1. - In the late 1600s, most nations in western Europe organized their economies around the practice of _________ , creating and maintaining wealth by carefully controlling trade.

2. - The goal of English officials was to create profits for their country by establishing a favorable ________ by decreasing their imports and increasing their exports.

3. - Between 1550 and 1696, Parliament passed a series of ________ Acts to regulate trade with the colonies and to increase profits for England.

4. - As a response to the Molasses Act, some colonists began ________ sugar, molasses, and rum into the colonies.

5. - The term ________ refers to the movement of goods from the colonies to the West Indies to Britain.

6. - The voyage involving the transport of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to be sold as slaves and the West Indies was called the ________ .

7. - Slave traders fit as many captured Africans as possible on board their ships in order to increase ________ .

8. - Thousands of captive Africans died during the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean either from ________ or from comm*ting su*c*de by jumping over board.

9. - In 1688 ________ in Germantown, Pennsylvania, made the first recorded colonial protest against the practice of slavery.

10. - ________ , a Massachusetts merchant and judge, published a pamphlet in 1700 arguing against slavery.

Please help! I need to turn this in by the end of the day! I will give brainliest to the first person who answers correctly and friend anyone who answers or comments!


Answer 1


1-i think it's 'mercantilism' 2-economy 3- ??? 4-smuggling 5-??? 6-triangular trade??? 7-??? 8- disease 9-???10-???


i'm sorry i couldn't help more;;

Answer 2
first one is kabavsus second is wosjdhud third work hf fourth wishful fiebaidn we

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they were caused by Darius, the Persian king


Darius, the persian king wanted to expand his kingdom (the Persians then lost ) sorry i don't have much

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They wanna bring back peace

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Cuz it impact by Th place and increased the geographic reach of these all part I pa
They brought European crops such as barley and rye. They brought wheat, which was originally from the Middle East . They brought plants that had originally come from Asia, including sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane. New plants created new economies in the Americas .

What did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention fail to

A. They didn't create the executive branch.

B. They didn't try to please large and small states

C. They didn't allow congress to levy tariffs on imports

D. They didn't end slave trade


Ultimately, the delegates who strongly opposed slavery realized that pressing against it would make it impossible for the states to come together. They worked out a compromise with the Southern states. They agreed that Congress could not tax exports and that no law could be passed to ban the slave trade until 1808. D is the answer
D is the correct answer



You should try an blend it a little more but it looks super nice

What resulted from the French and Indian War?

Question 11 options:

Britain continued to send settlers west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Britain gave Canada to France.

Britain paid the war debt by taxing American colonists.

Britain gave Native Americans land in New England.



The answer is" Britain paid the war debt by taxing American colonists."


Britain had a large amount of debt from fighting the war and pushed the debt on to the colonists to pay

Britain paid the war dept by taxing American colonists

Do you agree with the Court's ruling in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan? Why or why not?


Yes because it does protect the freedom of speech and many more things.

n three to five sentences, describe how and why the colonists declared independence



The 13 American colonies cut their political ties with Great Britain by publishing the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Declaration enumerated the reasons for the colonies' desire for independence. The American colonies were able to seal an official alliance with the French government and receive French support in the battle against Great Britain by proclaiming themselves an independent country. North American colonists were increasingly at conflict with British imperial policies about taxes and frontier policy throughout the 1760s and early 1770s. When repeated protests failed to sway British policy and instead resulted in the closure of Boston's port and the establishment of martial law in Massachusetts, the colonial governments dispatched delegates to the Continental Congress to plan a colonial boycott of British products.


One way the colonists declared independence was by throwing the taxed tea into the Boston Harbor. Some Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans and snuck onto one of the boats. There were over 300 barrels of tea dumped. The colonists declared their need for independence because they realized how wrong it was for the British to be controlling them that much and taxing them on everything.

Major League Baseball's champion team is decided during which event?

World Series

World Tour

World Team



world series championship

The World Series Championship! I’m a huge baseball fan as well

What role did the battles between Chinese and the Turks have on the
history of the region?


China and Turkey have maintained relations, despite China's conflicts with Turkic Uyghurs in Xinjiang and a Uyghur diaspora population residing in Turkey.

Before my partner I go Down and Up the tower and to the West, after he goes I go Up and Down the tower, watching West.



sun and moon


If this is a metaphor, it represents the sun and moon.

How did a lack of infrastructure affect farmers in North Carolina at the turn of the 19th century?

They struggled with outdated farming methods.
They struggled to earn profits without enslaved laborers.
They struggled with soil erosion and low crop yields.
They struggled to get their crops to market.


The answer is C, because infrastructure in a country causes struggle including growing crops.



Louise Nevelson’s sculptural walls have many different forms that create variety. Question 4 options: True False


It’s true hope I helped

Select all the correct answers.
What are two ways that Hinduism has affected modern Indian society?
1. Couples may include a yagna as part of their wedding ceremony.
2. The caste system limits job choices for Indians.
3. Families offer food to deities along with their prayers.
4. Women must wear scarves over their hair.
5. Children are expected to learn religious texts in school.

Answers hope it helps you!

Can someone help me with this ASAP

Also can you answer with 2-3 sentences
I’ll give brainliest


i only know number 1 and i think its  because he wanted to acquire the  lousiana territory  the reasons included future protection, expansion, prosperity and the mystery of unknown lands

1. Jefferson's men were in Paris because he wanted to buy the port of New Orleans. To him, New Orleans was key: Whoever owned it would be America's natural enemy because that nation would control the channel through which produce from more than a third of the United States had to pass.

2. The successful revolt kept the Spanish out of New Mexico for 12 years, and established a different power dynamic upon their return. The Pueblo Revolt holds great historical significance because it helped ensure the survival of Pueblo cultural traditions, lands, languages, religions, and sovereignty.

3. One of the drawbacks of U.S. territorial expansion was the proliferation of slavery. Although the Americans made a promise that they will not be taking the land of other people, like the Native Americans, without their consent and other than through peaceful means, history showed that this did not really happen.

4. During this time, Andrew Jackson played a major part in shaping U.S. policy toward Native Americans. A hero of the War of 1812, he earned equal recognition as an Indian fighter and treaty negotiator. In fact, he brokered nine treaties before becoming president in 1829.

5. Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.

Hope this helps and I’m not to late

What happened to the South's economy because of the Civil War?

Became based on mining
Increased wealth for residents
Was ruined
Grew stronger


Was ruined. They did not grow stronger, become based on mining, or increase wealth
I think it was ruined

What foods were included in hunter-gatherers’ diets? Choose four answers. meats vegetables cheese nuts and seeds fruit bread



hunter-gatherers’ food choices included termites, berries, roots, rabbits, bison, and mammoth, among other foods. They had knowledge: There was little specialization of skills. Everyone needed to know how to make a knife, mend clothing, trap prey, escape lions, and heal snakebites.




termites, berries, roots, rabbits, bison, and mammoth


i am tired im doing a math test wawawa friend meeee

How has the Panama Canal been an important part of world history?

(Keep it short please [= )





the Panama Canal opened up a new route to bridge trade between the Atlantic and Indian oceans, which allowed for ships to go through this passage instead of around the point of Africa, which was time-consuming and costly.

The panama cancel allowed people all over the world to trade items and goods that were significant for each country.

I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. —Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist Paper 84 What point is Alexander Hamilton making?

A. The Constitution is stronger with a bill of rights.
B. A bill of rights should include only certain rights.
C. The Constitution did not need a bill of rights.
D. A bill of rights was necessary for ratification.



C makes the most sense with the wording


A or C make the most sense

What most likely would have happened if North Carolina’s waterways had been dredged like Archibald Murphey suggested?

Raleigh would have experienced rapid growth.

There would have been competition between plank roads and waterways.

Soil would have eroded, and drought would have occurred.

Sea trade would have improved and increased.



Soil would have eroded, and drought would have occurred.


Soil would erode and cause drought because it would leave low quality soil in its wake.

Epilogue Context: European Cultural Change: The Age of Exploration resulted in a steep increase in the variety of goods available in Europe. Suddenly, items from around the world were available in Europe in ever-increasing quantities. This resulted in changing patterns of consumption for all classes of European society, especially the newly rich middle class. Demand increased for luxury goods that could be used to display wealth and status, especially goods from China and India. “Things which in centuries past were considered to be quite rare are now thought by all and sundry to be quite necessary.” —Ralph Fitch, British merchant, 1599.
Explain what Ralph Fitch means when he stated “Things which in centuries past were considered to be quite rare are now thought by all and sundry to be quite necessary.” Be specific.


The Americas

Explorers and conquistadors brought many new plants to the Americas. They brought European crops such as barley and rye. They brought wheat, which was originally from the Middle East. They brought plants that had originally come from Asia, including sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane.

New plants created new economies in the Americas. They also contributed to the creation of huge slave societies. By the 1600s, the Portuguese were growing sugar, bananas, and citrus fruit on large plantations in Brazil and the Caribbean. They began importing African slaves to work on these plantations. This was the beginning of a slave trade that uprooted millions of Africans over the next few centuries. Later, African slaves were brought to the American South to grow cotton, tobacco, rice, and other crops.

Which action was considered legal under the slave codes?
Enslaved people could purchase property.

An enslaved person could testify against a white person in court.

An enslaved person could be granted freedom by the state government.

Enslaved people could teach one another to read.



an enslaved person could purchase property


please correct me if I am wrong

hope this helps:)

I think the last one would be the only legal one

The lasting impact of the Northwest ordinance of 1787 was...
A. that slavery would be made illegal forever after in the U.S.
B. that the U.S. was unable to compromise.
C. that we would be dragged into another war.
D. that it provided instructions on how the U.S. should add new states to the U.S. in the future.


D-provide instructions on adding new states
d- other dude said.

By reading the paragraph, why do you think schools in the south did not immediately desegregate?



It was more relevant for them.


From the beginning, slave populations were higher in the south. when slavery was abolished, there was probably more racist discrimination by others in that area than in the north



From the beginning, slave populations were higher in the south. when slavery was abolished, there was probably more racist discrimination by others in that area than in the north


General Washington led his soldiers on a surprise attack on troops stationed at Trenton to increase their morale. Why do you think he believed high morale was necessary for his soldiers?


Answer:im wasted over the du


Explain Napoleon's infamy in at least 8 sentences.


Before getting into that, infamy is when people know a person for bad quality or deed. It can also be known as Notorious.

Napoleon was a French general. He was very skilled in leading his army to victory, even despite the circumstances. One time, Napoleon fought two forces at the same war and won. He was known as a supreme war leader, and they made him the Commander in Cheif of his nation. As a result, soldiers lost their lives, and people started to lose hope in Neoplean. He had excellent talent and leadership experience, for example, living off the land to boost the soldiers' speed. This caused his army to be at multiple places at once, enabling them to strike forces simultaneously. All this caused other nations to team up and stop Napolean because of all the killing he has done.


The revolutionized military organization and training was done by Napoleon. The Napoleonic code established some of the pre-revolutionary conservative law which existed in France for quite some time. The rights of women were limited and undercalss was heavily regulated. Napoleons 1798 invasion of Egypt was a military political mess. The French sent its greatest to to conquer. In his will Napoleon wrote that he wanted his ashes to rest by the banks of the Seine in the midst of the french people. Napolen's ashes are a big tourist attraction to this day in Paris.


Is there a difference between History and Social Studies?



The difference between History and Social Studies is, History is a subject that deals with past events while Social Studies is a study of collective features of society. ... Both the History and Social studies involve human activities the primary focus of study.

History focuses on studying past events, while Social Studies encompasses multiple disciplines to understand society and human interactions.

History refers to the study of past events, particularly focusing on human societies, cultures, and their development over time.

It involves the examination and analysis of primary and secondary sources to understand and interpret historical events, figures, and their significance.

On the other hand, Social Studies is a broader term that encompasses various disciplines, including history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology.

It incorporates a multidisciplinary approach to understanding society and human interactions.

Social Studies aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, social structures, cultural diversity, global issues, and civic responsibilities.

Thus, History is a specific discipline that focuses on studying the past, Social Studies integrates multiple disciplines to explore different aspects of society and its complexities.

Learn more about the history here:


Which action was considered legal under the slave codes?

Enslaved people could purchase property.

An enslaved person could testify against a white person in court.

An enslaved person could be granted freedom by the state government.

Enslaved people could teach one another to read.



An enslaved person could be granted freedom by the state government.

C or 3


I just took the test and B was wrong here is proof.

Dutch Art & Vermeer: Just as merchant wealth fuelled the Renaissance in northern Italy in the 1300s, so too did global trade fuel art and culture in the Netherlands during the 1600s. Merchants were eager to commemorate their newfound wealth and power as well as demonstrate their global connections in art, resulting in a burst of artistic expression. Among the most famous Dutch artists of this era was Johannes Vermeer, whose paintings are often used to represent the global power of the Netherlands during this time.
write a one to two Main Idea:




I think you should just add the answer, this is a bit long.

How might the teachings of Confucius have helped the unstable Chinese society of his time?
Thank you so much!!!



The state encouraged people to grow rice and other grains rather than commercial crops in order to insure and adequate food supply


This may be the answer but im not to sure

they where encouraged to grow rice and grains more then orher stuff
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