Pleasantville police officers Fred and Barney were dispatched to investigate a robbery alarm call at the Hop-In liquor store. Central dispatch advised the responding units that they had attempted to call the store by phone, but there had been no answer. Upon arrival at the Hop-In, responding officers found the front door standing wide open and a male store clerk lying on the floor inside, deceased from an apparent gunshot wound to the chest. The cash register was empty and the store had been ransacked.

Officers quickly reviewed the store’s security videotape for evidence. The video depicted two male suspects, one wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and the other wearing a green T-shirt and blue baseball cap. Officers broadcast the suspects’ descriptions to other Pleasantville officers, and within an hour, two suspects were under arrest for the robbery and murder of the store clerk. The suspects were identified as Larry and Moe. Larry and Moe were booked into the Pleasantville jail and placed in separate cells pending follow-up by Pleasantville detectives.

The following morning Detective Smith interviewed the suspects separately about the robbery and murder. Detective Smith advised each of the suspects of his rights under Miranda. Both Larry and Moe refused to make any statement (invoking their Fifth Amendment protections) and demanded that they be placed back in their respective cells. Detective Smith called for jail guards to take the suspects back to their cells. As the guards were doing so, they noticed graffiti on the jail cell walls. In Moe’s cell, the wall read, “Sorry God for what I have done, no one was meant to die.” In Larry’s cell, the wall read, “I am innocent of murder, I may be guilty of robbery, but I didn’t kill anyone, it was Moe!”

Larry and Moe are charged criminally for the robbery and murder of the store clerk. During the trial the prosecutor attempts to enter the writings on the jail cell walls as evidence against both defendants. The prosecutor calls the jail guards as witnesses to testify that the graffiti writings were not on the wall prior to Larry and Moe being placed in their individual cells. The attorneys for Larry and Moe object to the writings being admitted as evidence. They base their objection on the fact that each defendant had clearly invoked his Fifth Amendment rights.

The judge advises the courtroom that she will need a few minutes to review the defendants’ objection and orders the court into a thirty-minute recess. Now it is your turn to be the judge. While reviewing defense counsels’ objection, you must decide the following:
1.Should the writings be allowed into the trial as evidence?
2.Can Moe's writing be used against him? Why or why not?
3.Can Larry's writing be used against him? Why or why not?
4.Can Larry’s writings be used against Moe? Why or why not?


Answer 1


1-2-3-4 NO / Who's to say an officer didnt write that inside the cell to have a quick and speedy trial where they are both found guilty but one with a lesser term  ? Even if prior to Moe and Larry being kept in SEPERATE cells , this would make it seem more evident that they are blaming Moe for the murder. Larry could have accepted a plea deal to get a shorter sentencing then Moe and only face Burgulary charges indefinite to the counts of murder Larry could face.


EVEN if this is true and Larry commited the henious crime , it cannot be used against him in terms of evidence since when he first got arrested and it was informed to him of his rights under Miranda Law he still pleas the fifth here in the excerpt "Both Larry and Moe refused to make any statement (invoking their Fifth Amendment protections)" this is prior to getting arrested and prior to being interrogated , This does'nt mean either of them are guilty yet BUT makes them look suspicious/guilty infront of the jury. This is because they didn't want to be interrogated or questioned.


Related Questions

Differential Treatment
In your opinion, what can be done to limit or eliminate differential
treatment when it comes to the courts?


You have freedom of speech and you can talk about how people treat different cultures different but don’t have a victim mentality when talk about the issues or you can protest how u feel what’s right and what wrong about the things going on

Explain why the field of criminology is considered a social science and not a natural science.



"Criminology is a multidisciplinary field because it involves social and psychological components in its basic goal of understanding crime and criminal behavior. Criminology is not primarily concerned with the criminal justice system. Rather, it involves study and research intended to better comprehend why crime occurs." –


The field of criminology is considered a social science and not a natural science because it uses social trends to explain crime and justice.

What is criminology?

Criminology refers to the investigation of the criminal behavior of an individual which is influenced by social theory as well as those from other subjects that are not related to the law including economics, statistics, anthropology, and so on.

Understanding the underlying causes of illegal wrongdoing and creating effective and compassionate solutions for dealing with and eliminating it are the two main objectives of criminology.

Criminology considers crime and justice as social phenomena rather than natural science because it takes place due to situational factors and will be considered as a cultural component rather than a natural element.

Learn more about criminology, here:


In the dual court system, the three basic tiers include trial courts, ________, and supreme courts.g



intermediate appellate courts

Which law gives an organization more instruction and insight into the type of information security plans/policies required


Information security policy (ISP) is the law that gives organizations and companies insight into the type of plans and policies required for information security. They go over  data leakage, data breaches, snooping, and control to information.

I hope this helps! :)

Customer asked Will the product help me live an opulent lifestyle?


The way a particular product is marketed or presented, do matter to the consumer. I will say the the product will help the consumer to live an opulent lifestyle.

The way one present a product to a consumer will show if the consumer will buy the product or not. Consumer are often influenced by product strategy.

The product will help the consumer to live an opulent lifestyle because as she use the product (e.g. Skincare product), it will enrich her skin and bring out the beauty in her.

Retailers should make products in a more compelling manner or approach.

Strategies in product marketing is never the same. It often required to keep consumers' attention.

Learn more from

What is the process of redistricting?


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\star \downarrow \mathsf{YOUR\ RUN\ DOWN\downarrow}\star}[/tex]

[tex]\bullet\ \large\textsf{When you hear or see the word \underline{} think of the word(s) \boxed{\bf distribute} or}\\\large\textsf{\boxed{\bf divide}. Now that we have that synopsis of what redistricting could}\\\large\textsf{possibly mean, we can now answer your given question.}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\mathsf{\star \downarrow ANSWER\downarrow}\star}[/tex]

[tex]\bullet \ \large\textsf{Basically, \underline{\underline{process of redistricting}} means: \boxed{\bf the \ illustration}}\\\large\textsf{\boxed{\bf or \drawing \ of \ a(n) \ electoral \ district \ map.}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\star \downarrow\mathsf{RANDOM\ FACTOID}\downarrow\star }[/tex]

[tex]\bullet \ \large\textsf{Electoral district map shows the administration (distribution) of a}\\\large\textsf{region (constituency) over a particular country}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Answer with Explanation:

Redistricting is the process of redrawing district boundaries when a state has more representatives than districts. Redistricting occurs every ten years, with the national census. Gerrymandering. manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class.

How do mandatory minimum sentencing laws increase the power of prosecutors?



Because if the mandatory minimum sentence is 25 years, they can work from there and just go higher.


Define " logic," and offer your own example of the concept.


Answer: Logic is a science that studies the principles of correct reasoning.

Example: Process of coming to the conclusion of who stole a cookie based on who was in the room at the time.

Should questions of social policy be left to Parliament rather than being decided by the court?





They must be repeatedly be checked in Court because if they don't the government / parliament can misuse the power.

Which theory proposes that the best way to deter crime is with punishment that is strict, sure, and swift to outweigh any benefits of law violation?

General theory of crime

Choice theory

Social control theory

Critical criminology



Deterrence theory states that if punishment is certain, severe, and swift, then people will refrain from committing criminal acts. Deterrence theory is at the core of the criminal justice system, and the basis for most of strict punishments and long prisons sentences.

The color of law means that police officers are immune from prosecution when conducting their jobs. In what circumstances can a police officers be charged with a crime for conducting his or her job? (Select all that apply.)

failure to warrant

failure to intervene

custodial interrogation

malicious prosecution





Deidre McFadden came to the offices of Webber & Associates seeking help in organizing her business, Fashion Angels, a toy-making enterprise focusing on dolls with multiple outfits. She wants to run the business and has few personal assets so is not worried about personal liability. Deidre’s aunt, Penelope, is elderly, wealthy, and adores her only niece. Penelope is willing to invest $500,000 to start the business, and Deidre has $10,000 to contribute on her own. Deidre expects to do all the work without compensation as it will take at least a year before Fashion Angels will make any profit. Penelope will sign any agreement terms, with one condition. Penelope is insisting that Deidre cannot leave the company, stating “I don’t want my money going to a stranger, it’s for Deidre.”

Deidre is looking for your advice as to the type of entity that would suit her best. “I don’t want my aunt to become the target for bill collectors if I fail. And to be honest, I really don’t want her interfering in the business because she can be quite aggressive.”

What advice would you give Deidre?


Considering the situation described above, the best advice to be given to Deidre is to establish a Sole Proprietorship.

As a Sole Proprietorship, she would be the alpha and omega of the business, thereby avoiding the interference of her aunt, Penelope.

Also, as a Sole Proprietor, should the business fail, she would be the only one responsible for the liability when the bill collectors come, thereby freeing her aunt from any indebtedness.

Again, given that Deidre is not worried about personal liability and Penelope wants her not to leave the company, Sole Proprietorship is the best deal for her.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "Sole Proprietorship."

Learn more here:

Differences between Universal Citizenship and Global Citizenship



The universal citizenship is provided to the citizens of a nation in all the country in which he is being present at the time of need universally. The global citizenship is provided to every citizen by any nation in which he is being present at the time of need globally on the basis of being a human.

Answer by :


Jackie is cheated when she buys a defective car from Fast Eddie’s Car Mart. She attempts to return the car, but Eddie just laughs and tells her to go away. Every time Jackie has to make a repair on the car, she gets angry. Finally, she decides to wreck Eddie’s car to get even with him. Following him home from work one evening, Jackie tries to ram his car, hoping to bend the axle or frame. Instead of bending the frame, the collision smashes Eddie’s gas tank, causes an explosion, and kills him.



Jackie needs therapy she's a maniac


Operating under the “color of law” refers to _____.
the requirement that jails treat incarcerated individuals equally the person bringing
a legal action against a defendant
the legal authority that some persons have over citizens
the use of police force against a person of color



The legal authority that some persons have over citizens.


To act "under color of state law" means to act beyond the bounds of lawful authority, but in such a manner that the unlawful acts were done while the official was purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his official duties.

Under what circumstances should a compensatory model be used when should a multiple hurdles model be used


All the time in the fact that your goi hg into a mode of codes

Which of the following are examples of structuring ?


An example of structuring would be a business with cash of $17,000 to deposit, breaking it into two deposits, one of $9,000 and the other of $8,000, with specific intent to evade the bank's currency transaction reporting requirement.

Which court system (of the model countries: Japan, China, Germany, France, England) would you least like to be involved with as a defendant and why?


Answer: Try this answer:


An inquisitorial system is a legal system in which the court, or a part of the court, is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case.

I hope it helped a little.

1. Atom Company just began business and made the following four inventory purchases in June:
150 units
$ 825
June 10
200 units
June 15
200 units
June 28
150 units
A physical count of merchandise inventory on June 30 reveals that there are 200 units on
hand. Using the LIFO inventory method, the value of the ending inventory on June 30 is
a. $1,105.
b. $1,100.
c. $1,170.
d. $1,180.


LIFO stands for Last in First out, essentially stating that the most recent products produced or purchased are the first to be sold or expensed. So lets list the quantity, dates, and prices in an ordered fashion.

June 1: 150 units $825

June 10: 200 units $1,120

June 15: 200 units $1,140

June 28: 150 units $885

Total: $3,970

What we know from the question is that only 200 units arrived. This plus the fact that we know we must use the LIFO method means that only the first 200 units arrived. So we get rid of every other unit cost in order to find ending inventory. So, lets find what's left.

150 units from June 1st: $825

50 units from June 10th: $1,120 / 200 = $5.6 per unit * 50 units = $280

$825 + $280 = $1,105

This means that the answer is going to be A - $1,105.

I hope I've helped! :)

If you caught an employee stealing one dollar’s worth of office supplies, what would you do? What about twenty-five dollars’ worth of supplies? One hundred dollars’? One thousand? Should employees be trained not to even take a pencil home? Would that type of training be worth the cost of the training itself?



it's to hard to explain but why he is stealing stealing is not good he must be perfect on job and yes it cost of the training itself

Help me plss can someone answer these, Thank You!​



Answers Below.


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. True

Most of these are true lol XD

benefits of the people from the government in regards to formulation of welfare for social protection



whats the question


1. What is disease? ​



any problem come by microorganisms


hope that may help you


disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state.

An example of a disease is cancer

human disease, an impairment of the normal state of a human being that interrupts or modifies its vital functions

the types of disease

There are four main types of disease: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases (including both genetic diseases and non-genetic hereditary diseases), and physiological diseases. Diseases can also be classified in other ways, such as communicable versus non-communicable diseases.

what does the national moment of remembranc encourage all americans to do


The national moment of remembrance encourages all Americans to take one minute and remember those U.S troops who have died in military service. This is done at 3:00pm local time on Memorial Day.

I hope this helps! :)

what allows you to bend ur knees?



Cartilage is a layer of smooth tissue. It covers the ends of the thighbone and shinbone. It also lines the back side of the kneecap. Healthy cartilage absorbs stress and allows the knee to bend easily.


Cartilage allows me to bend my knees.

What does it mean if a crime is a conspiracy?

It violates federal civil rights statutes.

The reason behind the crime is hatred for a group.

The jury must be sequestered to hear the case.

More than one person is involved.


It violates the code it’s .B

Which act restricted trade practices that sought to eliminate competition or encourage monopoly?
A. Securities Act
B. Sherman Antitrust Act
C. Nelson Act
D. Monopoly Reversal Act



The (B) Sherman Antitrust Act restricted trade practices that sought to eliminate competition or encourage monopoly.

This act made this illegal and you could be arrested. The main purpose of this act was to conserve competition is business.

I hope this helped at all.


B.  Sherman Antitrust Act


Correct on Edmentum

State governments are required to
create two separate legislative houses.
collect sales taxes from citizens.
allow citizens to choose representatives.
O collect federal taxes from citizens.



The answer for edge is;

C. allow citizens to choose representatives


edge answers ;p

The state governments are required to allow citizens to choose representatives. Thus, the third option is correct.

What is a state government?

In a federal form of government, a state government is the entity in charge of a subdivision of a nation that shares political sway with the federal or national government. A state government may be subject to direct federal control or enjoy some degree of political autonomy. A constitution might outline this relationship.

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state governments are all fashioned after the federal government. All States must uphold a "republican form" of government, while the three-branch system is not essential, according to the U.S. Constitution.

Therefore, citizens are allowed to choose representatives by the state governments.

To learn more on state government, click here:


what qualities in citizen required for the peace and security for the nation​



Honesty – tell the truth.

Integrity – be morally upright.

Responsibility – be accountable for yourself and your actions.

Respectfulness – treat others how you want to be treated.

Compassion – show fellowship with your compatriots who are down on their luck by volunteering and/or making donations to charities.

Kindness – be friendly.

Tolerance – be tolerant of other races and religions.

Courtesy – be considerate of others.

Self-Discipline – have self-control and cultivate the ability to follow through on what you say you’re going to do.

Moral Courage – stand up for what you consider to be wrong and defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Love of Justice – be fair and ask that others be so as well.



Which statement is true about early involvement of women in policing?
O A. Although police departments started employing police women in
the early twentieth century, it was not until the 1960s that women
began to hold higher-ranked administrative positions in policing.
O B. Early policewomen primarily worked with women and children,
rather than providing the same types of police services as male
O C. Prior to the appointment of the first policewoman in the early
twentieth century, police departments did not employ women,
other than occasionally to work as cleaners or secretaries.
D. The movement to involve women in policing was a fairly isolated
phenomenon, as women generally only worked in low-status non-
professional fields.



the answer is b


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