Read this paragraph from I Never Had It Made.

Branch Rickey lost that fight, but when he became the boss of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943, he felt the time for equality in baseball had come. He knew that achieving it would be terribly difficult. There would be deep resentment, determined opposition, and perhaps even racial violence. He was convinced he was morally right, and he shrewdly sensed that making the game a truly national one would have healthy financial results. He took his case before the startled directors of the club, and using persuasive eloquence, he won the first battle in what would be a long and bitter campaign. He was voted permission to make the Brooklyn club the pioneer in bringing blacks into baseball.

What is the author’s purpose for including this paragraph?

to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s professional career
to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s determination


Answer 1
The author’s purpose for including this paragraph is to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s determination
Answer 2
to inform his readers of hi determination

Related Questions

create a brainstorm of 20 words based on the topic rain. Then, use the words from the brainstorm to write a 8 sentence expository Paragraph.


Topic Sentence: What is rain?
Statement: Rain is water that is cold, wet, and clear liquids that comes from clouds.
Detail/Explain: Did you know rain is created by the water cycle?



I am only helping to create a draft for you none more :)



Topic Sentence: What is rain?

1. (a) Statement: Rain is water that is cold, wet, and clear liquids that comes from clouds.

2. Detail/Explain: Did you know rain is created by the water cycle?

2. (a) Statement: The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth.

3. Detail/Explain: Predicting rainfall amounts from types of cloud.

3. (a) Statement: By looking at whether the cloud is expanding or dissipating, we can predict weather with clouds, particularly predict if a storm is approaching. For example, smaller clouds may only bring morning dew or "fair weather", while clouds that are of substantial size may produce spits of rain throughout the whole day.

4. (a) Detail/Explain: Why is rain important?

Closing: Rain, and others, is a key element in the Earth's water cycle, which is vital to all life on Earth. Rainfall is the main way that the water in the skies comes down to Earth, where it fills our lakes and rivers, recharges the underground aquifers, and provides drinks to plants and animals.

Cheese cap cheese and dip dip please don’t add any of the beans to the bread and I can make you dip the chips dip dip with you I can do that for me too lol I don’t know if I have a big black guy or brown green brown white green brown green green brown white green beans brown brown green green beans brown green green bell green green beans green brown brown orange brown brown green beans brown brown green orange green green beans


PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?
Help I give brain



In this informational text, Shawn E. Hanscom discusses how the first Service Flag was created and how it honors soldiers in war.

As you read, take notes on what the Service Flag represents to those who display it.

Write a nonfiction paragraph about a reptile or insect that interests you. Underline the subjects of each sentence and circle the verbs.




Search up animals that you like and see which one that relates to yuou because only you know you

_Hognose_snakes_ can come in many different patterns and morphs. _They_ are both kept in captivity and in the wild. _Hognoses_ have the defense mechanism of (playing) dead. To accomplish this, _they_ (roll) over, (open) their mouths, and (lie) still.

(Circled words) _Underlined_words_
You may need to rewrite bits and this might be too short, as well as I may have missed some things to underline and circle.
Good luck! :)

i need help please would the correct answer choice be C?



It would be A.


Antonyms are opposites.

Coward and Valiant are antonyms.


i think it C sorry if is wrong


Can you please help me answer the questions down below. Pease read the text below to help you. Thank you so much!

2. How well does Sassoon think the war is being run? Provide quotes to help explain your view.

3. What is Sassoon's attitude towards the war, as shown in this extract? Provide quotes to support your view.

4. How realistic is Sassoon's portrayal of England? Explain your answer.

5. Why is Sassoon thinking of England in this situation?

6. Give three examples of poetic techniques which have been used in this excerpt. Explain their effect on the reader.

7. Based on the evidence in both extracts, what do you think a dug-out is?​



2. How well does Sassoon think the war is being run? Provide quotes to help explain your view. Sassoon thinks the war is being run very well.

3. What is Sassoon's attitude towards the war, as shown in this extract? Provide quotes to support your view. YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THE PART WHERE HID ATTITUDE WAS SHOWN. THX

4. How realistic is Sassoon's portrayal of England? Explain your answer. It seems real as in reality, it seem like it would have actually happened.

5. Why is Sassoon thinking of England in this situation?

6. Give three examples of poetic techniques which have been used in this excerpt. Explain their effect on the reader.

7. Based on the evidence in both extracts, what do you think a dug-out is?​


you have to put the rest of the story here, I don't know it but if can right the story in the comments i can finish answering it.

well stink stink i don't think i can help you

Refer to your Expeditions in Reading book for a completo version of this text.
Read the excerpt from "Go, John Glenn!"
He thought of astronaut Alan Shepard, strapped into his capsule, waiting for launch a year earlier. "Why don't you
fix your little problem ... and light this candle?" Shepard had asked Mission Control, Glenn smiled at the memory.
Which response best describes the excerpt?
A writer provides a secondhand account of the Friendship 7 mission.
It is a firsthand description of Glenn's first trip into space,
It is a secondhand account of Shepard's words to Mission Control as he waited to launch
Shepard provides a firsthand account of the problems that had to be addressed before take-off.



the first choice


this is english not maths i dont think this even needs an explanation

What good thing came out of the
porcupine incident? (hatchet)



A porcupine has attacked him with hundreds of painful quills. After pulling all the quills out one by one, Brian cries in misery and loses his will to survive. When he can cry no more, it dawns on him that crying and self-pity accomplish nothing.


Answer: n Chapter 8, Brian wakes up in the middle of the night to a hissing sound and a terrible smell in his little shelter. He thinks it's a snake and throws his hatchet at it. The hatchet misses, hitting the wall and making a shower of sparks, and the creature gets closer. It's not a snake, it's a porcupine. Brian kicks at it, but the porcupine sticks him in the leg with its tail and runs off.

It's while he's pulling the porcupine quills out of his leg that Brian learns what becomes his most important lesson. He's understandably down in the dumps about being stranded and now stung by a porcupine, but then ''he learned the most important rule of survival, which was that feeling sorry for yourself didn't work.'' It won't get the quills out of his leg and won't make fire, so Brian decides to stop it entirely and get to work. Once he's all cried out and quill-free, Brian gets back to sleep.

Brian's Dream

Unlike a lot of Brian's other dreams over the course of Hatchet, the dream he has after getting stung isn't about his mother's affair, or even really about any event from his past. First, Brian sees his father in a living room, making scratching gestures and trying to say something to Brian. Brian is frustrated and can't understand what his father is saying when the dream transitions to a park scene with his friend Terry.


Which statement is true?

A) Historical fictional stories are completely made up.

B) Historical fictional stories are completely true.

C) Historical fictional stories are based on real people or events.

D) If a story has true parts in it, it is not fictional.


Try answer (A)

Ex: This question is tricky, (D) for example, could look like an answer but its purpose is to trick you and doubt (A)

If a fiction uses any real parts of history, its still remains to be fiction.

While (A) proves that fiction are made up.

Which line best supports the writer’s opinion that Kamen has done things that have never been done before?


Answer: Well first off, what was the writers opinion? What you need to do is pick the answer that describes that Kamen has done never before things


Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs.
Think about the characteristics of Elizabeth and Darcy at the beginning of the novel and at the end. How do they change throughout the course of the novel? What do you think the author is saying through the development of these characters? In your response, describe the primary features of the characters at the beginning of the novel, the basic process by which they change, and their characteristics at the end of the novel. Then, explain what you think the author is trying to say through the changes in Elizabeth and Darcy.
Cite specific examples from the novel in your response. Use the notes you take and the questions you answer in the Student Guide to help you formulate your response.
You will hand in your completed response on the final day of this unit.


First answer: Darcy and Elizabeth are the main couple that appear on the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Both characters, among their qualities, exhibit some flaws. In fact, both characters are victims to the two flaws mentioned in the title: they are proud and prejudiced.

Darcy is particularly proud, bordering on arrogant. He believes himself to be a worthy gentleman, and thinks little of people he considers to be inferior to him. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is particularly prejudiced, and she is quick to judge others. However, as the two get to know each other, they become more aware of their flaws, and their love helps them become better people.

Second answer :At the beginning of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is presented as being proud (and arrogant) while Elizabeth Bennett is decidedly prejudice (she is depicted as being quick to judge others).  Furthermore, Darcy is also presented as being prejudiced against people of lower social standing than himself while Elizabeth demonstrates a remarkable measure of personal pride.  Over the course of the novel, both Darcy and Elizabeth begin to fall in love with each other and, in turn, realize their own character faults.  As she learns about Darcy and his life, she realizes that she is overly judging of others. Darcy, on the other hand, realizes - especially when Elizabeth turns down his initial marital proposal - that he is overly and unreasonably proud and arrogant.  Through her depiction of the changes that Elizabeth and Darcy go through, Austen is demonstrating the manner in which love between a couple can shift their understandings of the world and, moreover, themselves.  

NO LINKS! Please help!
What are some songs that relate to "A Wrinkle In Time"???



Count on me by Bruno Mars and, Lost boy by Ruth b


In the story, the characters count on each other and the song is literally named after that.  The characters get lost in another dimension.

pls help would it be A or B?



The option that you have chosen B is absolutely correct.

it’s D. ‘The dark, fragrant cave held several
thousand bats.’ makes sense. Whenever you read commas, imagine a pause. If you read it as ‘The dark fragrant cave held several.(pause) thousand bats.’ it just sounds weird.

Part C
Review your draft for pacing and sentence variety. Choose one sentence to revise either the pacing or sentence structure. In the space provided, list your original sentence, the revision, and an explanation of why you chose to revise that sentence.



i don't get why you needed help when you did it correctly which btw, good job.


ok so i don’t really know what yu mean but if yu really put your mind into it, it will get yu thinking n then yu will answer it

How does Mr. Lacey's visit to the kennel move the plot forward in "Stray"?

He decides that Doris can keep the dog because the kennel would be an unsafe place for him.

He decides that he should leave the dog to an unknown fate at the kennel.

He decides that the dog can live with them even though the kennel would be a good place for it to stay.

He decides that Doris can go to the kennel and visit the dog every week until it is adopted.





He decides that Doris can go to the kennel and visit the dog every week until it is adopted. He decides that the dog can live with them even though the kennel would be a good place for it to stay.

it’s D! I did this question and guessed “D” it was right

What would be a good word to
describe Brian’s emotional reaction to
the challenge of the porcupine attack? in hatchet



he feels hurt


shocked explantion none needed

PLZ ANSWER GOOD QUESTION Part C Who are the major characters in the story? In 75 to 100 words, identify the major characters and explain why you believe these characters can be grouped together. Use any types of characterization you have learned about. Be sure to use details from the story to support your answer.

Read this :



Violet, Peony, "Mamma", and snow sister.

Violet and Peony are the most major characters, as they are why our focus is given to mamma and why snow sister is made. Mamma is only elicited our attention when she is giving a reaction to the children's actions; and our focus is somewhat shifted to her throughout the story. Snow sister is a major player because of the effect she causes on the characters, especially mamma.

Hopes this helps ^^

In which sentence are all of the words spelled correctly?
A) Although the singer was not well nown, there were many people at the concert.

B) Althouh the singer was not well known, there were many people at the concert.

C) Although the singer was not well known, their were many people at the concert.

D) Although the singer was not well known, there were many people at the concert.



Its Option No.D .


D don't have any words that are incorrect

The correct answer is D.

Where should the dashes go?

At 550 feet, the High Roller located in Las Vegas, Nevada is the tallest Ferris wheel in the United States.



Ferris-wheel, High-Roller


Same word, split. Have a great day! :)

stink stink how do you not know this you're in middle school

Help me please,
I am doing a form for my class, but I can't seem to understand the last two questions. It would be greatly appreciated if one could help with my questions.

Question one: What is the tone of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address?
Question two: What is the subject of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address?

JFK's Inaugural Address Link:

Your puzzled neibor student,



1. his tone was to confidence at home and respect abroad

he shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.


i think




Yay keep it up the good work!

Pls help me with this. im really bad at this and i need to redo it for a better grade because i tried to do it the first by my self and the teacher gave me an F and said i can redo it for a better grade
we real cool by Gwendolyn brooks and the mending wall by robert frost poems
comparing and contrasting the poems. How are they the same and how are they different. Be sure to talk about the conflict, characterization, or setting in each poem, differences between the speakers in the poems, both poems’ use of at least one literary technique (sensory language, figurative language), and differences between the structures of the poems (stanzas, rhyming, rhythm). I would create one paragraph on how they are the same and one paragraph about how they are different.


Poem??? There will be some on safari you could copy

A book about George Washington meeting a made-up character named Susie is considered________.

A) fantasy fiction, because Susie is a made-up character

B) historical fiction, because George Washington was a real person

C) nonfiction, because George Washington was a real person

D) nonfiction, because George Washington really met Susie



B) historical fiction, because George Washington was a real person



B) historical fiction, because George Washington was a real person

So for anyone who did the Snowday (Being stranded at school) can you help me with lock 7?



yes please tell me what to help with


just tell me what you want to ask

rephrase this for me plz for 100 points
(it can be 2-3 or more sentence plz help asap)
(also plz put effort and plz dot answer if your not actually
gonna answer it because this important)

Pandas play a crucial role in China's bamboo forests by spreading seeds and helping the vegetation to grow. So by saving pandas, we will also be saving so much more. We will be helping to protect not only these unique forests but also the wealth of species that live in them.The panda’s habitat is also important for the livelihoods of local communities, who use it for food, income, fuel for cooking and heating, and medicine. And for people across the country.



pandas are very important in china they help grow food and create more space by eating bamboo. so by helping pandas we would be helping alot of panda located areas such as china with food, income, fuel and medicine.


Pandas really help spread seeds and they help plants grow. If we save pandas, we will also save other species and people who use the food from their habitat.

Can you please help me answer the questions down below. Pease read the text below to help you. Thank you so much!

2. How well does Sassoon think the war is being run? Provide quotes to help explain your view.

3. What is Sassoon's attitude towards the war, as shown in this extract? Provide quotes to support your view.

4. How realistic is Sassoon's portrayal of England? Explain your answer.

5. Why is Sassoon thinking of England in this situation?

6. Give three examples of poetic techniques which have been used in this excerpt. Explain their effect on the reader.

7. Based on the evidence in both extracts, what do you think a dug-out is?​




I’m in science class right now. What a coincidence!!!!

Read this paragraph from I Never Had It Made.
Branch Rickey lost that fight, but when he became the boss of the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943, he felt the time for equality in baseball had come. He knew that achieving it would be terribly difficult. There would be deep resentment, determined opposition, and perhaps even racial violence. He was convinced he was morally right, and he shrewdly sensed that making the game a truly national one would have healthy financial results. He took his case before the startled directors of the club, and using persuasive eloquence, he won the first battle in what would be a long and bitter campaign. He was voted permission to make the Brooklyn club the pioneer in bringing blacks into baseball.

What is the author’s purpose for including this paragraph?

to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s professional career
to inform readers about Branch Rickey’s determination



The author's purpose for including this paragraph is to explain the resistance that Branch Rickey willingly took on in an effort to being the process of ending segregation in Major League Baseball. This paragraph serves to explain that there were people off the field who also helped revolutionize the game.

Brainliest plz

The second answer is the answer. Even though he knew that it would be hard to accomplish what he needed to do he kept on trying. He tried and tried.

How is Brian showing optimism at the end of chapter 8? (Hatchet)



When he figures out how to create sparks, Brian gets very happy and excitedly continues on with his duties.


Brian examines the wall where the hatchet hit and finds a harder, darker stone that caused the hatchet to spark. He quickly learns that he can make sparks by swinging the hatchet against the stone. Delighted, Brian believes that he will be able to make a fire.

The creation of the sparks is the most significant use of the hatchet so far, representing a new phase in Brian's independent identity. Taking on this exciting new task brings Brian joy and a sense of purpose.

He takes a figure sparks

In “ The Landlady “ the narrator tells the story from whose viewpoint?
A) The narrator
B) Billy Weaver
C) The Landlady
D) The author


It’s billy weaver.the story is third person limited btw

can some body get the story "the tell tale heart" by edgar allen poe for me please



Where do we get it from


iT’s TRue! yes, i have been ill,
very ill. But why do you say that I have lost control of my mind, why do you say that I am mad? Can you not see that I have full control of my mind? Is it not clear that I am not mad? Indeed, the illness only made my mind, my feelings, my senses stronger, more powerful. My sense of hearing especially became more powerful. I could hear sounds I had never heard before. I heard sounds from heaven; and I heard sounds from hell!

Listen! Listen, and I will tell
you how it happened. You will see, you will hear how healthy my mind is.
It is impossible to say how the idea first entered my head. There was no reason for what I did. I did not hate the old man; I even loved him. He had never hurt me. I did not want his money. I think it was his eye. His eye was like the eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terrible birds that watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it. When the old man looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up and down my

Can you please help me answer the questions down below. Pease read the text below to help you. Thank you so much!

2. How well does Sassoon think the war is being run? Provide quotes to help explain your view.

3. What is Sassoon's attitude towards the war, as shown in this extract? Provide quotes to support your view.

4. How realistic is Sassoon's portrayal of England? Explain your answer.

5. Why is Sassoon thinking of England in this situation?

6. Give three examples of poetic techniques which have been used in this excerpt. Explain their effect on the reader.

7. Based on the evidence in both extracts, what do you think a dug-out is?​


first one is charles dickens is dead i think then micheal jordan scored a swish
Other Questions
For any line, if you draw two right triangles using the line as the hypotenuse, do the triangles have to be similar? Why or why not? x =8226298when answering this can you explain how you got the answer so i can stop asking brainly. HELP QUICK!!! I Really need the answer l'll give you ten points. Choose the best word to complete the phrase. ____ (I see) la librera. Voy Ves Veo Vo. How much Ba(OH)2, in grams, is needed to make a 1.00m aqueous solution? which process within the earth's compresses strata Tim bought 3.6 pounds of flour for a cake and paid $8.50. What was the cost per pound? 4. After Peter the Greats handling of the rebellion choose one of the following perspectives and discuss how they would portray the scene:A Russian peasant in MoscowA visiting foreign priest such as Bishop BurnetA fellow conspirator who escaped Peters punishment of the conspirators Which of the following typically increases the rate of a chemical reaction? avoiding the use of a catalyst B heating the reaction C increasing the volume of the reaction vessel D decreasing the concentration of the reactants Read the quote from Immanuel Kant.Sapere Aude! [Dare to know!] Have courage to use your own understanding. That is the motto of enlightenment.According to the quote, the Enlightenment encourages people tofor themselves. Read the excerpt from A Short Walk Around the Pyramids and through the World of Art.The Parthenon.Parthenon, high on a hill, catches the first light of morning. The carvers wanted the sight of that golden light washing across the horse and a line of other gods to be unforgettable. And so they coaxed the images of their gods out of the marble with such tenderness that they gave the world an example of ideal beauty. Each figure is as calm and as refined as our minds can imagine. They are so noble and quiet that they do seem godly and perfect companions for the noble, quiet temple.Which important detail does the photograph best help readers understand?(A) "Each figure is as calm and as refined as our minds can imagine."(B) "the sight of that golden light washing across the horse and a line of other gods to be unforgettable"(C) "Parthenon, high on a hill, catches the first light of morning."(D) "they gave the world an example of ideal beauty"(ANSWER FAST ITS A TEST AND ITS TIMED!!!) Help MEEEEE PLEASEEE Hello everyone! I have to do this HW assignment and I have no idea how to do this and what the answer is. Please help ASAP! ASAP 50 POINTSWhich of these would be the best heading for all of the following subheadings in a book about peppers: "Ease joint pain," "Fight fat," "Heal heart problems," and "Process food"?A.Types of peppersB.Medical uses for peppersC.PeppersD.Origins of peppers PLZ HELP I Will Give points if you answer correctly No links plz just the answer school x and school y play each other in a competition school x has eight more than school yschool x has three times as many points as school many points does each school have ? hello guyz who ever answers will get 100 pts Question 9 of 10____funds are used to pay for small, unforeseen expenses.A. Emergency B. Money market C. Equity D. Variable Which is the most famous book of the philosopher Alexis karpouzos? I think it is the ''Cosmology, philosophy and physics''. I have my final exam soon 29/11/2021 , thank you all who helped me in math :>