PLZ ANSWER GOOD QUESTION Part C Who are the major characters in the story? In 75 to 100 words, identify the major characters and explain why you believe these characters can be grouped together. Use any types of characterization you have learned about. Be sure to use details from the story to support your answer.

Read this :


Answer 1


Violet, Peony, "Mamma", and snow sister.

Violet and Peony are the most major characters, as they are why our focus is given to mamma and why snow sister is made. Mamma is only elicited our attention when she is giving a reaction to the children's actions; and our focus is somewhat shifted to her throughout the story. Snow sister is a major player because of the effect she causes on the characters, especially mamma.

Hopes this helps ^^

Related Questions

i need help please would it be classification?



I would say that it would be classification.

i guess its correct classification

Choose the correct sentence.

On the department stores's third floor, you can find childrens' toys, girls dresses's, and boys athletic shoes's.

On the department store's third floor, you can find children's toy's, girl's dress's, and boy's athletic shoe's.

On the department store's third floor, you can find children's toys, girls' dresses, and boys' athletic shoes.

On the department store's third floor, you can find childrens toy's, girls dress's, and boy's athletic shoe's.




because the children, girls, boys are the subject and they own the property so an appostrophe is required to indicate the ownership


the answer would be c


because all of them have an apostrophe in the incorrect spot for example "dresses" is correct but "dress's" is incorrect therefore the answer would be c because C is the only answer that has the apostrophes in the correct spot.

hope this helps :)

Need help ASAP!!!!
How do the descriptions of the night in paragraph4, 5, and 6 establish mood in the opening setting of The Most Dangerous Game?
A) It creates ominous tension
B) It foreshadows the jaguars death
C) It foreshadows the coming rainstorm
D) It creates excitement about the coming hunt




The answer is A: it created ominous tension


Process of elimination

It’s B because if you read the story it talks about what will happen and how

PLEASE HELP Whose point of view is the landlady by roald dahl told in?
A) The narrator
B) Billy Weaver





Throughout the book there are multiple statements proving this

Which part of the executive branch does Mr. F say the Krakatoans have more wealth than or comparable to?

From Twenty one balloons.



the President


The president I think

It's about the Triangle Fire story, Please answer ASAP. Lines 223–239: Which sentence states the main idea in this passage? What details support that idea?





i tried to find it online but it says i cant open it sryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Explanation:CANT OPEN

Plz help answer the question below best answer brainliest


Answers first haha The answer is something you’ll have to find it out
It’s A

Explanation: because it is telling us that kids before do more outdoor activities then we do these days and kids are playing inside more than they used to.

Read the story Hayden and Henry Go to Fenwick Island:

When Hayden and Henry Holbrook were just 10 months old, their parents enrolled them in swimming lessons at the local pool. By the time they were 10 years old, both boys were excellent swimmers. Hayden was best at the backstroke, Henry at the forward crawl. They were identical twins but they were complete opposites in almost every way. While Hayden liked swimming at the pool where the water was warm and familiar, Henry preferred to swim outdoors. He loved to swim in the pond in their backyard or at the lake where they went to camp each summer. Henry liked to try new things and had recently enrolled in a sea swim race in Delaware, about 3 hours from the boys' home in Elizabethtown, PA.

Hayden and Henry had never been to the ocean before. They had travelled a lot in the Midwest, where their grandparents lived, and to upstate New York in the summertime, but they had never been to the coast. Hayden had learned a lot about the New England coast during his shipwreck phase, when he watched loads of documentaries and read every book in the library on the topic.

"The race is in May, right? According to my research, the temperature of the ocean at the time of year is a chilly 50 degrees," Hayden informed his brother. Henry couldn't be deterred. "Water's water. It's all the same," Henry replied to Hayden's doubts.

Henry trained hard. He swam every morning before school at the community pool since the pond was still frozen over. He knew the ocean would be different, but he was determined to take part in the race. Henry thought he even had a good chance of winning in his age category.

Soon, spring sprung in New England, and the Holbrooks set out for the sea race weekend on Fenwick Island. That evening, the whole family sat on the beach and watched the sunset as the waves rolled in. Hayden regaled everyone with stories of pirate buccaneers and long-lost shipwrecks, but Henry was unusually quiet. When they had walked along the boardwalk earlier, he had seen a sign warning swimmers about the possibility of jellyfish in the water. Henry never had to worry about jellyfish in the pool, pond, or lake. Perhaps water wasn't just water. One of the boys' favorite movies had a scene where the bad guy tried to flee the scene of a crime on a speedboat, only to fall off and get stung repeatedly by jellyfish. Every time they watched it, the brothers laughed and laughed. Henry wasn't laughing now. He couldn't stop thinking about how much it would hurt if he got stung by a jellyfish during the race. He wasn't sure if he wanted to compete anymore.

Hayden soon noticed the look of worry on his brother's face. As they strolled back toward their hotel in the pink twilight, Hayden asked his brother what was on his mind.

"Jellyfish," Henry responded.

Hayden laughed, "Yeah, I was thinking of that scene, too, when we walked past the boat rental place earlier. It cracks me up every time."

"I won't be laughing if I get stung during the race tomorrow," Henry said sharply. Then, looking at his brother, he said more softly, "I'm scared of them. I think I'm going to pull out of the race."

Hayden was surprised to hear his twin say this. Henry had always been the confident one, always up for taking risks. Giving up just wasn't his style. It upset Hayden to see his brother looking so down and upset, and he knew he had to do something to comfort his brother as Henry had done for him so many times before. Like bolts of lightning, facts that Hayden had read about jellyfish began to zigzag through his mind. 'Of course!' he thought.

"Henry, remember how I said that the average water temperature in the Atlantic would be around 50 degrees just now?"

"That's not helpful, Hayden," Henry sighed. "I'm prepared for the cold, just not the possibility of pain."

"No, no, that's not my point," Hayden continued excitedly, "Jellyfish prefer warm waters! It's far too cold for them to be out and about in the ocean right now. The probability that you'll see a jellyfish tomorrow, let alone be stung, is very low," he finished triumphantly.

A smile spread across Henry's face. "That's brilliant news, Hayden! Thanks so much. I can always count on you and your random knowledge to save the day!" he laughed, throwing his arm around his brother's shoulder.

Henry slept like a log that night. The next day, he dove head first into the ocean and swam with all his heart. Just as he had hoped, Henry won his race. When he took the podium to collect his medal, no one was cheering louder than Hayden. He was so happy for his brother and that his words had been so helpful.

What is the theme of the story?

A Be loyal to your friends.
B Don't put off till tomorrow, what you should have done today.
C Honesty is the best policy.
D With great success, there are obstacles to overcome.

I get these a lot but just to let you know pls DO NOT put files in the answer place if you are going to answer pls answer here on brainly.
Tysm have a Nice day.



D. With great success, there are obstacles to overcome.






TRICK QUESTION TIME!!!! whoever gets em all correct gets brainliest

What can be broken but never held?

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

The more there is, the less you see. What am I?



- a promise or heart

- lunch and dinner

- darkness

1. PROMISE it the right answer for what two things can you never eat for breakfast

Change these sentences into Passive Voice


1) In January many people begin upon their projects

2) the shirt must be washed for tonight's party

3) The food is going to be prepared by mom

4) that factory makes shoes

5) The disgrace been produced here since 1964

6) The memo was read by all the workers

7) The newspaper is read to him by someone every day

8) Acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago

9) The criminals were locked up by the police

10) The story was made up by the robbers

11) The cake is being eaten by the boy

12) The woman's teeth is being cleaned by the dentist

13) The keys have been lost by them

14) The song was being sung by them

15) A delicious cake was made by my granny

16) My car was stolen by someone

17) The UFO was seen by many people in this area

18) The car should be repaired by John

19) The cat is fed by my mother every day

20) sandwiches are sometimes eaten by them for breakfast


We switch the placement of the subject and object in the sentence and sometimes a verb or phrase occasionally

help pls i’m not sure if it’s sentence 3



I think you are wrong. Amswer: sentence 4


Closing thought means last sentence before moving on to other topic.

Sentence 4 is the answer

FROM THE BOOK, BRIAN'S WINTER - Describe a time when you have been too anxious to sleep. Compare your feelings to Brian’s.


Brian was too afraid to sleep because of a bear and what hides behind the dark.this is a fear everyone has.Brian is in a place where he just can’t figure out how to forward;he doesn’t know how to get over what’s happened and go on with his life.he feeling totally alone,and he’s scared.he doesn’t know how to pick up the shattered pieces of his to be Brian now that everything he knew is in question


I was really tired this actually happend recentlyb I had to go to a wedding so like around 8:00 i was really tired But my normal bedtime would be 11:45.



Other people argue that players willingly trade their health for the money and fame that football might bring. They say football players view this as a risk worth taking. However, there would not be any money or fame if people did not watch football. If no one showed up to the stadiums or bought the merchandise, there would be no reason for these young men to play. There would be no reason for them to sacrifice their physical and mental health—and sometimes, their lives—for the sake of a sport.

Paragraph 3 argues that

Most football players think that it is worth it to put their health at risk; after all, football players make a lot of money and many become famous.

Football players do not get paid nearly enough to suffer such debilitating injuries; if they got paid more, it would offset the danger.

Since players get paid so much money to play, they are the ones who decide that it is worth it to risk injuring themselves.

Because fans provide the money and fame that lure players into this dangerous sport, fans are responsible for the injuries players suffer.


Out of the choices here, I am thinking it could be either B or D as the answers.

the answer should be d

in response of two paragraphs, compare and contrast how the structures used in "The Lottery" and "Rules of the Game" contribute to their meaning. Be sure to use evidence from the text as support in your answer.



It is structured along the narrative form of a short story. The most distinctive things are the exposition and the surprise ending. The exposition, from "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny.

The comparison of the structures in the two texts is that there was the use of a narrative form to tell the story.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular scenario where the series of events are told.

Hence, we can see that from the complete texts, we can see that the authors of the two books made use of a narrative form and their exposition helped build suspense.

Read more about narration here:


What can you connect from chapter 6 of the book A Long Walk To Water
PLS help it is due in half an hour



nyas family is living in a constant fear, nyas mother is terrified that dinka tribesmen will harm her son and her husband. luckily, no one has been harmed yet.


Answer: im not sure if this is the answer


"In America, the freedom ain't free In America, got soldiers dyin' overseas So America, we say what we believe My America, I won't ever take a knee Our freedom is the reason you can't disrespect our flag If my stars and stripes offend you, then I'll help you pack your bags"


Where the questions???


We should all appreciate our soldiers and heroes and donate to Tunnel To Towers, a non-profit


No explanation is needed for it.  

Here is a letter sent by a mother of a soldier.

Dear Soldier,

It's hard to thank someone for giving me the freedom to live the life God has so graciously given to me.

Thank you for everything you do daily to protect this country, and for that I am forever grateful. You have given up so much for this country, and I personally believe that is something that cannot be repaid. Most soldiers I know believe having a free country is payment enough. I think that's what makes you all so great, you give so much and do not expect anything back. I recognize the selflessness you've demonstrated with your willingness to serve our country.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It is no secret that your training, or any part to being a soldier is easy. I always knew it was a lot of work, but I never realized how much it really was until my my son joined the US Army.

Thank you for your bravery, strength, hard work, commitment, dedication and willingness to do the hard things that are required of you day in and day out. You've given up everything to fight for US, that is something I don't take lightly. So, thank you for everything that you do.

God Bless you & may God Bless America,

A PROUD mother of a US Solider

Which of these statements is NOT true?

News reporters may interview people to gather information on a topic.
News reporters should share their personal opinions in their articles.
News reporters may gather facts from online news sources.
News reporters should stick to the facts about people and events.





News reporters should share their personal opinions in their articles. As it isn’t allowed

i hope I helped you

B. News reporters shall not share theyre opinion

Write a short summary that includes the major claims and reasons of Dr. King's argument.
Evaluate the strength of those reasons and evidence.
Was any irrelevant evidence used by Dr. King? If so, what was the impact on you as the listener?



Speaking during the march on Washington, D.C. in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. claims that African Americans have come to the nation's capital to cash "a promissory note," a note that must be honored or there will be no tranquility in America.

Martin Luther King, Jr., is a civil rights legend. In the mid-1950s, Dr. King led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest. His speeches—some of the most iconic of the 20th century—had a profound effect on the national consciousness.


Hop this helps and if i does, please give me Brainliest and thank me.

I am more than positive this is right, because I had to do it too :)

If and when the team wins the championship, we will have a celebration.

The underlined word is if and when. They want me to change it to something else that could also mean "if and when"



the answer is if its if its if

Synonyms for word if: (as long as
assuming (that)
on condition (that)
on the assumption (that)
provided (that)
supposing (that)
with the condition (that)

And synonyms for when:

at the same time.

Hope it helps

In a story about three cousins separated from their parents in a foreign country, the youngest child, who is deaf, uses sign language and pantomime to get help from kind strangers. What strength is most likely revealed by the child's actions?

A. a good sense of direction

B. compassion for others

C. a willingness to learn

D. self-confidence

FYI This Is A Language Arts Question.





She is confident that her sign language can get people to understand her. Have a great day! :)

D the child is confident in using her sign language

What is a good example of a hook for a paragraph about deer?


I’m not sure on examples but say something that will grab someone attention and have them wanting to know more. Ex: Did you know that deers are such and such or anything about deers that someone wouldn’t randomly know.
Is it informational?

write me a lyric poem about (the fear of heights) (at least 4 - 7 verses)
(does not have to rhyme)
(correct grammar and no plagiarism) Thank you!


Im afraid

although I like to mask my fear

I prefer to stand clear

tall buildings mountain tops

or simply just a roof

I imagine the worst

I tremble and even sometimes curse

it's very common to fear

but I prefer to not let my friends hear

as I feel they may make fun

I'd rather suffer instead of run

it may not come when you're young

climbing trees and riding rides

until you feel the fear

and then riding those rides may be hard

lots of courage to ride once more


the fear of Heights

Heights are scary, they are not fun.

What if i fall, or get caught by a big bird. I could even die, in the sun shine.

please hlep me i am scared of cancer i also eat doodie  good bye fornow!



Hi, help please? no links!

How did Willow change when she found out her parents died? Put atleast 5 answers
Book: Counting by 7s



what? I'm confused on what exactly you're asking

How is Brian showing persistence at
the end of chapter 8? (hatchet)



Brian is frustrated—he knows he needs fire—until he sees the golden light of the sun against his hatchet. Gold like fire. He realizes that he can make fire with the hatchet and stone. i'm not sure if this is right though


Answer: Chapter 8 of Hatchet is a hard swing for Brian emotionally. He hits his lowest point but has his biggest triumph, too. Before we look at what happens in Chapter 8 of Hatchet, let's look at where Brian's been.

Brian Robeson is still stranded in the wilderness after the plane carrying him to visit his father crashed. All he has with him is the hatchet, a small ax with a wooden handle, his mother gave him before he left. So far he's found food in the form of raspberries, faced down a bear (rather, ran from it), and built a shelter into a rocky overhang. It's his fourth night in the wilderness, and Brian is starting to feel okay about his chance .

I saw their starved lips in the gloam

3) In this line from the poem, what does the phrase starved lips suggest?

A) They are hungry for love.
B) They are lonely and need more attention.
C) They cannot speak and are mute, so their lips are starved.
D) Their lips are colorless because the blood has drained from their faces



D) Their lips are colorless because the blood has drained from their faces


I did it before and got it right


The answer A, because this happens sometimes when people often brake up


What is the difference between the language used by the narrator and the language used by the characters?



The characters speak in dialect to reflect the historical setting

C edge
Is you answer

help pls did i pick the correct answer choice?



Yea i say its A


It’s AAAAAAAAAAA it’s Goodd

IN THE BOOK BRIAN'S WINTER - Explain why the trees were exploding around Brian. Cite evidence from the text to support your response.


The gran pacer test is a multi aerobic test that involves laps that progressively get harder as time goes on

create a brainstorm of 20 words based on the topic rain. Then, use the words from the brainstorm to write a 8 sentence expository Paragraph.


Topic Sentence: What is rain?
Statement: Rain is water that is cold, wet, and clear liquids that comes from clouds.
Detail/Explain: Did you know rain is created by the water cycle?



if you want to date me just say that


Which of the following details best supports the main idea of section 3 (paragraphs 4-6) of "What Would Peter Do?"

1."...he had been running away from his truck not towards it!"

2."You can only imagine what I felt like!"

3."So what can we learn from this adventure?"

4."He sat for thirty minutes drinking periodically from his water bottle. Thirty minutes later his head had cleared and he began to reconstruct what had happened."


The answer is 3:”So what can we learn from this adventure”
3.”so what can we learn from this adventure?”
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