Please help me with this, ITS PAINFUL

Also answer this for real, not for points and if you don't then no brainly.
(Not answering this just shows how stu-pid your really are, no offense buddy)

Please Help Me With This, ITS PAINFUL :|Also Answer This For Real, Not For Points And If You Don't Then


Answer 1


(1) Muhammad Ali attempted to modernize Egypt by instituting dramatic reforms in the military, economic and cultural spheres.


I only know this one sorry, hope it helps though!

Answer 2

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What are some Goods and Bads of of the Quiz show? (Book is Out of my mind) ​


You seek knowledge from those people who know answers
Bad: could cause the person to go through emotional distress if the answer is incorrect and it’s live on tv

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Its North Carolina,Northern New Mexico,southern Colorado, California, southern Oregon, and far western Nevada


Hope it helps,please mark brainlest

What might have been Jefferson Davis’s reason for attacking Fort Sumter? Critical Thinking.


Answer: It was still under Union control, even though it was in South Carolina.

Explanation: Hope it helps

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Which power is not given solely to the president by the Constitution?
a. to veto bills
b. to command the army
c. to declare war
d. to appoint to the Supreme Court



C. To declare war


The answer would be D but if I’m wrong we’ll dang it

which empire gave women some rights in ancient Egypt?



Medieval Egypt

Mamluk dynasties


Document B
Source: Excerpt from “Science,” by Cristian Violatti, published in the Ancient History Encyclopedia.
...the development of Chinese science is strongly linked to government officials. The court astronomers were particularly interested in the sciences of astronomy and mathematics, since the calendar was a sensitive imperial matter: the life of the sky and the life on earth had to develop in harmony, and the sun and the moon regulated the different festivals. During the time of Confucius (c. 551 to c. 479 BCE), Chinese astronomers successfully calculated the occurrence of eclipses.
Geometry developed as a result of the need to measure land, while algebra was imported from India. During the 2nd century BCE, after many centuries and generations, a mathematical essay named The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art was completed. This work contained mostly practical mathematical procedures including topics such as determining the areas of fields of different shapes (for taxation purposes), pricing of different goods, commodities rate exchange and fair taxation. This book develops algebra, geometry, and also mentions negative quantities for the first time in recorded history. Zu Chongzhi (429–500 CE), estimated the right value of pi to the sixth decimal place and improved the magnet, which had been discovered centuries earlier.
Where the Chinese displayed an exceptional talent was at making inventions. Gunpowder, paper, woodblock printing, [and] the compass are some of the many Chinese inventions.
How did the technologies of gunpowder, printing, and the compass spread out of Asia? Where did these technologies spread to and what was their impact?



There is a website with info about this inventions in China it’s
Just search up 4 great inventions of ancient China answers those questions
Hope it helps

Gunpowder, printing and compass technologies spread around the world, by maritime or mercantile routes, these inventions revolutionized the world, and are used to this nowadays, to understand more.....


Muslims acquired knowledge of gunpowder sometime between 1240 and 1280, when the Syrian Hasan al-Rammah wrote in Arabic recipes for gunpowder, instructions for purifying saltpeter, and descriptions of gunpowder incendiary behaviors. It is implied in the use of some terms that he derived his knowledge from Chinese sources: in his references to saltpeter as "Chinese snow", fireworks as "Chinese flowers", and rockets as "Chinese arrows".

The first western accounts of gunpowder appear in texts written by the English philosopher Roger Bacon in the 13th century. Various sources mention Chinese weapons and gunpowder weapons being used by the Mongols against European forces at the Battle of Mohi in 1241.


The Chinese invention of woodcut printing, sometime before the first book dated 868 (the Diamond Sutra), produced the world's first printed culture. According to A. Hyatt Mayor, curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, "it was the Chinese who really discovered the media that would dominate until our era." Printing in northern China advanced even further in the 11th century, as it was written by Song dynasty scientist and statesman Shen Kuo (1031-1095), that the common craftsman Bi Sheng (990-1051) invented movable ceramic type printing.

The Qing Dynasty court sponsored huge printing projects using movable type printing on wooden blocks during the 18th century. Although replaced by Western printing techniques, movable wooden block type printing still remains in use in isolated communities in China.


This location instrument was created by the Chinese and modified by different peoples. The large-scale use of the compass was undertaken in the period of the Great Navigations, especially by the Europeans, who relied on this instrument to carry out sea voyages to new colonial possessions.

With this information, we can say that Gunpowder, printing and compass went to the world for being revolutionary inventions, and the impact of these inventions in the whole world were from technological development to an improvement of techniques and tools.

Learn more about China in

Which is TRUE of the record player that Thomas Edison invented?

It worked just like stereos do today.

It was designed to play speeches, not music.

It became the basis of modern record players.

It was not popular, and most people did not see its value.


I believe it’s the one that says it was designed to play speeches,not music

The statement that is true of the record player that Thomas Edison invented is that It was designed to play speeches, not music. The appropriate response is option B.

Who is Thomas Edison ?

American businessman and inventor Thomas Alva Edison. He created numerous innovations in the production of electric power, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures.

A phonograph, sometimes known as a gramophone in later incarnations, a record player since the 1940s, or more recently a turntable, is a mechanical and analogue recording and sound reproduction device.

Naturally, Edison considered how the phonograph would be useful in the workplace, and he named dictating letters as the phonograph's primary utility. Edison thought that dictation machines could be used to send recordings over the mail in addition to dictating messages.

Hence the appropriate response is option B.

To learn more about Thomas Edison


Which of the following best describes the Greek’s victory at Thermopylae?

an expected defeat of the Persians

an easy defeat of a weak enemy

only a partial victory

a surprising show of bravery



B???????? or D???????????

Your answer is D ❗️ give me feedback

According to Section 4, the President, Vice President, and all civil officers shall be removed from office for high and .



sorry i got confused



What happened to Babylon in the thousand years following Hammurabi’s rule?

15 POINTS pls hurry!


After the reign of Hammurabi, the Babylonians were attacked and weakened by the Hittites, a group of people from Asia Minor. The capital city of Babylon was sacked.


The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi expanded the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River to unite all of southern Mesopotamia. The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice

Judging from both the chart and the photo, how can you use this document to argue that building the Great Wall was not worth the cost?


It led to death of soldier and peasants
The Great wall of China is not worth the cost because
a) It led to the death of soldiers and several other deaths
b) The builders suffered extreme climatic condition
c) Soldiers and peasants of Qin and Han dynasty went through hardship to protect it

What role did geography play in the development of Athens as a dominant power among the city-states of ancient Greece?

Its location along the Aegean Sea helped Athens establish a powerful navy and booming trade.

The mountainous terrain helped the Athenians defend their city from foreign invasion.

Its location along the Mediterranean Sea helped Athens develop a prosperous economy based on agriculture.

The mountainous terrain helped the Athenians invade other city-states and establish colonies.
Reset Next


Answer: A.)  Its location along the Aegean Sea helped Athens establish a powerful navy and booming trade.


Which statement is true of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

They follow strict dietary rules

They share the same place of worship

They celebrate the same religious ceremonies

They acknowledge Abraham as an important religious figure.


A. They follow strict dietary rules

1. Which solution was proposed by the Three-Fifths Compromise?

A. The government would have five branches of Congress, two based on state population and three on an equal number of representatives.

B. Each enslaved person would represent three-fifths of a person in a state's population.

C. Each state would have equal power by having five representatives each in one branch of Congress and three representatives in another.

D. Each state would have three-fifths of their representation based on their population and two-fifths based on the size of their state.
2. What was the Anti-Federalist stance on people's rights and the Constitution?

A. The Constitution did little to protect the rights of citizens.

B. The Constitution gave too many rights to common people.

C. The Constitution should remove the social contract, which forced citizens to do things against their will.

D. The Constitution ensured that the government would be limited in its power.

3. Why did Alexander Hamilton support the Constitution?

A small executive branch made it easier for one person to convince people around them to act.

A strong government encouraged disagreements and debate.

A smaller executive branch made it easier for people to keep an eye on who was running the government.

A strong government prevented people from having too much freedom.

4. Which principle of government gives the U.S. Supreme Court the right to decide if actions taken by the executive or legislative branches are in agreement with the Constitution?

A. limited government

B. federalism

C. separation of powers

D. judicial review

5. Who is allowed to introduce a bill to Congress?

A. interest groups

B. average citizens

C. the president

D. a member of Congress


6. What is a responsibility of the executive branch?

A. approving judges

B. declaring laws unconstitutional

C. appointing judges

D. impeaching officials

7. Why does the U.S. government carefully adjust interest rates?

A. to help keep all the money it receives in taxes

B. to provide economic stability

C. to help other nations rebuild their economies

D. to keep states from collecting too much in taxes

each question worth 5 points 5x7 = 35 ( answer if your gonna answer all of them )


It’s b south needed the votes but north wouldn’t allow them to be a whole vote
The answer b because I don’t really know how to explain it

Who led the Federalists and Democratic-Repubican parties?



Hamilton and Jefferson


Read the following information and answer the question belo
The Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 ruled
establishing widespread segregation in parts of the United States
Which constitutional right did this Supreme Court ruling limit
the right of a citizen to speak his or her mind freely in a
the right of a citizen to receive equal treatment under the
the night of a citizen to be guarded from from cruel punish-
the right of a citizen to have protection from illegal property


Would it be Jim Crow Laws? The Court found nothing unconstitutional about what happened and nothing was truly done about the Segregation until Brown vs. Board of Education 1752-1754.
1.that although segregation was unfair it wasn’t unconstitutional
2. Not enough context
3.Amendment 1
4. Amendment 8
5.Amendment 4

Why is the spread of Islam an important historical event?


The Arabs conquered Syria, Palestine, and Egypt from the Byzantine empire, while Iraq and Iran, the heart of the Sasanian empire, succumbed to their forces. Here in these lands, Islam fostered the development of a religious, political, and cultural commonwealth and the creation of a global empire.

Who were the undecideds?

A. Colonists who believed the colonies should be free to from British rule
B. Colonists who believed the colonies should remain loyal to Britain
C. Colonists who wanted to go to war with Spain in the west
D. Colonists who were unsure about being free of or remaining loyal to Britain


D, the key word there is unsure which is a synonym for undecided. Hope this helps

What was the cause of Shays’s Rebellion?
A. objection to the abolishment of slavery
B. objection to the inability of the government to respond to economic crisis
C. objection to the inability of people to elect members of the Confederation Congress
D. objection to a weak central government



objection to the inability of the government to respond to economic crisis


The causes of the revolt, which became known as Shays Rebellion was money - or the lack of money. The American Revolutionary War had resulted in massive War Debts. The Continental Congress and state governments imposed a Poll tax to pay for the Revolutionary War debts

Thirty-four percent of Canada’s land is forest.
How do the forests of Canada impact trade?
A. Two of Canada’s major exports include timber and wood pulp.

B. International trade of forestry products has increased because of deforestation.

C. Canada must import newsprint from other countries because of a lack of lumber.

D. Canada trades its timber with only the United States and Mexico as a result of NAFTA.






B is the answer


Do you agree with Crevecoeur's motto for emigrants? Explain why or why not.



Yes I agree with his Motto of Where there is bread there is my country.  In order to explain this, an emigrant can be regarded as a person who leaves his country to a foreign country in order to settle there permanently.  One of the reasons why a person would want to leave in a different country is the availability of bread. Bread here means a lot of things. It could be used to describe a the good life.  Emigrants before moving would only want to go to  a place because of the prospects that exist there.


I do concur with his motto, "Where there is bread, there Is my Country," in this case. An emigrant might be thought of as someone who departs from their own nation and moves

What is the nation?

There is a difference between the terms nation, state, and country despite the fact that they are occasionally used interchangeably. A state is a politically autonomous unit (notice the capital "S"). States and countries can both be used interchangeably. A nation, on the other hand, is a tightly-knit group of people who share a culture.

The only things holding him together were his language skills and his affection for a small group of poor relatives; today, his country is the one that provides him with land, food, security, and consequence. All emigrants live by the maxim "Ubi panis Ibi Patria" (literally, "Where there is bread, there is my nation").

He is demonstrating how men were filthy, destitute, and powerless by comparing plants to men. What is the migrant community's credo? "My country is where my brother has earned it." This indicates that the nation I'm from is where I earn money and can live and survive.

Therefore, Departs from their own nation and move

Learn more about the nation here:


Document C
Sources of Knowledge: In Europe, prior to the Scientific Revolution, there were a few key sources of knowledge. When you wanted to know whether something was true or not, you turned to these sources for confirmation: 1) religion (the Church, the Bible, & God), 2) ancient scholars from Greece and Rome (ancient wisdom), 3) the king. To learn about nature and the universe, a common approach would be to read the Bible to see what it said. But most people couldn’t read, so they would have to ask a Christian Priest who could read. Another common approach would be to examine the writings of scholars from Ancient Greece and Rome. The thinkers of the Scientific Revolution challenged the validity of these sources as a legitimate basis for truth. These new scientists believed that neither the church, the king, nor ancient scholars had all the answers. They decided to try to figure out the answers for themselves, in a new way.
Main Idea:


No idea

California became a state because of the discovery of

A: Silver
B: Copper
C: Gold
D: iron


Gold due to the gold rush

How many years did it take Muhammad and his followers to go from conquering Mecca to conquering Saragossa?


It took 8 years for Muhammad to conquer Mecca
Hope this helps!
it took them eight years to go from conquering mecca ti Saragossa


What feelings motivated Benedict Arnold to begin spying?


A desire for the colonies to remain under British rule
Arnold became a traitor: greed; mounting debt; resentment of other officers; a hatred of the Continental Congress; and a desire for the colonies to remain under British rule.

How did the Mycenaean civilization differ from the Minoan civilization?
The Mycenaeans were more warlike than the Minoans.
The Mycenaeans performed animal sacrifices.
The Mycenaeans traded goods with other nations in the Mediterranean.
The Mycenaeans created an alphabet with 22 consonants.
The Mycenaeans sacrificed seven youths to the Minotaur every year.


The answer is A
The Mycenaeans were more warlike than the Minoans
The answer is A I took the test and I got it right

What are the major parts of the 1832 Mississippi Constitution?


The 1832 Constitution was the last state constitution of Mississippi. This constitution was in place while slavery was still legal in the United States. It’s major parts include electing judges instead of appointing them, outlawing dueling, and legislature was prohibited from passing any law that tried to free slaves.

Hope that helps :))

Which statement is the most likely conclusion you can draw from the cause and effect relationship shown in the diagram?





A is false.

B and C can not be proven from the diagram.

so its D I think


The industrial revolution made factories produce good less efficiently

Shays's Rebellion demonstrated that the Articles of Confederation:
A. prevented the U.S. government from handling crises within the
B. had given the U.S. government too much control over the states.
C. made it too easy for the U.S. government to tax poor citizens.
D. made the U.S. government overly focused on building a strong


A. prevented the U.S. government from handling crises within the country.

The articles took away many of the powers that the federal government previously had to avoid seeming tyrannical, however this backfired. The federal government couldn’t tax or provide soldiers. The lack of taxation left the government with no money and no way to pay back the veterans from the revolution, making them angry and leading to the revolution.

When we want to know who has sovereignty, we want to know who has __________. A. the right to vote B. the right to rule C. the right to an education D. the right to free speech Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





the right to rule gives you a lot of power.

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