Read the following passage from the Bible: Daniel 1:8-16 (ESV).

"But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs, and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king.” Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had assigned over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, “Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king's food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see.” So he listened to them in this matter, and tested them for ten days. At the end of ten days it was seen that they were better in appearance and fatter in flesh than all the youths who ate the king's food. So the steward took away their food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables."

Which of the following sentences includes direct characterization for Daniel?

A: Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food
B: So he asked permission from the chief eunuch
C: At the end of ten days they looked better and healthier
D: I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and drink


Answer 1




If you look closer and re-read it many times you can figure out that Daniel was determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food.

Answer 2

The sentence which includes direct characterization for Daniel is Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food as it is including the subject of passage.

What is a direct characterization?

Direct characterization is when an author describes a character in a straightforward manner, as if telling he is  the reader directly.  It is also known as “explicit characterization,” direct characterization involves specific details about a character’s appearance, motivation, job, passions, and/or background, but inhibits the reader from drawing their own conclusions about the character.

It is a powerful weapon in any writer’s arsenal, direct characterization can enhance any story, but  can also hinder it if not handled properly.Direct characterization is a type of literary device used to tell conclusive details about a character to the reader with little or no ambiguity. The idea is that the author is stating a definitive fact about the character, as opposed to more subtle descriptions that leave some things up to the reader’s imagination.

Learn more about direct characterization,here:


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which word in this sentence is a correlative conjuction


C. Either

(Word cap filler)


How do we know that some pattern, rhythm, or meter was present in some of the Psalms?

Many psalms were sung.
The first line of the Psalm states the pattern.
Many musical words and notes are used in the psalms.
Rhythm is detected when a psalm is read aloud.


Answer: 2 Many musical words and notes are used in the psalms


Because I’d you re-read it over you will see it’s psalms and more reread

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precise words
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i believe its precise words. pls tell me if im wrong

Analyze Reread each poem aloud to hear and feel the unstressed and stressed syllables in each line. What qualities does the meter contribute to each poem? Explain. Here are the 2 poems.



Each stanza expresses the emotion of how things come to life and it shows how an object has personification like “heavy sleep” or “silver apples of the moon” it’s giving a exaggeration

The repetition of consonant sounds in other parts of words in a line--not just the beginning but also the middle and end--is called _______.



The answer to your question is consonance

Read the story.

Racing to Race

Carlo stopped to rest for a minute and tried to catch his breath. He’d been running for so long that he had pains in his side and his legs were beginning to hurt. He hunched over and tried to expand his lungs, but it was like trying to suck air out of a bicycle tire. His body was too exhausted to even allow him to take a deep breath, and he started to wheeze again.

“Great,” he thought, “let me just add asthma to my expanding list of ailments. I can’t believe that I can’t even jog two miles without completely collapsing!” He finally gave in to his aching body and laid down on the grass to recuperate. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine himself running on the school track in the 1,600-meter race. He pictured himself running steadily toward the finish line, running effortlessly like a cheetah in the jungle. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even hear Meiya approach.

“Hey sleepyhead, what are you doing napping on Sean’s lawn in the middle of the day?” Meiya asked playfully.

Carlo quickly sat up, breathing normally now and feeling a little embarrassed. “I am trying to get in shape to try out for track, but I can’t even run two miles,” he said dejectedly.

“Wait, how many months are you out of surgery? Didn’t you just finish rehab last week?” Meiya asked. “You can’t expect to run two miles the first day.”

It had been six months since Carlo’s surgery and he specifically remembered the doctor telling him he could start running after six months. But he thought about what Meiya had said and realized she had a good point. After his surgery, the doctor did say rehab would be crucial to his recovery but that it would take time for him to gain back full use of his leg. He thought about how a baby had to learn to walk before it could run. He remembered when his nephew was learning to crawl; within days it seemed like he was walking. Running didn’t come right away, Carlo remembered. He realized it was the same with his therapy. The maximum he had run in the past month was one mile on the treadmill, so he realized that Meiya was probably right. He would have to work at building up his endurance and set more realistic goals for himself. As he thought about what he had already accomplished, he started to smile and felt like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders. He realized that he had run almost a mile and a half before his body started to protest and if he kept working hard, he could get back to where he was before his accident.

“Since when did you get so smart, Dr. Meiya?” he teased. “Do you want to race to the next mailbox?”

“You’re on!” she challenged and took off running at full speed.

Part A

What is a central theme of “Racing to Race?”

A. Hard work and patience will eventually pay off.

B. Exercise can help heal a person’s physical body.

C. Perseverance is something that is difficult to achieve.

D. When people work together, they can accomplish more.
Question 2

Part B

Which statement best shows how the theme identified in Part A is developed in the story?

A. Carlo pictures himself winning a big race on the school track team; when he realizes that he may not be able to run, he is very discouraged and disappointed.

B. Meiya knows that she is faster than Carlo, so she does her best to encourage him and also lets him win a race between them to boost his spirits.

C. Carlo is impatient about his ability to train for track tryouts, but after his conversation with Meiya, he realizes it will take time and work to heal his injury and fully recover.

D. Carlo realizes that he may not be able to compete on the school track team but also discovers that, with time, he will still be able to participate in a sport he loves.


Part A

A. Hard work and patience….

Part B

D.Carlos realizes….

Hope this helps ☺️

Part A: A. Hard work and patience will eventually pay off.

Part B: D. Carlo realizes that he may not be able to compete on the school track team but also discovers that, with time, he will still be able to participate in a sport he loves.

What is the “good news-bad news” situation which happened to allow the family’s wish to come true in the Monkeys Paw?



when they received the 200 pounds


goodnews is that they had received the 200 pounds as wished

bad news is that Herbit, Mr and Mrs. White's son, died in exchange

The good news and bad news situation that happened in the monkey's paw when the family came true is because of the amount of 200 pounds.

What is the news?

The news is information that is received by people who are watching television or listening to radio. It is not compulsory that all the news which a person is listening to is used for that person; some people listen to the news so that they can be aware of what is happening in the whole world

A situation that was happening in the monkey's paw The family's wish came true when they received two types of news; one was good news and the second was bad news.

The good news was that they received 200 pounds as a wish, and at the same time, when the exchange was done by, the family members learned that Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. White's son, had died.

Learn more about  news from here:


What is the motivation of Greg Heffley and Rodrick Heffley in Diary of a Wimpy Kid?



Greg constantly gets in trouble with his mom and dad is wary of his bully of an older brother Rodrick and is jealous of his little brother Mannys ability to get away with anything Greg is often selfish and prioritizes his own self interest, like when he allows Rowley to take the blame for bullying local kindergarteners


Greg gets in trouble for everything manny does and manny gets away with it because he is the youngest and Roderick is always bullying and embarrassing Greg. When their parents try to make them get along rodrick continues to bully Greg and brings Rowley into it because Greg blames him for most things because he is gullible.

From the book the outsiders
how does Ponyboy compare to Ralph in their experiences of moving on? What results for the two characters after the loss of their friends?



She shows him around town and helps him unite with her freinds


HIII how is your mental health (this is for a project be honest please)








Using the information in the following passage, describe how point of view helps create suspense for the reader.

Maya disliked the desert because she was afraid of snakes. She had only agreed to go hiking because her friend Melissa had guaranteed they wouldn't come across any snakes. But even with her friend's promises, instead of enjoying the scenery, Maya was scanning the desert floor for any sign of movement.

"Maya, quit staring at the ground and look at this awesome view," said Melissa, thinking that Maya was being a baby and there was nothing to worry about. Maya knew that Melissa was right, so she tried to relax and enjoy their hike.

Deep in conversation, neither girl heard the rattle of the snake hidden on the trail up ahead.



The point of view makes the story a whole adventure, certain point of views can change the whole story.


I dunno if this helps at all but

Please help me with this question





Bellwether means "a leading sheep in a flock". Seems pretty similar to me.

Answer: bellwether is the correct answer for your question

In the book "Out of my mind", What chapter is the Whiz Kids Game show? ( Help would be very appreciated as I've been looking for this awnser for 20 minutes) ​



Chapter 24-26?


I think it is chapter 24-26. I just got done reading it. so sorry if it wrong


Find the following verse in the Book of Psalms. Study the verse and write the synthetic parallel that the verse uses.

Psalm 111:1





Psalm 111.1 Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart,

I always think the safest way to answer any Biblical question in English is to use the KJV even though I don't. The Bible I use translates it With all my heart I will thank the Lord in the assembly of his people, which does not retain the Synthetic Parallelism.

In the KJV the the thought begins with Praise ye the Lord. The thought is completed by I will Praise the Lord with all my heart.

The second part tells you how the praise is to take place. The general idea is introduced in the first part. The second part completes the thought by saying with my whole heart.

thank u <3

02.10 Kick it Up a Notch

You will revise one body paragraph from your compare and contrast article. You will submit the original paragraph, the revised paragraph, and a short paragraph describing how your revisions improved your writing.

View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission.

Review your informational article. Choose one body paragraph to revise and copy this paragraph into a new document.
Review your paragraph and make sure you have a topic sentence and supporting ideas for this topic.
Combine two or more sentences in your paragraph for varied syntax.
Review your paragraph for correct English language conventions. Correct any errors.
Write one short paragraph describing how your revisions improved your writing.
You will submit:

The original draft of your body paragraph
The revised draft of the same paragraph
A short paragraph describing how your revisions improved your writing

Minutes That Matter and Defeating Dragons are looking for the same: help people. Both groups (projects) help people all the time and they don't ask for money because they love to help people, and both sacrifice their time to help people, because they know that all lives are worthy.
the articles that I used to make that paragraph are: Minutes that matter and defeating dragons
please and thank you for your time :)


Minutes that Matter and Defeating Dragons are working for the same common goal: helping others. Both articles describe groups helping people constantly, consistently, and not asking for money in return, selflessly. Both groups also sacrifice their time and energy towards helping people, because they value everyone's life and happiness.

I included these revisions to add clarity to my writing, correct grammatical errors, and reduce run on sentences. Additionally, I reduced redundancy in the first paragraph.

hope this is okay for you.

How do I do my first body paragraph on an essay about " How My Family Celebrates Holidays and Birthdays " ?

( I just need the structure of it tytysm :D )

Happy holidays ! ( Because New Years is coming up )


Introductory Sentence: This is the first sentence of the body paragraph. It should inform your readers of what you will be talking about in that passage. Make sure to keep it brief. An example of an introductory sentence is, "For holidays, my family sets up the decorations, cooks a meal, and invites all of the relatives over."

Supporting Sentences: These should support your introductory sentence. If you're talking about a holiday celebration, you may want to describe any traditions you have. (There are usually around 5 supporting sentences in each body paragraph.)

Concluding Sentence: This sentence should sum of the main idea of the paragraph and hint at what will be coming in the next passage so you can make a smooth transition.

Main idea
And details
This is how u will

Submit your two-page fictional narrative, written in third person point-of-view. Your story should be centered around a strong character with a clear setting, conflict, climax, and resolution.



If it were me I would just start typing


whenever i get assigned an essay i always spend like a whole day trying to find the perfect opening line. My advice would be just start typing, start in the middle of the story if you have an idea for it. By the time your done writing the middle of your story, you will probably have more ideas for the beginning. Another thing is, is to keep in mind that your story needs to be centered around a strong character and it needs to be in third person. I hope your essay turns out really good, and i hope my advice helped a little.

Based on what you have read of “A Brother’s Quest,” how do you expect Alexander to respond to the events of the play?

Alexander will come to accept Niall's guilt and confront him as the true thief.
Alexander will give in to fear and frame Niall to avoid trouble with Lord Vanderpool.
Alexander will continue to feel doubtful and decide to let events take their course.
Alexander will maintain his loyalty, and search out and investigate another suspect.



I believe its C but let me know if i'm wrong


I am pretty sure tu answer is C

In chapter 24, why is Docter Korczak so desperate for Misha to find the cow, if it even exists?





the cow is a symbol of hope for them in some way


In chapter 24, why is Doctor Korczak so desperate for Misha to find the cow, if it even exists? The cow is a symbol of hope for them in a way, so he's telling Misha to find hope or happiness. ... An author will often use symbolism to emphasize some deeper meaning in his/her story.

Someone please grammatically fix this paragraph ! Tysm :3

" Celebrating holidays in my family can be a classical yet plain at the same time. Depending whether a holiday is popular or not amongst my other relatives - my parents decide to celebrate it or not. A reason behind this is because my family isn't religious. So we aren't really needed to celebrate anything in particular. But we still celebrate for fun ! "

Happy holidays ! Tytysm again guys


Celebrating holidays with my family can be kind of classical and plain at the same time. Depending in whether a holiday is popular or no among mi family's relatives, mi parents decide to either celebrate it or not. The reason behind this is that my family is not religious, so we aren't really in new to celebrate anything in particular (that's religiously related). But we still celebrate some holidays such as Christmas for fun!

Celebrating holidays in my family can be classical, yet plain at the same time. It depends on whether a holiday is popular or not amongst my other relatives. For example if my parents decide to celebrate the holiday or not. The reasoning behind this is due to the fact my family is not religious, so we don’t celebrate any particular holiday. We do celebrate for fun though!

Pls help i put 100 points into this bc I rich XD



I'm not sure what this answer is but, I can help with other problems. The picture is blurry so I can't tell what is what.




chronological order:

a paragraph about the result of studying for an exam.

cause and effect:

a paragraph about what happens when you stay up too late on school nights.

a paragraph about the consequences of not brushing your teeth.

similarity and difference:

a paragraph about your favorite movie and your least favorite movie.

a paragraph about the nutrition of fast food and the nutrition of fast food.

question and answer:

a paragraph about the necessity of school uniforms.