what are some things that are unhealthy for you?


Answer 1


Mcdonalds, moldy food, too much candy, diet sodas (aka aspartame juice)


aspartame promotes either dementia or Parkinson's disease.

Related Questions

vaccination has successfully eliminated __, making it unnecessary to keep on vaccinating against the disease.



ith so much information—and sometimes incorrect information—available today, learning the facts before making health decisions is very important.

How vaccines work: preventing diseases

The diseases vaccines prevent can be dangerous, or even deadly.

Statistically, the chances of your child getting diseases such as measles, pertussis, or another vaccine-preventable disease might be low, and your child might never need the protection vaccines offer. HOWEVER, you don’t want them to be lacking the protection vaccines provide if they ever do need it.

Strengthening your baby’s immune system

Immunity is the body’s way of preventing disease. When your baby is born, his/her immune system is not fully developed, which can put him/her at greater risk for infections. Vaccines reduce your child’s risk of infection by working with his/her body’s natural defenses to help safely develop immunity to disease.

Baby flexing his muscles.

Your child is exposed to thousands of germs every day in his environment. This happens through the food he eats, air he breathes, and things he puts in his mouth.


Babies are born with immune systems that can fight most germs, but there are some deadly diseases they can’t handle. That’s why they need vaccines to strengthen their immune system.


Vaccines use very small amounts of antigens to help your child’s immune sys


vaccination has successfully eliminated  viral infection, making it unnecessary to keep on vaccinating against the disease.

what is vaccine ?

vaccines prevent can be dangerous, or even deadly infectious disease, some of the disease like measles, pertussis, or another vaccine-preventable disease might be low, and your child might never need the protection vaccines offer.

vaccination can Strengthen  baby’s immune system preventing disease.it can reduce your child’s risk of infection by working with his/her body’s natural defenses to help safely develop immunity to disease.

vaccination can enhance Baby flexing his muscles, when they exposed to thousands of germs every day in his environment which happens through the food he eats, air he breathes, and things he puts in his mouth.

Vaccines act as  small amounts of antigens to help ton enhance child's immune system.

For more details regarding vaccine, visit



In your own words, define hate.



in my opinion hate is where you really dislike something to the point you can't stand it, let's say you hate a person, you don't like to be around them nor listen to anyone talk about them. when it comes to a thing you hate, it becomes impossible for you to even if you have to like a certain class. when it comes to foods you hate, you physically cannot eat it due to a possible acid-reflux


hate is when you absolutely despise someone. you cant stand to be around them and when you are all you feel is that you wanna punch them in the face. or just silently judge. or confront them for bein so stu.pid i-d-k honestly I don't think about that often

why cant you eat grapefruit with certain medications



Many drugs are broken down (metabolized) with the help of a vital enzyme called CYP3A4 in the small intestine. Grapefruit juice can block the action of intestinal CYP3A4, so instead of being metabolized, more of the drug enters the blood and stays in the body longer. The result: too much drug in your body.


which screening is used to test for brain cancer health


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

6) Which sentence BEST describes how bones and muscles change over

(A) Bones grow denser, as do muscles.
(B) Muscles grow larger, but bones lose mass.
(C) Bones grow denser, but muscles lose strength,
(D) Muscles and bones sustain only with maintenance



the awsner it is b


im smart

how to forgot everyone & everything???​


oh hello again, it is mentally impossible (unless you suffer severe brain/head injury) to forget everyone and everything. your brain is constantly taking mental photos of everyone and everything you see, you will always recognize someone you have seen a while ago even if its by the slightest. That probably wasn't my best wording, my brain is fried ☠.

although adderall is a ________ drug, it is commonly used in the treatment of ________.



I believe the answer would be:

although Adderall is a depressant drug, it is commonly used in the treatment of stimulant.

Although Adderall is a stimulant drug, it is commonly used in the treatment of ADHD

In one paragraph, describe whether you think this is a healthy diet or a fad diet?


Answer: It's easy to spot a fad diet

Typically, a fad diet shares some, or all, of the following characteristics:

Promises a quick fix.

Promotes 'magic' foods or combinations of foods.

Implies that food can change body chemistry.

Excludes or severely restricts food groups or nutrients, such as carbohydrates.

Has rigid rules that focus on weight loss.

Makes claims based on a single study or testimonials only.

Sometimes you need a special diet

Of course, some medical conditions do require special eating plans. In these instances, any recommendations from your doctor should be followed.

Fad diets can cause health problems

Because they often cut out key foods, fad diets may cause the following symptoms:


Weakness and fatigue.

Nausea and headaches.


Inadequate vitamin and mineral intake.

Fad diets that severely restrict food groups or nutrients may also mean that you miss out on the protective health effects that a balanced eating plan provides. We don't know whether fad diets are safe over the longer term, or whether they lead to an increased risk of various diseases.

The answer is a balanced eating plan

Don't worry. There is an eating plan that gets results. You can achieve and maintain a healthy body weight and you don't have to cut out any foods because you can eat everything – in moderation.

It's called a balanced eating plan and it's nothing new. Combined with moderate physical activity, it will change your life.

With a balanced eating plan, it's what you leave in that makes all the difference. For a balanced eating plan to be successful, you need to:

Eat plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits.

Include a variety of cereals (including breads, rice, pasta and noodles), preferably wholegrain.

Include lean meat, fish, poultry or alternatives.

Include milk, yoghurts, cheeses or alternatives.

Drink plenty of water.

Limit saturated fat and moderate total fat intake.

Choose reduced fat varieties of foods where possible.

Choose foods low in salt.

Limit your alcohol intake, if you choose to drink.

Consume only moderate amounts of sugars, and food and drinks containing added sugars. In particular, limit sugar-sweetened beverages.

Meeting your body's needs

A stable body weight means that the amount of kilojoules from food matches the kilojoules used by your body. If your weight is increasing, this may mean that you are eating too much food, doing too little physical activity or both.

Different food components contain different levels of kilojoules:

Fat is the most concentrated – it contains 37kJ/g (kilojoules per gram).

Protein contains 17kJ/g.

Carbohydrates have 16kJ/g.

Alcohol has 29kJ/g.

Carbohydrates are your body's fuel

Carbohydrates provide the body with kilojoules, or fuel. Foods that contain the most carbohydrates include:


Vegetables, especially potatoes and corn.

Legumes, including dried beans, peas and lentils.



Breakfast cereal.

Rice, pasta and noodles.

Low-fat milk and yoghurt.

These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals and are generally low in fat. This makes them well suited to a healthy eating plan. Some are excellent sources of dietary fibre, including wholegrain varieties, legumes, fruit and vegetables.

Foods with lots of added sugar (like soft drinks and sweets) are another source of carbohydrates, but these contribute extra kilojoules with few vitamins and minerals.

Protein helps your body build new cells

Protein is an essential nutrient that you need throughout life. Your body needs it to make, maintain and renew all its tissue and cells. Protein can be found in animal and plant-based foods:

Animal protein – protein-containing foods from animals are meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Vegetable protein – protein-containing foods from plants include tofu, nuts, seeds, lentils, dried beans and peas, and soy milk.


Fad diet 100% blah blah blah it is a fad diet tho yeah lol

Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

1.Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which an individual produces offspring with the help of gametes or sex cells.
2.Fertilization is described as the union of the male gamete sperm cell and the female gamete egg cell.

3.One disadvantage of sexual reproduction is to promotes survival.

4.Plants can undergo asexual reproduction.

5.When sperm fertilizes (meets) an egg, this fertilized egg is called a zygote .

6.Binary fission is a type of reproduction in which the organism grows a small part of itself and separates from the main body, growing into a new organism.

7.Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction wherein a female gamete develops into an embryo without interaction with the male reproductive cell.

8.Sexual reproduction, is the production of new organisms by the combination of genetic information of two individuals of different sexes.

9.The male gamete in humans is called sperm cell.

10.Fertilization of flowering plants occurs in the stem. ​



1). F

2). T

3). F

4). T

5). T

6). T

7). T

8). T

9). T

10). F

Which health issue is associated with malnutrition?

normal development
physical and mental problems
heightened risk for diabetes
moderation of the stress hormone cortisol



Physical and Mental Problems


It can lead to serious health issues, including stunted growth, eye problems, diabetes, weakened immune system and heart disease. Hope this helps.

why does your heart rate increase when you exercise


During exercise, your body may need three or four times your normal cardiac output, because your muscles need more oxygen when you exert yourself. During exercise, your heart typically beats faster so that more blood gets out to your body.

Characteristics of carbon monoxide include all of the following EXCEPT:
It is a colorless gas.
It is very dangerous, and inhaling too much can be fatal.
It is a potent gas.
It is found in tobacco smoke.



C. It is a potent gas.


how long does it take cancer to efect the whole body



Some cancers are diagnosed only after symptoms develop. And this may be after the disease has spread or a tumor has grown large enough to be felt or seen in imaging tests.

But many types of cancers can be diagnosed early, before symptoms form. You have the best chance at survival and a healthy quality of life if your cancer is diagnosed and treated in its early stages.

Other cancers can form and grow undetected for 10 years or more


19. What kind of environment describes in the pieture?
A safe environment
B. abusive environment
C. aesthetically pleasing environment
D. encouraging environment
20. What is the result of healthy environment?
A. happy and healthy life
C. uncomfortable life
B. unhealthy lifestyle
D. problematie life​



Q) What kind of environment describes in the picture?

[tex]\implies[/tex] A) safe environment

Q) What is result of health environment?

[tex]\implies[/tex] A) Happy and healthy life

(PS: Attach the picture of environment you want to describe for Q.19)

during adolescence, teens generally feel a greater need to be accepted by their



Hello! Your answer here is peers. During adolescence, teenagers often feel the need to be accepted and turn to their friends/classmates/etc. to fulfill this need.

During adolescence, teens generally feel a greater need to be accepted by their peers.

What is adolescence?"It is the period between childhood and adulthood."During this a person experiences changes physically and psychologically.What are peers?

They are the people who are of the same age and same class.

What is peer acceptance?It is the measure of a person being liked by their peers.A person for peer acceptance can change the way they dress, walk, talk what they eat etc.It increases their similarity with the peer group and increases the chances of being accepted in the group.

To learn more about peer, adolescence and peer acceptance here,



plzzzzz help 20 points



Aerobic training


Which of the following is NOT part of the first-aid procedures for minor burns?
A. using an over-the-counter pain reliever
B. applying ice to the wound
C. applying a bandage to the wound
D. holding the burn under cool running water


The answer given is incorrect. The correct answer is B. A sterile dressing prevents infection while applying ice to a burn can damage cells even more.

Verbalize about the function of ovulation



Ovulation is triggered by a spike in the amount of FSH and LH released from the pituitary gland


Anyone wanna be buddies


i wanna be buddies with you


i wanna have buddies and i also want to have points hi and thanks with a goodbye


Which disorder keeps a person from functioning normally due to intense fear?

anxiety disorder


personality disorder

mood disorder

Please give explanation so I understand why you say its that answer "I took the test" with proof will also do





Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress, so if you are stressed don't worry if you feel nausous.




i go to k12 this is the right answer

How can abstinence be practiced?

A. Keeping feelings to oneself

B. Dating anyone who asks

C. Setting limits on affection

D. Lying to adults



C. Setting limits on affection


Abstinence is 100%

The answer will be C) Abstinence is 100% all in .

Which nutritional class absorbs vitamins and sustains the immune system?




The Answer is protein.


Proteins help your body build new cells, repair old cells, create hormones and enzymes, and Kama your immune system healthy. if you don't have enough protein, your body takes longer to recover from illness and you're most likely to get sick in the 1st place. I hope this answers your question, and have a great rest of your day!

All of the nutritional classes play a role in absorbing vitamins and sustaining the immune system, but proteins are particularly important for these functions, as mentioned in the third option.

What is the immune system?

Proteins are essential for the production of antibodies, which are molecules that help the body fight off infections and diseases, and they are also involved in the production of enzymes, which facilitate the absorption and metabolism of vitamins and other nutrients. Some vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, are antioxidants that help protect the body against damage from free radicals, which can contribute to chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Fats also play a role in vitamin absorption, as many vitamins are fat-soluble.

Hence, proteins are particularly important for these functions, as mentioned in the third option.

Learn more about the immune system here.



Directions: Choose 1 and write a constructed response as if you were in the situation and how you would work through the learned steps of stress management.

1- You’re hanging out with friends when someone joins the group and offers everyone a drink from a bottle in a bag. It smells strong. You pass the bottle on without taking any. Someone calls you chicken and the group pressures you to lighten up and have fun. What do you do or say?

2-Teams have been assigned for science class projects and you are having a hard time working with your partners. You shared an idea for a project, asking your team if they thought it would work. They called you names and said it was a lame idea. How can you deal with this situation to make it work?

3-Your best friend tells the person you like and think is cute that you have been talking stink about him or her. Another friend tells you to say something bad about your best friend to “pay them back.” You notice a stomachache and feel stressed about this. What do you do to fix this problem in the best way possible?

4-You tried out to perform in a local band but didn’t make it. The others thought you didn’t play the ukulele good enough and that you did not sing well. Your dream is to be part of a band, so you got mad and broke your ukulele. Now your mom is mad, too, as she got you the uke. How do you get over this and feel better?

5- You told your mom you wanted to go out with friends on Saturday night but she said you are still too young to drive in cars with other kids. Everyone else you hang with gets to go, but you don’t. Some says to lie to your mom and do it anyways. You really want to go out and don’t know what to do. What options do you have, and what would be the best choice?

6- Every day you have a really hard time staying awake in your classes. Teachers keep talking to you, but you don’t want to say you watch your baby sister till late while your mom works. It is hard for you to get much sleep because she is sick. You don’t want to fail or complain. What can you do to deal with the stress you are feeling?


I have chosen the first scenario.

In the way I would respond to people calling me chicken would be, “I do not want to be taken advantage of if I drink this, I don’t know what it is so I won’t drink it.” And if they continue I will just leave.

how long does it take to recover from food poisoning?


about 1 to 2 days.

What is an example of a public health model of service?
A Providing a diabetic person with insulin injections
B Rolling over a coma patient to prevent bed sores
C Your dentist recommending that you floss daily to prevent gingivitis
D Testing middle schoolers for hearing problems


A good old fashioned spanking


C your dentist recommending that you floss daily to prevent gingivitis


hope naka tulong

Which type of diets should be prescribed by the dietician to your cousin who is suffering from diabetes and kidney problem respectively
a. Low fibre and High protein diet

b. Low fibre and low fluid diet

c. High fibre and regular diet

d. High fibre and low protein diet
choose the crrct answer....
pls answer.... : ) ​



high fiber and regular diet






Trust me.

Which communication roadblock is associated with nonverbal gestures such as finger pointing or turning your back while someone is talking?

O waffling
O acting
O judging
O blaming

I am thinking either C or D. Could someone please double check asap? Thanks! :D



Im 50% sure this is the answer

Nonverbal gestures such as finger-pointing or turning your back are blaming.

What are nonverbal gestures?

Nonverbal communication is the transfer of communication through the use of body language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and more.

For example, smiling when you meet someone conveys sociability.

Thus, finger-pointing or turning your back are blaming gestures.

To learn more about  nonverbal gestures click here:


Que es la higiene de la sociedad



me no hablar espannnnnnol


La higiene tiene por objeto conservar la salud y prevenir las enfermedades, es por ello que se deben cumplir ciertas normas o hábitos de higiene tanto en la vida personal de cada quién como en la vida familiar, en el trabajo, la escuela, la comunidad.

What is BMI and how can Circuit Training help to lower yours?​



BMI is your body mass index and exercising can lower it by losing body weught and fat.


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