PLZZ HELP 100! points plus brainliest to who can answer and not copy from the internet also don't plagiarize you can quote and paraphrase

In two paragraphs, summarize the contributions of Muslim scholars in the areas of astronomy, medicine, mathematics, and geography. Provide a specific example of a contribution in each field.


Answer 1


"Students at Sankore studied under a single imam. The basic course of learning included the Qur’an, Islamic studies, law, and literature. After mastering these subjects, students could go on to study in a particular field. Many kinds of courses were available. Students could learn medicine and surgery. They could study astronomy, mathematics, physics, or chemistry. Or they could take up philosophy, geography, art, or history...

EbonyTheNB avatar

...Muslims also set up schools to educate children in the Qur’an...

With their love of education, Muslims treasured books. Muslims did not have printing presses, so books had to be copied by hand. Mosques and universities in West Africa built up large libraries of these precious volumes. Some individuals also created sizable collections. One Islamic scholar’s private library contained 700 volumes. Many of his books were extremely rare."

EbonyTheNB avatar

these are quotes from my textbook (Muslim scholars in Africa - 7th grade). If these are helpful, consider using them. I, however, did not want to put these as an answer since they may not be helpf


Related Questions

Explain two beliefs of Taoismm mentioned in the session.



1 there are patterns, flows, and rhythms (called Tao or Way) in the universe.

2 We can observe the Tao by studying nature.

3 One key patten is that all things are defined by their opposite- e.g., only know dark if we have light.

Why do high rates of natural increase make it hard for a country to
develop economically?



the rate of natural increase also known as natural population change, is defined as the birth rates and minus the death rate of a particular population over a time period It is typically expressed either as a number per 1,000 individuals in the population or as a percentage.rate of natural increase can be either positive or negative. to its total population change by ignoring net migration.

The first answer is correct

Lewis and Clark Journal entries
Instructions: Below you will read a journal entry made from the lewis and Clark expedition. After reading the entry you will answer questions about the entry. Make sure to answer the question fully and with complete sentences
Lewis & Clark Written Primary Source Activity One of the major objectives of the Corps of Discovery expedition was to take a census of the fauna and flora in the Louisiana Territory. Other major objectives were to map the territory and to befriend the Native Americans who lived there.
President Jefferson encouraged Lewis and Clark to keep detailed journals of what they saw and experienced on their journey. In addition, they were encouraged to return home with animal, plant, and mineral specimens.
Here are several journal entries for you to read and discuss
Capt. Lewis, May 29, 1805--Last night we were all allarmed by a large buffaloe Bull, which swam over from the opposite shore and coming along side of the white perogue, climbed over it to land, he then allarmed ran up the bank in full speed directly towards the fires and was within 18 inches of the heads of some of the men who lay sleeping before the centinel could allarm him or make him change his course, still more alarmed, he now took his direction immediately towards our lodge, passing between 4 fires and within a few inches of the heads of one range of the men as they yet lay sleeping, when he came near the tent, my dog saved us by causing him to change his course a second time, which he did by turning a little to the right, and was quickly out of sight, leaving us by this time all in an uproar with our guns in o[u]r hands, enquiring of each other the ca[u]se of the alarm, after which after a few moments was explained by the centinel; we were happy to find no one hirt.
Questions: (I need help with/me)
Based on the entries, what was the trip like? Was it very dangerous or not? Give me some supporting details on why you believe this? Make sure to write in complete sentences



Lewis and Clark were traversing uncharted territories, so naturally, they had no idea what to prepare for or what to even expect.

Explanation: As it mentioned, Lewis and Clark were told to keep a detailed journal of their encounters, explaining every detail of what they experienced on the journey. This specific entry is a perfect example of some of the hardships that they had to face. The writer mentions a crazed wild Buffalo that charges towards their men as they slept at night. If it weren't for the dog who had been keeping watch at the time, the Buffalo wouldve caused serious damage to their expedition. Most of the things that these men had to face were hard and dangerous, and the Buffalo charging towards them in the late night wasn't even half of it.

(Hope this helps you, love. :)

what word describes the mesolithic age
what word describes the neolithic age
what word describes the metal age



neolithic age is also known as the new stone age


Neolithic Age The term Neolithic is derived from two Greek words, neo meaning 'new' and lithos meaning 'stone. It is also known as the New Stone Age.​


First one is middle stone age second, New stone age.

i really need help anyone!!!!!



I think the answer is 1


Correct me if im wrong

i think the answer is one though im not sure

Are the changes that happened during the cultural evolution in Asia related with the way of life of Asians today?


In 1968, after the country had been subject to several cycles of radicalism alternating with relative moderation, Mao decided to rebuild the Communist Party to gain greater control. The military dispatched officers and soldiers to take over schools, factories, and government agencies. The army simultaneously forced millions of urban Red Guards to move to the rural hinterland to live, thus scattering their forces and bringing some order to the cities. This particular action reflected Mao’s disillusionment with the Red Guards because of their inability to overcome their factional differences. Mao’s efforts to end the chaos were given added impetus by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968, which greatly heightened China’s sense of insecurity.

Two months later, the Twelfth Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee met to call for the convening of a party congress and the rebuilding of the party apparatus. From that point, the issue of who would inherit political power as the Cultural Revolution wound down became the central question of Chinese politics.

The statement below is a quote by William R. Rehnquist a former Supreme court Justice. The statement demonstrates that he believed in which principle of American democracy?

Quote: “We start with first principles. The Constitution creates a Federal Government of enumerated powers”

a. rule of law
b. checks and balances
c. federalism
d. popular sovereignty


Answer: C, Federalism


The answer is C-Federalism

How does the U.S. Constitution provide for stability and continuity in the Senate?

a. by requiring members to be 30 years of age or older
b. elections every two years for one-third of the Senate
c. by requiring members to be legal citizens
d. giving each state two senators



option b is your answer

that is 5he correct answer

plz mark me as brainliest

Answer: B. Elections every two years for one-third of the senate

Under this new form of government, each state had:

one vote
two votes
a number of votes based on the size of its population



The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.



Each state got “one vote” .

Why are joint committees beneficial to the law making process?

a. it aligns members from both houses so that they can create the details of bills together
b. it fosters and builds bipartisan relationships
c. it allows the speaker and the president pro tempore to work together
d. it assists whips in promoting bills


My Own Answer:a. it aligns members from both houses so that they can create the details of bills togetherMy Own Explanation:Joint committees have similar purposes as select committees, but they are made up of members from both the House and the Senate. They are set up to conduct business between the houses and to help focus public attention on major issues.

Committees are an essential part of the legislative process. Senate committees monitor on-going governmental operations, identify issues suitable for legislative review, gather and evaluate information, and recommend courses of action to the Senate.

Joint committees include members from both houses of Congress, Parliament, or any ruling body. They focus on a particular issue, such as economics or taxation. They enhance communication between the two bodies. The committee's leadership usually alternates between the two bodies, as well.[tex]Hope \: it \: helps \: (◕ᴥ◕)[/tex]

I think the answer is a.

What is the mission or goal that Brian is trying to accomplish in Chapter 18?

1. to get the survival pack from the plane

2. to rebuild his campsite

3. to make a signal for rescuers

4. to try to get the plane in working order


Answer: He is trying to retrieve the survival pack from the plane

This is from the book "Hatchet" i highly recommend reading this book :)

The lessons learned in this book are very useful


Answers to the pretest of social studies
3.B (not actually positive this is right)
4.A (same with 3. not positive)
8.C and E (probobly)



thank you for adding these answers!

Omg thank you for this

Which characteristic of the Moon causes the tides on Earth?
1. gravity
2. weight
3. mass


1. gravity....................


1. The moons gravitational pull on earth is the main cause of tides .

here's another one and remember i said MIGHT.




I’m confused red light green light

what are safety plan for tornadoes


have a designated shelter room or safe place
have a first aid kit or tornado kit
portable phone chargers
keep important documents

Explain: Maintaining national security in the new republic


The first answer is right

Confucius said that people would be harmonious if they were obedient, loyal, and honest in the following relationships: (list those 5 relationships).



Parent and child, siblings,friends, couples, and bosses, teacher's or higher level parties.


Identify and explain three of the key important sites of the city-state of Athens.Please help i will give you more points if you help


What are three of the key important sites of the city state of Athens?

A walk around Athens will let you see many important ancient sites from the Classical and the Roman times.

The Acropolis. ...

Theatre of Herodes Atticus. ...

Ancient Cemetery of Kerameikos. ...

Filopappos Hill. ...

Ancient Agora. ...

Stoa of Attalos. ...

Temple of Hephaestus. ...

Temple of Olympian Zeus.

Hoped that helped:P

Which three countries had the fewest immigrants come to the United States in 1880s?
20 points.


Between 1870 and 1900, the largest number of immigrants continued to come from northern and western Europe including Great Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia. But "new" immigrants from southern and eastern Europe were becoming one of the most important forces in American life. More controversial, and much more limited, was immigration from Asia and Latin America.
According to the United Nations, in 2019, the United States, Germany, and Saudi Arabia had the largest number of immigrants of any country, while Tuvalu, Saint Helena, and Tokelau had the lowest. Hope this helps and Can I have brainliest I need 4 more to have a new rank

Do you agree with the statement below? Explain why or why not.

Plants and animals are only able to survive in one biome.

in science.


There are five different biomes aquatic, desert, forest, grassland and tundra. I think that plants and animals can survive in at least 3 of the different biomes. Most plants and animals are pretty flexible and can thrive in more than one biome. Biome refers to the community of plants and animals that occur naturally in an area, so I disagree with the statement.


No becuase animals and plants can adapt to different biome’s

Explain two beliefs of Taoism mentioned in the session.



The main teaching of Taoism is to get things done by letting them happen. Let the river flow if you want water.



inaction, simplicity and living in harmony with nature.


Confucius said that people would be harmonious if they were obedient, loyal, and honest in the following relationships: (list those 5 relationships).


Answer:Parent and child, siblings, friends, couples, and Bosses, teachers or high level parties.


The 5 relationships of Confucianism are, ruler and subject, father and son, elder brother and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend.

The statement below is a quote by Lee Hamilton, former member of the US Congress.

“Our democracy is not a product but a continual process. Sometimes it needs refining; sometimes it needs amending;
sometimes it needs defending. Always, it needs improving.”

The statement clearly demonstrates Hamilton’s position. What is that position?

a. A person who believes the Constitution should not be amended.
b. a Democrat
c. a Republican
d. A person who believes the amendment process is necessary.



its answer choice  A


because i said so

Answer: a


The poem is song for the people


The answer is c

Explanation: I can’t give you one since there’s no text
The answer to the question is c

Based on the passage below, from the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section I, which statement illustrates the limits or a check on the power of the federal courts?

“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.”

a. The Constitution grants the federal courts judicial review.
b. The federal court can declare a law unconstitutional.
c. Congress may impeach, try and even remove judges who commit crimes.
d. A president’s actions may be declared unconstitutional.



a. The Constitution grants the federal


The Declaration of Independence contains several different sections. The longest section and possibly the most important section is a list meant specifically for King George III and Parliament. This section is a list of . . .

1.problems (grievances)

2. demands

3. potential rulers

4. enemies



2 is the answer


The answer is number 2

Which of the following best describes a President’s order to attack terrorist bases?

a. military force used as a foreign policy tool
b. embargo against terrorists
c. executive agreement
d. presidential power to grant amnesty



a. military force used as a foreign policy tool


A Is the answer because it makes more sense

How do you do this?
i need social studies help
I need to drag them



France, larger, debts, house, Loyalists, Patriots, Boston, tax, British, die


Loyalists were loyal to the British, Patriots were pro revolution, Boston was the place of the massacre, the tea act taxed tea, leading to the Boston tea party, British were in control, and Americans were willing to die for freedom.

Explain the two most important factors that allowed the Greeks to defeat the Persians in the Persian War.if your give me the right answer NO LINKS the right answer i will give you 40 points fast .And make it full sentences only 1 paragraph


Answer: The greeks were able to conquer the persians because of agricultural conditions.



the Greek were conquer the Persian because of there resources and agriculture

By the 1700s, what percentage of the workers were African slaves?



though it is impossible to give accurate figure,some historians have estimated 6 to 7 million slaved people...


By 1700 there were 27,817 enslaved Africans in British North America. In 1740, there were 150,024. By 1770, the number of slaves had grown to 462,000, about one-fifth of the total colonial population.


(i know that this isn't exactly what you might be looking for but never the less i hope this helps you in some way)

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