of give a knockback effect. again a downside would be it's too long in an enclosed area

Food and water

I would stack a ton of MRE foods if I can since they last longer and it can heat it for you. Now it might feel weird but toilet water is actually drinkable (the top one not the bottom) you would need a filter made with rocks, pebbles, sand. It might not feel the best but at least it's drinkable and easy to refill


how you bounce back from stressful events or situations? (on your own words) please help me
I'll mark you as a brainlist



You don't


You try your best to move on but dont bounce back, bounce forward, you keep that memory and move on, you can accomplish many great things to prove the person wrong, or if it's a different situation, you do it to make them proud.


Cold water


Just splash some cold water on your face it will calm you down a little or drink lemon juice or just try to stop thinking about the situation or the event by watching a movie

Its normal to feel stressful after some events or situations just don't think about it all the time

(sorry for my english)

Find out, underline the mistakes and correct them in the sentences below

Ex: 0. I enjoy fly kites.

=> flying

1. She hates cooking meals and wash clothes.

2. He enjoys playing badminton and basketball.

3. My father loves watching football matches on TV.

4. I would love hearing your beautiful voice.

5. We like travelling around the world.

6. Those burglars denied attempting to break into our house.

7. She is an honest girl, so she hates telling lies.

8. After thinking for a while, we decided taking the blue car.

9. He denies treating the little boy badly.

10. We would like coming with you.



would lole we coming with you


1. washing

2. enjoyed


I aint sure about the other ones

Read act II of Twelfth Night. Then respond to the following question. In act II, scene I, the audience finds out that Sebastian and Viola are twins and that they are identical, at least when they are both dressed as men. In what ways do you predict this revelation will complicate matters as the plot moves forward?.



People will not know who is who between the twins.


Sebastian is Viola’s twin brother, and we know that Viola is dressed as a man. Sebastian is entering Illyria, which means he could run into people who think he’s Viola/Cesario. This problem of mistaken identity will likely add new humorous twists and turns to the plot.



Make a story about this​



Every girl wants to become a mother, but being one is difficult, especially with stubborn children. Jane tries her best to handle her kids but with her husband away, life has become difficult, she receives a complaint that her son got into a fight again. Being stressed she doesn't know what to do


Hope it helps

Read the sentence. As the contractor looked at the dilapidated structure that stood on the empty lot, he noticed the cracks and holes in the roof and realized he had a great deal of work to do. Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word? enormous untouched polluted rundown.


His thesis statement is “the causes and effects of over-salination in animals and plants in the Coastal salt marshes”.

What Rafael is preparing to speak?

Rafael is preparing to speak about the degradation of the saltmarsh. As he prepares he writes, “After listening to my speech, my audience will be able to identify the causes of over-salination and degradation of salt marshes.”He says, “Now this is an important point.” He then tells them, “Salt marshes have receded by 10 percent in the past five years.”

He begins his speech by saying, “Coastal salt marshes are a safe harbor for plant and animal life, but the over-salination of these marshes is degrading them.” He then speaks of certain plants and animals that thrive only in brackish water before going into a detailed discussion about the unique pH levels needed for certain life forms to thrive.

Therefore, His thesis statement is “the causes and effects of over-salination in animals and plants in the Coastal salt marshes”.

Learn more about story on:



The word dilapidated means run down. Hence, the correct answer is option B.

What does dilapidated mean?

The term dilapidated refers to something that is in a state of disrepair or deterioration due to age or neglect. It usually describes buildings or other structures that are old, damaged, and in a state of disuse.

In the given sentence an old and damaged building is described. The contractor was probably hired to restore the dilapidated or run down building. The cracks and holes in the roof reveal that the building is damaged.

Therefore, the word dilapidated means run down. Hence, the correct answer is option B.

Learn more about dilapidated, here:



Choose the word pair that correctly
completes this antonym analogy.
austere : decorative ::
A. sedate : animated
B. monumental : enormous
C. promotional : encouraging
No links plzz



C promotional : encouraging




What is the function of the gerund in the following sentence? A fun rainy day activity is solving puzzles.



predicate nominative


Hope this helps luvv :)

Which of these sentences uses commas correctly? *
1 point
The man said he grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and would like to go back.
The man said he grew up in Richmond, Virginia and would like to go back.
The man said he grew up in Richmond Virginia and would like to go back.
The man said, he grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and would like to go back.


La primer oracion usa las comas correctamente

14. What does the lawyer mean by, "You have taken lies for truth”? What are some
examples of people doing this?



taken lies for truth means that when people, books lie, or even when it seems like life is lying to us, that we mistake it for truth


How was Phoebe's story like the plaster wall at Sal's old house in Walk Two Moons?



She makes up stories about her neighbor, Mrs. Cadaver, believing that she murdered her husband???

Select the correct answer. Which of these elements is most likely to keep an audience engaged in a presentation that lasts for a long time?

A. slides with a lot of text

B. interactive quizzes (it-is-B)

C. excerpts of speeches

D. multiple onscreen Images

E. voice recordings supporting the text​


The answer is B because the audience needs interaction.

B) interactive quizzes is the answer

explanation: If the audience has to answer questions then they are most likely going to pay more attention to the presentation.

Which conclusion to this story is most logical?
Boris is already a genius at music. Still, he knows he can't make it as a
musician until he completes school. He is one of several students in
Director Miller's band class. Boris notices that Director Miller keeps
giving students bad advice and yelling at students for mistakes they
didn't make. He wants to correct the director, but he's worried he won't
pass the class if he gets on Miller's bad side.
A. Boris and Director Miller come to an understanding.
B. Boris makes friends with the art teacher, Mr. Perry.
C.Boris switches instruments from clarinet to tuba.
D. Boris complains to his parents, who ignore him.


B would probably be the most logical. Maybe become friends with another teacher and tell them the issue, and pray they actually do something


A. Boris and Director Miller come to an understanding.


A Hyperbole in hamlet’s Soliloquy "To be or not to be"

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause—there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of th'



or to take arms against a sea of Troubles

In the following sentence identify the words of the subordinate clause and name its type.

We believe that Christianity is the key to a better world.

subordinate clause:



Answer: subordinate clause: that  Christianity is the key to a better world.

type: adjective

Subordinate clause: that  Christianity is the key to a better world. Type: adjective.

What is Subordinate clause?

Supporting clauses, sometimes referred to as dependent clauses, give further information; they are unable to stand alone. For instance, the bolded text, or the subordinate clause, offers more information to the main phrase in the sentence "unlike my brother, I don't eat meat."

The three different categories of subordinate clauses are noun, adjective, and adverb clauses. Each of these statements is introduced with certain terms.

I strolled through the park, which functions as both the subject and the predicate in what is referred to be a complex sentence. In the primary phrase, I am the subject and I walked is the verb. It is coherent on its own and satisfies the criteria for a key sentence.

Thus, the words has been written above.

For more information about Subordinate clause click here:



If you're a genius, then please answer this question correctly

Temperature Converter

1. Air around Mauritius: 20.4°C to 24.7°C= ?°F to ?°F

2. Water around Mauritius: ?°C to ?°C= 71.6°F to 80.6°F​


Answer: 68.72 F to 76.46 F. 22C to 27C


Explain what modality means


Modality shares its root with the word mode, meaning the way in which something happens or is experienced a sensory modality is a way of sensing, like vision or hearing. Modality in someone's voice gives a sense of the person's mood.

Please help me I’ll give you brainliest which one is correct





The correct answers are D and A.

You see, to answer the first question we would need to look at the meaning of the word daunted, (of which means intimitated by) and then check the context clues of the sentence around it. This shows that the other participants in the event were intimitated by Mr. Kevin Jones.

To get the second answer, (which had me stumped for a minute) we need to think about how the sentence is being addressed. The sentence is suggesting the the plans of a nation should be demonstrated or portrayed by the youth of that very nation. It also speaks of an interest in which the youth should have in the nations plans. This shows us that the speaker wants to persuade the readers into the opinion of which the sentence demonstrates.

Hope this helps and have a nice day.

-Kaikai Kitan

What is the meaning of nostalgia in your own words.​


What is the Meaning Of " Nostalgia " ?

in my own words the meaning of nostalgia it is pleasure and sorrow caused by remembering something from the past and wanting to experience it again.

Hope It's Help :)

I need help on an essay. What caused mass hysteria in Salem 1692?





Plz help this is due in 15mins!!! im rlly stressed out!

1. Reread the highlighted lines. Then give a short summary of what happened at the intersection and explain.

2. What do you think Saeng might be thinking or feeling as the instructor is evaluating her performance on the test? Explain.



I can help do you still need it.

What does this trend refer to choose the phrase that completes the sentence from marley


The increase in diverse books is the answer.

describe miss maudie atkinson. how typical is she of maycomb’s women? what do the children think of her?


Mrs Maudie is a widow and a gardener. she's attentive and caring towards Scout and Jem. The children admire her because she treats them like “friends”.

You should notice that this is an Italian Sonnet, but has some variation to it. One of those variations is the rhyme scheme. What is the rhyme scheme of this sonnet





What was written in the letter?
Julius Caesar



In Act 2 Scene 3 of Julius Caesar, Artemidorus, Caesar's true supporter, reads a letter that he has written to warn him of the plot against Caesar's life. The letter says that the friends and supporters he thinks he has are actually conspiring against him and are planning to kill him.


Hi ! These are 2 part questions about Anne Frank.
If you could help me that would be amazing !


For the first one is D and the second one is A.

question for english







Explanation: In physics, a wave is a disturbance that travels through space and matter transferring energy from one place to another . When studying waves it's important to remember that they transfer energy , not matter.

Please help me with this whoever helps I'll call the genius



Endemic: Endemic means a disease or condition is regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.

False, True, False, True

68.72 F to 76.46 F, 22 to 27, Yes

Tasmanian tiger, No

Yes, Extinction: dodo and tasmanian tiger. Western Black Rhinos are not extinct.

Read the following two quotations from the
chapter, and then write a brief paragraph
explaining the contrast in perspectives:
"'It might be that their lives were
hard and that not all of their
hopes had been fulfilled; but
they were conscious that they
were not as other animals."
"He believed that he was right
in saying that the lower animals
on Animal Farm did more work
and received less food than any
animals in the county."


The first quote shows that animals think they are different from their fellows. However, the second quote shows animals claiming that they are the same as other animals.

We can get to this answer because:

In the first quote, animals recognize themselves as different from others in their classes.They believe that they should be seen differently and receive different treatment because of that.In the second quote, they see themselves as being equal to other animals, as they claim that there are animals similar to them in the county that received more food than they did.

This shows that there has been a change in thinking and perspective, due to situations that have occurred.

These two quotes refer to "Animal Farm" and you can find more information about this book at the link:



The answer is D :)


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