Planning sheet wildfires and climate change


Answer 1

Climate change has been a key factor in increasing the risk and extent of wildfires in the Western United States. ... Research shows that changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions. Increased drought, and a longer fire season are boosting these increases in wildfire risk.

Wildfire risk depends on a number of factors, including temperature, soil moisture, and the presence of trees, shrubs, and other potential fuel. All these factors have strong direct or indirect ties to climate variability and climate change. Climate change enhances the drying of organic matter in forests (the material that burns and spreads wildfire), and has doubled the number of large fires between 1984 and 2015 in the western United States.

For much of the U.S. West, projections show that an average annual 1 degree C temperature increase would increase the median burned area per year as much as 600 percent in some types of forests. In the Southeastern United States modeling suggests increased fire risk and a longer fire season, with at least a 30 percent increase from 2011 in the area burned by lightning-ignited wildfire by 2060.

Once a fire starts—more than 80 percent of U.S. wildfires are caused by people—warmer temperatures and drier conditions can help fires spread and make them harder to put out. Warmer, drier conditions also contribute to the spread of the mountain pine beetle and other insects that can weaken or kill trees, building up the fuels in a forest.

Land use and forest management also affect wildfire risk. Changes in climate add to these factors and are expected to continue to increase the area affected by wildfires in the United States.

- BRAINLIEST answerer

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Can someone pls write a essay about the theme guilt and forgiveness in ghost boys


I never read the book so I won't know what it's sbout?


Guilt is a moral emotion that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated universal moral standards and bear significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is closely related to the concept of remorse, regret, as well as shame. Guilt is an important factor in perpetuating obsessive–compulsive disorder symptoms. == Etymology == The etymology of the word is obscure, and developed its modern spelling from the O.E. form gylt "crime, sin, fault, fine, debt", which is possibly derived from O.E. gieldan "to pay for, debt". Because it was used in the Lord's Prayer as the translation for the Latin debitum and also in Matthew xviii. 27, and gyltiȝ is used to render debet in Matthew xxiii. 18, it has been inferred to have had the primary sense of ‘debt’, though there is no real evidence for this. Its development into a "sense of guilt" is first recorded in 1690 as a misuse of its original meaning. "Guilt by association" is first recorded in 1941.  "Guilty" is similarly from O.E. gyltig, itself from gylt. == Psychology == Guilt and its associated causes, advantages, and disadvantages are common themes in psychology and psychiatry. Both in specialized and in ordinary language, guilt is an affective state in which one experiences conflict at having done something that one believes one should not have done (or conversely, having not done something one believes one should have done). It gives rise to a feeling which does not go away easily, driven by 'conscience'. Sigmund Freud described this as the result of a struggle between the ego and the superego – parental imprinting. Freud rejected the role of God as punisher in times of illness or rewarder in time of wellness. While removing one source of guilt from patients, he described another. This was the unconscious force within the individual that contributed to illness, Freud in fact coming to consider "the obstacle of an unconscious sense of the most powerful of all obstacles to recovery." For his later explicator, Lacan, guilt was the inevitable companion of the signifying subject who acknowledged normality in the form of the Symbolic order.Alice Miller claims that "many people suffer all their lives from this oppressive feeling of guilt, the sense of not having lived up to their parents' argument can overcome these guilt feelings, for they have their beginnings in life's earliest period, and from that they derive their intensity." This may be linked to what Les Parrott has called "the disease of false guilt....At the root of false guilt is the idea that what you feel must be true." If you feel guilty, you must be guilty! The philosopher Martin Buber underlined the difference between the Freudian notion of guilt, based on internal conflicts, and existential guilt, based on actual harm done to others.Guilt is often associated with anxiety. In mania, according to Otto Fenichel, the patient succeeds in applying to guilt "the defense mechanism of denial by overcompensation


The Park Plaza Hotel is located in________

A. Princeton

B. New York

C. Grover's Mill

D. Trenton​



the park plaza hotel is located in Grover's mill


thank me later




If you are deaf, what language do you think


Whatever language you were taught to read or whatever language is common in that area I’d assume

Help plzzz is my last chance. Identify the error in the following sentence and the best way to fix it. After eating three cheeseburgers and taking a long nap, woke up with a ton of energy
A. It is a run-on sentence and needs a period or semicolon.
B. It has a comma splice and needs a conjunction.
C. It is a fragment and needs a subject. D. It is a fragment and needs a verb.​





This is a fragment. The sentence does not tell us who took a nap or ate a cheesburger.


c. its a fragment and needs a subject


Based on your understanding of figurative language, tone, and the characters in the excerpt, what can you infer about the society in which
Montag and Clarisse live? What can you infer about the two characters and what makes them interested in each other? Finally, what predictions
might you make about what might take place in the rest of the novel? Cite textual evidence to support your ideas.



Clarisse and Montag befriend each other quickly, and Clarisse's impact on Montag is enormous. Clarisse comes into Montag's life, and immediately begins to question his relationship with his wife, his career, and his happiness. Also, Clarisse shows Montag how to appreciate the simple things in life.


I hope this helped.

Have a great day!

He has been selling motorcycles.................

A. ten years ago

B. for ten years

C. for ten years ago

D. since ten year



Hey there! It's B - for ten years.


I'm not sure how to phrase this, but B is the most grammatically correct. Out of "He has been selling motorcycles ten years ago," "He has been selling motorcycles for ten years," "He has been selling motorcycles for ten years ago," and "He has been selling motorcycles since ten year," B is the best option, grammatically speaking.

Hope that helped!

250 word essay about your online learning experience​


In today's society, online courses are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials, classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University or from the comfort of your own home. I've taken two online courses since I've been in college and have benefited from those classes. There are a few reasons to why I'm drawn to an online education course as opposed to taking courses in a traditional classroom setting. First of all, I have a full-time job, which limits my opportunities to attend classes scheduled during normal school hours. Also online classes allow me to work on my own and move at my own pace. Finally, these classes offer more of a one-on-one teacher-student relationship rather than a teacher having to spread their focus amongst thirty other students.

Having a full time job makes it very difficult to schedule your classes. The hours I have scheduled at my job conflict with the times that most classes are offered. The use of online courses has made life at work easier, since my manager refuses to work around school schedules. Since I don't have to meet on a regularly basis, I don't have to leave my job to meet on campus. It is very convenient for me not having to meet on a regular basis. When a person has to work full time, it is hard for that person to successfully juggle their job responsibilities along with homework and study. A person can always take an online course to deal with the time constraints that a job will put on you. The use of online courses allows you to cover the material needed in school while maintaining your workload.

I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined and able to work well on your own. Since you won't be physically going to class each week, you can take part in class from the comfort of your own home. You must be self-disciplined because the instructor won't constantly be there to remind you of assignments or of project deadlines. Other obligations may mean that you are not able to do the work as regularly as if you were physically attending class, it will be up to you to make sure that you are keeping up with all the work for the course. Also, one of the main objectives of college is to become a well-rounded individual, with the skills needed to successfully manage a busy agenda.

The first online course I took, I just thought that the work for the course could be put off until I had time to do the work. In doing this, I got very far behind. It took me awhile to catch back up with the assignments and I promised myself that I would never let that happen again. The students who procrastinate about their assignments, usually either wind up withdrawing from the course late in the semester because they have fallen far behind or receiving an "F" in the course because they have not completed the required class-work by the time the course is over. A student should leave time in their schedule in order to complete the online courses successfully. Although online classes are more convenient, than traditional college classes, they should be looked at as typical college classes and not taken lightly.

Being able to communicate with instructors and other students, that are taking these courses, has made me be a more active participant during the courses. With the two online courses I've taken, I have never felt it difficult to communicate with my instructor to ask for help or clarification of an assignment. All of these instructors and the students taking these classes have been very helpful to me. The online courses offer a discussion board to send posts to your fellow students. You get a chance to read and critique each others work and respond to the comments of your classmates. I've learned that by discussing each others ideas we are in turn challenging each other to examine our own thoughts and feelings. This makes class work more interesting as we get a chance to share personal experiences in the discussion while improving on our writing style.

Any student that is interested in taking an online course should do research on the class and speak with the instructor before enrolling. Personally, I would recommend online courses to anyone that has a busy schedule, such as having a full time job or having family responsibilities. Also, you are able to learn well by doing the required work on your own, without depending solely on interaction with other students as a means of learning. Online courses are a great alternative to the student who must hold a full-time job while enrolled in college. Online courses are not only convenient but they teach you how to become a more disciplined scholar.

__ all his wealth he is unhappy






At all his wealth he is unhappy (At represents a place so doesnt match)

Of all his wealth he is unhappy (This sounds like your using it during an explanation, when the statement wants to conclude something)


On all his wealth he is unhappy ( This sounds like your putting a bet)

Hope this helped :>

250 word essay about your online learning experience​ ​


Answer: Here you go


My experiences and opinions are varied. In online school there are pros and cons such as: Staying home, Wearing comfortable clothes, and other reasons. But then again there are cons such as: Getting distracted easily (Just me?), Harder to learn (Still just me-) and many others. One of my main issues is its harder to learn. Especially math. Math is probably my hardest subject and I feel as if its impossible to learn the things they are teaching because I do not understand it. There is also very little face-to-face interaction. Sure I met up with one of my online school friends at a skate park but what about everyone else? This doesn't help with social skills at all. But there are some of pros. Its a very comfortable and flexible schedule. Most of the time. But online school has helped me with time management and and self-discipline. Online school in my opinion is boring and I dislike it a lot.

Im sorry this isn't 250 words but here you go :D

What is the meaning of the word foreboding as it is used in this sentence?
We could tell from the foreboding clouds that a storm was coming soon.
O predicting
O unexpected
O serious
O large


im looking for this answer right now aswell, altough on mine it has some diffrent choices than yours

Answer: Predicting


Took the Test!

Help please please I’ll mark you blainlist


1. Imposter hutia has been extinct since the early 1500s.
2. The giant panda is an extinct species and is the symbol of the WWF.
3. Frilled shark is a huge frightening species of fish up to 5m long with over 300 teeth.
4. Bats have been commonly associated with vampires.
5. Dolphins are protected and being reintroduced in Greek waters.
6. Eurasian lynx is a wild cat that is now absent from Greek forests.
7. The kangaroo is an effective hunter that can run at a speed of 40km per hour.

Hope this helps, good luck with your homework!

Find five poems that were written since 1975, each representing some aspect of Realism, such as these elements:
a focus on everyday aspects of life
subject matter that seems unusual for a poem
surprising word combinations
a form that fits the content
creative use of punctuation


The poems that were written since 1975 that represented some aspect of realism include:

The Water Land by T.S Elliot.Song of Myself by Walt Whitman.The Nymph's reply to the shepherd by Walter Raleigh.They by Siegfried Sassoon.I sing the body electric by Walt Whitman.

Realism simply means the detailed, accurate, depiction of nature. A poem that's realistic portrays everyday life exactly as it is.

The poems above illustrated realism. They focused on everyday aspects of life, surprising word combinations, and used a form that fits the content.

Read related link on:

Hello. Please help me with my homework. Write a story about a lonely girlie who adored helping others.
Target Writing Level: Advanced
Thanks in advance. No spam allowed.



Jessica Superhalk had always loved pretty Manchester with its ripe, rabblesnatching rivers. It was a place where she felt puzzled.

She was a funny, brave, whiskey drinker with skinny thighs and beautiful toenails. Her friends saw her as a better, brawny brute. Once, she had even rescued an unsightly injured bird from a burning building. That's the sort of woman he was.

Jessica walked over to the window and reflected on her old-fashioned surroundings. The hail pounded like smiling toads.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Stanley Blacksmith. Stanley was a courageous academic with spiky thighs and moist toenails.

Jessica gulped. She was not prepared for Stanley.

As Jessica stepped outside and Stanley came closer, she could see the wet smile on her face.

Stanley gazed with the affection of 5775 smart sweet snakes. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want justice."

Jessica looked back, even more jumpy and still fingering the stripy map. "Stanley, I want us to be friends," she replied.

They looked at each other with happy feelings, like two petite, puny pigeons singing at a very spiteful carol service, which had classical music playing in the background and two witty uncles sleeping to the beat.

Jessica regarded Stanley's spiky thighs and moist toenails. "I feel the same way!" revealed Jessica with a delighted grin.

Stanley looked calm, her emotions blushing like a testy, tall torch.

Then Stanley came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.



This question concerns your writing skills. I cannot provide a full story here, but I can give you topics to develop into one and tips on how to write it. The topics are the following:

Begin by describing the main character, Alison. She loves doing volunteer work and giving back to her community. As a teen, however, she feels lonely outside of this environment.Alison does not have many friends at school. You can give her a shy personality and looks that do not fit the beauty standards. For that reason, she is not popular.However, she is popular at the organizations where she volunteers. That is what draws the attention of Josh, a boy from a different school who begins to volunteer as well.You can describe how Josh begins to approach Alison and how confused she feels about receiving so much attention from a boy. Here, you can choose if they will become good friends or a romantic couple.The conclusion of the story may be that, if one stays true to oneself, good things will come. Alison stayed true to her personality and essence, and she ended up making a good friend/finding the boy of her dreams.

Tips to write a short story:Begin by writing down all the ideas the come to your mind. Think of what the story will be about, who will the characters be, what the setting (time and place) will, whether there is a bigger message behind the story, etc.Draft the characters. Include what their personalities and appearances are like. It helps to think of a back story too - if they have any traumas, for example.Draft the story. Remember to give it a sequence: present the characters, present the conflict, intensify the conflict, and then solve it.

Learn more about writing stories here:

simple pastttttttttt



3.)Wood sink

Woods don't sink.n't sink.They float.

4.)You took a taxi to school today.

You didn't take a taxi to school today.You took the bus to school today.

5.) You're sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa.

You're not sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa.You're sitting on a hard uncomfortable sofa.

buy tickets for the concert
in voice





What is the word for throwing someone out of a window?



Omg I have word cards this is my word of the day it is defenestration.

A. tOp B. jOb C. bOss D. spOrt





How is Dr Jekyll described when Mr. Utterson meets with him after the death of Sir Danvers in chapters 3-5 of the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
A. Sick
B. Suspicious
C. Oddly calm
D. Violently angry​



C. Oddly calm


Jekyll entirely disregards the subject. Jekyll brings the celebration to a close fast. Jekyll tries to dismiss the subject before asking Utterson for his opinion.

What is a good reason for using complete sentences rather than words and phrase to create an outline for your research report?

a. Complete sentences get you closer to having a first draft of your report.
b. Complete sentences allow you to add more minor details to your outline.
c. Complete sentences take longer to write than words and phrases.
d. Complete sentences make your outline look more professional or scholarly.




i would think it's d because you want your paper to be progessional


It's A trust me.

Heres the answer for the last one: The body section of an outline the "evidence" for the report's claim or thesis statement, usually separated to show what will appear in each paragraph. As a result, what additional elements appear in the body section of the outline but NOT in other sections?

numbers that identify supporting details

Brainliest me if im correct which I am :)

Write a fake story about thanksgiving, I wrote paragraph 1 by explaining what is thanksgiving but I didn’t start a story a story



thanksgiving starts every body is reaches execpt the daughter . two family member start to pick a fight the chef/mom got distracted by it the turkey got burnt ,a fire started into the kitchen everybody panicks the fire went out but the kitchen is a mess everyone makes up and the daughter arrives and brings roast chicken the problem between the two got solved it was just a misunderstanding and everyone eats in the living room a new memory created everyone is happy and at peace


not a story but to give you a few ideas you know any ways bye

Can some one help please


Answer:use those 4 phrases in your article


Question 7 of 10
Kennedy appeals to logos by:
A. providing statistics about the benefits of space travel.
B. citing expert opinions about going to the moon.
C. discussing how inspirational putting a man on the moon would be
to young people.
D. telling stories about past failures to get a man on the moon.



c or d


it seems like it would be right


A. providing statistics about the benefits of space travel.


Which of the following was located in East Africa along the Red Sea in modern-day Ethiopia? A. Mali B. Axum C. Hausa D. Yoruba​



B. Axum


Axum was a city in northern Ethiopia.

As Luke tries to push the door open, it swings open easily. It is being pulled by their Mom and Dad on the other side.

Dad: Luke! Mischa! Are you okay? Your Mom and I were so worried. We tried to find you, but the storm kept us from getting to you until now.

Mom: (overjoyed) You found them? Oh Mischa, Luke! You must have been so scared. (Hugging them) I was so worried.

Mischa: (Holding the sack of apples.) We're so happy to see you! (Handing the apples to her mother) We picked you some apples.

Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.

The whole family laughs as they hug each other.

The author added humorous dialogue to tie the events in the scenes together, to show that everything was okay, and bring the play to a close.

Select evidence from this play that supports the author's points.

As Luke tries to push the door open, it swings open easily.
Dad: Luke! Mischa! Are you okay? Your Mom and I were so worried.
Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.
Mom: (overjoyed) You found them? Oh Mischa, Luke! You must have been so scared



This evidence adds somewhat humorous dialogue to the play, to ensure that everything is okay; Luke: And you'd better make the best apple pie ever after all of that.

I hope this helped at all.




Hi there What role does reading and writing play in your life? Explain in 3 sentences


As of today, Reading and Writing have impacted our lives dramatically. Reading impacts many aspects of life because it promotes cognitive function, which helps ward off diseases like Alzheimer's, enhances knowledge of different topics, and reduces stress and anxiety. The act of reading can also help you to incorporate new writing styles into your work and give you fresh perspectives that can be used in your writing.


Is the term used for any game where the aim is to attack an opponents territory and and score a goal or point.

what are the elements and principles of art you used in cupcake?​

I hope you can answer this question :)​


[tex] \large \text{Answer} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

[tex] \huge \underline { \bf {Answer :-}}[/tex]

Shape, color, space, form, line



Answer: B, I don't know if it's right or not but it seems the best choice.


Evaluate the effectiveness of this ad. Why is association a good strategy for the target audience?

Spread music. Not Flu.



to spread word's of different songs and share them but never the flu


On a fishing trip, Josie caught a fish that was 9 inches long. Her brother Rob caught a fish that was 36 inches long.
How many times as long as Josie's fish was Rob's fish?



Four times as long.



Can someone help me!!?

Thanks in advance if someone will answer!!​



is it all of them or how many to be exact

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