
Answer 1
Former Philippine President Fidel Ramos signed “An Act Instituting a New System of Mineral Resources Exploration, Development, Utilization, and Conservation”—the Philippine Mining Act—into law in 1995. ... As a result, from 1994 to 1996, the country hosted a 400 percent increase of foreign mining companies.

sana makatulong to! hehehe

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The early success of the Pennsylvania colony was due in large part to which of the following?
A) Wars that forced American Indians out of the area
B) William Penn's careful planning and his policy of selling land to the settlers
C) The ease of producing cotton and rice in the climate of Pennsylvania
D) William Penn's policy of allowing only selected Quakers to settle there
E) Restrictions on religious liberty that reduced the controversy and conflict

I have a test coming up for APUSH so f anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated!!!



B) William Penn's careful planning and his policy of selling land to the settlers


William Penn was the founder, owner and governor of the Pennsylvania Colony. He received a British crown grant to establish a colony as payment for a debt that the royal family owed to his father.

Upon arriving in America, Penn had a very well done and meticulous plan to venerate land to the settlers who were interested. For this, he knew that Pennsilvania could not present conflict with the natives and for that reason he started a series of purchases from the territories of the Delaware Indians, who received a payment in exchange for the territory. Once free from the natives, he started selling land and it was a very promising and successful business.

1. Summarize the author’s argument and supporting evidence. 2. Why was Portugal successful in Asia? Be sure to amplify the author’s argument as you explain your answer.



1.In the text, the author argues how the Portugal Empire came to be. He informs the reader of how the time that Portugal came into the picture was beneficial to them. It was favorable for them because no one noticed them due to the other countries being too busy doing their things such as fighting wars, fighting for power, controlling their people, and more.

Another reason is that they made allies and exploited local rivalries. The author tells of two competitors that were pretty clear allies and rivals.  These two cases were the conflict between Melinde with Mombasa and Cochin with Calicut on the Malabar Coast.

The third reason is that by them being so close to the ocean, it gave them a great advantage. The arrival of Portugal got looked over by countries more onshore because they were more concerned about what was happening on the landmass. China closed its trading ports, so they didn't want to bother with Portugal. Finally, Asia ignored them until Portugal was too established.

2.Portugal was triumphant in Asia because they were the first European country to launch the age of exploration. It was Portuguese sailors who first sailed from Europe to Asia by circumnavigating the African Continent. They used new technologies and new ideas to find Asia, and they continued bringing new ideas to the table once they settled.

Portugal was also successful because it had the economic and political rationale to establish colonies in places that were deemed desirable for their general potential for economic development and trade. We can see this still today because former Portuguese colonies like Macao and Goa are among the most developed areas in all of Asia.

Hope This Helps!!!!

Portuguese seafarers were the first to circumnavigate Africa on their way from Europe to Asia.

What are the reason for Portugal successful in Asia?

They formed allies and took advantage of regional rivalries, which is another explanation.

The author describes two adversaries who were quite obvious partners and foes. These two trials were disputes on the Malabar Coast between Melinde and Mombasa and Cochin and Calicut.

The fact that they were so near the ocean is what made them so advantageous. Countries closer to the coast ignored Portugal's entry because they were more focused on what was happening on the continent.

China decided not to worry Portugal after closing its trading ports. Asia eventually disregarded them until Portugal became too powerful.

Therefore, Portugal established its empire. He explains to the reader how it benefited them when Portugal entered the picture.

Learn more about Portugal here:


. Without completing the calculations, determine what the new volume will be in the problem below. Also, explain how you were able to determine the new volume without completing the calculations. Pay special attention to how the pressure is changing. Fifty (50.) mL of helium gas is stored at a pressure of 300 kPa. The pressure is changed to 150 kPa. What is the new volume? *


Answer: 25 mL ;


Note:  Boyle's law:  P1 * V1 = P1 * V2 ;

               pressure decreased by half, or "divided by 2" / as such:

 so volume would be divided by 2 ;  as such: 50. mL /2 = 25 mL.

 The answer is:  25 mL .


Note: This is assuming that temperature is constant.

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