Texans show their riding skills at the state fair t or f


Answer 1

Answer: true

Explanation: because I have been to the state fair, and that happens!

Related Questions

ejemplos de falacias Ad Populum en el tema de la religion



Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam (Argument From Ignorance): concluir que algo es cierto ya que no se puede probar que sea falso. Por ejemplo, "Dios debe existir, ya que nadie puede demostrar que ella no existe". ... Argumentum Ad Populum (Argument To The People): acompañar a la multitud en apoyo de una conclusión.

Está copiado, así que ten cuidado, pero espero que te ayude.


1. Angela dijo que no iría de compras hasta que (pagar) sus facturas del mes.
2. Mónica prometió cancelar una de sus tarjetas de crédito tan pronto como
(comprar) unos zapatos que quería.
3. Jimena decidió no comprar nada de lo que quería cuando (darse cuenta)
que no tenía el dinero.
4. Jimena decidió que no entraría en su tienda favorita cuando (llegar) al
5. Angela decidió que preferiría no comprar algo hasta que (ahorrar dinero.
6. Regina dijo que no sacó dinero de su cuenta hasta después de que ella
(salir del centro.
7. Mónica decidió quedarse en casa cuando sus amigas le (invitar) a ir de
8. Jimena nos dijo que se salió de una tienda cuando (ver) unos zapatos que
quería comprar.
9. Regina prometió que le pondría un límite para cuando (estar) en las
10. Angela empezó a comprar algo hasta que Jimena le recordar de sus
metas financieras.
11. Mónica dijo que no iría de compras hasta que tener más autocontrol.


Page / compré / se dio cuenta / llegue / ahorre / salio / invitaron / vio / este / recordó / tenga




1. Servir --> sirve.

2. Empezar --> empieza.

3. Pensar --> piensas.

4. Entender --> entiendo.

5. Dormirse --> se duerme.

6. Poder --> pueden.

7. Repetir --> repite.

8. Pensar --> pienso.

9. Entender --> entiendes.

10. Pedir --> pedir.

11. Poder --> podemos.

12. Querer --> quiero.

.・。.・゜✭・have a nice day・✫・゜・。.

El fin de semana pasado vhl



4 TEO ^2


​​​​​​Analiza las palabras compuestas cueripardos y almiprietos. ¿Qué dos palabras forman cada palabra? Infiere su significado y consulta el glosario para ver si estabas en lo correcto.



Time to orbit Jupiter 1.77Earth daysMass (Earth=1): 0.015Surface Temeperature:163cDiameter,3,643 km

I hope it helps but I don't understand your question so sorry

El verbo ‘Ser’ warm-up

Fill in the blank with the missing form of the verb 'ser'.

Ella _____________ Rita.
Ustedes _____________ de Cuba.
Nosotras _____________ de Venezuela.
Tú _____________ de Chicago.
Los estudiantes _____________ de Lely.
Roberto y yo _____________ amigos.
La chica _____________ Eva.
Vosotros _____________ estudiantes.
Yo _____________ cubano.
Tú y yo _____________ mexicanos.


Ella es Rita.

Ustedes son de Cuba.

Nosotras somos de Venezuela.

Tú eres de Chicago.

Los estudiantes son de Lely.

Roberto y yo somos amigos.

La chica es Eva.

Vosotros sois estudiantes.

Yo soy cubano.

Tú y yo somos mexicanos.

Your welcomeee

Somebody speak Spanish here?



yes, what do you need

how do i write essay in spanish​





Essay in Spanish is ensayo


Essay in Spanish: Ensayo


I hope that helps you and please mark my answer as the brainliast answer



16 is B and 18 is D

as easy as that! Here to help! :)

16.) b = sé/Conoces

18.) c = conocer/línea

help pleaseee i need help creating statements with these words
I need 8 statements


1. *Aqui hay* comida.

2. Hay *una* manzana.

3. La pared es *blanca*.

4. *La* ventana.

5. El perro *es* negro.

6. El elefante es *grande*.

7. En la *otra* esquina.

8. La puerta es *negra*.

If I'm not wrong, these are statements. I hope it helps you.

Please help me with spanish!! thank you please fast i really need help!


Answer: correct answer below!

1. los libros rojos son muy interesantes y Buenos. ( 2 errors)

2. Lidia y Camila atléticas y muy Inteligentes.  ( 2 errors)

3. Miquel es rubio . alto y guapo. ( 2 errors)

4. pablo y yo somos sociables y muy talentosos ( 2 error)

5. marta no es buena. ella es muy mala. ( 2 errors)

6. El mapa amarillo está entre la mesa azul y el poster grande.  ( 3 errors)

Glad to help! :)

i dont get this pls help mr



1) Esta

2) Estoy

3) esta

4) son

5) estamos

6) estoy



1. Estas

2. Estas

3. esta

4. estan

5. i dont know

6. estoy


1. Estoy cultivando las verduras. 6. No puedo creer la noticia.
2. No pude leer los libros.
7. Siguen adquiriendo dinero.
3. Estábamos explorando la ciudad. 8. Puedes aliviar el estrés.
9. Estarían construyendo las casas.
4. Querían saber los problemas.
5. Estoy desarrollando talentos. 10. Necesitará saber los síntomas.



don't know please post I English

Which of these features is relevant when buying a cell phone?

memoria del disco duro
memoria ram
cámara de fotos


Hi! ♡


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   → Which of these features is relevant when buying a cell phone?

a). Parlantes

b). Memoria del disco duro

c). Memoria ram

d). Cámara de fotos

   The letter D: '' photo camera '' is the correct answer since it is related to the mobile phone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SpanishGirl ಌ - Greetings!

Write the number of your reason for choosing SER or ESTAR before the sentence.


Ok here’s an acronym I used for ser and estar it helps so much

H- health
L- location
P- present progressive

Complete the sentence with the correct form of saber or conocer.

Yo _____ la informacíon.



answer is sé, it matched more correctly for the sentence
La respuesta sería se

instrument name which

does not belong to the same family as the others
Double bass



Timpani does not belong to the same family as the others.


Timpani is a percussion instrument.

The rest are string instruments.

.・。.・゜✭・have a nice day・✫・゜・。.

choose the best spanish word to complete the sentence

nosotros _____ de las montanas





Nosotros “Hablamos” de las montañas

I need answers 6-12 PLEASEEE​


Got you

6. Es guatemalteca
7. Son panameños
8. Peruano
9. Cubanas
10. Colombiano
11. Costarricense
12. Americano

What driving laws in Argentina are similar to laws in the united states?


Drive on the right side of the road and overtake on the left.

The minimum age to drive a car is 17.

Seat belts must be worn in the back seats if belts are fitted.

Children under 10 years old must always sit in the back of the car.

Drive on the right side of the road and overtake on the left
The minimum age to drive a car is 17
Seat belts must be worn in the back seats if belts are fitted. Children who are too small to use seatbelts must be transported in a correctly fitted child seat
Children under 10 years old must always sit in the back of the car
Use of low lights or luces bajas is mandatory 24 hours per day on highways and main roads
Mobile phones may only be used with a hands-free system
Vehicles can only be parked in the direction of traffic flow. It is illegal to park a vehicle facing opposing traffic

Yo _____ trece años.




Yo tengo 13 años


ya saludos soy mexicano


it translates to i have 13 years, but it’s the correct grammar for spanish

5. ¿Qué profesiones No quieres ser?



No me gusta trabajar con dinero ajeno

Practice describing the pants by equating actions with the following formula. Escribe tres frases comparando los dos pares de pantalones. más/menos + adjective + que : more than or less than Ejemplo: Los pantalones rojos son más formales que los jeans. The red pants are more formal than the jeans.


When we compare two objects we must take into account the most important characteristics of each of them.

A comparison is a term to refer to the action of describing the similarities and differences of two or more objects. The following words are generally used in a comparison:

More: To express that an object stands out for having more of one character than the others.Less: To express that an object stands out for having less of a character than the others.Equal: To express that an object has the same amount of a character as the others.

Some examples of comparisons are as follows;

Blue pants are prettier than pink pants.Black pants are less conspicuous than white pants.Green pants are just as comfortable as blue pants.

Learn more about comparison in: https://brainly.com/question/1516829




no foto


VHL > Desafío 1 > FOA Vocab
and Gramática



1. Nosotros somos de Buenos Aires.

2. Ellas son de México.

3. Ellos son de Valencia.

4. eres de Valladolid.

[tex] \\ [/tex]


Claudia: Yo soy de Panamá. Y tú, ¿de dónde eres?

Andrés: Yo soy de Colombia, pero mi hermano es de Costa Rica y mis padres.

Claudia: Una amiga también es de Venezuela. ¿De dónde son tus amigos?

Andrés: ¡De muchos países!

[tex] \\ [/tex]


Answer my questions please!!! For the ones who knows and speaks Spanish!!!!
Please Answer!!



1. A mis amigos les gusta jugar al béisbol.

2. Mi familia y yo alquilamos unos DvDs para pasar tiempp juntos.

3. Mi primo me dijo que leer un libro es entretenido.

4. Tú puedes pasar el rato con tus amigos más seguido.

5. Yo voy a mirar la televisión en casa de mi mamá.

20.Cuando yo (tener) once anos, yo fui a Disney con mi familia. *
1 point





tenía means had....

Español II
Commands Practice
Nombre1. entrar en la casa______
2. pasar a la cocina__________
3. tomar una limonada________
4. aprender el español________
5. subir a las lanchas________
6. leer el periódico________
7. Salir de la escuela a ls 3:30pm_______
8.comprender los verbos
9.seguir hasta la calle H________
10. Ver la television________


1. Entra la casa

2. Pasa por la cocina

3. Toma una limonada

4. Aprende el español

5. Sube a la lancha

6. Lee el periódico

7. Salgo de la escuela a las 3:30pm

8. Comprende los verbos

9. Sigue la calle

10. Ve la television

Im peruvian so this might be wrong since the spanish in peru is different than whatever spanish your doing :/

¿Por qué suele la ganadería tener una huella de carbono más alto que otros
(A) Porque hay más fincas de ganado que de cultivo de otros alimentos.
(B) Porque hay más consumidores de ganado que de verduras.
(C) Porque es más difícil transportarlos que otros alimentos.
(D) Porque se requiere más energía para criar el ganado y hay más residuos.


Answer:La carne de res y el cordero tienen una huella climática especialmente grande por otra razón: los estómagos de las vacas y ovejas contienen bacterias que les ayudan a digerir la hierba y otros alimentos. Pero esas bacterias crean metano, un potente gas de efecto invernadero, que luego se libera a través de eructos (y un poco de flatulencia). And it's D

Explanation: I don't really speak English i just learned on my own on Duolingo  (Realmente no hablo inglés, acabo de aprenderlo por mi cuenta en Duolingo)

imagine that you are going to spend the summer in el salvador with a host family. write a letter to them asking about their family and describing your own family to them. use what you learned in this chapter about family, tener, and numbers. Write atleast 10 sentences.
needs to be in spanish.



You recently joined a nature club, and last week you went on a trip with the club into the countryside. Write an email to a friend about this. In your email, you should: . describe the place in the countryside you went to with the nature club explain what you learned during the trip to the countryside . invite your friend to join you on the next nature club trip. The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own. Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long. You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language used.


You recently joined a nature club, and last week you went on a trip with the club into the countryside. Write an email to a friend about this. In your email, you should: . describe the place in the countryside you went to with the nature club explain what you learned during the trip to the countryside . invite your friend to join you on the next nature club trip. The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own. Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long. You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your email, and up to 8 marks for the language used.

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Which organism is a primary consumer? krill elephant seal Killer whale Elephant seal O squid O penguin Penguin Leopard seal Squid Cod Krill Zooplankton Phytoplankton (1) A first-order consumer can:a make its own foodb digest plantsc decompose animals(2) Why can't an environment support an unlimited number of second-order consumers?a There is a limited amount of space and water that can sustain secondary consumers.b There are not enough decomposers to support secondary consumers.c There are not enough plants to support secondary consumers.d The population of first-order consumers will disappear if there are too many secondary consumers. answer another question getting and ill give u brainlies 4(3q + 10) = 6( 2q - 9 ) Dan and Lori Cole operated a Curves franchise exercise facility in Angola, Indiana, as a partnership. The firm leased commercial space from Flying Cat, LLC, for a renewable three-year term. The Coles renewed the lease for a second three-year term. Two years later, however, the Coles divorced and the partnership was dissolved. By the end of the second term, the Coles owed Flying Cat more than $21,000 on the lease. Without telling the landlord about the divorce, Lori signed another extension. More rent went unpaid. Flying Cat obtained a judgment in an Indiana state court against the partnership for almost $50,000. Can Dan be held liable? Why or why not?1. In order to form a partnership, Dan and Lori were required to:____.A. form an agreement between themselves to become a partnership B. rewrite bylaws C. conform to federal regulations D. file minutes with the appropriate office in their state (e.g., secretary of state)2. What is an important reason for Dan and Lori to form a partnership? A. to be taxed at the entity level B. to be considered a corporation under state law C. to establish joint ownership and share profits and losses D. to file articles of organization with the secretary of state.)3. Dan and Lori are _____.A. members B. partners C. shareholders of the partnership.4. Limited liability companies are creatures of ___.A. state constitutions B. statute C. case law D. secondary sources5. In order to form a limited liability company, Flying Cat would be required to file ____.A. articles of organizationB. bylaws C. regulations D. minutes with the appropriate office in their state (e.g., secretary of state))6. Generally, are limited liability companies required to include words or initials such as "limited liability company" or "LLC" as part of the company name? 7. What is an important reason for Flying Cat to form as a limited liability company? A. to be taxed at the entity level B. to be considered a corporation under state law C. to protect the members from personal liability D. to file articles of organization with the secretary of state)8. Generally, the liability of members of Flying Cat, LLC, would be limited to their respective?A. ownership interests in the company B. investments in the company C. personal assets9. Did both Dan and Lori operate the Curves franchise as a partnership?10. When Dan and Lori renewed their commercial lease for a second three-year term, were they still a partnership?11. Dan and Lori divorced ____.A. before B. after the end of the second three-year term.12. When Lori signed for another extension, did Lori or Dan tell Flying Cat about the divorce? 13. At the time of signing of the extension, it was ___.A. reasonable B. unreasonable for Flying Cat to believe that Dan and Lori remained partners in the Curves franchise.14. A court would likely find Dan ____.A. liable B. not liable for $21,000 of debt that accrued before the end of the second term.15. Would a court likely hold Dan responsible for the remaining debt that accrued after the extension signed by Lori?16. Why? 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