
Answer 1
Tissue. Many cells made up a single tissue. Organ. Many tissues constitute an organ. For example, groups of cardiac tissue constitute the heart.Organ system. Group of organs made up an organ system. For example, brain and spinal cord made up the nervous system.Organism. Different organ system constitute an organism. Respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, excretory system, etc. constitute an organism.Population. Groups of organisms made up a population. For example, if 1 billion people live in the US, then these people constitutes the population of the nation.Community. Populations constitute a community. For example, a population constituting many players of different sports constitutes the sport community.Ecosystem. Many communities made an ecosystem. Biosphere. Finally, all ecosystems made up the biosphere.

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.

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on the tenth day of christmas, what does my true love give to me?


Ten lords a leaping :)

Highlight details that help you understand what the author thinks about Modotti. Modotti was unlike any woman Kahlo had ever met. Independent, daring, revolutionary, Modotti befriended the young painter and sponsored her membership in the Mexican Communist party. As Kahlo moved into Modotti's exciting circle of artists, writers, and intellectuals, she lost interest in student politics. —Frida Kahlo, Hedda Garza Based on the details in the passage, the author thinks Modotti is interesting. boring. dangerous. untalented.


The details that help me to understand what the author thinks about Modotti are:

Independent, daring, revolutionary...Sponsored her membership in the Mexican Communist party. Modotti was unlike any woman Kahlo had ever met.

Based on the details in the passage, the author thinks Modotti is: interesting.

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From what we glean about Modotti in the text we can see that the author sees her as an interesting person.

Learn more about the author's thoughts here:



interesting A

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Swift criticizes landlords for exploiting families


Swift criticizes landlords for exploiting families.


B on edge 2022

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If Tamika has s pairs of shoes, and Ebony has 4 times as much, Tamika would have 4s shoes. 4s > s, so Ebony has more shoes than Tamika.

Write something about this picture(10 minute writing)


this looks like a depressing picture of a person who wanted to be something but ended up losing it all, or maybe its just the gray and black just makin it sad and depressing or maybe that's what you where going for, life can be sad at times and it isn't very hard to see that so yea ima just go now i saw this and i was like yea i can do this, its just what i saw tho, have a good day and i'm going to take a nap or something.

How ……..…….. milk do you need? – We need 250 milliliters of milk.





how much milk do you need?- We need 250 milliliters of milk.

have a good day :)

9. Why does the author include Information about Margot's breakdown over taking a shower in the school



Margot's refusal to take a shower symbolically represents her negative feelings regarding the rainy planet. She wants to be dry, not wet, baking in the sun, not under the tyranny of a constant downpour, and so rebels against the shower. To her, the shower symbolizes the constant rain she hates. The author portrays this to represent her characteristics and feelings.

Hope that helps. x

What challenge did stormy the brave face and how was he a hero stormieand the octopus


Answer: The challenge that stormy the brave face what that Old Stormalong was sailing over the deepest part of the ocean when the anchor was knocked loose and dropped to the bottom of the ocean. It caught on something and yanked the ship to a stop. He was a hero stormieand the octopus by Stormie the Brave dove in to untangle the anchor.

Write a response in which you identify the different perspectives about the situation represented by Bruno, Shmuel, Lieutenant Kotler. What is
each character thinking and feeling about what's happening in this excerpt?
You should write one A.C.E. paragraph for each of the 3 characters.




An anonymous narrator tells the story and refers to the characters using third-person pronouns like “he” and “she.”

Point Of View

The novel has a childlike point of view. The narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of the novel’s protagonist, Bruno, and his perspective dominates the tale. As a nine-year-old boy, Bruno frequently misunderstands the adult world around him. For instance, he doesn’t comprehend the nature or purpose of the concentration camp over which his father presides. He also mishears the camp’s name, misunderstanding “Auschwitz” as “Out-With.”


Fable-like yet foreboding. As a young child, Bruno understands little of what’s going on around him. Because of this, the novel has a fable-like tone in which Bruno sees everything as an adventure. Yet, as Bruno slowly learns more about the desolate realities of the camp, the tone of the novel grows increasingly foreboding.



Setting (Time)


Setting (Place)

Berlin, Germany, and the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland


Bruno, a nine-year-old German boy

Major Conflict

The novel’s major conflict arises when Bruno’s family is forced to move from their home in Berlin to a desolate place in Poland. Isolated, friendless, and far away from the familiar comforts of home, Bruno rails against the injustice of his situation. He also feels confused about the people in the striped pajamas he can see from his bedroom window, living on the other side of a tall fence.


How many countries in the world


197 countries :) 4 aren’t recognized by the un

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Thomas Jefforson along with Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston


Its A, Thomas Jefferson.


Edge 2022. Hope this helps! Good luck <3

Reread this excerpt from Sidney's “Astrophil and
Stella, Sonnet 19," keeping in mind the theme: "people
in love will continue loving, even if it makes them
seem foolish."
Select the two groups of lines that show the turn, or
volta, in the sonnet.


The two groups of lines that show the turn, or volta, in the sonnet "Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 19 are "When most I glory, then I feel most shame" and "My best wits still their own disgrace invent"

The turn to poetry can be understood as a way that authors use to create a change in the poem's rhetoric, that is, when they want to express a change in emotion or thought.

In sonnets, the volta is used to make a transition of thought, reach conclusions and answer questions or make changes throughout the sonnet.

Therefore, in the opening lines of the poem that says "When most I glory, then I feel most shame"and in the lines that say "My best wits still their own disgrace invent" we can see the transition of thought from one extreme to the other, generating a contrast between the author's emotions, demonstrating the volta.

Learn more about sonnet here:


The two groups of lines that show the turn, or volta, in the sonnet "Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 19 are "When most I glory, then I feel most shame" and "My best wits still their own disgrace invent"

The turn to poetry can be understood as a way that authors use to create a change in the poem's rhetoric, that is, when they want to express a change in emotion or thought.

In sonnets, the volta is used to make a transition of thought, reach conclusions and answer questions or make changes throughout the sonnet.

Therefore, in the opening lines of the poem that says "When most I glory, then I feel most shame"and in the lines that say "My best wits still their own disgrace invent" we can see the transition of thought from one extreme to the other, generating a contrast between the author's emotions, demonstrating the volta.

Hope I helped  :)

Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with your friend. He have just sent you some photos of your holiday.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
thank them for the photos and for the holiday
explain why you didn’t write earlier
invite them to come and stay with you


You just have to do a letter of what it says in there!

Identify the italicized word as an adverb or a preposition.
She walked by the market.



i dont know which one is in italic but i think its B





not quite sure but i think its B. adverb

Write a 500- to 1,000-word personal narrative with a simple plot. Include enough exposition that the reader knows what's going on, some rising action to let the reader know what led up to the main event, a climax, and a short conclusion that reflects on the experience in some way.



Jason had first seen Mia at the sandlot playground close to their homes. They were both 10-year-olds who still perceived the opposite sex as the enemy. She grouped up with a bunch of squeaky girls who made faces and laughed at the boys while they played ball on the street. The girls had taken over the swings as their domain, reigning undefeated, proudly. At one point, the soccerball ran toward them. Jason was the one to be sacrificed since he was closer to where they were. He ran to the ball, picked it up with the tips of his fingers and glanced at the girls. They were staring at him as if he were some nasty intruder who deserved the guillotine.

They all attended the same school; maybe a couple of boys and girls had to move to a different neighborhood over the years. But, essentially, they all remained. Of course, with time, they dynamics changed. Around the age of 13, boys and girls were no longer adversaries, but a strange and exotic foreign land to be discovered. Laughter transformed into giggles. The same boys who once shouted, “You can’t play with us, you’re a girl!” were now struggling to invite those long-haired nymphs out - an ice cream, or the movies, if their mothers were more lenient and foolish enough.

Mia was the one left behind, though. She didn’t grow as tall, as curvy, as mischievous as the others. So, they left her behind. Mia was no longer invited to come over. Why have her attend slumber parties when she couldn’t talk about boys? She had never kissed anyone on the lips, the poor thing. Had never had a boy trying to explode her phone with texts filled with jokes and compliments. She would stay home, watching her shows, reading her books, dreaming of fictional boys, wondering why the real-life, flesh-and-bone ones didn’t fancy her. The quirky girls on movies always got the guy in the end. Her end didn’t seem to be in sight yet.

Jason paid attention, though he pretended not to. He couldn’t let the guys know he liked Mia. She wasn’t attractive enough for him to be allowed to say something. So, he kept the childish infatuation he believed to be love deep within him. When the school trip came, each one of the boys sat next to their favorite girl on the bus, grabbing every chance to touch their hands, desperately trying to get them sufficiently flattered to grant them a kiss later. Jason had to sit beside Mia. Or at least that is how the others saw it. As if poor Jason had had no choice, since no other seats were available. Someone patted him on the back, wished him good luck. Jason offered a faint smile back while bursting with joy on the inside. Still, he was too popular, too handsome, too athletic to let his feelings show. Sitting down next to Mia was all he did. He saw his chance come and go, wishing she were just a little more like the other girls, just a little more ordinary, so that he could like her in public.

Two years later, Mia showed up holding Steve’s hand. Jason’s smile was wiped out off his face for a split second. It came back though, as faint as it had been on that bus. Mia hadn’t changed much. She was taller, perhaps, but still annoyingly different. And Steve… Steve was the prince of the boys, the kind of guy who is good at everything without threatening the others’ confidence. Steve never tried to be the king, never wished to rule it all by being the best, the most athletic, the smartest. He had that natural wisdom that prevented ambition from becoming a barrier instead of a weapon. Jason always thought Steve would end up with one of the cooler girls, but not Mia. He had been hoping she would wise up and transform into a girl he, Jason, would be allowed to publicly love.

Jason approached Steve just as Mia disappeared somewhere for a couple of minutes.

“So”, he was able to say. “You and Mia?”

“Yeah!” exclaimed Steve, beaming.

“How did that happen?” he softly gasped at the end.

“She’s a great girl, you know? Cute, sweet, smart… I’m lucky.” Jason explained humbly, as if Mia’s noticing him had been a divine deed. She returned from the restroom, and they resumed their lives.

As they walked into the classroom, Jason felt an envious thorn sting his heart. He saw Mia smile at Steve, a smile Jason had never thought she had to offer. He also saw some of the boys looking at Steve as if he were an outcast, some type of Robin Hood opposing their kingdom’s status quo. And, much to Jason’s astonishment and jealousy, he realized Steve couldn’t care less. He carried on being himself, unafraid, unapologetic. He never lost his rank, never quit being a prince. He smiled, said his hi’s, played ball, got good grades, kept living his life as he had always done. The other boys couldn’t help but accept it, accept him. If they could not destroy his confidence, they might as well learn to admire it. Jason, on the other hand, was condemned to the dungeons of his cowardice, feeling that strange pain one feels when they realize someone had the guts to achieve what they believed to be impossible.


The writer should _____ to the reader that a flashback is occurring.



signal makes the most sense in this case




Signal is the only answer that makes sense here in this context. Signal in the context of this sentence means that they are "prompting" or "alerting" the reader that a flashback is occurring.

Both “Moctezuma II” and “The End of the Aztec Empire” show Moctezuma being taken prisoner by Cortés. Write an informational essay about how Moctezuma was captured.


From the essay, it should be noted that Moctezuma was captured by the Spanish invaders who was led by Herman Cortes.

Moctezuma was a leader in religion, politics, and war. He maintained their empire that stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Spanish invaders that were led by Hernan Cortes arrived in Tenochtitlan which was the capital city of Aztecs. When they arrived, they were welcomed by Moctezuma.

The city of Tenochtitlan had numerous resources and wealth. Herman Cortes planned to take over the city and this led to the capture of Moctezuma.

Learn more about essays on:

What information should your organizational system document? bibliographic information for all sources used research information in its various forms author, title of the piece, and publisher all of these


The information that your organizational system should document are: All of these.

The organizational system document refers to a file that shows all the sources that were referenced during writing.

The bibliography which is a list of all your sources, the pieces of research information, the author, the title, and the publisher are all necessary information that should be included in the organizational system document.

Learn more about the organizational system document here:

Spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious plssss Oh I did







does anyone do noredink for ELA





How is Millicent directly characterized?



Personality. Millicent is a girl of small stature, black hair and always dressed in red, has a great love of money, she always finds opportunities to do good business selling items or changing other objects. His idol is Scrooge McDuck, Uncle Donald, trying to find whenever visit his nephew Donald Duck.


Read the passage.
The topic that the underlined domain words best
connect to is
A lot of practice takes place before a play opens.
Performers run lines to learn them. That way, they
don't drop lines or step on lines. They also memorize
blocking so they know where to stand.
O dancing





only actors use lines


you know the answer mater


pls help me answer this it's due today​



1. Embellish

2. Whizz

3. Astronomer

4. Gregarious

5. Delectable



Help please I don’t know these



20) "because he didn't want Duncan to give up his throne to Malcolm"

21)  "she got the guards drunk, Duncan was killed and together they blamed the guards"

I need this answer thank you for every one who has answered my other questions



What do u need help with exactly ? There is no question , just a picture so im confused ! Let me know and i'll help :)

When enhancing your style for diction, why is it important to pay attention to
words you choose?


Because word choice can help when you want the reader to stay engaged to what you’re writing. To WANT to keep reading not NEEDING to keep reading. You as the writer want them to want to keep reading to dread your work.






Which of the following works can be referenced in allusions? Select all that apply.
characters or events from novels
mythological characters, places, and titles
plays and the characters from plays
events from the author's own life


Mythological characters,places, and titles
mythological creature, places and titles, plays and characters from plays

Read about Dan and Jon.
Then match the questions
and answers.



2- D

3- C

4- A

5- F

6- E


Other Questions
about how long ago did modern humans migrate to australia Which sentence is the correct punctuation usage of the semicolon, colon, or comma?AHe was a world class athlete, a rowing champion.BHe was a world class athlete a rowing, champion.CHe was a world class athlete: a rowing champion.DHe was a world class athlete; a rowing champion. Annie comes to a sudden stop to avoid hitting a deer crossing the road at night. As she hits the breaks, her speed drops from 12 m/s to zero in 1.5 seconds.(p1) How far did she travel during that time? (p2)What was her average acceleration?Distance(p1)9 m8 m10 m13.5 mAcceleration(p2)6 m/s28 m/s212 m/s216 m/s2 Please help me with this MoodsWhich oxplains why the structuro shifts tostanzas of 3 lines for the final three stanzas?to demonstrate a contrast bolwoon thospookor and the subjectSorono after your late morning nop,you hold Moma's hand down the stairsand gaze around with drowsy oyos.You wiold a smile otoooh of us,a stately flourish of your hoorfulnessWobbly on your pint-sized logsyou toddlo around the kitchenand tumblo over o forgotten stokyour smilos dissolve in on Instantexchanged for indignant tourssoothed by a qulok embroco,you sit poooofully at the tobloand roady your toy horses for a rooo.You bobblo merrilyas you toll me thoir nomos,to indicato a shift in the pootic purpose andfocusto show that a now character has assumedtho rolo of the narratorto introduce a list of examples to support aclaim12Done->My Programs 5) Write the missing numbers to find thequotient of 782 = 17. So that 782 = 17 = 46 As a scuba diver dives deeper and deeper into the ocean, the pressure of the water on his body steadily increases. The pressure at the surface of the water is 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi). The pressure increases at a rate of 0.445 psi for each foot you descend. The charge on an ion isa.always positive.b.always negative.C.either positive or negative. Please help me?i dont want to fail Earthquake and faults What was the primary significance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire? Which do you believe applies to this text? Please explain your reasoning. A train takes 50 minutes to travel 106.3 if the train travels at the same rate how long would it take to travel 416 miles anybody help please hm Why was James Madisons contribution to the Constitution unexpected? A. He was an outspoken Antifederalist. B. He was deeply disliked by other members. C. He was relatively young and held no special office. D. He was in favor of the Virginia rather than the Connecticut Plan. What are two ways to help organize sentences? (Sites 1 and 2 Site 2: "Structure in Young Adult Fiction How would the model and answer in the example problem change if Felicia lives 7/10 miles from the soccer field??? A company tests two new products to make sure they last for more than a year. Product 1 had 950 out of 1,000 test items last for more than a year. Product 2 had 150 out of 200 last for more than a year. If you had to choose one of these two products to use for more than a year, which one is more likely to last? Explain your reasoning30 POINTS GIVE GOOD ANSWER when did the first aids treatment program start in africa? A 72-year-old man with asthma,chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease, and chronic anxiety isadmitted to a nursing home. Careplan objectives for this man include:Instruction in respiratory exercises withemphasis on forced inhalationO An exercise program to increase the vitalcapacity of his lungsOxygen therapy at 3 L/min as needed anddeep-breathing exercises for relaxationAdherence to his medication regimen, inhalationtherapy, and instructions for methods ofconserving energy