Think of any text/song/poem/book which you think has a Connection or relationship with each other​


Answer 1

mine is about life

Venus: A-one

Jupiter: Two

Mercury: Three!

Venus: When you think you've got a problem

And your life is full of doubt,

Venus and Mercury: Remember in the scheme of things

Your life just doesn't count!

Jupiter: To you, a leaf might seem quite small,

Jupiter and Saturn: But to an ant, it's ten feet tall.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus and Mars: It's hard to be objective,

So we'll offer some perspective

Planet: You think there's nothing greater than the planet you call Earth

But Earth can seem quite skinny next to Neptune's mighty girth

Neptune: [spoken] Oi!

Earth: [spoken] Relax!

Planets: 'Cause when you think you've got a problem

If you're thinner or you're fatter

Remember in the scheme of things

Your life just doesn't matter

Now the Sun can make us all feel small

'Cause he's the biggest of us all

But that's just in the Solar System

Bigger things than that exist

The Milky Way, the galaxy

And don't forget the universe

Mars and Venus: That's just the ones we know about

They're huge compared to you or us

Uranus: You're tiny and you're miniscule, irrevelant, a speck

Upon the dark side of that rock, you're just a measly little fleck

Your life may last a century on Earth, or maybe quicker

But up here, a hundred years is just a flash, a blip, a flicker!

Mercury: So

Venus: when

Mars: you

Think you've got a problem

When your life is full of doubt,

Remember in the scheme of things

Your puny, little, tiny, weeny,

Meager, futile, worthless, teeny,

Boring, foolish, pointless, minimal,

Wretched, gloomy, bleak, and pitiful

Life just does not count!


[4.75 billion years later...]

Planets: just does not count!

Related Questions

What should be done to treat a second-degree burn?



Second-degree burns may be treated with an antibiotic cream or other creams or ointments prescribed by a doctor. Third-degree and fourth-degree burns may need more intensive treatments such as intravenous (IV) antibiotics to prevent infection or IV fluids to replace fluids lost when skin was burned.


hope this helps! goodluck and enjoy the rest of your day /or night.

Can anyone write a story about a teen who had a ton of homework?
It's my homework, please answer



Memorization, not rationalization. That is the advice of my 13-year-old daughter, Esmee, as I struggle to make sense of a paragraph of notes for an upcoming Earth Science test on minerals. “Minerals have crystal systems which are defined by the # of axis and the length of the axis that intersect the crystal faces.” That’s how the notes start, and they only get murkier after that. When I ask Esmee what this actually means, she gives me her homework credo.

Esmee is in the eighth grade at the NYC Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies, a selective public school in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. My wife and I have noticed since she started there in February of last year that she has a lot of homework. We moved from Pacific Palisades, California, where Esmee also had a great deal of homework at Paul Revere Charter Middle School in Brentwood. I have found, at both schools, that whenever I bring up the homework issue with teachers or administrators, their response is that they are required by the state to cover a certain amount of material. There are standardized tests, and everyone—students, teachers, schools—is being evaluated on those tests. I’m not interested in the debates over teaching to the test or No Child Left Behind. What I am interested in is what my daughter is doing during those nightly hours between 8 o’clock and midnight, when she finally gets to bed. During the school week, she averages three to four hours of homework a night and six and a half hours of sleep.


~ Extracted from Stories of Quartz

Find and correct the mistake in the sentence. Josh used to play basketball for two years.​



Josh played basketball for 2 years.


Write a paragraph in which you describe the steps that experienced readers can use to analyze conflicting information in texts about the same topic. Explain why it is important for readers to recognize and evaluate conflicting information. Provide specific examples from the two texts. Write a paragraph in which you explain why it matters when the two authors interpret the same facts differently. Using specific examples from the two texts, describe the impact of the author's differing interpretations of the facts on you as a reader. Write a paragraph in which you explain how including a conflicting point of view and evidence in an argument can make it more persuasive. Describe the effect that including a conflict and point of view and evidence can have on readers. Give specific examples.



Number 1 response:

The steps that experience readers can use to analyze conflicting viewpoints and information on the same topic are trying to understand both viewpoints, do their research, and then look at the conflicting viewpoints on the topic again to see their reasoning and evidence more clearly and so they can understand their opinions. It is very important for readers to recognize and evaluate conflicting information because the advantage of this is they won’t have much of an opinion when they must write an informative response because they’ve seen both sides and both arguments and evidence included. Some examples of this helping I will pull from ‘’Say no to genetically engineered salmon’’ and ‘’Genetically modified salmon can feed the world’’ (both from CNN I will leave the links in the bibliography). Let’s say for example you only read ‘’Say no to genetically engineered salmon’’ your information will be sided and you shall have no choice but to write information about one point of view on the topic making you more likely to mistakenly write an opinionated response whilst if you read both ‘’Say no to genetically engineered salmon’’ AND ‘Genetically modified salmon can feed the world’’ you will not only have an easier time to write a nonopinionated response but you will have more evidence and research on the topic from two sources on the same topic.

Number 2 response:

It matters when two authors interpret facts differently because its more informational when two people have different information about the same subject and you can get the topics on both sides of the argument therefore not have an opiniated topic on the matter and being able to write an informative response or essay. Yonathan Zohar believes genetically modified salmon can be of good use while one the other hand Rick Moonen believes otherwise. Zohar’s reasoning for his opinion is that since a great amount of people are going to eat fish more often because of the health benefits workers are spending more time and money to catch more fish, causing the factories to package them to overfill and causing a handful of fish that used to be extremely common to now barely seen in the wild so in solution he want to genetically modify salmon so more people can be feed and less resources are wasted. Moonen’s reasoning for his opinion is that genetically modified food, in general, is bad for you and he believes it's also a tactic to make already big companies more profit.

Number 3 response:

If you include a conflicting point of view and evidence in an argument it can make it more persuasive because lets say you just heard someone say something like ‘’ I think that we should use solar panels from now on anywhere and always no matter what’’, its not much evidence r much of an opinion even but its still a claim. Imagine right after somebody has an opposite opinion like ‘’yes I believe solar panels are more healthy but they’re expensive and if its night time we cant have electricity and if the sun goes dark somehow we will have no power and no way to have light or entertainment or contact’’ its significantly more persuasive because it provides evidence which makes their argument more causing to believe since it seems they know what they are talking about. The effect that the conflicting sides have evidence and fair reasoning can have on readers for people listening can be the fact that they have more information on the topic, that they can understand where both sides are coming from and for readers their response will be a more understanding and informational one and listeners will have more info on the topic like readers. The examples I will pull from ‘’Genetically modified salmon can feed the world’’. Imagine if Yonathon Zohar (the author of ‘genetically modified salmon can feed the world’) just blatantly said I think genetically modified salmon is good for us, no one, would be persuaded to be towards his belief so he put evidence, proof, and reasoning to his viewpoint for example; ‘’ Fish species that used to be plentiful, such as cod, plaice, haddock and others, are now rare in the wild. The king of the oceans, the giant bluefin tuna, is now near the point of no return, its stocks dropping precipitously in the past decade alone.’’ Stating that we are losing our amount of fish because the massive amount of fish we are fishing for food when we can just genetically modify it.


This was on Jiskha, re-word it

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!Read this passage, looking for clues about its text structure.Sloths are unique, intelligent, and endearing mammals. Cousins to anteaters, they belong to two biological families: the two-toed sloth to the Megalonychidae family and the three-toed sloth to the Bradypodidae family. They originate from the jungles of Central and South America, where they dwell in trees and live off of plant buds, shoots, and leaves. Sloths come by their name honestly: They are extremely slow moving creatures with low metabolic rates.Why does the author use bold print in this article?Select point out foreign stress the main ideas of the show a topic change within the indicate important but perhaps unfamiliar words


Based on the information, the author can use bold print in this article in order to D. indicate important but perhaps unfamiliar words.

It should be noted that the bolding of words is simply used in emphasizing something strongly when writing. Bolding can be used to point out a particular thing.

In this article, bold was used by the author to indicate important but perhaps unfamiliar words. Words such as anteaters, Megalonychidae, etc can be bolded.

Learn more about bolding on:

ugh i had to get up at 6:3o and im so tired


And its 6:24 p. m. over here......

What is the meaning of the word waste as it is used in the passage? What does the use of the word waste suggest?.


The meaning of the word "waste" as it is used in the passage is:


The use of the word "waste" suggests:

Death is destructive and devastating.

Let's explore the poem from which this was taken from.

About John Keats' poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn"

"Ode on a Grecian Urn" is known to be metaphorical. The poet takes a look at beauty and uses it to relate the relationship between human life and its beauty. He went further to show how they complement each other.

We see the use of "waste" in the last stanza to talk about death:

"When old age shall this generation waste, / Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe / Than ours, a friend to man".

Learn more about John Keats' poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn" on

What is the meaning of the word waste as it is used in the passage?

✔ destroy  

What does the use of the word waste suggest?

✔ Death is destructive and devastating.

need help ~~~~~~~~~~~​


The type of words that these words stand for are:

Squeal- A high-pitched sound.Shriek- A sound of pain and excitement.Shrill- A piercing sound.Screech- A long high noise.Scream- A loud yell.Squawk- A loud and harsh noise.Squeak- A short, high-pitched sound.Shout- A loud cry.

Given the meaning of all these types of sounds, we can generally refer to them as loud noises. So, the meaning of these sounds has been identified above.

Learn more about sounds here:

what does it mean when a teachers adds a “excerpts in isolation” comment



That can mean one of two things, 1. This student does better when working alone, or 2. This student does not do well when working alone.

Hope this helped!

I can’t figure out if it’s B or D but I know for sure it isn’t A or C. But I’m stuck between B and D.

Question 9 of 15

O.K.: said Rasir. "I can't choose between Big State U or Twickenham
College. They both have good English programs, and they're both in places I'd like to live. What should I do? His friend Terrence suggested, "How about we rock, paper, scissors for it? You'll be Big State U, and nl be Twickenham College. One, two,
three, go! Terrence threw rock. Rasir threw paper. 'Big State U it is, declared Terrence. Rasir hesitated. He was disappointed, he realized. "Two out of three?" he asked

Which statement best explains how the conflict in this story is resolved?

A Terrence turns out to be a good rock paper, scissors player.
B. Rasir lets the game choose his college for him.
C. Terrence feels bad that Rasir can't make up his mind.
D. Rasir discovers that he really wants to go to Twickenham College





P E X approved




"Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers" is an example of a(n): *

A. Personification
B. Metaphor
C. Hyperbole
D. Alliteration


The answer is alliteration

What is president trumo middle name


Donald trumps middle is john pls mark brainliest


Donald John Trump ? Former president of the United States of Merica YEEYEE ?


Read the first sentences in Dorthea’s personal narrative.

1. Jamie and Jeremy are my next door neighbors. 2. They are brother and sister. 3. Everyday, myself walks to school with them.

Which is the best revision of sentence 3?

Every day, I walk to school with them.
I walk to school with them.
Every day, I walk to school with us.
Everyday, she walks to school with them.


Every day, I walk to school with them.

A source is likely reliable if the author is an expert AND cites their own





What is a complex sentence for the word punitive



The attorney stated at the outset of the lawsuit that his client was seeking both monetary and punitive damages for being dismissed without reason.



Amanda felt that the court's punitive response was unjust as the man's transgression had only been minor.


How can a graphic organizer help you understand comparison/contrast texts?



A graphic organizer can contrast text by being a beneficial visual tool to determine the differences and similarities between two things




1.) Apocryphal

2.) Crypt

3.) Anachronism

4.) Chronological

5.) Encrypt

6.) Synchronize

7.) Chronic

8.) Cryptogram


You're welcome and please give brainliest:D


2. crypt

4. chronological

6. synchronize

8. cryptogram


Question 9: The man has worked_____ 10 hours. He must be tired now. A. for C. since B. in D. during​


Answer: A it makes the most sense to me hope I helped!

Which juror is most likely to sympathize with the defendant due to having a similar background? The 12 Angry Men


Juror 11 is most likely to sympathize with the defendant because both are foreign.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Juror 11 is the only non-American juror.He is a German man who moved to the US because he admired the people and the legal system, which for him was the best and fairest in the world.As the defendant is also an immigrant and this has a very important weight in the case, juror 11 can be very sympathetic with the defendant, as he knows the difficulties of being an immigrant.

"The 12 Angry Men," tells the story of a Puerto Rican man who is accused of killing his father and must convince 12 jurors that he is innocent.

More information:

Eyou I do? I'm an electrician
Look at this sentence. What
this word / mean?
1 Davidiselt very fit. He
not do any soort
ftare me an hour to you to work in the moming how long,
the you?
1 Complete the sentences using these verbs. Sometimes you need the negative.
believe eat flow
80 grow mare rise tell translate
The can go found the sun
An interpreter
2 daeon't grow in cold climates
from one language into another
the sun
in the east
8 Liars are people who
The ver moon
in God
into the Auantic Ocean
2* You ask usa questions about herself and her family, Write the questions,
1 You know that is plays tennis. You want to know how often. Isk her.
How often do you play tennis ?
2 Pemaps assister plays tenors too. You want to know. Ask lisa
Yo now thalsa goes to the cinema a lou. You want to mnou how often Askhet




2. what time does the Bank close here?

3. I have a car., but I don't use it much

4. where does Maria come from? Is she Spanish?

5. "what do you do?" ' I'm an electrician'

6. look at this sentence . what does this word mean?

7. David isn't very fit. He doesn't do any sports.

8. It takes me an hour to get to work. How long does it take you?


3. The sun rises in the east.

4. Bees make honey.

5. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

6. An atheist doesn't believe in God.

7. An interpreter translates one language into another.

8. Liars are people who don't tell the truth.

9. The river amazon flows into the Atlantic ocean.


2. Does your sister pay tennis as well?

3. How often do you go to the cinema?

4. What does your brother do?

5. Do you speak Spanish?

6. Where do your grandparents live?

hope this helps☆☆☆

learning through experience speech​



what's your question?


o dulce como pétalo de azúcar,
de labio en labio
grandes a plena boca
o susurrantes.
Alguien sabe q se ignifica esto?



nani nani nani nani nani nani!

“We drove a long distance, and then we stopped for the night.” How should the sentence be classified?


when we draving in night make it slow as much possible don't draved acar

"The night I kicked the pill bottle in the dark, like kicking a buried mine." This is an example of a



This is an example of a simile because it compares the pill bottle to a buried mine using like. A fountain of books sprang down upon Montag as he climbed shuddering up the sheer stair-well; This is an example of a metaphor because there is not a literal fountain of books but it paints a picture for you.

Hope that helps. x

Is this a WEAK or STRONG thesis statement and WHY.

1) Have you ever wondered what happens to recycled plastic.

2) Volunteering is a good way to build a resume and gain valuable experience.

3) Technology is changing lives.


Answer: 1.) Weak.

2.) Strong.

3.) Weak.

Explanation: 1 is weak because it doesn't really grab the reader's attention.

2 is strong because it gets the reader's attention and gives an explanation for their claim all in one sentence.

3 is weak because there's no explanation for their claim and it doesn't get the attention of the reader.

The following is a weak or strong thesis statement.

Weak- Have you ever wondered what happens to recycled plastic.Strong- Volunteering is a good way to build a resume and gain valuable experience.Weak- Technology is changing lives.

What is a weak thesis?

A solid thesis is clear, concise, compelling, self-assured, and able to be supported. A compelling thesis presents readers with a viewpoint that can be argued for and refuted using evidence. Simply stating your topic or containing an unarguable, obvious fact constitutes a weak thesis.

A solid thesis is clear, concise, compelling, self-assured, and able to be supported. A compelling thesis presents readers with a viewpoint that can be argued for and refuted using evidence. Simply stating your topic or containing an unarguable, obvious fact constitutes a weak thesis.

Thus, the mentioned above are correctly matched with a weak or strong thesis.

Learn more about weak thesis here:


Write a blog about sports do not copy from the internet please

Unnecessary comments i will report



Sports are a major part of our lives. We watch them on TV, we discuss them with friends, and some have even made careers out of being athletes. Sports are more than just a hobby for most people, they are a lifestyle. Sports have always been popular in the United States. More specifically, football is one of the most popular sports in our country as it is the most watched sport in America (NFL). Baseball and basketball follow as the second and third favorite leagues to watch (MLB).Huge investment has been put into bringing sports to everyone’s home over the last 60 years with major broadcasters such as ESPN and NBC bidding for rights bringing games to local and regional markets.Sports are an integral part of American culture. Sports offer opportunities for people of all ages to get involved in healthy, active lifestyles. The benefits of sport participation stretch across generations and impact the health and wellbeing of all Americans.The growth in sport participation is linked not only to its popularity as a pastime, but also to its ability to provide benefits at every stage of life, including improving mental health and academic performance.Sports participation can also be an important link to social capital because it creates opportunities for people to meet new people, develop friendships, improve leadership skills and become engaged with their communities.


how have the texts in this unit changed or reinforced your perspective about the relationship between people and the environment? use at least two unit texts to support your response.


The above question requires a personal answer, for that reason, I cannot answer this question for you, but I will show you how to answer it.

First, you will need to read the texts that were presented in the unit and identify how these texts present the relationships between society and the environment, what are the causes, consequences, and maintenance of these relationships.

After this reading, you should identify how these texts were able to resolve doubts you had about the relationship between humans and nature. You should identify how opinions you had about these relationships changed as you read the texts.

After that, you can write your answer as follows:

Make a brief introduction to their texts and main subject.Show how these texts helped your understanding of humans and nature.Show your doubts that were solved by the texts.Show the opinions that have changed from reading the texts.Show the opinions you had that were reinforced by reading the texts.

You can find more information about the relationship between humans and nature at the link:

Vitamin D is often overlooked as an important component of nutrition. Vitamin D strengthens bones, promotes hair growth, and may even help people with depression. While exposure to sunlight provides us with Vitamin D, not everyone spends time outdoors. Moreover, because Vitamin D is found in fish and dairy foods, people with a vegan diet may not get enough of it. People ought to pay strict attention to the amount of Vitamin D they consume. During the wintertime, when sunlight is at a minimum, it is wise to keep Vitamin D supplements in your home. In this way, you can be sure to stay looking and feeling your best.

Based on the passage, which of these best describes the author's attitude toward Vitamin D?


I’m 90% sure it’s A I had this question before and I put B but the answer was A

Can you please help me I will give BRAINLIEST ​


1. do spring begin in March april- it's in march

2. across the meadow speeds the does and her fawn- she's succfully across the medow

3. here are the missing papers- they are all not actually missing



When Renfield escapes, where does he go? What happens when Dr. Seward approaches him?


In the book Dracula, when Renfield escapes, the place where he goes next is:

Carfax estate.

The thing which happens when Dr. Seward approaches him is:

Renfield attempts to assault them but changes his mind when he sees a big bat moving across the moon

Based on the complete text, we can see that Renfield was a vampire like Dracula and was working for him and aiming to please him based on the promises of flies and spiders which were promised to him by Dracula.

With this in mind, we can see that Dr Seward is a man that is obsessed with hunting the undead and goes on hunts, fuelled by morphine and Renfield is next on his list and he tracks him to Carfax estate where he plans to kill him, and there is a standoff.

Read more about Dracula here:

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