what are the hero of journey steps for the odyssey?


Answer 1


Taking place after the fall of Troy, the hero, Odysseus, is shipwrecked at sea with the gods against him. As he struggles to return home to Ithaca, he makes his journeys through many lands and overcomes many obstacles.The Odyssey falls right into place with Joseph Campbell's, “Hero's Journey” as Odysseus travels far and wide to complete his journey. He voyages through all of the twelve stages present in the hero's journey while discovering, fighting, and traveling with his men till the very end.


I hope that helps you Please mark my answer as the brainliast answer

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'Makes sense' will be the right answer .

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Can someone plz help me? :)



Option 1.


solve pls brainliest


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True or False?
A president can pardon those convicted of federal crimes.


that is true

also fun fact: he can do it as much as he wants


I believe it is false im sorry if thats wrong.

People burn incense to show respect to their ________ during Tet.
A. relatives B. ancestors C. friends


It should be noted that people burn incense in order to show respect to their ancestors.

It should be noted that burning incense is typically done to show respect to loved one's that have passed away.

Therefore, people burn incense in order to show respect to their ancestors. This is a form of respect.

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about incense on:


1. As the gang excitedly gets ready for the rumble, Ponyboy... *
A. Pleads with Darry to allow him to join the gang in the fight
B. Pleads with Darry to stay home and not have to fight with the gang
C. Falls ill and is too weak to fight
D. Is undecided: he's conflicted to fight or stay home



Not 100% sure, but I think it's either B or D

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Teaching kids is a demanding, yet a rewarding job.

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Respond in a well-organized essay and make sure your answer is written in complete sentences in the literature of east Asia and the pacific rim, Micheal Harris quotes: oh east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet. "With this famous line, British writer Rudyard Kipling has captures the idea that the East and West are so radically different that their people can't possibly understand one another. Do you agree or disagree with Kipling's statement? Write an essay in which you defend your opinion. Use relevant examples from at least two or three of the selections you read. Be sure to include the title of each selection you cite as evidence.



give me brainliest pls


Michael Harris (born 1948) is a Canadian investigative journalist, radio personality, documentary filmmaker, novelist, iPolitics columnist and the author of nine books.[1]

Born in Toronto, Ontario, to Audrey McDonald (née Tilley) and James McDonald, Harris is a graduate of York University in Toronto, and was a Woodrow Wilson Scholar (University College in Dublin, Ireland). His work has sparked four Royal Commissions of Inquiry.

Harris went to Newfoundland in 1977, as a story editor for CBC Television owned-and-operated station CBNT's newscast Here and Now,[2] before becoming in 1986 the founding publisher and editor-in-chief of The Sunday Express weekly in St. John's, nationally recognized as "the best little newspaper in Canada."[3] There he broke the Mount Cashel orphanage abuse story[4] and the Sprung Greenhouse boondoggle.[3] Later he went on to become the Executive Director of News and Current Affairs for the Newfoundland Broadcasting Company, then owner of the local CTV Television Network affiliate CJON (NTV).

Harris was at one time a Queen's Park correspondent for the National Post, The Globe and Mail as Atlantic Bureau Chief and later a senior parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa.[1]

In Ottawa Harris hosted an afternoon radio talk show, Michael Harris Live, on Ottawa-based CFRA, and was a columnist for The Ottawa Sun newspaper until March 2011.[5][6] Michael Harris Live on CFRA Ottawa was cancelled February 9, 2012.[7] He is now a columnist for the website iPolitics.

His book 1986 book Justice Denied: The Law Versus Donald Marshall detailed the story of Donald Marshall, Jr.’s wrongful conviction in 1972. His investigative journalism culminating in the book Unholy Orders: Tragedy at Mount Cashel, triggered the Hughes Inquiry into the allegations of abuse at the Mount Cashel Orphanage. Harris also authored Rare Ambition: The Crosbies of Newfoundland, Con Game: The Truth About Canada’s Prisons and Lament for an Ocean: The Collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery. Elizabeth May, the executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada called it "The definitive book on the cod catastrophe ... After reading this book, you wouldn't trust Fisheries and Oceans Canada with your aquarium".[8] His 1976 novel Outrider on Yonge Street was never published.[2]

Harris is married and has two daughters. As of 2011 he hosted Ottawa's annual "Alzheimers Flame of Hope Golf Tournament" (his mother, who died in 2009, suffered from the disease), and divided his time between his homes in Ottawa, Ontario and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. He was the visiting Irving Chair in Journalism at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick.

helpppppp end of semester test Select the correct text in the passage.

Which sentence from this excerpt of Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address contains the best example of pathos?

One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time,

He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

1 One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it.

2 Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease

3 we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time,

4 He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him?

5 With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.



Answer 5


Is appeals to emotion, care for all, care for those who cannot care for themselves, and care for veterans' widows and children.

More than a million people immigrate to the United States to start new lives every year, and if they
are arriving in New York, one of the first sights that they will see is the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of
Liberty stands on Liberty Island, near Manhattan in New York. Though she is often thought to be
resident of New York, Liberty Island is actually federal property, which means that the Statue of
Liberty belongs to the whole country. The Statue of Liberty is not only the tallest statue in America, it
is also one of the most recognizable American symbols.
The Statue of Liberty is huge. From the tip of the torch to the pedestal which is the base of the statue
on which she stands, she is just over 151 feet tall. If you include the pedestal in your measurement,
she stands more than 305 feet off of the ground. That’s more than 30 basketball hoops or an entire
football field. Her waist size is 35 feet, which would make it awfully tough to find pants, and the
tablet she holds is 23 feet long. Don’t worry though; she hasn’t had any trouble holding that tablet
yet with her 8 foot index finger.
Though America financed and built the pedestal on which the Statue of Liberty stands, the statue
itself was a gift from France. In this way the complete work, much like the United States, is a product
of both American and French contributions. At one time America was ruled by the British. The
founding fathers of America chose to fight against Great Britain for the independence of their
country. France supported America by providing money, men, and weapons of war. Had it not been
for French contributions during the Revolutionary War, America would not exist in the way that it
does today; therefore, it is quite fitting that the Statue of Liberty, which represents freedom, came to
being by a joint American and French effort. On October 28th, 1886, just over one-hundred years
after America declared its independence from Great Britain, the Statue of Liberty was completed and
dedicated by its designer, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
Perhaps no person did more to bring the statue into being than Bartholdi. Not only did Bartholdi gain
both French and American approval for the project, he led the French fundraising efforts and
designed the appearance of the statue. The appearance of the Statue of Liberty is somewhat resulting
from Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. The torch represents how liberty enlightens the world.
The seven points or rays coming from the top of the crown represent the sun, the seven seas, the
seven continents, and (as with the torch) how liberty enlightens the world. Though much of the
statue was modeled after depictions of goddesses, Bartholdi modeled the face after his mother. Now
that’s a Mother’s Day gift that’s hard to top.
Though Bartholdi was responsible for the external appearance of statute, the internal design can be
largely credited to innovative designer, Gustave Eiffel. Though Mr. Eiffel is best known for his
contributions to a tower in Paris that is named after him, he also engineered the internal structure
that holds up the Statue of Liberty. Eiffel chose to use a flexible structure, so that changes in the
temperature and strong winds from the ocean would not cause the statue to crack. Because of Eiffel’s
crafty design, the Statue of Liberty may sway as much as three inches on a windy day. If the winds
exceed 50 miles per hour, the torch may sway five inches. Eiffel is also responsible for including two
spiraling staircases on the interior of the statue to help visitors reach the observation point in the
A.Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it significant that the Statue of Liberty is a product of both French and American efforts?
2. Eiffel chose to use a flexible structure. Explain.
3. The statue of liberty belongs to one state only. True or False. Support from the text.
4. Why does the Statue of Liberty look the way that she does?
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
B.Choose the correct answer:
6. Which is not represented by the seven points on the crown of the Statue of Liberty according to the
a. The points represent how liberty enlightens the world.
b. The points represent the seven continents.
c. The points represent the sun.
d. The points represent the seven days of creation.
7. What is meant by pedestal?
a. The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island.
b. It is a federal property.
c. the statue itself was a gift from France.
d. the base on which the Statue of Liberty stands.
8. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. France assisted the United States in the Revolutionary War.
b. The statue was a joint effort between France and the U.S. just like U.S. independence.
c. The U.S. was once a colony of Great Britain.
d. The statue of liberty was dedicated 100 years after America declared its independence.




1. Over the years, the Statue of Liberty has symbolized the freedom and the democracy of the United States. ... The Statue of Liberty was to be a joint effort between the United States and France. France would build and design the Statue and the United States would complete the pedestal that would hold Lady Liberty.

2. The Eiffel Tower is made almost entirely of open-lattice wrought iron. Gustave Eiffel used his advanced knowledge of the behaviour of metal arch and metal truss forms under loading to design a light and airy but strong structure that presaged a revolution in civil engineering and architectural design.

3.The Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island, federal property administered by the National Park Service, located within the territorial jurisdiction of the State of New York.

4. The Statue of Liberty faces Southeast and was strategically placed inside of Fort Wood which was a perfect base for the Statue. The Statue's position was also perfect for ships, entering the harbor, to see her as a welcoming symbol.

5. B

6. The points represent the seven days of the creation.

7. As a symbol of solidarity between France and the United States, Bartholdi allowed an American to design the Statue of Liberty's pedestal, which newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer partially funded. The base or support on which a statue.

8. The statue was a joint effort between France and the U.S. just like U.S. independence.

Hope this helps <3

The enormous Statue of Liberty, designed by Bartholdi, is a symbol of freedom and was given to the United States as a gesture of affection by the people of France. Thus option B is correct.

What Bartholdi contributed to the statue?

The concept for the monument first emerged in 1865, but it wasn't until the Third French Republic was founded in 1870 that it was actually carried out. This was inspired by the American abolition of slavery.

While Americans gathered money for the pedestal, France would do the same for the statue. By showing the torch and arm in Philadelphia and New York, and the head and shoulders in Paris, all while selling miniatures and, in some cases, charging entry, Bartholdi participated in the fundraising efforts.

Therefore, He gained approval for the project from the U.S. and from France.

Learn more about Bartholdi here:



what's one of the themes in the hatchet book,and I need 3 quote's to support the theme ​


Answer: "And the last thought he had that morning as he closed his eyes was: i hope the tornado hit that moose." " That's all it took to solve problems-just sense." "When he sat alone in the darkness and cried and was done, all done with it, nothing had changed.


In your opinion which one is better to write? Pencil or Ballpen?
Give your opinion and justification.

Pls help guys



pencil, If you make a mistake you can always erase and fix your answer


In my opinion Pen and ballpen


Cause they are better to write on are paper

Which best describes the text structure of the fourth paragraph?



Fourth paragraph of what


i dont understand

Match each term with its definition



what term


Think of any text/song/poem/book which you think has a Connection or relationship with each other​


mine is about life

Venus: A-one

Jupiter: Two

Mercury: Three!

Venus: When you think you've got a problem

And your life is full of doubt,

Venus and Mercury: Remember in the scheme of things

Your life just doesn't count!

Jupiter: To you, a leaf might seem quite small,

Jupiter and Saturn: But to an ant, it's ten feet tall.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus and Mars: It's hard to be objective,

So we'll offer some perspective

Planet: You think there's nothing greater than the planet you call Earth

But Earth can seem quite skinny next to Neptune's mighty girth

Neptune: [spoken] Oi!

Earth: [spoken] Relax!

Planets: 'Cause when you think you've got a problem

If you're thinner or you're fatter

Remember in the scheme of things

Your life just doesn't matter

Now the Sun can make us all feel small

'Cause he's the biggest of us all

But that's just in the Solar System

Bigger things than that exist

The Milky Way, the galaxy

And don't forget the universe

Mars and Venus: That's just the ones we know about

They're huge compared to you or us

Uranus: You're tiny and you're miniscule, irrevelant, a speck

Upon the dark side of that rock, you're just a measly little fleck

Your life may last a century on Earth, or maybe quicker

But up here, a hundred years is just a flash, a blip, a flicker!

Mercury: So

Venus: when

Mars: you

Think you've got a problem

When your life is full of doubt,

Remember in the scheme of things

Your puny, little, tiny, weeny,

Meager, futile, worthless, teeny,

Boring, foolish, pointless, minimal,

Wretched, gloomy, bleak, and pitiful

Life just does not count!


[4.75 billion years later...]

Planets: ...life just does not count!

Why did Stink swat Judy's sandwich out of her hand at the picnic?


When Judy was about to eat the sandwich at the picnic, Stick decided to swat the sandwich from her hands because it had poop/ excrement in it.

During the picnic:

Stink notices that his sandwich had excrement in it Stink notices that Judy's sandwich also had some excrement in it

In order to save his sister Judy from eating the excrement in the sandwich, he swatted it away from her hands and then showed her the excrement, after which they both tried to get away from the sandwiches.

In conclusion, Stink did what he did because there was poop in the sandwich.

Find out more about what would have happened if they ate the sandwiches at https://brainly.com/question/2192816.

Which details should be included in written feedback on a classmate's play? (Select all correct answers.)

A) changes that would improve the play's effect

B) what is working well in the play

C) a description of how the play made you feel

D) suggestions for changing the play's theme


A B and C are all great options. It’s important to communicate what you liked and how to improve their play. Communicate how the play made you feel. If you felt a certain way, chances are another person will feel that way too. But, try not to let personal opinions cloud your judgement.


A,B,C I got this right on my quiz


Hi Can somebody help me please I have any idea this can be



a dog


Meaning of these lines? and through the drifts the snowy clifts did send a dismal sheen



The anicient MAriner said that the floating ice bergs and their reflection represented the sunshine. there were no man or other being visible near it. There was merely ice around the ship  


jack has four more games than Sam Jake has 16 games how many games does Sam have​



Sam has 12 Games


16 - 4 = 12

How is the media in our country biased

I need a lot of answers and examples



because it only puts out what people want to see no matter if its the truth or not as long as they get views


The Media in our country has obvious bias. They push out the ideas they support. Fox News for example may claim that a certain Republican candidate is a wonderful politician and we should vote for him, and speak against a Democrat candidate. Whereas CNN will promote a Democrat candidate and speak out against the Republican candidate. Regardless of how good either candidate is, there is obvious bias from the media. They will be biased towards someone who doesn’t share the same political beliefs as them.

Grandpa: you can’t have phones within 15 feet of the table Me: and you aren’t allowed within 100 feet of the elementary school.


d amn ok nice story dude

So why is he allowed around you Iol

How was the parade describe the beginning of the article “unlike any other?”



Jun 14, 2019 — The way that Nantz repeats the tag line—“A tradition unlike any other”—assumes a sinister, cultish edge. Everyone associated with the club ...


Choose one of the Psalms listed as a lament. Write your choice below. Using the six-part structure of the lament as described in this Section, examine your Psalm verse by verse and write in the verse numbers that fit with the structure of the lament in the Table provided. NOTE: Some of the Lament Psalms will not have all the parts of this structure, and some parts of the structure may be utilized more than once.


I. Address to God:

II. Lament or Complaint:

III. Confession of Confidence:

IV. Petition:

V. Words of Assurance:

VI. Vow or Exclamation of Praise



who uses roman like bro come on

Coping with loneliness is a very important skill of needed independent living skills for teens because every teen has needed it. It doesn’t matter (1) ___ they are going to college, starting a new job and moving into an apartment or getting married. Leaving your childhood home and being on your own for the first time will cause some (2) ___ of loneliness. Teens who know how to recognize loneliness as the temporary feeling it is, use their support system and work through their loneliness have learned a valuable life skill and they do just fine.
Those who cannot get over their loneliness may make wrong (3) ___ about where and how to live or who to live with.
We should recognize that being alone does not mean being lonely. Being comfortable with ourselves is part of having a healthy (4) ___. Reading, drawing, crafting and listening to music are activities that we can enjoy ourselves without feeling lonely.
We should get involved in activities with our friends and activities we can help others. There are so many (5) ___ for us to connect with our family and friends, such as email, letter writing, online social networking, texting and making phone calls


(1) if.
(2) sort
(3) decisions
(4) life
(5) ways

What is a compound sentence for the word urbane?


Answer: Henry is an urbane traveller who has visited over eighty countries.

Explanation: Because it is telling how Henry was a  sophistication

how does lalil feel about Tariq in Thousand Splendid Suns



Laila's relationship with Tariq and his family provides her with necessary relief from the atmosphere at her home. She enjoys being part of a family that jokes with each other, eats together, and shows affection

Alex submitted his analysis of the short story “The Zoo” for peer review. In his essay, Alex claimed that the manticore was a symbol for Emily’s worries about her father. Which of these topics does NOT belong in the group’s discussion of Alex ‘s essay?
a discussion about what else the manticore might symbolize
a summary of the claims and evidence in Alex’s analysis
a discussion about the strengths of Alex’s analysis
a description of the manticore in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


a description of the manticore in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


took the quiz


a description of the manticore in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Irrelevant conversation is not helpful during a peer review. (I barley now took the quiz)

Other Questions
The term Oligarchy is Greek for rule of the people.TrueTrueFalseFalse 1. Estoy cultivando las verduras. 6. No puedo creer la noticia.antesantesdespusdespus2. No pude leer los libros.7. Siguen adquiriendo dinero.antesantesdespusdespus3. Estbamos explorando la ciudad. 8. Puedes aliviar el estrs.antesantesdespusdespus9. Estaran construyendo las casas.4. Queran saber los problemas.antesantesdespusdespus5. Estoy desarrollando talentos. 10. Necesitar saber los sntomas.antesantesdespusdespus Emily and Andy each go to a hardware store to buy wire the table shows that the cost why in dollars for X inches of the wire they need Emily needs 25 feet of wire and he needs 11 yards of wire how much will each of them spend on wire in a test trial, using 6% extra strength bleach at room temperature, 100.0 mL of oxygen gas was produced in 2.03 seconds. Calculate the average reaction rate for the oxygen gas. (PLEASE HELP) To feed 7 horses for 4 days, Mark needs 420 kg of grass. How many kilograms of grass does Mark need to feed 9 horses for 6 days? Write complete sentences in the Past Simple using the words below. 3Evaluate the function f(x) = (x + 2)2 for the given inputs.a. f(5)=b. f(-3) =c. f (x+3) = approximately how many union and confederate soldiers died during the civil war? Which of the following function rules represents the graph shown?o f() = Xhy3of(x) = 3 - XOf(x) = -3 Explain the poem racism by E.E Sanyaolu A middle school had a school spirit day. In one class the ratio of students who wore school colors to the number of students who didnt was 8 to 5. Ten students didnt wear school colors Which of the following is not a product design objective? Make the design easy to track for cost accounting purposes. Design a quality product. Design a product that meets customer requirements. Minimize production costs. which skjvcxcghjtfdghjkhsdxfcghjkljgfcvjhbknllkjhfghjjk What is the difference between a laparoscopic and open appendectomy? include explanation pls The sentence in lines 60 - 65 ("Sometimes sea) mainly serves to A.personification B.imagery C.metaphor D.simile What is the correct answer? Please helpWhat advantage did the British have during the American Revolution?A. more efficient in getting supplies to their armyB. more soldiers and gunsC. more familiarity with the terrainD. more belief in their causeik its either a or b but im undecided I am confused, can someone help me Dr.Goode prescribed 0.2 grams of cold medicine. This medicine comes in tablets that are 0.5 grams or 0.05 grams. Should his patient take 4 of the 0.5 gram tablets or 4 of the 0.05 gram tablets? Why?90 POINTS PLS HELP