Scientists have inserted a gene that codes for resistance to a biodegradable weed killer into a certain plant. Which of the following is the most likely benefit of the gene?
O The plant is more likely to survive when exposed to the weed killer
O The plant will be able to convert the weed killer into fertilizer.
O The plant will be able to produce chemicals to kill weeds around it.
O The plant is more likely to die when exposed to the weed killer.



Answer 1


The plant is more likely to survive when exposed to the weed killer


since it has a gene that is resistant to the weed killer, it wont be affected by it.

resistant means it can defend itself from something

Related Questions

La Niña is an example of a
O natural short term change
O natural long term change
O manmade greenhouse effect
O manmade short term change


The last one d I think



Answer: 50%
There’s a 25 percent it will be homogeneous dominant and homogeneous recessive, and a 50% chance it will be heterogeneous

the key character that reptiles have and amphibians do not have is a/an



Reptiles have scales, and their skin is dry. Amphibians do not, and their skin is often moist with mucus, which keeps them from drying up.

________ arises when different microbes within a population or community try to acquire the same resource.





competition arises lead to a struggle for survival and adaptation follows

10 An enzyme in potato cells causes oxygen to be produced from hydrogen peroxide.
Cubes of potato were incubated with hydrogen peroxide at different temperatures.
The numbers of bubbles of oxygen released per minute were counted at each temperature.
The table shows the results.
number of butibles /bubbles per minute
45 55
The results suggest the optimum temperature for the enzyme is between which two values?
A 15 °C and 35 °C B
35 °C and 45 °C C
35 °C and 55 °C D
45 °C and 55°C




The optimum temperature for the enzyme is between 45 °C and 55°C. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is an optimum temperature for enzyme?

Most enzymes perform best at a temperature of around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). Additionally, some enzymes function well both at low and high temperatures. For instance, while animals in desert climates have enzymes adapted to higher temperatures, those in the Arctic have them adapted to lower optimal temperatures.

The reaction rate will accelerate as more hydrogen peroxide is added to the mixture because more substrate molecules can interact with the enzyme and produce more product as a result. As you increase the amount of H2O2 in your reaction, more foam is generated in your cup as a result.

Learn more about enzymes, here:


What is the importance of sea-floor spreading?



Significance. Seafloor spreading helps explain continental drift in the theory of plate tectonics. When oceanic plates diverge, tensional stress causes fractures to occur in the lithosphere.


The tilt or obliquity of the Earth causes ______
O seasons
O eccentricity
O global warming
O night and day





some parts of the earth are closer to the sun tan other parts leading to different seasons

1. Two plant species grow together in an oak savanna. One is fairly long-lived and produces few large seeds. The other is short-lived and produces many small seeds. a. What are the ecological advantages and disadvantages of each




took the test


Large seeds advantages:

They have a higher chance of germination and thriving.

Large seeds disadvantages:

They can not easily spread to new areas.

Small seed advantages:

They can spread easier to new areas.

Small Seed disadvantages:

They have a lower chance of surviving.

Large and small seeds main difference resides in their structure. The structure allows them to survive or to cover new areas. The disadvantage is that it can only do one of the two things.

Large seeds, as they are larger:

They have a structure that allows them to store more energy than small seeds. As a consequence, they have more elements to thrive and grow into a plant than small ones.Due to their size, they are heavier. They do not spread as far as the others.

Small seeds :

They do not have enough energy to grow, so they need more aid from the environment than large ones. In other words, their chances of survival are lower.The advantage is that they can colonize wide areas due to their lightness. So, even though they are small, they spread easier and cover more territory than large seeds.

To sum up, small seeds have a lower chance of survival, but they are more and cover longer distances. While large ones have a higher chance of survival, but they are fewer and cover short distances.

Learn more at:


In adolescent years, a person's sense of identity

A. Is still being developed.

B. has already been fully developed.

C. changes on a regular basis

D. is determined by his or her culture.

E. Other:


A. I think answer correct.

compared to parasympathetic ganglia, sympathetic ganglia are __________.


Compared to parasympathetic ganglia, sympathetic ganglia are autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system that prepare the body for emergency situations, such as: defense or flight reactions to a dangerous situation.

In the parasympathetic ganglia, the axons of neurons are characterized by being very long and reach the very structure of the target organ before making contact with the second neuron.

On the other hand, these ganglia activate the parasympathetic system that has to do with energy recovery situations such as: activating digestive secretions, reducing blood flow to the brain, which causes drowsiness.

In the sympathetic ganglia, axons originate from neurons located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord and exit through the anterior roots of the spinal nerves, along with those of the motor neurons.

These ganglia activate the sympathetic system that prepares the body for dangerous situations causing: increased heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, etc.

Therefore, we can conclude that compared to parasympathetic ganglia, sympathetic ganglia are autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system that prepare the body for emergency situations.

Learn more here:

please help I really ask for your help.what insects don't have biting and chewing mouth parts.​


moth and butterflies have a different, unique form of mouthparts
Worm insect butterfly




pretty sure that is the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.


This says it's produces energy through cellular respiration.

In camellia plants, flower color is controlled by a single gene with codominant alleles. A camellia plants with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a camellia plant with white flowers (WW). What are the expected phenotypes of the offspring of this cross?



All will have both red and white flowers because the incomplete dominance have two combined alleles given for the offspring with intermediate phenotypes. Then offspring will be pink coloured while in codominance all alleles are expressed in phenotype in the offspring together so the red and white flowers both will be shown.


the failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis is called:



Nondisjunction in Meiosis: Nondisjunction occurs when homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis, resulting in an abnormal chromosome number.

2. What is a gene? ________________________________________________________
3. What is the difference between gametes and body cells? ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Each person’s DNA is unique except for who?________________________________________________________________________
5. How does each gene code for a protein?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Look at the picture of the nucleus, chromosome, and gene and infer what the relationship is of the three things? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



2).a gene is a basic unit of heredity and a sequence of nucleotides in DNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein

What element is found in liver and is needed to prevent anemia?



Iron (Fe)


lon khoáng nào đóng vai trò đặc biệt quan trọng trong quá trình đông máu?



1. Xét nghiệm yếu tố đông máu để làm gì?

Để đánh giá khả năng đông máu như thế nào và quá trình đông máu kéo dài trong thời gian bao lâu, các bác sĩ sẽ tiến hành xét nghiệm các yếu tố đông máu.

Quá trình đông máu sẽ bảo vệ cơ thể bạn khi bị chảy máu. Tuy nhiên, nếu một cục máu đông hình thành trong tĩnh mạch bình thường thì đây là điều hết sức nguy hiểm vì có thể khiến cho dòng máu bị chặn đến tim, não, phổi.

Khi thực hiện xét nghiệm các yếu tố đông máu, sẽ biết được nguy cơ bạn bị chảy máu quá nhiều khi bị thương hay không hoặc có nguy cơ bị đột quỵ không.

banner image

2. Các yếu tố đông máu gồm những gì?


Fibrinogen là yếu tố ảnh hưởng lớn đến quá trình đông máu

Sau đây là các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình đông máu:

I - Fibrinogen: Fibrinogen là huyết tương có trọng lượng phân tử là 340.000, hòa tan được. Yếu tố này có mặt trong huyết tương với nồng độ là từ 100-700mg/ 100mL. Đa số Fibrinogen được tạo ra ở gan, vì thế đối với những bệnh nhân bị bệnh gan thì lượng Fibrinogen giảm trong máu tuần hoàn, sự đông máu bị ngăn cản.

II- Prothrombin: Prothrombin là protein huyết tương có trọng lượng phân tử là 68.700, có mặt trong huyết tương với nồng độ là 15mg/100mL. Gan sản xuất Prothrombin liên tục, chính vì vậy nếu gan bị suy yếu, lượng prothrombin sẽ giảm, gây ức chế sự đông máu.

III- Thromboplastin mô: Yếu tố này tham gia vào cơ chế đông máu ngoại sinh, thay thế phospholipid tiểu cầu và các yếu tố huyết tương. Bên cạnh đó, thromboplastin còn có tác dụng chống nhiễm khuẩn.

IV- Ca++: Quá trình đông máu không thể không có mặt của loại ion này.

V- Proaccelerin: Khi có nhiều ion Ca++ thì yếu tố này mất hoạt tính. Khi không có proaccelerin, người ta điều chế huyết tương bằng cách để lâu huyết tương lấy từ máu chống đông với oxalat.

VII- Proconvertin: Trọng lượng phân tử của yếu tố này là 60.000. Hoạt tính của yếu tố này trong huyết tương sẽ bị giữ lại trên màng lọc amiang;

VIII- Antihemophilic A: Để tổng hợp yếu tố này, phụ thuộc vào rất nhiều gen trong các nhiễm sắc thể khác nhau. Thường thì antihemophilic được tổng hợp chủ yếu từ gan, lá lách và hệ thống võng nội mô. Khi thiếu ion Ca++ thì yếu tố này mất hoạt tính. Đây là yếu tố chống huyết hữu B;

IX- Antihemophilic B: Chống huyết hữu A.

X- Stuart: Stuart có trong huyết tương, ở dưới dạng không hoạt động. Trong quá trình đông máu nội sinh có sự tham gia của yếu tố này. Khi cho thromboplastin mô vào quá trình đông máu ngoại sinh, sẽ không còn yếu tố stuart.

XI- Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent (PTA): Quá trình khởi phát đông máu nội sinh không thể thiếu yếu tố PTA.

XII- Hageman: Động lực để tạo thành một loạt phản ứng dẫn đến đông máu là sự tiếp xúc giữa yếu tố XII với mặt trong mạch máu tổn thương cùng sự có mặt của phospholipid tiểu cầu. Bên cạnh chức năng hoạt hóa hệ đông máu, Hageman còn hoạt hóa hệ đông máu, hệ bổ thể và hệ chống đông.

XIII - Fibrin Stabilizing Factor ( FSF): yếu tố này có hoạt tính bền vững trong huyết tương, ổn định fibrin.


how long does it take for sperm to fertilize an egg?



It takes about 24 hours for sperm to fertilize an egg....


When the sperm penetrates the egg, the surface of the egg changes so that no other sperm can enter. At the moment of fertilization, the baby's genetic makeup is complete, including whether it's a boy or girl...

I need help asap please ​



A pet exposed to a high level of toxin within a short time may be affected by acute toxicity

By which time period did the average
temperature across Earth's surface rise
1.62 degrees F above the 20th century
average, the hottest period in the 136-
year average?
A. 1300s
B. 1500s
C. 1700s
D. 2000s



C. 1700s


hejejsjnffbfbehsjjdhsvhwiwihsbrb trust me


C. 1700s


How has the average temperature on Earth changed over time?

Earth's temperature has risen by 0.14° F (0.08° C) per decade since 1880, and the rate of warming over the past 40 years is more than twice that: 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade since 1981. ... From 1900 to 1980 a new temperature record was set on average every 13.5 years; from 1981–2019, a new record was set every 3 years.

Group of different tissues working together to do a job





cell tissue organ organ system organism

The answer is an organ

During a biology lab you are asked to look at an animal and
a bacterial cell under a microscope and document what
components they both share in common. Which of the
following is NOT a feature that all cells have in common?

2.cell membrane
3.cell wall



2. Cell wall


animals and some other organisms don't have cell walls, unlike plants (which has cellulose cell walls), bacteria (which has murein or peptidoglycan cell walls), etc.

and this one pls thx ill mark brainliest


Answer: the brain already knows what to do.


brainilest me

what happens if the cell membrane does not pinch inward during telophase?



It doesn’t pinch in for a plant cell because a plant cell has a cell wall. It grows a cell plate

I’m animals cells it should pinch in, but if it doesn’t, the cell can’t divide and you just end up with one cell containing 2 nuclei

Why is it important for each cell to be surrounded by a cell membrane that prevents large molecules from leaving the cell?​



because cell membrane protect the cell

Why is human blood red and not blue such as squid & snail blood?
Hemoglobin contains copper that gives the blood the red color when exposed to
Hemoglobin contains magnesium that gives the blood the red color when
exposed to oxygen
Hemoglobin contains iron that gives the blood the red color when exposed to



it contains iron that gives it the red color when exposed to oxygen

Human blood-red and not blue because Hemoglobin contains iron that gives the blood the red color when exposed to oxygen. The correct option is c.

What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a red color pigment that is present in the blood. It contains a heme group that carries oxygen into the body and carries carbon dioxide outside the blood. It is red and in some animals, it is blue because of copper.

Hemoglobin is made up of four protein chains that each bind an additional ring-shaped chemical structure called heme. Our red blood cells are red because of the heme groups in hemoglobin. In turn, our blood is red because of the millions of red blood cells that it contains.

Therefore, the correct option is c. Hemoglobin contains iron that gives the blood a red color when exposed to oxygen.

To learn more about hemoglobin, refer to the link:


Photosynthesis takes place in two separate but dependent series of steps:
First, the light dependent reactions and then the light independent reactions.The light independent reactions (AKA the dark reaction/Calvin cycle) of photosynthesis occurs:

A.Only in the dark in plants

B.In the light and dark in plants

C.Only in the light in plants

D.None of the above



Your answer wold be B: In the light and dark in plants


In the light and dark in plants is the correct answer

The option (B) is correct. In the light and dark in plants.

What do you mean by photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities.

Moreover, photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities.

Hence, the primary function of photosynthesis is to convert solar energy into chemical energy and then store that chemical energy for future use. For the most part, the planet's living systems are powered by this process. It's not particularly efficient by human engineering standards, but it does the job.

Learn more about photosynthesis:


which statement is not true about electrical synapses?


They allow the movement of ion through desmorones

during which part of the cell cycle does dna replication occur?


S phase “I think” hope it helps^_^

Which level of organization includes all the other lovels of organization?



the Biosphere


I searched it up.

Other Questions
Find at least one DEI concept (such as inclusion, social location, equity, intersectionality, privilege, etc.) that you now understand differently based on what you've learned this semester, and explain how you see it differently now.Where do you see the complications or complexity of that situation?How has your understanding of that idea changed or developed?Identify one fixed mindset statement you made or thought earlier in the semester that you would like to change. Note: It might be helpful to review the material you looked at from our first module on Growth Mindset. Why do you want to change this statement?How can you take steps to change this fixed mindset to a growth mindset? Reescribe cada oracin utilizando los signos de puntuacin necesarios. Recuerda escribir letra mayscula donde corresponda. jvenes necesito que me preste atencin DUE BY 11:59 PM!!HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED!! Describe the location of the Byzantine Empire relative to two bodies of water ARTS21. In sculpting, you can use any material we see around us as long as it is capable of being shaped in.a one dimensionb. two dimensions c. three dimensions d. all of the above.22. In making a paper bag manually, this picture shows what direction?a. Punch the hole and attach the yarn.b. Tuck in both sides following the fold.c. Glue the edges, then flatten the paper.d. Design the paper bag.23. The software "blender" can be used to create digital sculpting. Which part can let you modify a function, an option or a value?a. Editorb. Panelsc. Regionsd. Controls24. is a packaging software with unique set of tools for 3D packaging design madespecifically for packaging artwork.a. Studiob. Geomagicc. ZBrushd. Sculptris In 'Any Human to Another," Cullen describes that when people share each other's grief, they gain some comfortWhich lines from the poem best convey this thought?O "The ills I sorrow at / Not me alone / Like an arrow, / Pierce to the marrowO "Your every grief / Like a blade/Shining and unsheathed / Must strike me down."O "Let no man be so proud / And confident,/ To think he is allowed / A little tent""Your grief and minel Must intertwinel Like sea and river" use the picture to figure out the combination, will choose brainliest Why did the Scientific Revolution not take place in the Middle East.Use IDC to answer this open answer question. I- IdentifyD- Describe C- Connect x + 12 = 20 i really need help In which diagram are angles 1 and 2 vertical angles? Express 1.19 as a percent. I am kind of stuck on this one and I need help. if y=x^3+3 find the value of y when x=2 Calculate the volume of a similar channel whose radius 1.5m. I need help in checking is A is correct and please send B with working if possible 3 first to answer gets ranked What negative aspect of modern-day mining does the cartoon show? The rows in the periodic table are called periods. What is true about elements in the same period? Alejandro Kirk is the catcher for the Blue Jays baseball team. He exerts a forward force on the 0.145-kg baseball to bring it to rest from a speed of 38.2 m/s. During the process, his hand recoils a distance of 0.135 m.Determine is the acceleration of the ball.Determine the force applied by Alejandro. clara has a positive acceleration for 5 minutes Which of the following molecules includes all the other types on the list?A) disaccharide B) polysaccharide C) starch D) carbohydrate in the late 19th century, farmers desired "cheap money" policies because farmers believed that rising prices for their crops would What is needed for natural selection to occur? select all that apply.