The Mayan culture thrived from about 250 AD to 900 AD.
O True


Answer 1
This is true, hope this will help you

Related Questions


What were George Washington's contributions during the revolution???



I hope it helps you this .

Dehli-i-Kuhna was oldest of four cities of Delhi and was established by Muhammad Bin Tughluq. *TRUE OR FALSE*​



false, Delhi-i-kuhna was established by Qutubuddin Aibak correct me if I'm wrong

Which countries have large population of protestants


Answer:this is them in order

United States The United States is home to the largest Protestant population in the world with 160 million Protestants. Approximately 20 percent of the world's population of Protestants is in the United States. America has been one of the Protestant countries since the United States was a colony of the British. You'll see the largest Protestant populations in American along the Eastern seaboard, and particularly at schools such as Harvard and Yale.

Nigeria Nigeria has a high density of Christians in their population at 85 million. Their Protestant population is 60 million, making Nigeria the African country with the most Christians. Again, Nigeria has been influenced as a British colony, though conflicts remain between Christians and Muslims.

China China has the world's most people, but not the world's most Protestants. It will rank number three on the list with a rough estimate of 58 million Protestants. In China, Christianity is the fastest growing religion with a 10 percent growth rate. Some experts predict China will have more Protestants by 2030 than America.

Brazil Brazil has a high Christian population of 185 million, making almost 90 percent of the South American population. Roman Catholics make up the most Christians in Brazil. It is renowned as one of the Protestant countries in the world with approximately 41 million Protestants.

South Africa South Africa is densely populated with Christians, with 85 percent of their population being Christian, and 36 percent of its population being Protestant. Approximately 37 million live in South Africa.

United Kingdom The United Kingdom was once home to the largest population of Protestants but is now number six on the list. Still, almost half of Britain are Christians, and 34 million of Britain's 65 million are Protestant.

DR Congo The Democratic Republic of Congo is a highly Christian country with approximately 95 percent being Christian. As one of the Protestant countries, approximately 32 million are Protestants and that includes those in the Kimbanguist religion. It is estimated that roughly 48 percent of the country's population are Protestant.

Germany The population of Germany is approximately 63 percent Christian. The Roman Catholic community is the largest with 29 million or 29.5 percent of the country's population. That is followed by Protestants of which there are 27 million, or, 27.9 percent of the German population. Many historians would say that Germany was the original starting point for Protestants, when a religious group broke from the Roman Catholic Church to form their own religion and church.

Kenya The country of Kenya is approximately 84 percent Christian with a Christian population of 40 million in the entire population of 48 million. Of those Christians, it is estimated that 47.7 percent or 24 million are Protestants.

India The country of India has a very low Christian population, but a large population density. There are 28 million Christians in India which make up 2.3 percent of the population. Of those, 19 million are Protestants.

That is China! China is home to the world's largest Protestant minority.
Hope this helps!

Match the right protected with the correct amendment from the Bill of Rights
Right to not house soldiers
Right to own a weapon
Protection from unreasonable searches
Right to freedom of speech
Right to not be tortured
Right to remain silent


The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are summarized below.

Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia.

3 No quartering of soldiers.
4 Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
5 Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy.
6 Rights of accused persons, e.g., right to a speedy and public trial.
Right of trial by jury in civil cases.

8 Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments.
9 Other rights of the people.
10 Powers reserved to the states.

How did the Scientific Revolution effect life?


influenced the development of the Enlightenment values of individualism

1. A mosque is a *

school for children
type of restaurant
Muslim place of worship
Jewish place of worship
2. Islam is a polytheistic religion. *

3. What are at least three of the five pillars of Islam that all observant Muslims must perform? *

4. Islam accepts both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible, but extends the story with the Quran. *

5. Which were rights given to women in the Quran? Select all that apply. *

the right to reject marriage proposals
the right to inherit
encouraged education
equal inheritance with men
6. Dedicated by Muhammad, the __________ is the most holy place in Islam. *

7. During the Golden Age of Islam, the Islamic religion made many contributions to society in the areas of: (select all that apply) *

Captionless Image

8. What is at least one similarity and one difference between the Sunnis and Shiites? *

9. Shah Abbas the Great was a Safavid ruler who *

a. centralized the government
b. decreased military power
c. reduced taxes on farmers and herders
all of the above
a. and c. only
10. Why was the fall of Constantinople in 1453 significant? Respond in at least 3-5 sentences. *

Captionless Image
11. In the Ottoman social hierarchy, occupations that were called men of the pen included: (select all that apply) *


12. By A.D. 200, trade between Africa and Asia increased with the introduction of the ____________. *

13. As the Bantu-speakers migrated into southern Africa, they spread their skills in: *

farming, ironworking, and domesticating animals.
fishing, hunting, and ironworking.
architecture, electrical work, and farming.
fishing, architecture, and hunting.
14. The ________teaches about what Muslims believe to be God's will and provides a guide to life. *

15. What were some of the cultures that traded in Axum? *

All of the above
None of the above
16. In many West African villages, women were respected for their wisdom and skills in many areas. In a few societies, women served as ________, rulers, or in other government jobs. *

17. In West Africa, the role of the griot was to *

choose the next ruler
recite ancient stories
plant the first seed of the first crop of the season
perform medical procedures



1. Muslim place of worship

2.Haj, Zakah, Shahadah, Salah, Sawm


This is all I know so far. I will add more in the comments.

PLS ANSWER WILL GIVE BRAINLYEST Create a timeline of ancient egypt history




Early Dynastic

Old Kingdom

First Intermediate Period

Middle Kingdom

Second Intermediate period



let me know if this helped


A time line of ancient Egyptian history

800 B.C. 728- Nubian king Piy conquered Egypt

700 B.C. 671- Assyrians attacked Egypt

600 B.C. 525- Persians conquered Egypt

500 B.C.

400 B.C. 332- Alexander the Great conquered Egypt 305- Ptolemy I became pharaoh


agriculture in Ethiopia​


Answer:what quition


Whyvis it important that News organization stay indepent of the government of political party


New political media are forms of communication that facilitate the production, dissemination, and exchange of political content on platforms and within networks that accommodate interaction and collaboration. They have evolved rapidly over the past three decades, and continue to develop in novel, sometimes unanticipated ways. New media have wide-ranging implications for democratic governance and political practices. They have radically altered the ways in which government institutions operate and political leaders communicate. They have transformed the political media system, and redefined the role of journalists. They have redefined the way elections are contested, and how citizens engage in politics.

Carry On!

Stay safe!

Study hard Next time!

From Philippines here to help other students.

How and why did President Polk gain control over Texas?



By falsifying a war, declaring that Mexico was attacking Texas.


Abraham Lincoln, as a senator, created the "spot resolutions" demanding that Polk point to the spot at which Mexico had initiated hostilities, because he knew that that spot was not within the territory of Texas.

Who was Edmund Pettus, and should the Edmund Pettus Bridge be renamed, or should the name stay to ensure people never forget the injustice that occurred on Bloody Sunday?
*20 Points*



The Edmund Pettus Bridge, now a National Historic Landmark, was the site of the brutal Bloody Sunday beatings of civil rights marchers during the first march for voting rights. ... After Bloody Sunday, protestors were granted the right to continue marching, and two more marches for voting rights followed.


Which of the following statements best describes African Americans’ struggles for freedom?

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
African Americans did not attempt to fight for their freedom until the war was over.
African Americans showed interest in their freedom but did not actively fight for it.
African Americans fought for their freedom before, during, and after the war.
All answers are correct



I think it is the correct answers is letter D all answers are correct.


Hope its help

Difficulty in adjusting to a new way of life is called:



Anthropologists who study the ways of living peoples are called: Ethnologists. ... Culture is the way man: Subdues his environment.


What continent sent slaves TO the West Indies





As Britain rose in naval power and settled continental North America and some islands of the West Indies, they became the leading slave traders.

It was Europe that sent slaves from the West Indies

1. Why did some Americans want the United States to get
involved in the war?



War broke out in Europe in the summer of 1914, with the Central Powers led by Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side and the Allied countries led by Britain, France, and Russia on the other. At the start of the war, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would be neutral. However, that neutrality was tested and fiercely debated in the U.S.

Submarine warfare in the Atlantic kept tensions high, and Germany’s sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania on May 7, 1915, killed more than 120 U.S. citizens and provoked outrage in the U.S. In 1917, Germany’s attacks on American ships and its attempts to meddle in U.S.-Mexican relations drew the U.S. into the war on the side of the Allies. The United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.

Within a few months, thousands of U.S. men were being drafted into the military and sent to intensive training. Women, even many who had never worked outside the home before, took jobs in factories producing supplies needed for the war effort, as well as serving in ambulance corps and the American Red Cross at home and abroad. Children were enlisted to sell war bonds and plant victory gardens in support of the war effort.

The United States sent more than a million troops to Europe, where they encountered a war unlike any other—one waged in trenches and in the air, and one marked by the rise of such military technologies as the tank, the field telephone, and poison gas. At the same time, the war shaped the culture of the U.S. After an Armistice agreement ended the fighting on November 11, 1918, the postwar years saw a wave of civil rights activism for equal rights for African Americans, the passage of an amendment securing women’s right to vote, and a larger role in world affairs for the United States.

As you explore the primary sources in this group, look for evidence of the different roles U.S. citizens played in the war effort, as well as the effects of the war on the people of the United States.

To find additional sources, visit the Library of Congress World War I page. You can also search the Library’s online collections using terms including World War I or Great War, or look for specific subjects or names, such as Woodrow Wilson, doughboys, trench warfare, or “Over There.”

To analyze primary sources like these, use the Library’s Primary Source Analysis Tool.


I Did My Bit for Democracy

Life as a Conscientious Objector in Wartime

A Woman in the Red Cross Motor Corps


The Breath of the Hun


One Hundred Million Soldiers

Immigrant Support for the War

A Soldier Remembers the War’s End

Previous SectionProhibition: A Case Study of Progressive Reform

Next SectionWomen's Suffrage in the Progressive Era

Part of

Primary Source Sets

Lesson Plans


U.S. History Primary Source Timeline

Colonial Settlement, 1600s - 1763

The American Revolution, 1763 - 1783

The New Nation, 1783 - 1815

National Expansion and Reform, 1815 - 1880

Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877

Rise of Industrial America, 1876-1900

Progressive Era to New Era, 1900-1929


Automobiles in the Progressive and New Eras

Cities During the Progressive Era

Conservation in the Progressive Era

Immigrants in the Progressive Era

Prohibition: A Case Study of Progressive Reform

U.S. Participation in the Great War (World War I)

Women's Suffrage in the Progressive Era

Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945

The Post War United States, 1945-1968

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The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching.


To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides.

Briefly discuss the theory and its proponents?​


[tex]A \: theory \: is \: a \\ well \: - \: substantiated \\ explanation \: of \: an \: aspect \: of \\ the \: natural \: world \: that \: can \\ incorporate \: laws, \\ hypotheses \: and \: facts. \: ... \\ A \: theory \: not \: only \\ explains \: known \: facts; \: it \\ also \: allows \: scientists \\ to \: make \: predictions \: of \\ what \: they \: should \: observe \\ if \: a \: theory \: is \: true.[/tex]

When the national debt rises, who
does it impact?
A. only Congress
B. only the President
C. the general public or population
D. only International Trade



the general public or population is correct option brainlist plz


C the general public or population


The people are incharge of debt and increased taxes will probably occur

Who was the first president of United States?

A Benjamin Franklin
B George Washington
C Abraham Lincoln
D John Adams​



B George Washington....

A voter in 1800 would have cast his vallot against the Republicans for which of the following reasons? The Republican candidate was a dangerously pro-British radical. The Alien and Sedition Acts were obviously wrong and had to be abolished. The Republican candidate was arguably against organized religion. The Federalist candidate was clearly a more influential speaker.​





Dry climates are found at __________ latitudes.


I think B is the best answer


C. middle


Which of the following challenges did President Truman have to overcome during his time in office?
A. He was more charismatic than his predecessor, President Roosevelt.
B. Republicans and conservative Democrats opposed many of his proposed policies.
C. The U.S. entered a second economic depression.
D. None of these choices are correct.



B is your answer


hope this helps if im right!

Answer: B


overseeing the final defeats of Germany and Japan; managing the U.S. role in post-war international relations; supervising the American economy's transition from a war-time to a peace-time footing; and maintaining the unity of a fractious ...

Why was Great Britain justified in imperializing India?





One of the strongest platforms on which the British government justified their colonization of India was photography. Photographs were used to display the Indian people in a number of ways. One of such idea was that of the Indian native being less developed, or civilized as a European.

What change to American laws created a federal commission that regulated the railroad industry?





sixteenth amendment

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 changed American laws and created a federal commission that regulated the railroad industry.

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), the first federal organization to oversee the railroad sector, was established by the Interstate Commerce Act.

The ICC was given the authority to restrict some forms of discrimination, investigate accusations of unfair practices, and set maximum prices for interstate commerce. Additionally, the ICC was given the authority to consider railroad company appeals.

Hence, The act laid the stage for the regulation of other industries in the years to come while also assisting in ensuring that the railroad sector operated in a fair and competitive manner.

Learn more about Interstate Commerce Act, here:


What are some reasons Quakers were despised (hated) in England and Puritan


The Massachusetts Bay Colony's austere, sterile Puritans had a strong distrust of Quakers


I need somebody to here somebody to know somebody i have just i know have i feel it easy to say but its never to say

what is the biggest mountain in the world​



Mt. Everest



Everest Mountain


found in Asia

n an era of bad harvests, famine, and rioting, the French government took steps to improve the worsening financial crisis. What did the government do?

The government raised taxes.
The government called for genuine political reform.
The government forced all estates to pay the same taxes.
The government reduced the Third Estate’s tax burden.



The government raised taxes.


The French government took a long time to realize that taxing the clergy (1st Estate) and the nobility (2nd Estate) is beneficial. The French king was very reluctant to reform or reduce the financial burden of the peasants.

effects of the thrid Crusade


Crusader military victory, resulting in a three-year truce. Recognition of the territorial status quo at the end of active campaigning, including continued Muslim control of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Levantine Crusader States.

4. The Articles of Confederation has been the docment that governs this country for the past 250
years. True or false





The Articles of Confederation ended when the constitution was made.

Hope this helps!

US war bonds helped the war effort by .



US war bonds helped the war effort by raising money for the federal government.



loan money to the government


Which Tuskegee scientist promoted the growing of peanuts by researching many new uses for the crop?
O George Washington Carver
O Frederick Douglass
O Homer Plessy
Booker T. Washington


O George Washington Carver
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