Read the passage and answer the question. What conclusion can you draw about the actual reason Gerber was fired? He was fired because he committed a crime and was arrested. He was fired because he did not follow post office employee rules. He was fired because he was gay. He was fired because he worked for another organization.


Answer 1


evolved significantly over time. Until 1962, all 50 states criminalized same-sex sexual activity, but by 2003 all remaining laws against same-sex sexual activity had been invalidated. Beginning with Massachusetts in 2004, by 2015, LGBT Americans had won the right to marry in all 50 states. Additionally, in many states and municipalities, LGBT Americans are explicitly protected from discrimination in employment, housing, and access to public accommodations.

LGBT rights in the U.S.

USA orthographic.svg

United States


Legal nationwide since 2003

(Lawrence v. Texas) Legal in some areas since 1962

Gender identity

Laws vary by jurisdiction


Sexual orientation: Yes

Transgender Status: Yes (since 2021)

Intersex status: No

"Don't ask, don't tell" policy repealed on September 20, 2011

Transgender ban repealed January 25, 2021

(DoDI) 6130.03, 2018, section 5, 13f and 14m

Discrimination protections

Sexual orientation and gender identity in employment nationwide since June 2020, as a result of Bostock v. Clayton County and Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC .

Laws vary by jurisdiction, but most states lack protections against LGBT discrimination outside of employment. Federal protections are proposed under the Equality Act.

Family rights

Recognition of relationships

Same-sex marriage is legal nationwide since 2015 (disputed in American Samoa, pending court ruling)[1] and some tribal nations

(Obergefell v. Hodges) Recognized by the federal government since 2013

(United States v. Windsor).


Legal in 50 states since 2016

Many LGBT Americans still continue to face legal and social challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents, particularly in states with large conservative populations, such as in the Deep South, many parts of the Midwest, in rural areas, and in some Native American tribal nations.

Many LGBT rights in the United States have been established by the United States Supreme Court. In five landmark rulings between the years 1996 and 2020, the Supreme Court invalidated a state law banning protected class recognition based upon homosexuality, struck down sodomy laws nationwide, struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, made same-sex marriage legal nationwide, and prohibited employment discrimination against gay and transgender employees.

LGBT-related anti-discrimination law regarding housing and private and public services varies by state, leaving residents of some states unprotected. Twenty-three states plus Washington, D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and twenty-two states plus Washington, D.C. outlaw discrimination based on gender identity or expression.[2] The Equality Act, which is currently proposed in the United States Congress, would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity nationwide.[3]

Family law also varies by state. Adoption of children by same-sex married couples is legal nationwide since June 2015 following the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (though Mississippi did not have its same-sex adoption ban struck down by a federal court until March 2016).[4][5] Policies regarding adoption vary greatly between jurisdictions. Some states allow adoption by all couples, while others ban all unmarried couples from adoption.[6]

Hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity are punishable by federal law under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, but many states lack state-level hate crime laws that cover sexual orientation and/or gender identity. LGBT people of color face the highest rates of discrimination and hate crimes, especially trans women of color.[7]

Civil rights for LGBT people in the United States are advocated by a variety of organizations at all levels and concentrations of political and legal life, including the Human Rights Campaign,[8] Lambda Legal, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Center for Transgender Equality,[9] and the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Answer 2

Answer: (C) He was fired because he was gay.

Explanation: EDGE 2022

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Read Isaiah 53:6. Select the best description.

Speaks of Jesus being accused of wrong, but He refused to defend Himself. He remained quiet.
Describes the physical mutilation that would occur at the time of the Crucifixion.
Describes the purpose of the death of Christ.
Foretells that the death of Jesus will not be in vain but that God will be satisfied with its results.
Tells us that Jesus was an offering for sin.
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One thing I think we should make very clear. When you are working on a quotation, you should confine yourself to that quotation and nothing unless you are dealing with the clarification of a pronoun -- which you are not in this verse.

All of the answers given are true, but only one of them is true for 53:6. I'm going to quote it from 2 different Bibles. KJV says.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

The second one comes from the Good News Bible -- which I use for my own study purposes.

All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the Lord made the punishment fall on him, the punishment that all of us deserved.

I always choose the Good News Bible when I want to know what something means, but isn't the prose of KJV much more beautiful? So which answer is the one you want? It's very tempting to pick Foretells that the death of Jesus will not be in vain. Strictly speaking, I wouldn't pick it. It says nothing about God being satisfied -- in either version.

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But you still have to get rid of the purpose of the death of Christ. I'm not convinced that this is the wrong answer. These kinds of questions are not mathematics, where you underline one thing and that is your answer. I wouldn't pick it because I don't like the word purpose.  I think it implies that Jesus had a job. His life was not a job. It seems a terribly cold rendition of 53:6

So I've given you three choices. The correct answer is one of the three. I told you the one I would pick. I don't care what Edge has to say. That's the math answer as though the other 2 have no virtue at all. You pick. That's what literature is all about.


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D) Abolishing slavery


:) Brainiest plz

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visible minorities such as black, lgbtq, asian, etc.


Black Americans were their main target


But they also attacked Jews, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ community and I believe now Catholics.

giving brainiest follow likes and ty!!!

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It B

Good luck loveeeeeee

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Answer:Low energy demand and low demand for land- and GHG-intensive consumption goods facilitate limiting warming to as close as possible to 1.5°C. {2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.Missing: Сл ‎| Must include: СлExplanation: did this on a test and got it correct

hi how was your day can i get some help please​



Codex Cairensis (Prophets), pointed by Moses Ben Asher, dated by a colophon 895 CE, contradicted by radiocarbon dating, which indicated an 11th-century date. It is the oldest manuscript bearing the date of its writing; was in Cairo, now in Jerusalem.

What are Edicts? What language was used to write Ashoka’s Edicts?



An edict is a decree or announcement of a law, often associated with monarchism, but it can be under any official authority


Ashokan Prakrit

Languages of the Edicts

Three languages were used: Ashokan Prakrit, Greek (the language of the neighbouring Greco-Bactrian kingdom and the Greek communities in Ashoka's realm) and Aramaic (the official language of the former Achaemenid Empire).

Which theory of government influenced Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of
O divine right theory
O evolutionary theory
O force theory
O social contract theory


D. Social contact theory

2 Where did Thomas Hobbes believe that the government got its power to rule?



government headed by a king was the best form that the sovereign could take


what were 2 laws that Britain made before the revolutionary war



1. The Massachusetts Government Act, which replaced the elective local government with an appointive one and increased the powers of the military governor.

2. Administration of Justice Act, also called Murder Act, British act (1774) that had the stated purpose of ensuring a fair trial for British officials who were charged with capital offenses while upholding the law or quelling protests in Massachusetts Bay Colony.

THOU shalt do no murder.
Who would most likely agree with the message in this image?
OA. Howard Hughes
OB. Desmond Doss
OC. A. Philip Randolph
Cesar Chavez




Out of that list, probably Cesar Chavez. He was an outspoken activist very concerned about the misuse of labor in the agricultural industry. But he is not the best pick. For one thing, he served in the Navy but did not make any moves to oppose  the Navy's police about  shooting the enemy.

Howard Hughes was a plane manufacturer. Likely he didn't care what use the planes were put to -- only that he manufactured them at the lowest cost.

Desmond Doss is your best pick. He went beyond being a conscientious objector. He actively saved lives of the enemy; he certainly saved many American lives.

Phillip Randolph was not necessarily against murder. He was against segregation in the armed forces. Though he did good things that many benefited from, he was not a choice for this law.

Answer:its d


african americans who fled the violence of the reconstruction south in 1879 and 1880 to start anew in kansas were known as





Compare life in the USSR to life in the USA

Must be 5-7 sentences, & I will give Brainliest! :)



In United States, 36.2% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Russia, that number is 23.1% of people as of 2016. In United States, 15.1% live below the poverty line as of 2010. In Russia, however, that number is 13.3% as of 2015.  United States has a GDP per capita of $59,800 as of 2017, while in Russia, the GDP per capita is $27,900 as of 2017.


Which of the following is one branch or part of the government?






(Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)




what other countries celebrate veterans with a special day


Answer: Australia and Canada

Tell me a person biography in the jewish ghettos


Irena sendler has a biography


why is the #13 constitution amendment important using ur own words

pls help



Saan ang question Dyan



Answer: the 13th amendment was very important, as it was passed in january of 1865 it completely abolished slavery in the united states. Lincoln recognized that emancipation proclamation would have to be directly followed by a constitutional amendment, by doing so this guaranteed the abolishment of slavery. Explanation:

how did the activities of farmers on the great plains contribute to the creation of the dust bowl of the 1930s?




And economic pressures in the late 1920s pushed farmers on the Great Plains to plow under more and more native grassland. Farmers had to have more acres of corn and wheat to make ends meet. them into the air, until the entire field was blowing away. The result was the Dust Bowl.

emily rosenbaum found that hispanics and asians in new york city tended to suffer much higher incidents of asthma than their black counterparts.


Based on research studies, it is False that Emily Rosenbaum found that Hispanics and Asians in New York City tended to suffer much higher incidents of asthma than their black counterparts.

This is because the research findings of Emily Rosenbaum concluded that Puerto Ricans have the highest tendency to suffer from asthma, followed by Hispanics and blacks.

On the other hand, the Mexicans, Chinese, and Asian Indians have the lowest tendency of suffering from asthma.

The research study title is "Racial/Ethnic Differences in Asthma Prevalence: The Role of Housing and Neighborhood Environments."

The research findings were published in June 2008.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "False."

Learn more here:

Bulgaria once belonged to the Soviet ___________, a group of communist countries.


Bulgaria once belonged to the Soviet bloc , a group of communist countries.

After WW2 ended, the United States and the Soviet Union entered what we call the Cold War. This involved all of the democratic countries fighting the communist countries. The bulk of the Soviet Bloc was made up of Eastern European nations such as East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. These nations went through many hardships under Soviet rule, and are still suffering today because of it.

I hope this helps! :)


Soviet Bloc


They were a group of communist countries

What year did the civil war end? Who was president during this time?



American Civil War · End date


Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States during the Civil War.


can i get brainliest

May 13, 1865. The president during this time was Abraham Lincoln

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Based on this excerpt, which feeling is Roosevelt conveying regarding assistance for American allies?



According to Roosevelt, assistance to the American allies was a matter of patriotism.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Roosevelt understood the need for US entry into World War II.This is because the Nazi forces were advancing too far into European territory and once they completely dominated Europe the entire world would be in danger, including the US.In this case, Roosevelt stressed that helping American allies in the war was not a matter of getting involved in Europe's problems, but rather of fighting Nazi forces as a way to protect the United States.

The responsibility to fight for the protection of the American people was an act of patriotism and one that should not be forgotten or ignored.

More information:




Just took test on edmentum/plato and got it right

what european country made voyages of discovery to west africa





-Portuguese explorers landed on the shores of West Africa during the 1430s, after they had begun to build ships that could navigate the shallow waters and strong currents around Cape Bojador, which lies just below the Canary Islands, in the modern nation of Western Sahara.

What forms of government was plato skeptical of?

What was Plato’s solution?



Aristocracy. Aristocracy is the form of government (politeia) advocated in Plato's Republic. This regime is ruled by a philosopher king, and thus is grounded on wisdom and reason.


Plato attacked Athenian democracies for mistaking anarchy for freedom. The lack of coherent unity in Athenian democracy made Plato conclude that such democracies were a mere collection of individuals occupying a common space rather than a form of political organization.

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Japan's culture is substantially derived from Tang Dynasty China. Korea's was strongly influenced by China's art and religion.

How did the Framers address this ratification of the bill of rights in the Constitution?



So, the Constitution's framers heeded Thomas Jefferson who argued: "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference."

describe the impact of the great infloueza pandemic after world war 1



The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster.

Agree or Disagree with the claim, below and explain your answer. Use complete sentences.

Claim: Sacco and Vazetti should not have been convicted of murder and robbery.


Answer: Disagree

Explanation: Sacco and Vanzetti did not receive a fair trial. Sacco and Vanzetti were charged with committing robbery and murder at the Slater and Morrill shoe factory.

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