PLZ help me list
5 safety procedures in archery


Answer 1


1. Only point the bow and arrow in a safe direction.

2. Only nock an arrow when it's safe to shoot.

3. Be sure of your target and what is in front of it, immediately behind it, and beyond it.

4. Never shoot over a ridge.

5. Only shoot when you have a safe range or shooting area, and a safe backstop or background.

Answer 2
I’ve done archery well over 5 years

1. Listen to whistles, 2 get on line, 1 begin shooting, 3 get arrows, 4 or more repetitive STOP immediately

2. Always make sure nothing living is infront of you while shooting this includes diagonal

3. Never dry shoot (shooting without an arrow)

4. Keep arrow in cone/quiver until ready to shoot

5. Always keep bow pointing at targets

6. Never cross shoot in lines (shooting at others targets)

7. Always have a defined target

8. While retrieving arrows, one hand should be on the point while the other is on top holding them vertical

9. Always inspect equipment especially arrows

10. Never wear open clothing suck as jackets or any necklace because of strings getting caught

All of these rules apply in NASP

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Explanation: the Ggods know all, my friend.


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so i need 10 and 11 answerd pls



If the words are scrambled and you need to solve them then 10. is "spreading" and 11 is "infection"

I hope this helps

11 would be infection i believe

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Drug/alcohol addiction, poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

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A. They have low rates of savings

B. They have low levels of technology

C. They have high unemployment rates

D. They have highly developed economies



D. They have highly developed economies


better economies mean better jobs and better opportunities for people to have the money that they need to survive

D they have highly developed

Can someone help me plz




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intensity - i can run 6km non stop

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frequency i exersize 2x a month
intensity i can run 6km not stopping
time it will take an hour

Which statement about depression is false?

Depression and su!cide are connected.

Depression needs to be treated.

Major depression is unable to be treated.

Major depression lacks any mental consequences.



Major depression lacks any mental consequences.



c. major depression is unable to be treated.

Explanation:any type of mental health issue can be treated. with pills and talking abt your feelings.

Hello pumpkins <3
I was planning on starting the gameshow today, but i have alot to do of work to set it up (and keep track of it all). So the game show is NOT cancelled, just delayed. Im also very tired. So i will continue working on setting it up. Have an amazing day <3

-Lex (yes my name is lex and u can call me that)


This is very great let’s do this

I am confused. NO LINKS

When you sit up straight for a long time, the __________ holds a lot of your body weight.

upper back

lower back



The person who answers this with the most evidence gets brainliest!


Answer: B. lower back
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