Please help Quick ASAP Hurry
Which of the following, is NOT a reason why Keller included an analogy in the 3rd paragraph of "The Story of My Life"?
A. To emphasize how her situation was similar.
B. To make the reader feel bad for her situation.
C. To precisely explain her struggle before her education.
D. To express her experience through a relatable situation.


Answer 1


B is your answer... sorry for the late answer, Im taking it that test right now - Kai


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Which of the following was located in East Africa along the Red Sea in modern-day Ethiopia? A. Mali B. Axum C. Hausa D. Yoruba.

plz help its urgent llz​



B. Axum


Axum was a city in northern Ethiopia.

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Explanation: we are the true laborers

Read the story Lost in the Woods:

I never thought departing the trail just a little would be a big deal. My parents had cautioned me so many times about wandering off and how easy it is to get disoriented. But, I wasn't planning to go very far. I kept looking back to make sure I could retrace my steps. Looking back didn't work. All of the trees began to look the same, and nothing looked familiar. It wasn't until I finally decided to make my way back that I realized I was lost! I had gone much farther, and for much longer, than I had planned.

The warmth that the sun had brought to the forest in the daytime was now quickly disappearing. My parents' warnings came racing through my head. What did they tell me to do if ever I got lost? Over and over they drilled into me, "The most important thing to remember is S.T.O.P.!" It's an acronym for sit, think, observe, and plan. I stopped, sat down on the forest floor, and pulled my knees in close. It was cooling off, and a drizzle was dampening the forest. I was lonely and scared. I knew that to survive, I had to stay warm, and I needed to drink water. Before I got any wetter, I made a very crude lean-to from the nearby branches and foliage. I managed to collect a bunch of dry leaves for a mattress. It was dark now. I took off my T-shirt and wrapped it around my legs, pulled on my hoodie, and curled up on the bed of leaves. I couldn't sleep. It was a cold, dark, and spooky night, and I was hungry.

It felt like forever before the dawn filtered through the trees the next day. I knew I had to remain calm and make my whereabouts known. My family would be searching for me. I pulled out the only tool I had brought with me, my voice! I began to yell as loudly as I could,

"Help! I'm over here!"

Soon, very faintly at first, I could hear voices. I knew it was the search party, so I kept yelling and then listening. They kept calling out my name, and I kept replying until we were together. My dad was holding me close when he reprimanded me,

"Don't you know you were late for supper? I'm disappointed that you wandered off. I'm glad you told us where you were going, and I'm proud of you for remembering the survival techniques. But, I bet you won't do that again, eh?"

"Nah, I think I learned my lesson," I answered sheepishly.

Read the story The Rescue:

Captain Henry was said to be one of the best divers in Bayfield, Wisconsin, and now he is said to be the best ship captain. However, this evening on Lake Superior was different from any other evening that Captain Henry had seen. It was a wavy and stormy night on the lake. Captain Henry was directing all of his strength to hold the steering wheel and control the ship. The waves were the size of mammoths, and the boat continued to fill with angry water. Captain Henry yelled at his fellow sailors to scoop out the water that was weighing down the ship, but the sailors could not work any faster. "We are sinking! We are sinking!" shouted the sailors.

Captain Henry knew that they were in trouble. With little time to spare before the ship began to sink into Lake Superior, Captain Henry made an urgent call to his older brother. His older brother had helped him with everything from cuts to broken bones all of his life. He was a father figure to Captain Henry. Coincidently, his older brother was also the strongest, bravest, and most dedicated coastguard in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Luckily, with Lake Superior just north of Bayfield, Captain Henry's brother would hopefully be able to rescue them soon. Captain Henry began to desperately flash the emergency lights on the boat so that his brother could find him. In the distance, the sailors pointed to a boat coming their way and tooting its horn. As Captain Henry's brother arrived, he threw a rope to the sailors and pulled them to safety. Standing on the boat, wrapped in blankets, the sailors, Captain Henry, and his brother watched the ship sink. "All good things must come to an end," stated Captain Henry, sadly. "But, hey! Now, you can practice your diving again and go see your ship at the bottom of the lake," joked Captain Henry's brother.

How are the child's needs in Lost in the Woods different from Captain Henry's needs in The Rescue?

In one story, the character is rescued by a family member, and in the other story, the character is rescued by a group of friends.
In one story, the character does nothing to try to save themselves, in the other story, the character uses survival skills to try to save themselves.
In one story the character needs an immediate rescue to be saved from a disastrous situation, and in the other story, the character can survive the night and but needs an eventual rescue.
In one story the character needs to be rescued from the elements of nature, and in the other story, the character needs to be rescued from a trickster and their evil plan.



In one story, the character is rescued by a family member, and in the other story, the character is rescued by a group of friends.

what songs would prince Hamlet listen to?​



“My War” — Black Flag. ...

“Excitable Boy” — Warren Zevon. ...

“Under A Silent Sea” — Loney, Dear. ...

“I'm Confused” — Handsome Furs. ...

“Paranoid” — Black Sabbath. ...

“The Loneliness and the Scream” — Frightened Rabbit.


They bought a new car a.theyself b.theyselve c.themselve d.themselfs



None of the options are correct.

The correct word form is: themselves.





Since "they" is more than two people the correct answer is themselves because one cannot say theyselves it is wrong

Directions: Identify if the given statement is True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is True. If it is false, write FALSE.

1. Annotating helps you to comprehend what you are reading on a deeper level than if you were just to read it straight.

2. One process of annotation is circling any familiar words, then look them up in the dictionary, and write down the definition of the words.

3. One of the benefits of annotating is, it helps you to process what you are reading

4. To make it more engaging and interesting, you may use descripted annotation which use images to represent concepts and elements

5. You must paraphrase or summarize each chapter of the text after you finish reading it.







2. She doesn’t do her homework quickly.





Because to Didnt not answer

A. Wealth
B. Level of living
C. liquidity
D. Assets



D. Assets


An asset is something you own that has monetary value, like a house, car, checking account or stock. Taking inventory of your assets and identifying their worth is important. ... See all your accounts in one place, and find cash you can put aside and grow.

Plz help this is due in 8mins!!! im rlly stressed out!

1. Reread the highlighted lines. Then give a short summary of what happened at the intersection and explain.

2. What do you think Saeng might be thinking or feeling as the instructor is evaluating her performance on the test? Explain.



about the different sun types of the ecology, you see in the passage it states, “ the sun types have different effects on human bodies the way it shines” So the author is leading you to that purpose


Which of the following are inferences made by the narrator? Check all of the boxes that apply. His mother did not play Scrabble as well as his father. His mother is not acting properly after the death of his father. His mother’s actions show her lack of interest in Oskar and his feelings. His mother should have turned up the volume on the stereo.


Answer:B:His mother is not acting properly after the death of his father

And C:His mother actions shows her lack of interest in Oskar and his feelings



its B C


Is settle concept or action for english





To settle means to make amends or peaceful resolution.

English II: Night
Study Questions

Directions: Save this document to your computer. After you have finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel, compose your answers in the space provided. The answer boxes will expand as you type.

Your responses should be in the form of detailed paragraphs. A well-written paragraph is at least five sentences. Each question will require more than one paragraph to fully answer. Use specific examples from the book to support your claims.

1. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them. Discuss at least three specific examples of events that occurred which dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews.

2. After Eliezer’s father was beaten by Idek, a Kapo, Eliezer says, "I had watched the whole scene without moving. I kept quiet. In fact, I was thinking of how to get farther away so that I would not be hit myself. What is more, any anger I felt at that moment was directed, not against the Kapo, but against my father. I was angry with him, for not knowing how to avoid Idek’s outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made of me." Discuss what the last line signifies. Discuss how his attitude had changed.

3. Discuss why you think the townspeople remained complacent despite the advance of the German army.

4. Discuss why Eliezer lied to Stein, his relative, about Stein’s family. Discuss whether you think he was morally right.

5. Discuss the significance of "night" in the novel. Cite examples from the story to support your answer.

6. Explain the author’s meaning when he says after the handing of the youth from Warsaw that "the soup tasted excellent that evening," yet after the pipel was hanged, "the soup tasted of corpses."



I only know a few of the answers, so I will give them to you in a short answer format, based on which you can construct your paragraph. I hope it helps!


1. Three examples:

a. Beating up his father with an iron bar for doing nothing wrong (Page 54)

b. Whipping Elie on the crate in front of all of the inmates, after Elie accidently caught him having you know what with the young Polish girl. (Page 57)

c. Having sons throw their fathers in furnaces (Chapter 3)

2. The last line meant that Elie was no longer the Elizer that he used to be. He's like a total stranger. Elie was angry at his father for being weak and not for defending himself. He probably believed that showing you're strong can prevent you from being beaten up.

3. The townspeople thought that the Germans wouldn't reach their town. However, they were wrong though. Furthermore, the Germans approached with such kindness that they believed in every single word they said. Also, the people were kinda like outcasts..

4. Elizer lied to Stein because he thought it would pain Stein if he finds out that his family were probably dead. Besides, his family was his reason to survive. He was happy when he thought his family were okay. -> He was weeping with joy. (pg.44) Elie's mother hasn't received a letter from her niece since 1940.

5. The significance of "night" in the novel is that its a symbol of darkness. Remember night means dark and stuff like that? Well, while Elie was in the camp he struggled to survive. In this place, it is every man for himself, and you cannot think of other. Not even your father. (pg.110)

6. Second quote means that Elie saw a young boy be killed in front of many people. He was so young. Death was around Elie. (I am not sure about this one though...)

If the length of a rectangle is 10 cm and its width is 7 cm. Then the area of the rectangle would be





because area of rectangles area is lengthy times width

Which facts show that Mari Copeny keeps trying and never gives up?



What moment or experience made you want to change the world?

The point where I couldn't take a bath anymore.

What is the last show or movies that you binge watched?

All the episodes of Sailor Moon.

Who or what gives you hope for the future?

Galen Miller at the nonprofit Pack Your Back.

What is your guilty pleasure?


Do you have any nicknames?

One of them is Little Miss Flint. I have a nickname that my best friend gave to me -- she called me cupcake, but I don't like that. My dad calls me MoMo.

What are three things you would do on a perfect day?

Watch anime, draw, and watch videos.

Who is your role model?

President Obama.

What is your secret talent?

I actually do flips and tumble. I can do a roundoff back handspring.

What issue or cause should more people be talking about?

The American water crisis.

What fictional character are you most like?

Deku from My Hero Academia. Even though he didn't have a superpower, he still managed to not give up and accomplish his dreams.

What young person or group of young people inspires you the most?

Yara Shahidi.

What is your favorite meme?

I have tons of favorite memes. The first meme I like is the big chungus. The second is the Duolingo bird. My third favorite meme would have to be all the T series memes.

What is something you read, watch, or listen to that makes you feel inspired or empowered?

I read manga. I listen to a bunch of random theme songs. The Thomas the Tank Engine theme song is on my Spotify playlist.

Who or what is guaranteed to make you laugh?

Myself. Nobody else thinks I'm funny, but I think I am.

What's the biggest change you'd like to see in the world in the next five years?

That people recycle and no more turtles get hurt. No more animals getting killed by plastic!

What's your most overused emoji?

I don't really use emojis, but I think it would be the cat laughing.

What advice would you give to other young people who want to make a difference?

That your voice can be heard, and even if you're big, small, old, young, it doesn't really matter. You can still make a change in the world.

In three words, how are you feeling right now?

Happy, excited, and jumpy.


Which definition is the best meaning of the word theorize



to think of or suggest ideas about what is possibly true or real


Have a wonderful day!

Which word means the same as
proficiency in paragraph 6?
F curiosity
G skill
H effort
J beauty


Answer: Skill?

Explanation: I don’t know what the paragraph is but another word for ‘proficiency’ is ‘skill’.

Being proficient with something means you skillful, and expert, have ability, mastery, etc.

3) Mother: "I see you ironed your shirt." I
Son: “But I just dug it out of the bottom of the hamper."
Type of irony:

Explain your choice:



Sarcastic and Verbal irony



who once said, in a celebration of english royalty, give three cheers for our queer old dean?



Toasting Queen Victoria at dinner, Spooner said, “Give three cheers for our queer old dean,” and he greeted a group of farmers as “noble tons of soil.” There was the time he cautioned young missionaries against having “a half-warmed fish in their hearts.” He described Cambridge in the winter as “a bloody meek place.


type of number that is on top​



I don't see any number on top.

Maybe your referring to the points

Or the question was set wrongly.

Which sentence is written in the passive voice?
O A.
The dogs chased the stray cat for hours on end.
O B.
The city council got the roads repaired before the rains.
Riley made pancakes for his sister by reading the recipe in a cookbook.
O D.
The soccer practice was cancelled because of the unexpected rains.



C Riley made pancakes for his sister by reading the recipe in a cook book

Read this passage.

In this excerpt, Wiesel describes how his fellow inmates at Auschwitz behaved in the barracks.

excerpt from Night by Elie Wiesel

Some of the men spoke of God: His mysterious ways, the sins of the Jewish people, and the redemption to come. As for me, I had ceased to pray. I concurred with Job! I was not denying His existence, but I doubted His absolute justice.

What does this excerpt imply about Wiesel?

He longs to believe in God as he once did.

His faith in God has been deeply shaken by his experiences.

He considers his fellow inmates to be naive and foolish.

His religion is more important to him now than ever before.


His faith in God was shaken by this experience. What he's saying in that paragraph is "I believe God exists but why does he let us suffer?" Due to this he stopped praying. He didn't think there was any point if God didn't help. He'd lost faith in a merciful God.


His Faith in God has been deeply shaken by his experiences


when he says he ceased to pray its implies he doesn't believe in god but when he said he was not denying his existence but his absolute justice, I believe it means he had been wronged for no reason and eh blames god for it, for if god was truly omnipotent he could have stopped it. but this is jusat my interpretation, I haven't read the book so if anything you should compare with other answers, if they are like this one then this is correct

THREE sentences have the predicate nominative italicized



My favorite book at the time was CRIME AND PUNISHMENT

When my friends come it will be A PARTY

(I capitalized since I couldn’t figure out how to italicize in the Brainly answer)

Is everyone else rushing to get things done because it is almost the end of semester 1 or just me?​



you are not the only also rushing

is pepperoni pizza a singular plural or possessive noun



Singular Noun


It would be singular

A subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called a __________. wat type of sentence is this??​


Answer: your just not smart thats why you use brainly


Will give Brainliest!!!

What does the phrase "throw the stone of malice" mean?

a. throw a party to cheer up a friend who is struggling

b. say unkind things to someone

c. play fetch with a dog to cheer up after a failure

d. throw stones at a dog to chase it away



Definition: the intention or desire to do evil

So, Say unkind things to someone, B

B. say unkind things to someone.

I just learned figurative language.

Hope this helps

Suppose you had visited a friend's family in India for the Diwali festival. Write a story about your visit. Tell about the festival. Explain what it is and how it is celebrated. Use vocabulary words and describing words from the Article in your answer.



In one of the main stories in Hindu mythology, Diwali is the day Lord Rama, his wife Sita Devi and brother Lakshmana return to their homeland after 14 years in exile. The villagers lit a path for Rama, who had defeated the demon king Ravana. ... After he slayed the demon, Lord Krishna declared it a day of festivities.


A person is the visit to India for the Diwali festival. The Hindus are the celebrate the festival as the religious festival. A person was to enjoy and the gaining the knowledge of the Hindu festival.

What is festival?

The term festival refers to the celebration of a noteworthy occasion. Different religions have different festivals to celebrate. A festival is a day or period of year when people take a day off from work to celebrate a special event, most typically a religious event. There are well-known festivities such as Diwali, Christmas, Holy b, and Eid al-Adha.

A person traveled to India to celebrate the Diwali holiday. Lord Rama, the Devi Sita, and their brother Lakshmana return to their homeland after 14 years in exile, according to a person who is learning Hindu mythology. The peasants paved the way for Rama, who had killed Ravana, the demon king. Lord Krishna, the devil, declared it a day of celebration.

As a result, the person was to enjoy and the gaining the knowledge of the Hindu festival.

Learn more about on festival, here:


Is this a thesis statement?
The Transportation Security Administration ought to revisit its rules regarding carry-on luggage.


Answer: Yes


It's a big focus of the paper.

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