One of your friends is a nurse at a small school in
Cochabamba, Bolivia, where children are complaining
about different problems they are having so that they don't
have to go to class. What are their problems today?
Combine appropriate words with the verb doler to learn
what the children are saying. ¡Ojo! Not all words are used.
Acabamos de comer mucho chocolate.
Nos duele el estómago.
boca cabeza | corazón dedos | garganta | oídos |
ojos pies | tobillos
1. Yo acabo de estudiar mucho.


Answer 1

I think the answer is  "Nos duele el estomago" since in the sentence you said use the verb "doler" to understand what the kids are saying and doler means pain so I chose a answer that represents that.

Related Questions

Select the correct answer Which type of treatment is shown in the image?


where’s the image ? i only see the text no image though . provide image if u want help

please please help me out



B. Me aburre la clase de arte.

B. Me aburre la clase de arte.

Cuándo será su próxima menstruación?


El siguiente messssss:))))))

Lee el párrafo, poniendo atención a las palabras en negrita. Identifica el verbo que está en la forma incorrecta y después escoge la opción con la forma correcta. Read the paragraph paying attention to the verbs in bold type. Identify the incorrect verb and then choose the option that has the correct form.

Ahora no tengo tecnología adecuada, pero en cuanto llegó la televisión 3D, invito a mis amistades a jugar videojuegos. ¡Será bien divertido usar este aparato con realidad virtual!

Group of answer choices






Correct answer: change llegó for llegue

Yo _____ enferma.






estamos is nostotros

está is he / she

estan is they




edge 2022

como normariamos el uso de los recursos materiales en el reglamento?​(porfa una respuesta corta)



Purpose. Government regulates business for several reasons. Many regulations are in place to protect those who have developed their business correctly; licensing, permits, and inspections by the government weed out undesirables or criminal activities that undercut honest industries.

1. Los aztecas fundan (founded) su capital, Tenochtitlán, en (1325)



1.  Los aztecas fundaron su capital, Tenochtitlán, en 1325.


Answer: In bold and underlined

Los aztecas Fundaron su capital,Tenochtitlán, en (1325)

Translation: The Aztecs founded their capital, Tenochtitlán, in (1325)

1: 20 is written as in Spanish



uno viente


En tu opinión, ¿cómo sería la familia ideal?
Help me answer in Spanish


Well the question means "In your opinion, what would the ideal family be like?". So, what would the idea family be like for you? How many children, pets, etc, and translate your response into Spanish.

In English : in your opinion, what would be the ideal family ?

Lorena es joven (young) que sus papas



Lorena es más joven que sus papás?


Sus papas son adultos

Indicate whether the sentence is true (cierto) or false (falso), and correct it if it is false.

9. Tú te pones la camisa antes de (before) la chaqueta.

your answer cierto
10. Las personas se ponen los guantes en las piernas.

enter answer
11. Las gafas del sol protegen (protect) las orejas.

enter answer
12. Llevo los pantalones cortos cuando hace calor.

your answer cierto
13. Cuando vas a nadar llevas la gorra.

enter answer
14. Nos ponemos los zapatos después de los calcetines.

your answer cierto


10. Falso
11. Falso
12. Cierto
13. Falso
14. Cierto

Escoge la mejor respuesta. Select the best answer.
Cuando estás de viaje en otro pais es importante saber el tipo de dinero que necesitas. Debes saber cambiar tu dinero, pedir ayuda y hacer
planes para los tours que quieres hacer. Si necesitas información sobre la ciudad o los tours que ofrecen, ¿qué deberías hacer?
¿Cuál es el tema principal de la lectura? (1 point)
No debes ir al cambio de moneda.
Debes planificar un viaje.
No necesitas dinero para un viaje.
Debes ir a la oficina de turismo.



1.- Debes ir a la oficina de turismo, 2.- Debes planificar un viaje


It depends on what question do you want to answer to.

FORMAL USTED command for verb CUIDARSE



Usted se Cuida


Yo me cuido

Tu te cuidas

El/Ella/Ud se Cuida

Nosotros nos Cuidamos

Ellos/Ellas/Uds. se Cuidan

En tu opinión, ¿cómo sería la familia ideal?


In English: in your opinion, what would be the ideal family ?

Look at the image, read, and choose the option with the correct preposition to complete the sentence.

City buildings left to right: bank, museum, hotel, city hall
El museo está ________ el banco y el hotel.

A: a la derecha de
B: a la izquierda de
C: entre
D: dentro





el Museo esta a la derecha de el banco y el hotel

the correct answer is “C” or “between”.

reason: if the museum i’m in the middle of the bank and hotel it is in between.
it’s not to the right or left side because it’s not besides only one. also a building can’t be inside a building so…

“B” or “a la izquierda de” is the correct answer! happy to help!

1. Which of the following would most likely go in una ensalada de frutas? (1 point)
las zanahorias
la cebolla
las uvas
la carne
2. What is the correct way to say “I want chicken” in Spanish? (1 point)
Quiero pollo.
Prefiero pollo.
Debo comer pollo.
Como pollo.
3. Which of the following is least likely to be served as a main course during la cena? (1 point)
la carne
el pollo
el pescado
el helado
4. If your friend said “Tengo sed” to you, which of the following would be the best option to offer
him or her?
(1 point)
una cena
una bebida
un postre
unas uvas
5. Which of the following would be best to drink while running a marathon? (1 point)
un bistec
una gaseosa
un batido
6. What is the best response to the following question?
¿De dónde eres?
(1 point)
Soy de los Estados Unidos.
Estoy de los Estados Unidos.
Ser de los Estados Unidos.
Es de los Estados Unidos.
7. How do you say “Today is Monday” in Spanish? (1 point)
Hoy ser lunes.
Hoy está lunes.
Hoy es lunes.
Hoy estar lunes.
8. What is the correct way to say “It is [made] of fruit” in Spanish? (1 point)
Está de frutas.
Son de frutas.
Están de frutas.
Es de frutas.
9. Which verb would you use to explain that the movie is being shown in the theater? (1 point)
10. What is the correct plural form of “una bebida popular”? (1 point)
una bebidas popular
una bebidas populares
unas bebidas popularas
unas bebidas populares
11. What is the name for Peruvian Chinese food? (1 point)
papas a la huancaína
12. Which chef is known for applying modern cooking techniques to indigenous Peruvian
(1 point)
Virgilio Martínez Véliz
Gastón Acurio
Johnny Schuler
Alejandro Saravia
13. Which empire was the largest in both Americas before the arrival of the Europeans? (1 point)
14. Which herbal remedy would most likely be used to treat a sunburn? (1 pointté de manzanilla
uña de gato
aloe vera
sangre de drago
15. Which city's marathon is known as “Mapoma”? (1 point)
México City
Buenos Aires
16. What is the most common condiment or spice at un asado? (1 point)
BBQ sauce
17. What is the best response to the following question?
¿Ustedes hacen mucho ejercicio?
(1 point)
Sí, hago mucho ejercicio.
Sí, ustedes hacen mucho ejercicio.
Sí, ellos hacen mucho ejercicio.
Sí, nosotros hacemos mucho ejercicio.
18. How would you ask a friend "Do you agree?" in Spanish? (1 point)
¿Estar de acuerdo?
¿Estás de acuerdo?
¿No estar de acuerdo?
¿No estás de acuerdo?
19. Which of the following is the correct plural form of “carne sabrosa”? (1 point)
carne sabrosas
carnes sabroses
carne sabrosos
carnes sabrosas
20. Which Spanish verb would you use to ask the following question?
“What is your name?”
(1 point)



1.  Las uvas

2. Quiero pollo

3. its ether la carne,el pescado,el pollo

4. una bebida

5.  agua

6. Soy de los Estados Unidos

7.Hoy es lunes

8.Es de frutas


10.unas bebidas populares

11. chifa

12.Virgilio Martínez Véliz


14.aloe vera


16.salt or pepper

17.Sí, hago mucho ejercicio.

18. ¿Estás de acuerdo?

19.carnes sabrosas

20. ser i think

I need help with these please​



3- tenemos



3- tenemos- we have

4- tengo-i have

Read and choose the correct option.

Si se da usted un golpe en la cabeza, puede escuchar las recomendaciones del doctor:

Cuídese mejor si quiere sanar.
Descanse por dos semanas.
Lave la herida bien con agua para no tener picor.
No cubra la herida.

Based on the reading, what could be another suggestion for recovery from the doctor?
Visit the physical therapist.
Wear comfortable clothes.
Reduce physical activity.
Apply gauze.


Reduce Physical Activity

Because the Doctor recommended the patient to:

•Rest for 2 weeks/ Descanse por dos semanas

•Wash the wound well with water so it doesn’t itch/ Lave la herida bien con agua para no tener picor

•To not cover the wound/ No cubra la herida




I did the quiz and got it correct.

soy argentino. vivo en españa.

El es de españa.



false ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,




He is from Argentina

(Él es de Argentina.)

Me gusta pelear con mis hermanos.






I am spanish




took the quiz

que sonido aterrador despierta a francis macomber en la noche ?



El rugido de un león.


Which of the
following is a
singular reflexive
A. Me
B. Os
C. Nos


The answers is A. Me
It is Me. Os & Nos are Plural.

Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence
Gloria termina de
la casa.



Gloria termina de limpiar la casa


please help me with this question i’ll give brainlist


Bored=aburrido or aburrida
A mi no me aburre la escuela
answer is a - best way to understand it is “does it sound right or weird”

Translate He knows math into Spanish in the box below:



Answer in Explanation


He knows math

Translation in Spanish:

El sabe matematicas


el sabe matematicas

4. (acostarse)
a. Nosotros ________________________ tarde.
b. (Yo) ________________________ primero.
c. Mi padre prefiere leer antes de ________________________.
Escoge el verbo apropiado y escribe su forma correcta en el blanco.
1. El (lavarse/lavar) ________________________ a su perro.
2. Yo (maquillarse/maquillar) __________________________ la cara.
3. Ella (bañarse/bañar) _____________________ cada día.
4. La madre (acostarse/acostar) ________________________ a su hijo.
5. Nosotros (ponerse/poner) ___________________________ una chaqueta.
Traduce al español usando verbos reflexivos.
1. Juan wakes up. ____________________________________________________
2. You (fam.) get up. _________________________________________________
3. We brush our teeth. ________________________________________________
4. She takes a bath. ___________________________________________________
5. You (fam.) get dressed. ______________________________________________
6. I wash my hands. __________________________________________________
7. She brushes her hair. _______________________________________________


A. Nos acostamos
B. Yo primero
C. Dormir
1. Lava
2. me maquillo
3. se baña
4. Debe acostar
5. Nos ponemos

The correct Reflexive Verb to fill the sentences is: "nos acostamos, me acuesto, acostarse, se lava, me maquillo, se baña, acuesta, nos ponemos."

How are the Reflexive Verbs in Spanish?

Reflexive verbs serve to indicate that the action carried out falls on the person who performs it. To be written properly, use is made of reflexive pronouns, which, depending on the personal pronoun to which they refer, are:

Yo: meTú: teUsted: seÉl: seElla: seEllo: seNosotros / Nosotras: nosUstedes: seEllos / Ellas: se

To use the correct reflexive pronoun in each sentence, you must recognize the noun, replace it with the correct personal pronoun, and use the corresponding reflexive pronoun with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish, you can visit the following link:


please help me out i’ll give brainlist



Should be A


its letter a

it says "I'm interested in science books."

"Inmigracion latina a Estados Unidos: factores economicos" Title of the newsela article.

no links, just need the answer like this

1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
use numbers and ABC for it​


Hola, Estas son las respuestas para tu artículo:Latino Immigration to the United States: Economic Factors. Espero que te ayuden.

Pregunta 1: D

Pregunta 2: C

Pregunta 3: A

Pregunta 4: B

This for reading lvl 880L

Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun based on the verb ending.
Mi amigo y yo ___ reimos mucho juntos.





Nos I believe it is the correct answer

Pronombres de complemento directo
Reescribe las oraciones sólo una vez. Sigue el modelo.
Modelo Van a leer un artículo de prensa,
Van a leerlo. O Lo van a leer.
1. Van a rodar una nueva película.
2. Voy a escribir una carta.
3. Deben contratar a los actores.
4. Quieren ver una obra de teatro.
5. Ellos van a escribir libros de ciencia ficción.



1. Van a rodarla, o la van a rodar

2. Voy a escribirla, o la voy a escribir

3. Deben contratarlos, o los deben de contratar

4. Quieren verla, o la quieren ver

5. Ellos van a escribirlos, o ellos los van a escribir


Other Questions
text structure for space shuttle challenger speech plsss answer my questions in the picture guys Explain why planning and preparation is the best way of reducing the effects of tropical storms (4 Marks) Which of the following statements can best be supported by the survey data displayed in the bar graphs? Democrats with a high level of political efficacy are the most likely group to trust government most of the time. Answer A: Democrats with a high level of political efficacy are the most likely group to trust government most of the time., A Democrats with a high level of political efficacy are the most likely group to be angry with government. Answer B: Democrats with a high level of political efficacy are the most likely group to be angry with government. B Republicans with a low level of political efficacy are the most likely group to say that government often does a better job than given credit for. Answer C: Republicans with a low level of political efficacy are the most likely group to say that government often does a better job than given credit for., C Republicans with a low level of political efficacy are the most likely group to say that government needs major NEED ASAP ! WORTH 20 POINTSWhat is the slope of this line?Enter your answer as a whole number or a fraction in simplest form in the box. What is a lever?.... the body system responsible for filtering wastes from the blood is the: find the value of x. The age of father is 30 yeays more than thatof hs Son. Aller 5 years.Fother's age will be thrice of hisFind thiey present age Which pair of triangles can be proven congruent by SAS? Features of the us constitutionPlease help me!!!!! Please help me find the answer, and show me how you got it too! 39 ft/min= _yds/s solve the following equation d) 0 = 12 + 2 ( m - 8 ) pls pls pls pls plz plz answer steps I told the police that I ______________________ the man in the photo before. (NOT SEE) 1. How do you think periods of war change the way people create and understand art? (Think about the violence, insecurity, and change that usually accompany war.)2. Do you consider Dada artists? Why or why not? 3. Do you consider ready-mades art? why or why not? Consider the questions posted in video 3. Does art have to made by the hands of the artist. Is art just an concept/idea? HELPPPPPPPPPPRead the following:"Almost no one can resist looking at an electronic screen before bedtime. A survey by the National Sleep Foundation says that 95% of Americans admit to watching television, playing video games, or checking their email or texts in the hour before sleep. This despite rumors that the practice will ruin your sleep or hurt your eyes."The good news is that ophthalmologists say that the blue light coming from a smartphone or computer screen does not cause eye damage or blindness. Staring too long at a bright screen in a dark room can cause dry eye or muscle strain, but those issues are temporary. Short of staring into the sun, they say, you cannot hurt your eyes by using them. Special glasses or screen filters are not needed."On the other hand, research shows that looking at electronic screens does make sleeping difficult. Artificial light increases alertness and makes it harder to fall asleep. Blue light can also keep the brain from releasing hormones that aid in reaching the deepest and most restful stages of sleep. These effects are especially powerful when the light-emitting devices are held close to the face. Sleep experts suggest putting away your phone or tablet for an hour or two before bedtime. If you cant, at least use an app that dims and warms the light coming from the display."Choose the outline that best shows the main idea and major details of this reading.1:A I. Electronic devices both good and badA. eyes unhurtB. brain damaged2:B I. Sleep problems from electronicsA. Sleep study resultsi. 95% of Americans watch before bedii. warnings about sleep issues ignoredB. Solutionsi. put away devices before bedii. use apps to minimize problems3:C I. National Sleep Foundation study results are mixedA. most Americans use electronics at nighti. doctors disagreeii. eye doctors encourage electronic useiii. brain doctors call for ban on electronics4:D I. Dangers of electronic screensA. Eye problemsi. prolonged use causes temporary irritationii. blue light causes no permanent damageB. Poor sleepi. bright light makes it harder to fall asleepii. blue light affects restful stages of sleep Suppose you are planning an afternoon picnic a week in advance. Fair weather is forecast for that day, but a storm is expected that night. What will you do? Explain your reasoning. Raina remembered when she taught Amara to draw. What happened? In the movie Avatar, The planet, Pandora, is a garden of Eden of sorts where aggression is unnecessary. What does this reveal about the way humans view the created world and the resources of the planet? What must humans unlearn to live in harmony? Select ALL the correct answers. What was the result of new innovations in the Roaring 20s? it made long-distance relationships easier. e it changed the way people viewed immigrants. It gave people more time for leisure activities. It changed the way women viewed themselves. It gave people an opportunity for higher wages.