Please write 4-5 sentences about what you see in this image. Include what you think happened after the photograph was taken.

Please Write 4-5 Sentences About What You See In This Image. Include What You Think Happened After The


Answer 1


The picture looks like a bright light show with dragons, similar to the ones in chinese culture. I think this might've been taken at a light festival, or an art exibit. I can make this conclusion because their are people going inside it, and probably taking pictures. I think after this photograph was taken the people might of went to the next light.


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Fuentes shows that building family relationships can be difficult, but it can be created when we least expect it.

what is wrong with this? 20 points



moved around them


it was in first of line 4


The wrong thing is that you don't have GRAMMARLY PREMIUM to fix those mistakes. DON'T WORRY, THESE ARE PREMIUM MISTAKES THAT AREN'T REQUIRED TO BE FIIXED.


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he has 5 brothers and grew up taping his babysitter.


you could go online and search “weird facts about jon scieszka”

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I don't know exactly how accurate it is, I tried to write as much as I coul))

Where is Grendel? Where does he go? What makes him go? Will he return? What
will he be when he returns? What do his origins and destinations have to do with his


Hrothgar, inspired by the Shaper’s song of a glorious meadhall emanating a light that would “shine to the ends of the ragged world,” decides to build a magnificent meadhall high on a hill to stand as an eternal testament to the mighty justice of his Danes. Hrothgar plans to achieve glory by dispensing treasure from his new meadhall, and he hopes for his descendants to do the same. He sends to far-off kingdoms for artisans and builders to create the marvelous building. When it is finished, Hrothgar names the hall Hart and invites all the races of men to witness it. Grendel scoffs at the pomposity of it all, but he still manages to get caught up in the joyful celebration and the endlessly optimistic display of Hrothgar’s supposed goodness. Overcome with grief and shame at his own nasty, bloodthirsty ways, Grendel slinks away from Hart.

Grendel wanders through the forest, puzzling aloud over the Shaper’s mysterious power. The forest whispers back at him, but he feels as if a darker, more sinister force were speaking to him as well. The chilly, invisible presence grows in intensity and continues to unnerve Grendel. He grabs at a fat, slick vine, thinking it is a snake, only to discover it is harmless after all. The presence follows Grendel to the edge of town before mysteriously disappearing.

At the outskirts of town, Grendel observes young couples courting. While circling the clearing, he steps on a man whose throat has been cut and whose clothes have been stolen. Grendel is baffled by the contrast between the innocent picture of the pairs of lovers and the violently murdered corpse. Just as Grendel lifts the corpse over his shoulder, the Shaper begins to play his harp. The Shaper sings of the creation of the world by the greatest of gods, and of an ancient feud between two brothers that split the world between darkness and light. The Shaper claims that Grendel is on the side cursed by God. The Shaper’s words are so powerful that Grendel almost believes them, although he takes the corpse—a man murdered by his fellow men—as proof that the notion of a clear divide between man and monster is flawed. Nonetheless, overcome by the power of the Shaper’s song, Grendel staggers toward the hall with the body in his hands, crying for mercy and declaring himself a friend. The men do not understand Grendel’s cries, and they chase him out of the town with battle-axes and poison-tipped spears.

Grendel throws himself down on the forest floor, causing a twelve-foot crack to appear in the ground. He swears at Hrothgar’s Danes with curses he has picked up from human conversations he has overheard. When Grendel regains his calm, he looks up through the treetops, half expecting to see the god whom the Shaper described. Grendel asks the sky why he cannot have someone to talk to, as Hrothgar and the Shaper do. Grendel comforts himself with the knowledge that the Danes are doomed: he knows enough about human nature to realize that Hrothgar’s descendants are very unlikely to follow Hrothgar’s glorious ideas of philanthropy.

Two nights later, however, Grendel returns to hear more of the Shaper’s song. Though he is increasingly addicted, he nonetheless is enraged by the Shaper’s hopeful words, convinced of the mechanical brutishness of reality. Though Grendel dismisses the Shaper’s proposed religious system as a crackpot theory, he admits that he desperately wants to believe in it himself. Once again, Grendel hears sinister whisperings in the darkness, and he can feel the mysterious force pulling at him. He grabs a vine to reassure himself, only to discover this time that the vine really is a snake.

Back in the cave, Grendel’s mother whimpers at him, straining for language, but the only sound she manages to produce is the gibberish sound “Dool-dool! Dool-dool!”Grendel sleeps, only to wake up to the darkness pulling at him even more inexorably than before. He leaves the cave and walks to the cliff side. Grendel makes his mind a blank and sinks like a stone, down through the earth and sea.

Grendel is the part of the epic of Beowulf, where it was shown as a monster who was a coward and insensitive.

Where is Grendel?  

Grendel wanders and is said to live in the land of the Spear-Danes. He sinks away in the grief of his nasty actions against the goodness of Hrothgar.

Grendel will NOT return as he died in the end and would try to inculcate heroism in his character. His nature was a result of his hatred and disgust in his relationship with his mother.

Learn more about Grendel here:

Anybody know any questions I can ask a coach about another player?

I’m currently doing a story over a wrestler and I need to ask the coach some questions about her.. any ideas? (Please as soon as possible) Thank you!



Did anyone inspire you to start wrestling Do you have any superstition when you wrestle

The twins like ice cream (question tag)​



who likes ice cream


I think yes hope it helps

It is not all that important for you to write about a story of personal significance to you.



Please explain the question so we can understand it better.

In the Canterbury Tales, what does the Squire wear?
Select one:
O a. A velvet doublet and hose.
O b. A beaver hat.
O c.
Cloth embroidered with flowers.
O d. Green and peacock-blue hunting gear.


c. Cloth embroidered with flowers.
A cuz it sounds real pretty

which list shows the plot elements in the correct order


C. Exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


The correct answer

Exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


Exposition: is the background information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story

Inciting Incident: the event that sets the main character or characters on the journey that will occupy them throughout the narrative.

Rising Action: Beginning with the inciting incident, rising action is the bulk of the plot.

Climax: the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something.

Falling Action: what happens near the end of a story after the climax and resolution of the major conflict.

Resolution: finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem.

Hope this helps!✌️

Which of the following would be an appropriate criticism to make of an analytical essay during a peer review?
Your essay should be written in a different font.
Your essay should be ten pages longer.
I don’t see any evidence to support this claim.
The subject you chose doesn’t really interest me



I don’t see any evidence to support this claim.


In an analysis, it is important to include evidence to support your claims. (also I barley now just took the quiz :))

21. How can you tell if a speech you've written is clear and concise? please help ​


Answer: you will know trust me its like a gut feeling


i know this because my gut feeling have always helped me good luck

u can just tell that’s the way it is

define food insecurity



Food security is the measure of the availability of food and individuals' ability to access it. According to the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, food security is defined as meaning


whats the min idea because i dont really undertstand it


did you mean main idea?

the main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage.

Could someone explain to me how to preform a good solid What - How - Why paragraph for my assessment


What - what is the question and the point you are trying to prove
How - how is the point you are trying to make being shown? = quotation, language devices, then select one important word and explain its significance
Why - why is the point important what does it portray/signify, how does it make the reader feel/think/imagine?
:) hope it helps!

Hannah and her mother are at the supermarket. They are waiting in line for a cashier. Hannah's mother has a shopping cart full of groceries.

HANNAH: (Very excited): The thing about Sherlock Holmes, Mom, is that he sees things that other people don't. He uses his powers of observation and deduction to solve crimes. He has incredible knowledge of crimes and villains and the many dastardly deeds they engage in to break the law. He uses his wit and courage, too.

HANNAH'S MOTHER: (Partly distracted, answering while choosing a checkout line to stand in) Dastardly deeds? That's an interesting phrase. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. In fact, you seem happy as a dog with two tails at the moment.

HANNAH: (Feeling thoughtful and confident) Well, maybe that's because I've decided that I'm going to be an investigator.

From The Mystery of the Shiny Paper:

Hannah started to think about Holmes' many skills and character traits. The skills he relied on most of all were observation and deduction. Sherlock Holmes paid a lot of attention to detail and would often notice things that other people missed. Hannah decided that this was where she would start on her road to becoming a detective—observing others and attempting to deduce information from her observations. She spent the rest of the walk back to her house observing others and trying to come up with detective-like deductions.

A few days later, she was at the supermarket with her mother, still trying to hone her investigative skills by observing others, when she thought to herself: This is hopeless. I don't have any chance of solving a mystery! She felt a bit down on the way home and her mom asked her twice if she was feeling okay. "I'm okay, Mom," was all she said.

What are the differences in the way Hannah's thoughts, feelings, and actions are shown in the play A Daring and Dastardly Deed and the story The Mystery of the Shiny Paper? Use complete sentences and evidence from the texts to answer the question.



Well, in play A Daring and Dastardly Deeds, Hannah is happy and excited by the thought of being a detective, as shown when she skips around and eagerly tries to do what she reads about Sherlock Holmes doing by "observing others and deducing" something about them by watching closely in attempts to notice something that everyone else is oblivious to.

In play B The Mystery of the Shiny Paper, Hannah seems upset at her previous hopes of being a detective because every time she tries to be observant, she can't find anything interesting or out of the ordinary that she would consider something deduced in a detective-like manner, leaving her feeling discouraged and unhappy, both of which were directly stated in text as the narrator gave Hannah direct characterization repeatedly.

(I apologize if this is wrong or too long or something, this was just my attempt at being logical '^^)


Emilee is the head of a large veterinary hospital. She takes care of many duties to keep the hospital up and running. That is why Emilee has put Alonzo in charge of Human Resources. What types of duties might Alonzo have in this position? Does allowing Alonzo to handle things like hiring new vet techs or filing the employee health insurance forms mean that Emilee does not care about the hospital? Explain how Alonzo’s position benefits Emilee in her job.


Emilee does care about the hospital. She has other duties that she must finish too, so Alonzo is helping her out with that. Alonzo gets to interview and hire new staffs.

Answer: Emilee does care about the hospital. She has other duties that she must finish too, so Alonzo is helping her out with that. Alonzo gets to interview and hire new staffs.


Which definition for the word hypothermia can be determined using context clues from this passage?

Prolonged exposure to cold can cause a serious health condition known hypothermia. Other dangers also exist in an wilderness environment including attacks by wild animals, falling tree limbs, and the minor cuts, scrapes and abrasions that can happen to just about anyone!

a dangerous fall that causes injury

a very low body temperature

severe mental confusion or disorientation

short-term memory loss


Answer: a very low body temperature


how do social media impact people's behavior? Please answer in about 250 words if possible! I'll give Brainliest if you answer!​



"Using social media more often, though, increases FOMO and feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and isolation. In turn, these feelings negatively affect your mood and worsen symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress."

content not mind!!!


Social media can affect how someone thinks, acts, and even how they can respond to specific questions. One example is last year, 2020's presidential election with former president Donald Trump and now president Joe Biden. Many people turned aggressive against the other party and often ridiculed anyone who didn't support what they believed; mocking looks, the way they act, and even the music they listen to. A few of the aggressive people even went as far as to react violently because some social media posts encourage violence and negative behavior to be the norm. However some were convinced by some of the media and decided to vote for the opposing party. Social media can also pull people's heartstrings and cause them to become more sympathetic or feel not so alone if they realize that others went through the same thing as they did. People can become kinder to others or more aware of the dangers around them as people post awareness videos onto their pages for millions to see. This topic has been a debate since social media came to exist in the first place, whether it is helpful or unhelpful, and will probably continue until it someday ceases to exist. People don't look at it from the correct angle, however. Many people see it as pure help or pure harm but honestly, it depends on the person who decides to use it. There is no "wrong" or "right." In conclusion, social media is very influential and can cause great harm or ease depending on how the user decides to bend it.


where does the semi colon thing go?

1. the musicians will arrive on saturday morning we should be there to greet them



The musicians will arrive on saturday morning; we should be there to greet them

Explanation: Here's an example: I have a big test tomorrow; I can't go out tonight. The two clauses in that sentence are separated by a semicolon and could be sentences on their own if you put a period between them instead: I have a big test tomorrow.

Leave a branliest if this helped

what is the thesis statement of romeo and juliet act 3 scene 1?



Some of the thesis explored in Romeo and Juliet are: tragedy, love, fate and death. Act 3, Scene 1 is a very dramatic scene, and is the turning point of the story; the climactric. It is at this point that everything changes for the worse and starts going downhill.


Suggest how literacy can be encouraged/promoted/developed.



Encourage students to read outside of their preferred genres. To build a wide vocabulary and broad background knowledge, students need to read in a wide variety of genres and text types. Through book talks, read alouds, and book displays, open students' eyes to new authors, genres, and text types.


Which sentence has the most informal style?


Answer: D


It's more of how you would speak with a friend rather than an older person you should respect

The sentence that has the most informal style is I don't know - do you think she's gotten better by now? Thus the correct option is D.

What is an informal style of the sentence?

A sentence is said to be informal style when it uses more casual words rather than systematic grammatical formation to deliver any message. the causal style is used with friends and family.

A sentence is said to be written in a formal style when it uses standard structure along with proper formatting. Formal sentences are used in an official or corporate setting where there is an objective behind any conversation.

Informal sentences are short sentences that consist of normal vocabulary using short abbreviations in order to deliver any message. It is used when the speaker and listener are in familiar terms.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Informal style, here:


Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone?

They’re still not finished with the project that was due yesterday.
Their are a number of great books about the Civil War in the library.
They said they would put away all of there clean clothes before school.
I think I saw an entire flock of wild parrots sitting in the trees over their.



the first one


there's a proper use of the word they're. which means they are.

They are still not finished with the project that was due yesterday sounds correct.

If you read animal farm, I need a sentence to relate to the novel using the word "excise".



Whymper was paid excise taxes to be Animal Farm's representation in human society.

is it b? please help



yes i think





A: You had better not repeat the same mistake again. Makes no sense.

B. You should not repeat the same mistake again. Correct.

C. You could not repeat the same mistake again. Incorrect. We only use this word in phrases....sometimes.

D. You can not repeat the same mistake again. Ircorrect. No spacing Between Can and not.

hope this helps.

Ode to Solitude
by Alexander Pope
Which statement BEST describes the impact
of the underlined alliteration in the third
stanza, on page 1?
It creates a hushed sound that reflects the
disinterest felt toward life.
Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air
In his own ground.
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire;
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter, fire.
Blest, who can unconcernedly find
Hours, days, and years slide soft away
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day,
It creates a harsh sound that reflects the
unpleasantness of growing older.
It creates a smooth sound that reflects the
gentle passage of time.
It creates an urgent sound that reflects the
speed at which life goes by.


The statement that BEST describes the impact of the underlined alliteration in the third stanza, on page 1 is: It creates a smooth sound that reflects the gentle passage of time.

The alliteration in the third stanza can be seen in the repetition of the s sound.

"Hours, days, and years slide soft away,"

The soft whisper of the 's' sound demonstrates the manner in which time gently passes by.

The poet was thus saying that anyone who can experience, health, peace of mind, and quiet as time gently passes by is blessed.

So, the gentle passage of time is illustrated in the alliteration of the 's' sound.

Learn more about alliteration here:

in the great Gatsby
after reading the conclusion of the novel do you think Daisy will be happy why or why not what is your final impression of her​


From reading the conclusion of the great gatsby, it seems that daisy would have mixed emotions. Firstly initially she would be happy that she can start her life again but in contradiction that her life she wanted to have was full of lies, sorrows and heartbreak.

Rewrite the following sentence to create question

A) I am in your English class.



Am I in your English class?

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