The Red Scare could best be described as


Answer 1


The red scare can be described as a scare thats red


Related Questions

Write a paragraph detailing a common “ritual” in American culture similar to the Nacirema example. What do we do that anthropologists might find strange or unusual?



A paragraph detailing a common “Ritual” in American culture similar to the Nacirema is explained below in details.


According to Miner, the Nacirema society displays an extremely advanced business economy but with the main focus on the ritual venture which concentrates on the human body and its expression of well-being. The Nacirema consider the body to be rough and offensive and attempt to withdraw its uncleanliness by ritual and custom.

Document 1: Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Meriwether Lewis (June 20th 1803)
The commerce and governing which may be carried on with the Natives you encounter requires a knowledge of those people….You will therefore strive to make yourself acquainted, as far as a careful and thorough pursuit of your journey shall admit, with the names of the nations and their numbers; the extent and limits of their possessions; their relations with other tribes of nations; their language, traditions, monuments, their ordinary occupations in agriculture, fishing, hunting, war, arts, and the implements for these; their food, clothing, and domestic accommodations; the diseases prevalent among them, and the remedies they use; moral and physical circumstances which distinguish them from the tribes we know; peculiarities in their laws, customs and dispositions; and articles of commerce they may need or furnish, and to what extent...

And, considering the interest which every nation has in extending and strengthening the authority of reason and justice among the people around them, it will be useful to acquire what knowledge you can of the state of morality, religion, and information among them; as it may better enable those who endeavor to civilize and instruct them in the future...

In all your interactions with the natives, treat them in the most friendly and peaceful manner which their own conduct will admit; reduce all fears as to the object of your journey, satisfy them of its innocence, make them acquainted with the position, extent, character, peaceable and commercial dispositions of the U.S. of our wish to be neighborly, friendly and useful to them, and of our dispositions to an economic partnership with them; consult with them on the points most convenient as mutual economic gains….

Analysis: Many historians describe the American relationship to Native Americans as “paternalistic”, meaning that America positioned itself as the “father” of the Native Americans, who were “children” that had to be “civilized”. Does President Jefferson seem to express this viewpoint? Cite evidence from the text to support your claims.


Yes. We can affirm that President Jefferson seem to express this viewpoint as well.

Let's analyze Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Meriwether Lewis in other to cite evidence that show that Jefferson share the same view point.

Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Meriwether Lewis

In the excerpt of the letter of Thomas Jefferson to Meriwether, we discover that Jefferson share the same viewpoint that America positions itself as father of the Native Americans, who are children that need to be civilized.

Below is an evidence from the letter that supports:

" it may better enable those who endeavor to civilize and instruct them in the future...

" it may better enable those who endeavor to civilize and instruct them in the future...In all your interactions with the natives, treat them in the most friendly and peaceful manner which their own conduct will admit; reduce all fears as to the object of your journey, satisfy them of its innocence, make them acquainted with the position, extent, character, peaceable and commercial dispositions of the U.S. of our wish to be neighborly, friendly and useful to them, and of our dispositions to an economic partnership with them; consult with them on the points most convenient as mutual economic gains…."

From his statement, he reveals that America is in a position to show the fatherly care to the Native Americans to build mutual economic gains partnership.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson on

what did galileo demonstrate in his leaning tower of pisa experiment?



He demonstrated that light and heavy objects gain the same amount of speed when falling.


The division of authority among the three branches of government is known as?
a. separation of powers.
b. concurrent powers
c. government powers
d. the federal powers



option a is the answer.

Ans- seperation of powers

what is the Christian holy text



the primary holy or sacred text is the Bible

Explain how the depression in the United States affected the economy of Europe.



industrial output fell by over 40 per cent


Although there were national variations, no part of Europe was left untouched by the Great Depression. In the worst affected countries – Poland, Germany and Austria – one in five of the population was unemployed, and industrial output fell by over 40 per cent. Levels of trade between countries also collapsed.

Why is China predicted to grow faster than many other economies?



Economists generally attribute much of China's rapid economic growth to two main factors: large-scale capital investment (financed by large domestic savings and foreign investment) and rapid productivity growth. These two factors appear to have gone together hand in hand.

China is the biggest and most expereinced ecenomy.

Which group of Northern American Natives was nomadic?

A. Great Plains
B. Arctic
C. Cahokia
D. Anasazi


Answer is A .Great Plains

5. How did an assassination lead to WWI? A.The assassination forced the United States to create alliances to bring peace to Europe. B.After the assassination, war was declared, so many countries came together to create better laws in Europe. C.After the assassination, war was declared, so many countries created alliances, and most countries in Europe became involved in the war. D.The assassination forced the United States to step in making it a world war.​





Because so many countries came together to create better laws in Europe

How was the war on the Western Front and Eastern Front the same ?



Used Trench Warfare and Chemical Warfare against Enemies


How did the Liverpool-Manchester Railroad that opened for business in 1830 differ
from previous railroads?

A. It brought coal from the Yorkshire mines to a steel factory.
B.It transported paying citizens in passenger cars between cities.
C.It linked southern England with the northern half of the country.
D.It transported agricultural products from the countryside to major cities.

Which of the following are results from the development of British railroads? Choose
the three correct answers.

A.created thousands of mining jobs
B. improved living conditions for the poor
C.lowered the cost of transporting goods
D.encouraged people to travel for leisure
E. increased the size of the rural population
F. allowed for soldiers to travel to battlefields faster



A-C and F


The railroad was a masterpiece it allowed for more than one justification to have the railroad.

Which of the following occurs if someone pleads NOT guilty before the Superior Court in the pretrial process?

A. plea bargain
B. trial process
C. sentencing
D. booking


The correct answer is B. Trial process

Who was the first president of the United States (YW for the points)



George Washington



George Washington

thanks for the pîonts

What Was the Largest Contiguous Empire in History? ...


The Mongolo Empire

The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries and it is recognized as being the largest contiguous land empire in history.

Hope this helps :)

In the late 1970s, the United States was experiencing levels of inflation usually found in 3rd world nations. How was this inflation tamed in the early 1980s?




Diagram A below shows the level of prices in the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, stretching back to 1913. In this diagram, the base years—when the CPI is defined as 100—are set for the average level of prices that existed from 1982 to 1984. Diagram B below shows the annual percentage changes in the CPI over time, which is the inflation rate.

Graph A shows the trends in the US price level from the year 1916 to 2014. In 1916, the graph starts out close to $10, rises to around $20 in 1920, stays around $16 or $17 until 1931, then jumps to around $15. It gradually increases, with periodic dips, until 2014, when it is around $236. Graph B shows the trends in US inflation rates from the year 1916 to 2014. In 1916, the graph starts out at 7.7%, jumps to close to 18% in 1917, drops drastically to close to –11% in 1921, then goes up and down periodically until settling to around 1.5% in 2014.

Graph A shows the trends in the US price level from the year 1916 to 2014. In 1916, the graph starts out close to 10, rises to around10,risestoaround10, comma, r, i, s, e, s, t, o, a, r, o, u, n, d20 in 1920, stays around 16 or16or16, o, r17 until 1931, then jumps to around 15. It gradually increases, with periodic dips, until 2014, when it is around15.Itgraduallyincreases,withperiodicdips,until2014,whenitisaround15, point. Graph B shows the trends in US inflation rates from the year 1916 to 2014. In 1916, the graph starts out at 7.7%, jumps to close to 18% in 1917, drops drastically to close to –11% in 1921, then goes up and down periodically until settling to around 1.5% in 2014.

Let's take a closer look at diagram B. The first two waves of inflation are easy to characterize in historical terms: they are right after World War I and World War II. However, there are also two periods of severe negative inflation—called deflation—in the early decades of the 20th century. One of these periods followed the deep recession of 1920–21 and the other was during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Since inflation is a time when the buying power of money in terms of goods and services is reduced, deflation is a time when the buying power of money in terms of goods and services increases. For the period from 1900 to about 1960, the major inflations and deflations nearly balanced each other out, so average annual rate of inflation over these years was only about 1% per year. A third wave of more severe inflation arrived in the 1970s and departed in the early 1980s.

Times of recession or depression often seem to be times when the inflation rate is lower, as in the recession of 1920–1921, the Great Depression, the recession of 1980–1982, and the Great Recession in 2008–2009. There were a few months in 2009 that were deflationary, but not at an annual rate.

Recessions are typically accompanied by higher levels of unemployment, and the total demand for goods falls, pulling the price level down. Conversely, the rate of inflation often—but not always—seems to start moving up when the economy is growing very strongly, for example immediately after wartime.

what is a tenement
a,small crowded apartment often with no toilet or lightening in the halls
b, large piece of machinery used during the progressive era
c, the cost of mints in 1910
d,none of these​


The correct answer is D

Ethnocentrism and different communication codes are examples of _______________.
unavoidable communication problems
intercultural communication barriers
ways to avoid communication barriers
cultural characteristics

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



b: intercultural communication barriers


B) Intercultural communication barriers


Communication between separate cultures has been found to be quite difficult. Issues like ethnocentrism complicate these matters even further. Ethnocentrism is interpreting another culture through your own perspective/lenses. Cultural codes are words, symbols, or behaviors that have the intention of delivering a message, BUT are culturally and contextually bound. These barriers may not be fully impossible to break but they do call for a great amount of patience, open-mindedness, and understanding in order to be overcome.

Which of the following
civilizations required that your
grandparents had to be citizens in
order for you to become a citizen?
A. Athens
B. Egypt
C. Persia
D. Rome
Brainliest for who answers


The civilization that required your grandparents to be citizens for you to be a citizen was Athens.

The correct answer to this question is option A.

The state of Athens was found in Greece. This law required that your parents or your grandparents have been born in the Greece.

It also required that you were registered you in the Greek book of birth registry when you were born.

Your grandparents are to apply for the citizenship on your behalf.


What happened to most of the people who went west to mine for gold?

A. They went back east to farm.

B. They looked for other opportunities for success.

C. They moved to Canada to find jobs.

D. They got rich from gold mining.​


Answer is B. hope this helps

What was the Medieval system involving lords giving the land to vassals in exchange for their service called?

A) Feudalism
B) Slavery
C) Renaissance





Un feudo no era más que el territorio que los nobles recibían de los reyes, como pago por sus servicios, durante la edad media. Esta práctica puede señalarse como una de las bases sobre las que se configuraría el feudalismo.

how did the great schism in the western church affect medieval society?



The Great Schism impacted medieval life by weakening some of the authority of the Church. Both sides of the schism claimed to be the rightful rulers...


please mark me brainliest!!

it was common for slave traders to force slaves to eat and punish them for not eating because


The answer would be B. The more slaves that survive, the more profit that the slave traders made. In this case, most slave traders were urgently wanting large amounts of profit. So, the traders would do as much as it took to keep as many as they could alive throughout the voyage.

When slaves die, the trader loses profit.

How did Henry Grady die?



Henry Grady died from extreme wounds received at the siege of Petersburg, Virginia! :)


wounds this is my answer


how did Americans view immigrants?


It depends on the context. During the Industrialization era of the United States, hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Germany, Ireland, Italy, and other European countries came to the United States in hopes of finding a better life. Many of these immigrants stayed in cities (the Irish in particular) and were seen to factory managers as incredibly useful and cheap labor, as they do not know how the American life was. These immigrants were taken advantage of and worked long hours with very little wage. Politicians, too, saw immigrants as easy votes. Others were not as thrilled to the new influx of immigrants. Many American citizens were threatened by the increasing population of European immigrants and felt like they were taking away jobs and land from "native" Americans (not to be confused with the indigenous peoples that inhabited the United States territory prior to the Age of Exploration). They developed the concept of nativism, which was the argument that because immigrants were never born or raised in the United States, they should not have as much as an opportunity as those who were born and raised in the country. This concept of thinking still exists today. Hope this helps!

If you were part of the Pasay government, aside from the criteria stated, identify other criteria that you would look for as a Human Resource Manager.


The complete information is not stated. However, based on the information provided, there are basic criteria in the selection process for picking personnel. They are skills, knowledge, and abilities.

Other Criteria to check for during the Selection Process

As a Human Resources Manager, besides the above, one needs to look for:

Culture Fitness: Will the new candidate fit nicely into the culture of the organization?The total cost of hire: does that salary expectation match the recruiter's budget?Readiness to commence work: How long before they are able to join the new company?

See the link below for more about Selection Process:

what types of life developed during the paleozoic?



The Paleozoic (or Palaeozoic) Era "old" and zōḗ, "life", meaning "ancient life") is the earliest of three geologic eras of the Phanerozoic Eon. It is the longest of the Phanerozoic eras, lasting from 541 to 251.902 million years ago, and is subdivided into six geologic periods (from oldest to youngest): the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian. The Paleozoic comes after the Neoproterozoic Era of the Proterozoic Eon and is followed by the Mesozoic Era.


list the differences between the roman republic and the roman empire


The main difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire was that the former was a democratic society and the latter was run by only one man. Also, the Roman Republic was in an almost constant state of war, whereas the Roman Empire's first 200 years were relatively peaceful.

The main difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire was that the former was a democratic society and the latter was run by only one man. Also, the Roman Republic was in an almost constant state of war, whereas the Roman Empire's first 200 years were relatively peaceful. Also if you look at the picture that should help to

Hope that helped:)

How many colonies are classified alphabetically by the letter N?




Over the next century, the English established 13 colonies. They were Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia


I hope that helps you and please mark my answer as the brainliast answer.....

why did the homestead Act prompt a lot of people to head westered

a . settlers were provided with a house and a horse
b . they heard there were many minerals there
c . The goverment paid the for the cost of moving
d . settlers could buy 160 acres of land for 10 $


Answer: Answer is c


During this time that States were basically giving away free land metaphorically

What advantages or disadvantages would your local terrain present in battle


Answer: Varies


Advantages - helps out with country

Disadvantages - issues with others

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