The modes of transportation have evolved over time bringing a range of new technologies. Modern transportation is without a doubt one of humanity's greatest achievements. With the development of vehicles so many types and designs have emerged; however, the choice remains between choosing two wheels and four wheels. Automobiles and motorcycles are the most common modes of transportation. These two methods have proven to be quite effective especially when travelling across long distances.

Add Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________


Answer 1

When adding a thesis statement, you must take a stand on the subject presented.

This because:

The thesis statement is responsible for defining the opinion of the author of a text on the subject.This allows the reader to know the direction the text will take and which ideas will be defended or revoked.

An example of a thesis statement that can be added to the text presented above is:

"The automobile, however, offers more safety to the driver, but due to a higher cost of fuel and maintenance, which can make the motorcycle a more popular vehicle."

More information about the thesis statement at the link:

Related Questions

What does the excerpt ads to the reader's synthesis about Stephenson's invention?

A Stephenson was adept at taking other's ideas and putting them to practical use.

OB. Stephenson put improvements in place that would double the speed of his first engine.

OC. Various mechanics had been working for a long time to perfect high-pressure steam engines.

OD. The key to developing successful steam engines came in establishing partnerships.


The text adds the reader's synthesis of Stephenson's invention by showing that he implemented improvements that would double the speed of his first engine, as shown in option B.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The text shows how Stephenson produced an improved boiler from an old boiler he had already created.This improved boiler was a success and allowed for faster and more efficient work.One of the improvements was the increased engine speed compared to the engine speed of the old boiler.

The increase in speed was what motivated Stephenson to make new creations for the boiler. He wanted the new boiler to be faster and shorten the working time, allowing more products to be produced.

More information about Stephenson at the link:


Stephenson put improvements in place that would double the speed of his first engine.


What did ancient Greek boys learn in school? O reading, vase painting, and philosophy O reading, writing, arithmetic, and music O reading, writing, and papermaking reading, writing, and horseback riding​



Education for Greek people was vastly "democratized" in the 5th century B.C., influenced by the Sophists, Plato, and Isocrates

Which statements describe inorganic compounds? Check all that apply.
Which statement describe inorganic compounds?


2.Inorganic compounds usually lack carbon.

3.Inorganic compounds are not associated with or made from living things.

5.Inorganic compounds include salt and water.

Feminist criticism examines the power structure and dynamics between:
-men and women
-socio-economic classes
-world mythos


The power structure and dynamics between men and women has always been the focus of Feminist Criticism. Hence the right option is A - Men and Women.

Feminist theory has been traced to Virginia Woolf who in 1919 exerted Feminist Criticism in her seminal work - a Room of Ones Own. Simone De Beauvoir (1929).

History also shows that Simone De Beauvoir posited feminist theories in her work The Second Sex (1929).

The aims of feminist criticism are to:

develop and discover the tradition of writing by femalesrediscovering ancient texts by females andhighlighting the unique perspectives and symbolisms of women's writing so that it will not be buried under the weight of the male paradigms.

In summary, Feminist Criticism is essentially a war again sexism in mainstream literature.

Read more about Feminist Criticism in the link below:


We ___________ (has paid/have paid) him the money.
I _________ (have bought/has bought) my sister a watch.
_________ (Show/Shows) me your hands.
You _________ (has made/have made) your shirt dirty.
We _________ (are waiting/is waiting) for Rohan.
These books _________ (belong/belongs) to me.
She _________ (want/wants) to go.
We _________ (will like/would like) to visit the museum.
He _________ (has finished/have finished) talking.
My brother _________ (enjoy/enjoys) playing cricket.



Have Paid

have bought


have made

are waiting



would like

has finished



1: we have paid him the money

2: I have bought my sister a watch

3: show me your hands

4: you have made your shirt dirty

5: we are waiting for Rohan

6: These books belong to me

7: She wants to go

8: We would like to visit the museum

9: He has finished talking

10: My brother enjoys playing cricket

Could the ideal be more real than reality?


The ideal cannot be more real than reality, because reality is something definitive.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Reality is something definitive, rigid, and literal.There is nothing that goes beyond reality, nothing can be more real than reality, as it is the very definition of what is real.

In this case, the ideal is a concept that can approach reality, look like reality, or even be inserted in reality, but it can never be considered something more real than reality.

More information about reality at the link:

Which details belong in an effective summary of “I Hear America Singing”?

Select Yes or No for each detail.

The poem describes diverse working Americans. Yes or No
The poem stresses the importance of music in American life. Yes or No
Whitman conveys the pride and dignity of America’s workforce. Yes or No
Americans are dedicated to both their work and their country. Yes or No


After reading the poem "I Hear America Singing," and after reading through the options, we can choose yes or no for each detail in the following manner:


What is the poem about?Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" is a poem that praises the American working class. Whitman mentions several types of workers - carpenters, mechanics, seamstresses, etc. - as a way to indicate that it is the working class that makes America the promising country it is.Whitman is basically complimenting the working class throughout the poem, conveying the idea that their hard work and dignity are fundamental for the country.Although the poem says those workers sing, it does not mean it in a literal way. The singing in the poem is a symbol of the worker's joy and determination. Therefore, the poem is not about music itself.

With the information above in mind, we can say that the only option to be classified with a "no" is number 2.

Learn more about "I Hear America Singing" here:







6.09 full test attached

1 There aren’t _____ stairs.

2 Hugo _____ to school last week.

3 _____ a school near here?
A There is Is there
4 _____ central heating in your flat?
A Are there
5 How many bedrooms _____ in her new house?

6 Daniela and Martina _____ to Dublin last weekend.
7 There are _____ glasses in the kitchen.

8 I listened but I _____ any noise.

9 _____ a very noisy party in our neighbour’s house last weekend.

10 We _____ a good time at your party yesterday.

11 _____ some shelves in the study.

12 Petra _____ the film was awful.

13 They _____ the bank manager yesterday.
A don’t meet meet met
14 There’s _____ comfortable sofa in the living room.

15 How many students _____ there in class on Monday?

16 _____ isn’t a garage. We park on the street.
A Where
17 A Did you see your friend who works at the hospital?
B Yes, I _____.
A saw
18 _____ any good programmes on TV last night?
A Was
19 When I was young I _____ in the same bedroom as my sister.

20 Where _____ for lunch with Anna?



hope to help you if not tell me

The answers are:

1. There aren’t any stairs.

2. Hugo went to school last week.

3. Is there a school near here?

4. Are there central heating in your flat?

5.   How many bedrooms are in her new house?

6. Daniela and Martina went to Dublin last weekend.

7. There are few glasses in the kitchen.

8.  I listened but I  didn't hear any noise.

9. There was a very noisy party at our neighbor’s house last weekend.

10.  We had a good time at your party yesterday.

11. Get some shelves in the study.

12.  Petra said the film was awful.

13.  They greeted the bank manager yesterday.

14.  There’s no comfortable sofa in the living room.

15.  How many students were there in class on Monday?

16. There isn’t a garage. We park on the street.

17. Did you see your friend who works at the hospital?

18. Were there any good programs on TV last night?

19.  When I was young I slept in the same bedroom as my sister.

20.  Where Will you go for lunch with Anna?

What are Pronouns and examples?

Consistent with the Collins Dictionary, 'A pronoun is a word that you use to refer to a person or something while you do not need to use a noun, regularly due to the fact the individual or issue has been stated in advance. Examples are 'it', 'she', 'something', and 'myself'.

There are seven varieties of pronouns that both English and English as a 2d language writers ought to understand: the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the relative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the in-depth pronoun.

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, absolutely everyone, and many others.) is a phrase that takes the location of a noun. In the sentence Joe noticed Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively.

Learn more about the Pronoun here:


Who is the antagonist in "The Ambitious Guest" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and why? Is the antagonist a round, flat, or stock character?


it’s stock character hope this helps

Part of the appeal of "Those Winter Sundays" is that readers can draw their own conclusions about the speaker and his father because things are left uncertain.

Which line from the poem leaves readers wondering what makes the speaker realize he should have appreciated his father more?

"Speaking indifferently to him,"

"and polished my good shoes as well."

"Sundays too my father got up early"

"What did I know, what did I know"


The line from the poem that leaves readers wondering what makes the speaker realize he should have appreciated his father more is: "What did I know, what did I know."

Before these lines in the poem, the speaker mentions that his father took the pain to drive the cold away from the house and polish his shoes.

However, when he woke up, he spoke to him indifferently. He then asks the question above to show that he did not know what he was doing at the time.

This question shows that he should have appreciated his father's sacrifices more.

Learn more about "Those Winter Sundays" here:


"What did I know, what did I know"


I took the test and guessed and got it right

why must atypical behaviors be noted and carefully recorded?​



Atypical behaviors should be noted and carefully recorded. They may be isolated events that have little or no impact on later development. ... Patterns of atypical behavior can be useful in confirming areas of need.


Which sentence in the passage paraphrase Milgrams thoughts?



No pic so we cant know


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

When the water is disturbed; the organisms respond by glowing this makes swimmers look like floating beams of blue light.

Under a microscope; the organisms look a bit like ruffled tennis balls they have armored plates that fit together to make a round shape.

There is a bay in Puerto Rico that seems to light up at night; the light comes from tiny organisms in the water.

The luminescence attracts visitors from around the world people are curious to see; this beautiful otherworldly sight.



C) There is a bay in Puerto Rico that seems to light up at night; the light comes from tiny organisms in the water.


A semi-colon usually stands in for a period when two sentences are related. In the sentence, "There is a bay in Puerto Rico that seems to light up at night; the light comes from tiny organisms in the water," you can replace the semi-colon with a period and it would still make sense. They relate to each other as well. So this sentence is punctuated correctly.

(Further explanation for those who really need it):

A doesn't make sense because the semi-colon isn't needed. It'd need a comma in place of the semi-colon.

B doesn't make sense because the semi-colon isn't needed, either. It'd need a comma in place of the semi-colon.

C is correct. It is explained above.

D could possibly use a semi-colon, but it's placed in the wrong spot. It'd probably be placed between "world" and "people." But it sounds a little janky to me, so I think it doesn't need a semi-colon at all. "World" should have a period after it and the "p" in "people" needs to be capitalized. Either way, it isn't punctuated correctly.

DETERMINE IF THE GIVEN SENTENCES ARE SIMPLE, COMPOUND OR COMPLEX 1. We turned off the lights, and we went to sleep. ------------ 2. We turned off the lights after our mom told us to go to sleep. --------- 3. Even though I studied, I was apprehensive about the test. ------------ 4. I asked him why he was crying. ------------ 5. The dog followed the boy everywhere. ------------ 6. He was dejected but he didn’t stop trying.​



1. compound

2. complex (this one maybe wrong)

3. complex

4. simple

5. simole

6. compoumd

To be successful in life, one has to be able to professionally communicate and collaborate with others whether you are fans of them or not. Successful people are able to create a team environment where everyone establishes a fair, safe, productive, and harmonious rhythm with one another. An effective strategy to create this setting is by establishing “group norms.” These are basically rules, cultural agreements, behaviors, and actions, etc. that everyone in the group agrees to abide by at all times.
a) If you were leading a team right now, what would be your top 3-4 norms that you would want to pitch to your groupmates?
b) Explain why you think each of your norms would be effective in helping to establish a harmonious, safe, fair, and productive team environment.



1. Do not discriminate - This norms is important in establishing equal respect with each other regardless of their gender, religion, or skin color.

2. Bullying, sexual harassment and threats of violence is strictly forbidden - this is important in establishing safety to everyone and maintain good behavior towards each other.

3. Be open-minded - Successful people are successful because they listened with an open-mind to another person's ideas and belief and used it to betterment their work or environment.


Bold words are A and it's effectiveness.

What do you think Present means when he says the poor need kindness most of all? Story: A Christmas Carol



This is what I believe he means when he says "the poor need kindness most of all."

I think Dickens is showing the reader that Scrooge is a person who wants to keep his money and thoughts to himself. The way he acts has changed because of his past. Scrooge was lonely as a child. As a young man, he worked for a kind and giving man. Ebenezer, on the other hand, had a lot of big dreams. He also wanted to earn as much money as he could, and this is what had changed Scrooge's personality as well as his own. His fear of having to lose all of his money and business has changed his social life, and his personal life. It's affected him both mentally and physically, and he's not the same person he used to be now. He hasn't been there for his friends or his family, and he also seems to forget about himself and not care about how he looks or how he feels. He's giving up his health and well-being for money. Fear of not having enough money has changed him.

Use the blue boxes to put the words in alphabetical order.

men, order, mess, mail, meet

Plz help



mail, meet, men, mess, order

My Skates!
We live on a lake. Today
the ice.
it's frozen! Now I am
off to
my skates.
in the
not there. I look in the
, nope not there. I search
high and low for my ice
Ok so the one place I havn't looked,
they are there!
Let's go skating!


What is the question for tonight
yes :)))))))))))))))

A: Benjamin,———
you a lazy student at high school?
B: Oh, never. I always got very high grades.
Your answer:

a. were
b. did
C. are






Describe Spicy Nacho Doritos in Sentence.


A few hours after I’ve eating taco bell, might give you a feeling.


Flamin' Hot Nacho Doritos

Despite the promise its name makes, this chip is not that hot, let alone flamin'. It essentially tastes like the regular Nacho Cheese with a kick at the end. If something is going to market itself as flamin', then we expect to need at least a tissue to get through the bag.



What is the correct way to punctuate the boldfaced text?

We were careless with the pitcher and water spilled everywhere



We were careless about the pitcher, and water spilled everywhere.

The correct way to punctuate the boldfaced text is We were careless with the pitcher, and water spilled everywhere. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Punctuation ?

Punctuation is used in any sentence to give a pause in a sentence while reading or writing to make it clear for the reader to interpret the meaning correctly without causing any difficulty.

There are different types of punctuation symbols which is used including full stop, comma, colon, and semicolon, and brackets in different contexts as per the requirements of the sentence.

In the given sentence the punctuation mark of the comma is missing which is used when defining separate items by using conjunction as and.

So the correct sentence is We were careless with the pitcher, and water spilled everywhere.

Therefore, option D is appropriate to answer.

Learn more about Punctuation marks, here:


when the night is cold pain make you warm.​



Are you in Spain without the S?

He asked me ..................................

a. Where I like coffee or not b. Whether I liked coffee

c. What I liked coffee d. Which I liked coffee



Ans is b


He asked me "Whether I liked coffee"

What two dissimilar things is Whitman comparing when he uses the
metaphor of "a little house"?
a.) his home and a little house
b.) his mind and a little house
c.) an album and a little house
d.) the world and a little house




Two dissimilar things is Whitman comparing when he uses the metaphor of a little house:

The poet Walt Whiteman has talked about the perfumes or smell of anything like a metaphor. He has related the sense of smell with memories. He has talked about the smell of a house or a room.  Also, at the same time, he has talked about the smell of books on the shelves.

The two dissimilar things he has mentioned were specific about the house memories. One is the smell of the house or the room and the other is the smell of the books on the shelves. All the above two things remind us about our past memories.

The two dissimilar things is Whitman comparing when he uses the

metaphor of "a little house" are:

His home and a little houseAn album and a little houseWhat are the Two dissimilar things is Whitman comparing when he uses the metaphor of a little house?

Two dissimilar things is Whitman comparing when he uses the metaphor of a little house:

The poet Walt Whiteman has talked about the perfumes or smell of anything like a metaphor. He has related the sense of smell with memories. He has talked about the smell of a house or a room.  Also, at the same time, he has talked about the smell of books on the shelves.

Thus, option "A and C" is correct.

To learn more about "a little house" click here:


11. What is the literary significance of Washington Irving's stories?

They are the best examples of the American Rationalist tradition.

They were more popular than the writings of Benjamin Franklin.

They are the first stories to be set in the United States. .

They are the earliest examples of American Romanticism.



They are the best examples of the American Rationalist Tradition.


Just took the quiz

Write something that makes you happy.



the thing that makes me happy is sports

its really enjoying and helps me get rid of stress and fatigue

i love it

What do murals do for a community?
How do they affect the urban landscapež


Murals give personality to a community and they make the urban landscape more dynamic and modern.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Murals are paintings made by independent artists on walls and urban spaces.These murals tend to present modern, colorful, eye-catching images with criticism and important social concepts.This promotes a dynamic air in the community, which is modern, artistic, and full of personality.

With that, we can say that the murals are beneficial to a community, as they fill urban spaces with art that can contribute to the landscape and provoke thoughts and admiration.

More information about what murals at the link:

PART A: In the story, what causes the conflict between the narrator and the old man? A The narrator and the old man resent having to live together because of the narrator's disease, and so the narrator decides to murder the old man. B The narrator is driven mad by the sound of a heart beating beneath the floorboards, and this causes him to kill the old man. C The narrator watches the old man sleep, and when the terrified old man discovers this, the narrator kills him to keep his madness hidden. D The narrator is terrified of the old man's blue eye and overwhelmed by the sound of his heartbeat, so the narrator kills the old man.





the narrator dislikes the old man very much

In the story, the narrator is driven mad by the sound of a heart beating beneath the floorboards, and this causes him to kill the old man are the  causes of the conflict between the narrator and the old man. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is narrator's?

The narrator is the individual who narrates the chapter, poem, or story. The narrator is telling the story to the audience. The storyteller tells the story using words, sentences, and story structure. The narrator utilized a specific tone to convey information to the listener.

The narrator attempts to explain the tension between the major factors as the diverse perspectives of the narrators and the old guy. The sound of a heart beating beneath the floorboards drove the narrator insane, prompting him to murder the old man. This is the source of the dispute between the narrator and the old guy.

As a result, the narrator is driven mad by the sound of a heart beating beneath the floorboards, and this causes him to kill the old man are the  causes of the conflict between the narrator and the old man. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on narrator's, here:


Based on your reading, respond to the following.
1. List the questions you should ask yourself when you first start planning.
2. List the three places to get ideas for your writing project.
3. When you conduct research, you're looking for information from whom?
4. What are the benefits of conducting research?
5. How should you prepare before beginning research?


is it relevant:))))))))))


1.What are the main points? Do you have enough points? Do you have too many points? What are you going to say about each point? What order are you going to use?

2.Looking at your own experiences; reading and observing, such as paying attention to current events; taking ideas from other people’s experience

3.Experts in the field of your topic

4.You can confirm or back up your opinions with facts, and you will get more ideas to include in your writing.

5.Make a written list of the most important things you want to find out.Explanation:

Select the best answer for the question.
5. Which of the following sentences uses intensive pronouns correctly?
A. Ari and myself are the best students in the class.
B. Myself and James owe you a great deal.
C. Him himself knows the only way to beat the game.
D. She herself will be the one to light the torch.



Answer: D


Because you will need to replace myself with "I" for A in order to make sense,

You will need to replace "myself" with "me" in order to make sense,

"Him himself" doesn't make sense as there's to pronouns that start with him so it'll need to replace the first "him" with "he"

So, D makes sense because it doesn't make any mistakes like the first three answers.

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